Exemple #1
 void Awake()
     if (target == null)
         target = GetComponent <AnimatorData>();
    public void reloadAnimatorData()
        aData = null;
        AMTake take = aData.getCurrentTake();
        // update references for track and key
        bool shouldClose = true;

        foreach (AMTrack _track in take.trackValues)
            if (track == _track)
                track = _track;
                foreach (AMKey _key in track.keys)
                    if (key == _key)
                        key         = _key;
                        shouldClose = false;
        if (shouldClose)
 void AnimCompleted(AnimatorData dat, AMTake _take)
     if (repeat && !mStopped)
         Invoke("DoPlay", repeatDelay);
    protected override void Awake()

        mAnimDat = GetComponent <AnimatorData>();

        mTurretInds = new int[turrets.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < mTurretInds.Length; i++)
            mTurretInds[i] = i;

        mTurretAliveCount = turrets.Length;


        mPanicCurProjs = new Projectile[panicProjMaxCount];

        mPanicProjPts = new Transform[panicProjPtsHolder.childCount];
        for (int i = 0; i < mPanicProjPts.Length; i++)
            mPanicProjPts[i] = panicProjPtsHolder.GetChild(i);
    public void PlayOnce()
        if (aniController != null)
            aniController.AniName = ChangeAni;
        foreach (ParticleSystem ps in pss)
            ps.loop = false;
        foreach (Animation an in anis)
            an.wrapMode = WrapMode.Once;
        for (int i = 0; i < mAnimators.Length; i++)
            AnimatorData aniData = mAnimators[i];

        foreach (ParticleAndAnimation paa in paas)
            if (paa != null)
    public void PlayLoop()
        if (isPlaying)

        isPlaying = true;
        foreach (ParticleSystem ps in pss)
            ps.loop = true;
        foreach (Animation an in anis)
            an.wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop;

        for (int i = 0; i < mAnimators.Length; i++)
            AnimatorData aniData = mAnimators[i];
        foreach (ParticleAndAnimation paa in paas)
Exemple #7
    //protected Animator myAnimator;

    // OnStateEnter is called when a transition starts and the state machine starts to evaluate this state
    //override public void OnStateEnter(Animator animator, AnimatorStateInfo stateInfo, int layerIndex) {
    //	myAnimator = animator;

    public virtual AnimatorData GetData(Animator myAnimator)
        AnimatorData currentStateData = Instantiate((AnimatorData)GameManager.instance.GetDataReference(GameManager.DataType.t_AnimatorData));

        currentStateData.Moving = false;
Exemple #8
    void Awake()
        mAnim   = GetComponent <AnimatorData>();
        mSprite = GetComponent <UISprite>();

        mEmptyRef = mSprite.spriteName;
Exemple #9
        public static void LoadAssets()
            var anim = new AnimatorData("entities_16_16");

            anim.Add("idle", AnimatorMode.Loop, 0.2f, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247);
            Asset.AddAnimatorData("projectile", anim);
    public void Stop()
        isPlaying = false;
        //public string ChangeStopAni;
        //public lfAniController aniController;
        if (aniController != null)
            aniController.AniName = ChangeStopAni;
        foreach (ParticleSystem ps in pss)
        foreach (Animation an in anis)
        for (int i = 0; i < mAnimators.Length; i++)
            AnimatorData data = mAnimators[i];
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.stateName))
                data.ani.SetBool(data.stateName, false);

        foreach (ParticleAndAnimation paa in paas)
Exemple #11
    public bool Click(tk2dSpriteAnimator animSpr, AnimatorData toPlay, string take)
        if (mIsFinalLevel)
            //if unlocked, load level
            if (finalActiveGO.activeSelf)
            if (inactive.activeSelf)
                //start intro
                animSpr.Library = animRef;
                LevelSelectCharacterControl.instance.toScene = level;

Exemple #12
 public void mergeWith(AnimatorData _aData)
     foreach (AMTake take in _aData.takes)
    public override void SpawnFinish()
        AnimatorData animDat = target ? target : GetComponent <AnimatorData>();

        animDat.takeCompleteCallback += OnAnimationComplete;

 void OnDisable()
     window  = null;
     justSet = false;
     key     = null;
     track   = null;
     aData   = null;
Exemple #15
 void loadAnimatorData()
     aData = AMTimeline.GetAnimatorData();
     //GameObject go = GameObject.Find ("AnimatorData");
     //if(go) {
     //    aData = (AnimatorData) go.GetComponent<AnimatorData>();
Exemple #16
        public static void LoadAssets()
            var anim = new AnimatorData("gfx/bat", 24, 24);

            anim.Add("idle", AnimatorMode.Loop, 0.5f, 0, 1);
            anim.Add("attack", AnimatorMode.OneShot, 0.25f, 2, 3);
            Asset.AddAnimatorData("bat", anim);
    void loadAnimatorData()
        GameObject go = GameObject.Find("AnimatorData");

        if (go)
            aData = (AnimatorData)go.GetComponent("AnimatorData");
    void Awake()
        if (animDat == null)
            animDat = GetComponent <AnimatorData>();

        animDat.takeCompleteCallback += AnimCompleted;
    public override AnimatorData GetData(Animator myAnimator)
        AnimatorData currentStateData = Object.Instantiate((AnimatorData)GameManager.instance.GetDataReference(GameManager.DataType.t_AnimatorData));

        currentStateData.X      = myAnimator.GetFloat("MoveX");
        currentStateData.Y      = myAnimator.GetFloat("MoveY");
        currentStateData.Moving = false;
        public static void LoadAssets()
            var anim = new AnimatorData("entities_16_16");

            anim.Add("KeyA", 68);
            anim.Add("KeyB", 72);
            anim.Add("KeyC", 76);
            Asset.AddAnimatorData("ui_item", anim);
Exemple #21
 private EntityData AddAnim(string name, AnimatorMode mode, float interval, params int[] frames)
     if (Anim == null)
         Anim = new AnimatorData("entities_16_16");
     Anim.Add(name, mode, interval, frames);
 void loadAnimatorData()
     GameObject go = GameObject.Find ("AnimatorData");
     if(go) {
         aData = (AnimatorData) go.GetComponent ("AnimatorData");
         numFrames = aData.getCurrentTake().numFrames;
         frameRate = aData.getCurrentTake().frameRate;
Exemple #23
    protected override void Awake()

        mPlayer  = Player.instance;
        mAnimDat = GetComponent <AnimatorData>();

    public void SaveAsset(AnimatorData mb, AMTake take)
        AMTakeSav.AddObjectToAsset(this, take);

        for (int i = 0; i < lsArray.Count; ++i)
            var p = lsArray[i];
            p.SaveAsset(mb, take);
 void loadAnimatorData()
     if(AMTimeline.window) {
         aData = AMTimeline.window.aData;
         dependencies = aData.getDependencies(take);
     else {
 void loadAnimatorData()
     GameObject go = GameObject.Find ("AnimatorData");
     if(go) {
         aData = (AnimatorData) go.GetComponent ("AnimatorData");
         dependencies = aData.getDependencies(take);
     } else {
    public static AnimatorData getAnimatorData(GameObject go)
        if (go.name != "AnimatorData")
        AnimatorData __aData = (AnimatorData)go.GetComponent <AnimatorData>();

Exemple #28
    void loadAnimatorData()
        GameObject go = GameObject.Find("AnimatorData");

        if (go)
            aData     = (AnimatorData)go.GetComponent("AnimatorData");
            numFrames = aData.getCurrentTake().numFrames;
            frameRate = aData.getCurrentTake().frameRate;
 void loadAnimatorData()
     if(AMTimeline.window) {
         __aData = AMTimeline.window.aData;
         if(track) {
             _go = track.obj;
             // refresh
Exemple #30
    public void CollectStar(Collider col)
        col.enabled = false;
        AnimatorData anim = col.GetComponent <AnimatorData>();



Exemple #31
        IEnumerator DoConvertAnimator(AnimatorData animData, string assetPath)
            var go = animData.gameObject;

            Animate newAnim;

            newAnim = go.AddComponent <Animate>();

            var newAnimTarget = newAnim as ITarget;
            var oldAnimTarget = animData as AMITarget;

            //fill in common data
            newAnim.sequenceLoadAll       = animData.sequenceLoadAll;
            newAnim.sequenceKillWhenDone  = animData.sequenceKillWhenDone;
            newAnim.playOnEnable          = animData.playOnEnable;
            newAnim.isGlobal              = animData.isGlobal;
            newAnim.onDisableAction       = (Animate.DisableAction)((int)animData.onDisableAction);
            newAnim.updateType            = animData.updateType;
            newAnim.updateTimeIndependent = animData.updateTimeIndependent;

            if (oldAnimTarget.isMeta)
                var oldMetaTarget = animData as AMIMeta;
                var oldMetaPath   = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(oldMetaTarget.meta);
                var oldMetaGUID   = AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(oldMetaPath);

                //grab matching meta for new anim., no need to construct takes
                MetaInfo metaInfo;
                if (mGUIDMetaMatch.TryGetValue(oldMetaGUID, out metaInfo))
                    newAnimTarget.meta = metaInfo.meta;
                    AddMessage("Unable to find matching meta for: " + oldMetaPath, Color.yellow);
                //construct and convert takes
                foreach (var oldTake in oldAnimTarget.takes)
                    var newTake = new Take();

                    AddMessage(" - convert take: " + oldTake.name);

                    yield return(EditorCoroutines.StartCoroutine(DoConvertTake(oldTake, newTake, false, assetPath), this));


            newAnim.defaultTakeName = animData.defaultTakeName;
Exemple #32
 void loadAnimatorData()
     if(AMTimeline.window) {
         __aData = AMTimeline.window.aData;
         numFrames = __aData.getCurrentTake().numFrames;
         frameRate = __aData.getCurrentTake().frameRate;
         loopCount = __aData.getCurrentTake().numLoop;
         loopMode = __aData.getCurrentTake().loopMode;
         loopBackFrame = __aData.getCurrentTake().loopBackToFrame;
Exemple #33
        public static void LoadAssets()
            Asset.AddPixelMaskSet("tileset", "mask/tileset", Global.TileSize, Global.TileSize);

            var anim = new AnimatorData("gfx/game/tileset", 16, 16);

            anim.Add("Left", AnimatorMode.Loop, 0.2f, 224, 225, 226, 227);
            anim.Add("Right", AnimatorMode.Loop, 0.2f, 240, 241, 242, 243);
            anim.Add("Up", AnimatorMode.Loop, 0.2f, 192, 193, 194, 195);
            anim.Add("Down", AnimatorMode.Loop, 0.2f, 208, 209, 210, 211);
            Asset.AddAnimatorData("torch", anim);
Exemple #34
    void OnTakeFinish(AnimatorData anim, AMTakeData take)
        if (take.name == mOverrideTake)
            mOverrideTake = null;

        if (takeFinishCallback != null)
            takeFinishCallback(this, anim, take);
Exemple #35
 public override void SaveAsset(AnimatorData mb, AMTake take)
     base.SaveAsset(mb, take);
     if (parameters != null)
         for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; ++i)
             var p = parameters[i];
             AMTakeSav.AddObjectToAsset(p, take);
 void loadAnimatorData()
     GameObject go = GameObject.Find ("AnimatorData");
     if(go) {
         aData = (AnimatorData) go.GetComponent ("AnimatorData");
         if(track) {
             _go = track.obj;
             // refresh
    static void DrawGizmos(AnimatorData aData, GizmoType gizmoType) {
        //check if it's the one opened
        if(AMTimeline.window != null && AMTimeline.window.aData != null && AMTimeline.window.aData.IsDataMatch(aData)) {
            AnimatorDataEdit eData = AMTimeline.AnimEdit(aData);

            List<AMTakeData> _t = eData.takes;

            if(_t == null || _t.Count == 0) return;
            if(eData.currentTakeInd < 0) {
                eData.currentTakeInd = 0;
            else if(eData.currentTakeInd >= _t.Count)
                eData.currentTakeInd = _t.Count - 1;

            _t[eData.currentTakeInd].drawGizmos(eData.target, AnimatorTimeline.e_gizmoSize, Application.isPlaying);
 public void Click(tk2dSpriteAnimator animSpr, AnimatorData toPlay, string take) {
     if(mIsFinalLevel) {
         //if unlocked, load level
     else {
         if(inactive.activeSelf) {
         else {
             //start intro
             animSpr.Library = animRef;
             LevelSelectCharacterControl.instance.toScene = level;
    public void SetData(AnimatorData aData) {
        if(mData != aData) {
            mData = aData;
            mDataTarget = aData as AMITarget;
            mMetaHolder = aData as AMIMeta;

            mCurrentTakeInd = mPrevTakeInd = 0;
 public AnimatorDataEdit(AnimatorData aData) {
 void loadAnimatorData()
     GameObject go = GameObject.Find ("AnimatorData");
     if(go) {
         aData = (AnimatorData) go.GetComponent ("AnimatorData");
Exemple #42
 void loadAnimatorData()
     if(AMTimeline.window != null) {
         __aData = AMTimeline.window.aData;
         if(__aData) {
             if(__aData.playOnStart != null) playOnStartIndex = __aData.getTakeIndex(__aData.playOnStart) + 1;
             exportTakeIndex = __aData.getTakeIndex(__aData.getCurrentTake());
 public void reloadAnimatorData()
     aData = null;
 public void SetAnimWatch(AnimatorData animDat) {
     animDat.takeCompleteCallback += OnAnimationEnd;
 public void mergeWith(AnimatorData _aData)
     foreach(AMTake take in _aData.takes) {
Exemple #46
    void OnGUI()
        /*if(Event.current.type != EventType.Repaint && Event.current.type != EventType.Layout) {
            Debug.Log("event type: " + Event.current.type);
        if(!oData) {
            oData = AMOptionsFile.loadFile();

        AMTimeline.loadSkin(oData, ref skin, ref cachedSkinName, position);
        if(EditorApplication.isPlayingOrWillChangePlaymode) {
            this.ShowNotification(new GUIContent("Play Mode"));
        if(EditorApplication.isCompiling) {
            this.ShowNotification(new GUIContent("Code Compiling"));
        #region no data component
        if(!aData) {
            // recheck for component
            GameObject go = Selection.activeGameObject;
            if(go) {
                if(PrefabUtility.GetPrefabType(go) != PrefabType.Prefab) {
                    aData = go.GetComponent<AnimatorData>();
                    go = null;
            if(!aData) {
                // no data component message
                    MessageBox("Animator requires an AnimatorData component in your game object.", MessageBoxType.Info);
                    MessageBox("Animator requires an AnimatorData in scene.", MessageBoxType.Info);

                if(GUILayout.Button(go ? "Add Component" : "Create AnimatorData")) {
                    // create component
                    if(!go) go = new GameObject("AnimatorData");
                    aData = go.AddComponent<AnimatorData>();

            if(!aData) //still no data
        /*else {
            if(!aData.CheckNulls()) {
                aData = null;

        if(!aData.getCurrentTake()) { Repaint(); return; } //????

        //retain animator open, this is mostly when recompiling AnimatorData
        aData.isAnimatorOpen = true;

        #region window resize
        if(!oData.ignoreMinSize && (position.width < width_window_minimum)) {
            MessageBox("Window is too small! Animator requires a width of at least " + width_window_minimum + " pixels to function correctly.", MessageBoxType.Warning);
            if(GUILayout.Button("Ignore (Not Recommended)")) {
                oData.ignoreMinSize = true;
                // save
                // repaint
            if(GUILayout.Button("Resize")) {
                Rect rectDimensions = position;
                rectDimensions.width = width_window_minimum + 1f;
                position = rectDimensions;


        if(tickerSpeed <= 0) tickerSpeed = 1;
        ticker = (ticker + 1) % tickerSpeed;
        // reset mouse over element
        mouseOverElement = (int)ElementType.None;
        mouseOverFrame = 0;
        mouseXOverFrame = 0;
        mouseOverTrack = -1;
        mouseOverGroupElement = new Vector2(0, 0);
        tooltip = "";
        int difference = 0;

        //if(oData.disableTimelineActions) current_height_frame = height_track;
        //else current_height_frame = height_frame;
        if(oData.disableTimelineActions) height_action_min = 0f;
        else height_action_min = 45f;

        #region temporary variables
        Rect rectWindow = new Rect(0f, 0f, position.width, position.height);
        Event e = Event.current;
        // get global mouseposition
        Vector2 globalMousePosition = getGlobalMousePosition(e);
        // resize track
        if(dragType == (int)DragType.ResizeTrack) {
            aData.width_track = startResize_width_track + e.mousePosition.x - startScrubMousePosition.x;
        width_track = Mathf.Clamp(aData.width_track, width_track_min, position.width - (aData.isInspectorOpen ? width_inspector_open : width_inspector_closed) - width_playback_controls - 70f);
        if(aData.width_track != width_track) aData.width_track = width_track;

        bool compact = ((oData.ignoreMinSize) && (position.width < width_window_minimum)); // when true, display compact GUI
        currentMousePosition = e.mousePosition;
        bool clickedZoom = false;
        #region drag logic events
        bool wasDragging = false;
        if(e.type == EventType.mouseDrag && EditorWindow.mouseOverWindow == this) {
            isDragging = true;
        else if((dragType == (int)DragType.CursorZoom && EditorWindow.mouseOverWindow != this) || e.type == EventType.mouseUp || /*EditorWindow.mouseOverWindow!=this*/Event.current.rawType == EventType.MouseUp /*|| e.mousePosition.y < 0f*/) {
            if(isDragging) {
                wasDragging = true;
                isDragging = false;
        #region keyboard events
        if(e.Equals(Event.KeyboardEvent("[enter]")) || e.Equals(Event.KeyboardEvent("return"))) {
            // apply renaming when pressing enter
            if(isChangingTimeControl) isChangingTimeControl = false;
            if(isChangingFrameControl) isChangingFrameControl = false;
            // deselect keyboard focus
            GUIUtility.keyboardControl = 0;
        // check if control or shift are down
        isControlDown = e.control || e.command;
        isShiftDown = e.shift;
        if(e.type == EventType.keyDown && e.keyCode == KeyCode.Space) isSpaceBarDown = true;
        else if(e.type == EventType.keyUp && e.keyCode == KeyCode.Space) isSpaceBarDown = false;
        #region set cursor
        int customCursor = (int)CursorType.None;
        bool showCursor = true;
        if(!isRenamingTake && isRenamingGroup >= 0 && isRenamingTrack <= -1 && (dragType == (int)DragType.CursorHand || (!cursorZoom && isSpaceBarDown && EditorWindow.mouseOverWindow == this))) {
            cursorHand = true;
            showCursor = false;
            customCursor = (int)CursorType.Hand;
            mouseOverElement = (int)ElementType.CursorHand;
            // unused button to catch clicks
            GUI.Button(rectWindow, "", "label");
        else if(dragType == (int)DragType.CursorZoom || (!cursorHand && e.alt && EditorWindow.mouseOverWindow == this)) {
            cursorZoom = true;
            showCursor = false;
            customCursor = (int)CursorType.Zoom;
            if(!isDragging) {
                if(isControlDown) tex_cursor_zoom = tex_cursor_zoomout;
                else tex_cursor_zoom = tex_cursor_zoomin;
            mouseOverElement = (int)ElementType.CursorZoom;
            if(!wasDragging) {
                if(GUI.Button(rectWindow, "", "label")) {
                    if(isControlDown) {
                        if(aData.zoom < 1f) {
                            aData.zoom += 0.2f;
                            if(aData.zoom > 1f) aData.zoom = 1f;
                            clickedZoom = true;
                    else {
                        if(aData.zoom > 0f) {
                            aData.zoom -= 0.2f;
                            if(aData.zoom < 0f) aData.zoom = 0f;
                            clickedZoom = true;

        else {
            if(!showCursor) showCursor = true;
            cursorHand = false;
            cursorZoom = false;
        if(Screen.showCursor != showCursor) {
            Screen.showCursor = showCursor;
        if(isRenamingTake || isRenamingTrack != -1 || isRenamingGroup < 0) EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(rectWindow, MouseCursor.Text);
        else if(dragType == (int)DragType.TimeScrub || dragType == (int)DragType.FrameScrub || dragType == (int)DragType.MoveSelection) EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(rectWindow, MouseCursor.SlideArrow);
        else if(dragType == (int)DragType.ResizeTrack || dragType == (int)DragType.ResizeAction || dragType == (int)DragType.ResizeHScrollbarLeft || dragType == (int)DragType.ResizeHScrollbarRight) EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(rectWindow, MouseCursor.ResizeHorizontal);
        #region calculations
        // calculate number of frames to render
        calculateNumFramesToRender(clickedZoom, e);
        //current_height_frame = (oData.disableTimelineActions ? height_track : height_frame);
        // if is playing, disable all gui elements
        GUI.enabled = !(isPlaying);
        // if selected frame is out of range
        if(aData.getCurrentTake().selectedFrame > aData.getCurrentTake().numFrames) {
            // select last frame
            timelineSelectFrame(aData.getCurrentTake().selectedTrack, aData.getCurrentTake().numFrames);
        // get number of tracks in current take, use for tracks and keys, disabling zoom slider
        int trackCount = aData.getCurrentTake().getTrackCount();
        #region menu bar
        GUIStyle styleLabelMenu = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.toolbarButton);
        styleLabelMenu.normal.background = null;
        //GUI.color = new Color(190f/255f,190f/255f,190f/255f,1f);
        GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(0f, 0f, position.width, height_menu_bar - 2f), EditorStyles.toolbar.normal.background);
        //GUI.color = Color.white;
        #region select name
        GUIContent selectLabel = new GUIContent(aData.gameObject.name);
        Vector2 selectLabelSize = EditorStyles.toolbarButton.CalcSize(selectLabel);
        Rect rectSelectLabel = new Rect(margin, 0f, selectLabelSize.x, height_button_delete);

        if(GUI.Button(rectSelectLabel, selectLabel, EditorStyles.toolbarButton)) {

        #region options button
        Rect rectBtnOptions = new Rect(rectSelectLabel.x + rectSelectLabel.width + margin, 0f, 60f, height_button_delete);
        if(GUI.Button(rectBtnOptions, "Options", EditorStyles.toolbarButton)) {
            EditorWindow windowOptions = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<AMOptions>();
            //EditorWindow.GetWindow (typeof (AMOptions));
        if(rectBtnOptions.Contains(e.mousePosition) && mouseOverElement == (int)ElementType.None) mouseOverElement = (int)ElementType.Button;
        #region refresh button
        bool doRefresh = false;
        Rect rectBtnCodeView = new Rect(rectBtnOptions.x + rectBtnOptions.width + margin, rectBtnOptions.y, 80f, rectBtnOptions.height);
        if(GUI.Button(rectBtnCodeView, "Refresh", EditorStyles.toolbarButton)) {
            doRefresh = true;
        if(rectBtnCodeView.Contains(e.mousePosition) && mouseOverElement == (int)ElementType.None) {
            mouseOverElement = (int)ElementType.Button;
        #region take popup, change take or create new take
        Rect rectLabelCurrentTake = new Rect(rectBtnCodeView.x, rectBtnCodeView.y, rectBtnCodeView.width, rectBtnCodeView.height);
        if(!compact) {
            rectLabelCurrentTake = new Rect(rectBtnCodeView.x + rectBtnCodeView.width + margin, rectBtnCodeView.y, 80f, rectBtnCodeView.height);
            GUI.Label(rectLabelCurrentTake, "Current Take:", styleLabelMenu);
        Rect rectTakePopup = new Rect(rectLabelCurrentTake.x + rectLabelCurrentTake.width + margin, rectLabelCurrentTake.y/*+3f*/, width_take_popup, 20f);
        // if renaming take, show textfield
        if(isRenamingTake) {
            Rect rectRenameTake = new Rect(rectTakePopup);
            rectRenameTake.x += 4f;
            rectRenameTake.width -= 4f;
            rectRenameTake.y += 3f;
            aData.getCurrentTake().name = GUI.TextField(rectRenameTake, aData.getCurrentTake().name, EditorStyles.toolbarTextField);
        else {
            // show popup
            if(aData.setCurrentTakeValue(EditorGUI.Popup(rectTakePopup, aData.currentTake, aData.getTakeNames(), EditorStyles.toolbarPopup))) {
                // take changed

                // reset code view dictionaries
                // if not creating new take
                if(aData.currentTake < aData.takes.Count) {
                    // select current frame
                    timelineSelectFrame(aData.getCurrentTake().selectedTrack, aData.getCurrentTake().selectedFrame);
                    // save data
        #region rename take button
        Texture texRenameTake;
        if(isRenamingTake) texRenameTake = getSkinTextureStyleState("accept").background;
        else texRenameTake = getSkinTextureStyleState("rename").background;
        Rect rectBtnRenameTake = new Rect(rectTakePopup.x + rectTakePopup.width + margin, rectLabelCurrentTake.y, width_button_delete, height_button_delete);
        // button
        if(GUI.Button(rectBtnRenameTake, new GUIContent(texRenameTake, (isRenamingTake ? "Accept" : "Rename Take")),/*GUI.skin.GetStyle("ButtonImage")*/EditorStyles.toolbarButton)) {
            if(!isRenamingTake) Undo.RecordObject(aData.getCurrentTake(), "Rename Take");
            GUIUtility.keyboardControl = 0;
            cancelTextEditting(true);	// toggle isRenamingTake
        if(rectBtnRenameTake.Contains(e.mousePosition) && mouseOverElement == (int)ElementType.None) mouseOverElement = (int)ElementType.Button;
        #region delete take button
        Rect rectBtnDeleteTake = new Rect(rectBtnRenameTake.x + rectBtnRenameTake.width + margin, rectBtnRenameTake.y, width_button_delete, height_button_delete);
        if(GUI.Button(rectBtnDeleteTake, new GUIContent("", "Delete Take"),/*GUI.skin.GetStyle("ButtonImage")*/EditorStyles.toolbarButton)) {
            AMTake take = aData.getCurrentTake();

            if((EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Delete Take", "Are you sure you want to delete take '" + take.name + "'?", "Delete", "Cancel"))) {
                string label = "Delete Take: "+take.name;
                Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(aData, label);

                if(aData.takes.Count == 1) {
                    Undo.RecordObject(take, label);

                    MonoBehaviour[] behaviours = getKeysAndTracks(take);

                    //just delete the tracks and keys
                    foreach(MonoBehaviour b in behaviours)


                else {
                    if(take == aData.playOnStart)
                        aData.playOnStart = null;

                    if(aData.currentTake > 0)

                    List<AMTake> nTakes = new List<AMTake>(aData.takes);
                    aData.takes = nTakes;

                    MonoBehaviour[] behaviours = getKeysAndTracks(take);
                    foreach(MonoBehaviour b in behaviours)


                // save data
        if(!GUI.enabled) GUI.color = new Color(GUI.color.r, GUI.color.g, GUI.color.b, 0.25f);
        GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(rectBtnDeleteTake.x + (rectBtnDeleteTake.height - 10f) / 2f, rectBtnDeleteTake.y + (rectBtnDeleteTake.width - 10f) / 2f - 2f, 10f, 10f), (getSkinTextureStyleState((GUI.enabled && rectBtnDeleteTake.Contains(e.mousePosition) ? "delete_hover" : "delete")).background));
        if(rectBtnDeleteTake.Contains(e.mousePosition) && mouseOverElement == (int)ElementType.None) mouseOverElement = (int)ElementType.Button;
        if(GUI.color.a < 1f) GUI.color = new Color(GUI.color.r, GUI.color.g, GUI.color.b, 1f);
        #region Create/Duplicate Take
        if(aData.currentTake == aData.takes.Count) {
            isRenamingTake = false;

            aData.currentTake = aData.takes.Count - 1; // decrement for undo

            string label = "New Take";

            Undo.RecordObject(aData, label);

            aData.currentTake = aData.takes.Count;

            AMTake newTake = aData.addTake();
            Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(newTake, label);

            // save data
            // refresh component
        else if(aData.currentTake == aData.takes.Count + 1) {
            isRenamingTake = false;

            aData.currentTake = aData.takes.Count - 1; // decrement for undo

            string label = "New Duplicate Take";

            Undo.RecordObject(aData, label);

            AMTake prevTake = aData.getPreviousTake(); //if(takes == null || currentTake >= takes.Count) return null;

            if(prevTake != null) {
                List<UnityEngine.Object> ret = aData.duplicateTake(prevTake);
                foreach(UnityEngine.Object newObj in ret)
                    Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(newObj, label);
            else {
                AMTake newTake = aData.addTake();
                Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(newTake, label);

            aData.currentTake = aData.takes.Count - 1;

            // save data
        #region play on start button
        Rect rectBtnPlayOnStart = new Rect(rectBtnDeleteTake.x + rectBtnDeleteTake.width + margin, rectBtnDeleteTake.y, width_button_delete, height_button_delete);
        bool isPlayOnStart = aData.playOnStart == aData.getCurrentTake();
        GUIStyle styleBtnPlayOnStart = new GUIStyle(/*GUI.skin.GetStyle("ButtonImage")*/EditorStyles.toolbarButton);
        if(isPlayOnStart) {
            styleBtnPlayOnStart.normal.background = styleBtnPlayOnStart.onNormal.background;
            styleBtnPlayOnStart.hover.background = styleBtnPlayOnStart.onNormal.background;
        if(GUI.Button(rectBtnPlayOnStart, new GUIContent(getSkinTextureStyleState("playonstart").background, "Play On Start"), styleBtnPlayOnStart)) {
            if(!isPlayOnStart) aData.playOnStart = aData.getCurrentTake();
            else aData.playOnStart = null;
        #region settings
        Rect rectLabelSettings = new Rect(rectBtnPlayOnStart.x + rectBtnPlayOnStart.width + margin, rectBtnPlayOnStart.y, 200f, rectLabelCurrentTake.height);

        if(compact) {
            rectLabelSettings.width = GUI.skin.label.CalcSize(new GUIContent("Settings")).x;
            GUI.Label(rectLabelSettings, "Settings", styleLabelMenu);
        else {
            string strSettings = "Settings: " + aData.getCurrentTake().numFrames + " Frames; " + aData.getCurrentTake().frameRate + " Fps";
            rectLabelSettings.width = GUI.skin.label.CalcSize(new GUIContent(strSettings)).x;
            GUI.Label(rectLabelSettings, strSettings, styleLabelMenu);
        Rect rectBtnModify = new Rect(rectLabelSettings.x + rectLabelSettings.width + margin, rectLabelSettings.y, 60f, rectBtnOptions.height);
        if(GUI.Button(rectBtnModify, "Modify", EditorStyles.toolbarButton)) {
            EditorWindow windowSettings = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<AMSettings>();
        if(rectBtnModify.Contains(e.mousePosition) && mouseOverElement == (int)ElementType.None) mouseOverElement = (int)ElementType.Button;
        #region zoom slider
        if(trackCount <= 0) GUI.enabled = false;	// disable slider if there are no tracks
        // adjust zoom slider width
        float width_zoom_slider_dynamic = Mathf.Clamp(position.width - (rectBtnModify.x + rectBtnModify.width) - margin - 25f, 0f, 250f);
        Rect rectZoomSlider = new Rect(position.width - 25f - width_zoom_slider_dynamic + 5f, rectBtnModify.y, width_zoom_slider_dynamic - 5f, 20f);
        if(dragType != (int)DragType.CursorZoom) aData.zoom = GUI.HorizontalSlider(rectZoomSlider, aData.zoom, 1f, 0f);
        else GUI.HorizontalSlider(rectZoomSlider, aData.zoom, 1f, 0f);
        if(rectZoomSlider.Contains(e.mousePosition) && mouseOverElement == (int)ElementType.None) {
            mouseOverElement = (int)ElementType.Other;
        GUI.enabled = !isPlaying;

        bool birdseye = (current_width_frame <= width_frame_birdseye_min ? true : false);
        // show or hide zoom texture
        if(position.width > 788 || (compact)) {
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(position.width - 25f, 0f, 20f, 20f), getSkinTextureStyleState("zoom").background);
        #region control bar
        #region auto-key button
        GUIStyle styleBtnAutoKey = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.button);
        styleBtnAutoKey.clipping = TextClipping.Overflow;
        if(aData.autoKey) {
            styleBtnAutoKey.normal.background = GUI.skin.button.active.background;
            styleBtnAutoKey.normal.textColor = Color.red;
            styleBtnAutoKey.hover.background = GUI.skin.button.active.background;
            styleBtnAutoKey.hover.textColor = Color.red;
        Rect rectBtnAutoKey = new Rect(margin, height_menu_bar + margin, 40f, 15f);
        if(GUI.Button(rectBtnAutoKey, new GUIContent("Auto", "Auto-Key"), styleBtnAutoKey)) aData.autoKey = !aData.autoKey;
        if(rectBtnAutoKey.Contains(e.mousePosition) && mouseOverElement == (int)ElementType.None) mouseOverElement = (int)ElementType.Button;
        if(trackCount <= 0 || aData.getCurrentTake().selectedTrack == -1) GUI.enabled = false;	// disable key controls if there are no tracks
        #region select previous key
        Rect rectBtnPrevKey = new Rect(rectBtnAutoKey.x + rectBtnAutoKey.width + margin, rectBtnAutoKey.y, 30f, 15f);
        if(GUI.Button(rectBtnPrevKey, new GUIContent((getSkinTextureStyleState("prev_key").background), "Prev. Key"), GUI.skin.GetStyle("ButtonImage"))) {
        if(rectBtnPrevKey.Contains(e.mousePosition) && mouseOverElement == (int)ElementType.None) mouseOverElement = (int)ElementType.Button;
        # region insert key
        Rect rectBtnInsertKey = new Rect(rectBtnPrevKey.x + rectBtnPrevKey.width + margin, rectBtnPrevKey.y, 23f, 15f);
        if(GUI.Button(rectBtnInsertKey, new GUIContent("K", "Insert Key"))) {
        if(rectBtnInsertKey.Contains(e.mousePosition) && mouseOverElement == (int)ElementType.None) mouseOverElement = (int)ElementType.Button;
        #region select next key
        Rect rectBtnNextKey = new Rect(rectBtnInsertKey.x + rectBtnInsertKey.width + margin, rectBtnInsertKey.y, 30f, 15f);
        if(GUI.Button(rectBtnNextKey, new GUIContent((getSkinTextureStyleState("next_key").background), "Next Key"), GUI.skin.GetStyle("ButtonImage"))) {
        if(rectBtnNextKey.Contains(e.mousePosition) && mouseOverElement == (int)ElementType.None) mouseOverElement = (int)ElementType.Button;
        GUI.enabled = !isPlaying;
        #region playback controls
        Rect rectAreaPlaybackControls = new Rect(0f, position.height - height_indicator_footer, width_track + width_playback_controls, height_playback_controls);
        #region new track button
        Rect rectNewTrack = new Rect(5f, height_indicator_footer / 2f - 15f / 2f, 15f, 15f);
        Rect rectBtnNewTrack = new Rect(rectNewTrack.x, 0f, rectNewTrack.width, height_indicator_footer);
        if(GUI.Button(rectBtnNewTrack, new GUIContent("", "New Track"), "label")) {
            if(objects_window.Count > 0) objects_window = new List<GameObject>();
            if(menu.GetItemCount() <= 0) buildAddTrackMenu();
        GUI.DrawTexture(rectNewTrack, (rectBtnNewTrack.Contains(e.mousePosition) ? tex_icon_track_hover : tex_icon_track));
        if(rectBtnNewTrack.Contains(e.mousePosition) && mouseOverElement == (int)ElementType.None) {
            mouseOverElement = (int)ElementType.Button;
        #region new group button
        Rect rectNewGroup = new Rect(rectNewTrack.x + rectNewTrack.width + 5f, height_indicator_footer / 2f - 15f / 2f, 15f, 15f);
        Rect rectBtnNewGroup = new Rect(rectNewGroup.x, 0f, rectNewGroup.width, height_indicator_footer);
        if(GUI.Button(rectBtnNewGroup, new GUIContent("", "New Group"), "label")) {
            Undo.RecordObject(aData.getCurrentTake(), "New Group");
        GUI.DrawTexture(rectNewGroup, (rectBtnNewGroup.Contains(e.mousePosition) ? tex_icon_group_hover : tex_icon_group_closed));
        if(rectBtnNewGroup.Contains(e.mousePosition) && mouseOverElement == (int)ElementType.None) {
            mouseOverElement = (int)ElementType.Button;
        #region delete track button
        Rect rectDeleteElement = new Rect(rectNewGroup.x + rectNewGroup.width + 5f + 1f, height_indicator_footer / 2f - 11f / 2f, 11f, 11f);
        Rect rectBtnDeleteElement = new Rect(rectDeleteElement.x, 0f, rectDeleteElement.width, height_indicator_footer);
        if(aData.getCurrentTake().selectedGroup >= 0) GUI.enabled = false;
        if(aData.getCurrentTake().selectedGroup >= 0 && (trackCount <= 0 || (aData.getCurrentTake().contextSelectionTracks != null && aData.getCurrentTake().contextSelectionTracks.Count <= 0))) GUI.enabled = false;
        else GUI.enabled = !isPlaying;
        if(!GUI.enabled) GUI.color = new Color(GUI.color.r, GUI.color.g, GUI.color.b, 0.25f);
        GUIContent gcDeleteButton;
        string strTitleDeleteTrack = (aData.getCurrentTake().contextSelectionTracks != null && aData.getCurrentTake().contextSelectionTracks.Count > 1 ? "Tracks" : "Track");
        if(!GUI.enabled) gcDeleteButton = new GUIContent("");
        else gcDeleteButton = new GUIContent("", "Delete " + (aData.getCurrentTake().contextSelectionTracks != null && aData.getCurrentTake().contextSelectionTracks.Count > 0 ? strTitleDeleteTrack : "Group"));
        if(GUI.Button(rectBtnDeleteElement, gcDeleteButton, "label")) {
            if(aData.getCurrentTake().contextSelectionTracks.Count > 0) {
                string strMsgDeleteTrack = (aData.getCurrentTake().contextSelectionTracks.Count > 1 ? "multiple tracks" : "track '" + aData.getCurrentTake().getSelectedTrack().name + "'");

                if((EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Delete " + strTitleDeleteTrack, "Are you sure you want to delete " + strMsgDeleteTrack + "?", "Delete", "Cancel"))) {
                    isRenamingTrack = -1;

                    AMTake curTake = aData.getCurrentTake();

                    Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(curTake, "Delete Track");

                    List<MonoBehaviour> items = new List<MonoBehaviour>();

                    foreach(int track_id in curTake.contextSelectionTracks) {
                        curTake.deleteTrack(track_id, true, ref items);

                    foreach(MonoBehaviour item in items)

                    curTake.contextSelectionTracks = new List<int>();

                    // deselect track
                    curTake.selectedTrack = -1;
                    // deselect group
                    curTake.selectedGroup = 0;

                    // save data

            else {
                bool delete = true;
                bool deleteContents = false;
                AMTake take = aData.getCurrentTake();
                AMGroup grp = take.getGroup(take.selectedGroup);
                List<MonoBehaviour> items = null;

                if(grp.elements.Count > 0) {
                    int choice = EditorUtility.DisplayDialogComplex("Delete Contents?", "'" + grp.group_name + "' contains contents that can be deleted with the group.", "Delete Contents", "Keep Contents", "Cancel");
                    if(choice == 2) delete = false;
                    else if(choice == 0) deleteContents = true;
                    if(delete) {
                        if(deleteContents) {
                            Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(take, "Delete Group");

                            items = new List<MonoBehaviour>();
                            take.deleteSelectedGroup(true, ref items);

                            foreach(MonoBehaviour item in items)
                        else {
                            Undo.RecordObject(take, "Delete Group");

                            take.deleteSelectedGroup(false, ref items);

                else { //no tracks inside group
                    Undo.RecordObject(take, "Delete Group");
                    aData.getCurrentTake().deleteSelectedGroup(false, ref items);
        GUI.DrawTexture(rectDeleteElement, (getSkinTextureStyleState((GUI.enabled && rectBtnDeleteElement.Contains(e.mousePosition) ? "delete_hover" : "delete")).background));
        if(rectBtnDeleteElement.Contains(e.mousePosition) && mouseOverElement == (int)ElementType.None) {
            mouseOverElement = (int)ElementType.Button;
        if(GUI.color.a < 1f) GUI.color = new Color(GUI.color.r, GUI.color.g, GUI.color.b, 1f);
        GUI.enabled = !isPlaying;
        #region resize track
        Rect rectResizeTrack = new Rect(width_track - 5f - 10f, height_indicator_footer / 2f - 10f / 2f - 4f, 15f, 15f);
        GUI.Button(rectResizeTrack, "", GUI.skin.GetStyle("ResizeTrackThumb"));
        if(rectResizeTrack.Contains(e.mousePosition) && mouseOverElement == (int)ElementType.None) {
            mouseOverElement = (int)ElementType.ResizeTrack;
        if(GUI.enabled) EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(rectResizeTrack, MouseCursor.ResizeHorizontal);
        GUI.enabled = (aData.getCurrentTake().rootGroup != null && aData.getCurrentTake().rootGroup.elements.Count > 0 ? !isPlaying : false);
        #region select first frame button
        Rect rectBtnSkipBack = new Rect(width_track + margin, margin, 32f, height_playback_controls - margin * 2);
        if(GUI.Button(rectBtnSkipBack, getSkinTextureStyleState("nav_skip_back").background, GUI.skin.GetStyle("ButtonImage"))) timelineSelectFrame(aData.getCurrentTake().selectedTrack, 1);
        if(rectBtnSkipBack.Contains(e.mousePosition) && mouseOverElement == (int)ElementType.None) {
            mouseOverElement = (int)ElementType.Button;
        #region toggle play button
        // change label if already playing
        Texture playToggleTexture;
        if(isPlaying) playToggleTexture = getSkinTextureStyleState("nav_stop").background;
        else playToggleTexture = getSkinTextureStyleState("nav_play").background;
        GUI.enabled = (aData.getCurrentTake().rootGroup != null && aData.getCurrentTake().rootGroup.elements.Count > 0 ? true : false);
        Rect rectBtnTogglePlay = new Rect(rectBtnSkipBack.x + rectBtnSkipBack.width + margin, rectBtnSkipBack.y, rectBtnSkipBack.width, rectBtnSkipBack.height);
        if(GUI.Button(rectBtnTogglePlay, playToggleTexture, GUI.skin.GetStyle("ButtonImage"))) {
            if(isChangingTimeControl) isChangingTimeControl = false;
            if(isChangingFrameControl) isChangingFrameControl = false;
            // cancel renaming
            // toggle play
        if(rectBtnTogglePlay.Contains(e.mousePosition) && mouseOverElement == (int)ElementType.None) {
            mouseOverElement = (int)ElementType.Button;
        #region select last frame button
        GUI.enabled = (aData.getCurrentTake().rootGroup != null && aData.getCurrentTake().rootGroup.elements.Count > 0 ? !isPlaying : false);
        Rect rectSkipForward = new Rect(rectBtnTogglePlay.x + rectBtnTogglePlay.width + margin, rectBtnTogglePlay.y, rectBtnTogglePlay.width, rectBtnTogglePlay.height);
        if(GUI.Button(rectSkipForward, getSkinTextureStyleState("nav_skip_forward").background, GUI.skin.GetStyle("ButtonImage"))) timelineSelectFrame(aData.getCurrentTake().selectedTrack, aData.getCurrentTake().numFrames);
        if(rectSkipForward.Contains(e.mousePosition) && mouseOverElement == (int)ElementType.None) {
            mouseOverElement = (int)ElementType.Button;
        #region playback speed popup
        Rect rectPopupPlaybackSpeed = new Rect(rectSkipForward.x + rectSkipForward.width + margin, height_indicator_footer / 2f - 15f / 2f, width_playback_speed, rectBtnTogglePlay.height);
        aData.takes[aData.currentTake].playbackSpeedIndex = EditorGUI.Popup(rectPopupPlaybackSpeed, aData.takes[aData.currentTake].playbackSpeedIndex, playbackSpeed);
        #region scrub controls
        GUIStyle styleScrubControl = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.label);
        string stringTime = frameToTime(aData.getCurrentTake().selectedFrame, (float)aData.getCurrentTake().frameRate).ToString("N2") + " s";
        string stringFrame = aData.getCurrentTake().selectedFrame.ToString() + " fr";
        int timeFontSize = findWidthFontSize(width_scrub_control, styleScrubControl, new GUIContent(stringTime), 8, 14);
        int frameFontSize = findWidthFontSize(width_scrub_control, styleScrubControl, new GUIContent(stringFrame), 8, 14);
        styleScrubControl.fontSize = (timeFontSize <= frameFontSize ? timeFontSize : frameFontSize);
        #region frame control
        Rect rectFrameControl = new Rect(rectPopupPlaybackSpeed.x + rectPopupPlaybackSpeed.width + margin, 1f, width_scrub_control, height_indicator_footer);
        // frame control button
        if(!isChangingFrameControl) {
            // set time control font size
            if(GUI.Button(rectFrameControl, stringFrame, styleScrubControl)) {
                if(dragType != (int)DragType.FrameScrub) {
                    if(isChangingTimeControl) isChangingTimeControl = false;
                    isChangingFrameControl = true;

            // scrubbing cursor
            if(!isPlaying && aData.getCurrentTake().rootGroup != null && aData.getCurrentTake().rootGroup.elements.Count > 0) EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(rectFrameControl, MouseCursor.SlideArrow);
            // check for drag
            if(rectFrameControl.Contains(e.mousePosition) && aData.getCurrentTake().rootGroup != null && aData.getCurrentTake().rootGroup.elements.Count > 0) {
                mouseOverElement = (int)ElementType.FrameScrub;
        else {
            // changing frame control
            selectFrame((int)Mathf.Clamp(EditorGUI.FloatField(new Rect(rectFrameControl.x, rectFrameControl.y + 2f, rectFrameControl.width, rectFrameControl.height), aData.getCurrentTake().selectedFrame, GUI.skin.textField/*,styleButtonTimeControlEdit*/), 1, aData.getCurrentTake().numFrames));
            if(rectFrameControl.Contains(e.mousePosition) && mouseOverElement == (int)ElementType.None) {
                mouseOverElement = (int)ElementType.Other;
        #region time control
        Rect rectTimeControl = new Rect(rectFrameControl.x + rectFrameControl.width + margin, rectFrameControl.y, rectFrameControl.width, rectFrameControl.height);
        if(!isChangingTimeControl) {
            // set time control font size
            if(GUI.Button(rectTimeControl, stringTime, styleScrubControl)) {
                if(dragType != (int)DragType.TimeScrub) {
                    if(isChangingFrameControl) isChangingFrameControl = false;
                    isChangingTimeControl = true;
            // scrubbing cursor
            if(!isPlaying && aData.getCurrentTake().rootGroup != null && aData.getCurrentTake().rootGroup.elements.Count > 0) EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(rectTimeControl, MouseCursor.SlideArrow);
            // check for drag
            if(rectTimeControl.Contains(e.mousePosition) && aData.getCurrentTake().rootGroup != null && aData.getCurrentTake().rootGroup.elements.Count > 0) {
                mouseOverElement = (int)ElementType.TimeScrub;
        else {
            // changing time control
            selectFrame(Mathf.Clamp(timeToFrame(EditorGUI.FloatField(new Rect(rectTimeControl.x, rectTimeControl.y + 2f, rectTimeControl.width, rectTimeControl.height), frameToTime(aData.getCurrentTake().selectedFrame, (float)aData.getCurrentTake().frameRate), GUI.skin.textField/*,styleButtonTimeControlEdit*/), (float)aData.getCurrentTake().frameRate), 1, aData.getCurrentTake().numFrames));
            if(rectTimeControl.Contains(e.mousePosition) && mouseOverElement == (int)ElementType.None) {
                mouseOverElement = (int)ElementType.Other;
        GUI.enabled = !isPlaying;
        Rect rectFooter = new Rect(rectAreaPlaybackControls.x, rectAreaPlaybackControls.y, position.width - (aData.isInspectorOpen ? width_inspector_open : width_inspector_closed) - 5f, rectAreaPlaybackControls.height);
        if(rectFooter.Contains(e.mousePosition) && mouseOverElement == (int)ElementType.None) {
            mouseOverElement = (int)ElementType.Other;
        #region horizontal scrollbar
        // check if mouse is over inspector and scroll if dragging
        if(globalMousePosition.y >= (height_control_bar + height_menu_bar + 2f)) {
            difference = 0;
            // drag right, over inspector
            if(globalMousePosition.x >= position.width - (aData.isInspectorOpen ? width_inspector_open : width_inspector_closed) - 5f) {
                difference = Mathf.CeilToInt(globalMousePosition.x - (position.width - (aData.isInspectorOpen ? width_inspector_open : width_inspector_closed) - 5f));
                tickerSpeed = Mathf.Clamp(50 - Mathf.CeilToInt(difference / 1.5f), 1, 50);
                if(!aData.isInspectorOpen) tickerSpeed /= 10;
                // if mouse over inspector, set mouseOverElement to Other
                mouseOverElement = (int)ElementType.Other;
                if(dragType == (int)DragType.MoveSelection || dragType == (int)DragType.ContextSelection || dragType == (int)DragType.ResizeAction) {
                    if(ticker == 0) {
                        aData.getCurrentTake().startFrame = Mathf.Clamp(++aData.getCurrentTake().startFrame, 1, aData.getCurrentTake().numFrames);
                        mouseXOverFrame = Mathf.Clamp((int)aData.getCurrentTake().startFrame + (int)numFramesToRender, 1, aData.getCurrentTake().numFrames);
                    else {
                        mouseXOverFrame = Mathf.Clamp((int)aData.getCurrentTake().startFrame + (int)numFramesToRender, 1, aData.getCurrentTake().numFrames);
                // drag left, over tracks
            else if(globalMousePosition.x <= width_track - 5f) {
                difference = Mathf.CeilToInt((width_track - 5f) - globalMousePosition.x);
                tickerSpeed = Mathf.Clamp(50 - Mathf.CeilToInt(difference / 1.5f), 1, 50);
                if(dragType == (int)DragType.MoveSelection || dragType == (int)DragType.ContextSelection || dragType == (int)DragType.ResizeAction) {
                    if(ticker == 0) {
                        aData.getCurrentTake().startFrame = Mathf.Clamp(--aData.getCurrentTake().startFrame, 1, aData.getCurrentTake().numFrames);
                        mouseXOverFrame = Mathf.Clamp((int)aData.getCurrentTake().startFrame - 2, 1, aData.getCurrentTake().numFrames);
                    else {
                        mouseXOverFrame = Mathf.Clamp((int)aData.getCurrentTake().startFrame, 1, aData.getCurrentTake().numFrames);
        Rect rectHScrollbar = new Rect(width_track + width_playback_controls, position.height - height_indicator_footer + 2f, position.width - (width_track + width_playback_controls) - (aData.isInspectorOpen ? width_inspector_open - 4f : width_inspector_closed) - 21f, height_indicator_footer - 2f);
        float frame_width_HScrollbar = ((rectHScrollbar.width - 44f - (aData.isInspectorOpen ? 4f : 0f)) / ((float)aData.getCurrentTake().numFrames - 1f));
        Rect rectResizeHScrollbarLeft = new Rect(rectHScrollbar.x + 18f + frame_width_HScrollbar * (aData.getCurrentTake().startFrame - 1f), rectHScrollbar.y + 2f, 15f, 15f);
        Rect rectResizeHScrollbarRight = new Rect(rectHScrollbar.x + 18f + frame_width_HScrollbar * (aData.getCurrentTake().endFrame - 1f) - 3f, rectHScrollbar.y + 2f, 15f, 15f);
        Rect rectHScrollbarThumb = new Rect(rectResizeHScrollbarLeft.x, rectResizeHScrollbarLeft.y - 2f, rectResizeHScrollbarRight.x - rectResizeHScrollbarLeft.x + rectResizeHScrollbarRight.width, rectResizeHScrollbarLeft.height);
        if(!aData.isInspectorOpen) rectHScrollbar.width += 4f;
        // if number of frames fit on screen, disable horizontal scrollbar and set startframe to 1
        if(aData.getCurrentTake().numFrames < numFramesToRender) {
            GUI.HorizontalScrollbar(rectHScrollbar, 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f);
            aData.getCurrentTake().startFrame = 1;
        else {
            bool hideResizeThumbs = false;
            if(rectHScrollbarThumb.width < rectResizeHScrollbarLeft.width * 2) {
                hideResizeThumbs = true;
                rectResizeHScrollbarLeft = new Rect(rectHScrollbarThumb.x - 4f, rectResizeHScrollbarLeft.y, rectHScrollbarThumb.width / 2f + 4f, rectResizeHScrollbarLeft.height);
                rectResizeHScrollbarRight = new Rect(rectHScrollbarThumb.x + rectHScrollbarThumb.width - rectHScrollbarThumb.width / 2f, rectResizeHScrollbarRight.y, rectResizeHScrollbarLeft.width, rectResizeHScrollbarRight.height);
            mouseXOverHScrollbarFrame = Mathf.CeilToInt(aData.getCurrentTake().numFrames * ((e.mousePosition.x - rectHScrollbar.x - GUI.skin.horizontalScrollbarLeftButton.fixedWidth) / (rectHScrollbar.width - GUI.skin.horizontalScrollbarLeftButton.fixedWidth * 2)));
            if(!rectResizeHScrollbarLeft.Contains(e.mousePosition) && !rectResizeHScrollbarRight.Contains(e.mousePosition) && EditorWindow.mouseOverWindow == this && dragType != (int)DragType.ResizeHScrollbarLeft && dragType != (int)DragType.ResizeHScrollbarRight && mouseOverElement != (int)ElementType.ResizeHScrollbarLeft && mouseOverElement != (int)ElementType.ResizeHScrollbarRight)
                aData.getCurrentTake().startFrame = Mathf.Clamp((int)GUI.HorizontalScrollbar(rectHScrollbar, (float)aData.getCurrentTake().startFrame, (int)numFramesToRender - 1f, 1f, aData.getCurrentTake().numFrames), 1, aData.getCurrentTake().numFrames);
            else Mathf.Clamp(GUI.HorizontalScrollbar(rectHScrollbar, (float)aData.getCurrentTake().startFrame, (int)numFramesToRender - 1f, 1f, aData.getCurrentTake().numFrames), 1f, aData.getCurrentTake().numFrames);
            // scrollbar bg overlay (used to hide inconsistent thumb)
            GUI.Box(new Rect(rectHScrollbar.x + 18f, rectHScrollbar.y, rectHScrollbar.width - 18f * 2f, rectHScrollbar.height), "", GUI.skin.horizontalScrollbar);
            // scrollbar thumb overlay (used to hide inconsistent thumb)
            GUI.Box(rectHScrollbarThumb, "", GUI.skin.horizontalScrollbarThumb);

            if(!hideResizeThumbs) {
                if(!GUI.enabled) GUI.color = new Color(GUI.color.r, GUI.color.g, GUI.color.b, 0.25f);
                GUI.DrawTexture(rectResizeHScrollbarLeft, GUI.skin.GetStyle("ResizeTrackThumb").normal.background);
                GUI.DrawTexture(rectResizeHScrollbarRight, GUI.skin.GetStyle("ResizeTrackThumb").normal.background);
                GUI.color = Color.white;
            if(GUI.enabled && !isDragging) {
                EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(rectResizeHScrollbarLeft, MouseCursor.ResizeHorizontal);
                EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(rectResizeHScrollbarRight, MouseCursor.ResizeHorizontal);
            // show horizontal scrollbar
            if(rectResizeHScrollbarLeft.Contains(e.mousePosition) && customCursor == (int)CursorType.None) {

                mouseOverElement = (int)ElementType.ResizeHScrollbarLeft;
            else if(rectResizeHScrollbarRight.Contains(e.mousePosition) && customCursor == (int)CursorType.None) {
                mouseOverElement = (int)ElementType.ResizeHScrollbarRight;
        aData.getCurrentTake().endFrame = aData.getCurrentTake().startFrame + (int)numFramesToRender - 1;
        if(rectHScrollbar.Contains(e.mousePosition) && mouseOverElement == (int)ElementType.None) {
            mouseOverElement = (int)ElementType.Other;

        #region inspector toggle button
        Rect rectPropertiesButton = new Rect(position.width - (aData.isInspectorOpen ? width_inspector_open : width_inspector_closed) - 1f, height_menu_bar + height_control_bar + 2f, width_inspector_closed, position.height);
        GUI.color = getSkinTextureStyleState("properties_bg").textColor;
        GUI.DrawTexture(rectPropertiesButton, getSkinTextureStyleState("properties_bg").background);
        GUI.color = Color.white;
        // inspector toggle button
        if(GUI.Button(rectPropertiesButton, "", "label")) {
            aData.isInspectorOpen = !aData.isInspectorOpen;
        if(rectPropertiesButton.Contains(e.mousePosition) && mouseOverElement == (int)ElementType.None) {
            mouseOverElement = (int)ElementType.Button;
        #region key numbering
        Rect rectKeyNumbering = new Rect(width_track, height_control_bar + height_menu_bar + 2f - 22f, position.width - width_track - (aData.isInspectorOpen ? width_inspector_open : width_inspector_closed) - 20f, 20f);
        if(rectKeyNumbering.Contains(e.mousePosition) && (mouseOverElement == (int)ElementType.None)) {
            mouseOverElement = (int)ElementType.TimelineScrub;
        int key_dist = 5;
        if(numFramesToRender >= 100) key_dist = Mathf.FloorToInt(numFramesToRender / 100) * 10;
        int firstMarkedKey = (int)aData.getCurrentTake().startFrame;
        if(firstMarkedKey % key_dist != 0 && firstMarkedKey != 1) {
            firstMarkedKey += key_dist - firstMarkedKey % key_dist;
        float lastNumberX = -1f;
        for(int i = firstMarkedKey; i <= (int)aData.getCurrentTake().endFrame; i += key_dist) {
            float newKeyNumberX = width_track + current_width_frame * (i - (int)aData.getCurrentTake().startFrame) - 1f;
            string key_number;
            if(oData.time_numbering) key_number = frameToTime(i, (float)aData.getCurrentTake().frameRate).ToString("N2");
            else key_number = i.ToString();
            Rect rectKeyNumber = new Rect(newKeyNumberX, height_menu_bar, GUI.skin.label.CalcSize(new GUIContent(key_number)).x, height_control_bar);
            bool didCutLabel = false;
            if(rectKeyNumber.x + rectKeyNumber.width >= position.width - (aData.isInspectorOpen ? width_inspector_open : width_inspector_closed) - 20f) {
                rectKeyNumber.width = position.width - (aData.isInspectorOpen ? width_inspector_open : width_inspector_closed) - 20f - rectKeyNumber.x;
                didCutLabel = true;
            if(!(didCutLabel && aData.getCurrentTake().endFrame == aData.getCurrentTake().numFrames)) {
                if(rectKeyNumber.x > lastNumberX + 3f) {
                    GUI.Label(rectKeyNumber, key_number);
                    lastNumberX = rectKeyNumber.x + GUI.skin.label.CalcSize(new GUIContent(key_number)).x;
            if(i == 1) i--;
        #region main scrollview
        height_all_tracks = aData.getCurrentTake().getElementsHeight(0, height_track, height_track_foldin, height_group);
        float height_scrollview = position.height - (height_control_bar + height_menu_bar) - height_indicator_footer;
        // check if mouse is beyond tracks and dragging group element
        difference = 0;
        // drag up
        if(dragType == (int)DragType.GroupElement && globalMousePosition.y <= height_control_bar + height_menu_bar + 2f) {
            difference = Mathf.CeilToInt((height_control_bar + height_menu_bar + 2f) - globalMousePosition.y);
            scrollAmountVertical = -difference;	// set scroll amount
            // drag down
        else if(dragType == (int)DragType.GroupElement && globalMousePosition.y >= position.height - height_playback_controls) {
            difference = Mathf.CeilToInt(globalMousePosition.y - (position.height - height_playback_controls));
            scrollAmountVertical = difference; // set scroll amount
        else {
            scrollAmountVertical = 0f;
        // frames bg
        GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(0f, height_control_bar + height_menu_bar + 2f, position.width - (aData.isInspectorOpen ? width_inspector_open : width_inspector_closed) - 5f, position.height - height_control_bar - height_menu_bar - height_indicator_footer), GUI.skin.GetStyle("GroupElementBG").onNormal.background);
        // tracks bg
        GUI.Box(new Rect(0f, height_control_bar + height_menu_bar + 2f, width_track, position.height - height_control_bar - height_menu_bar - height_indicator_footer), "", GUI.skin.GetStyle("GroupElementBG"));
        Rect rectScrollView = new Rect(0f, height_control_bar + height_menu_bar + 2f, position.width - (aData.isInspectorOpen ? width_inspector_open/*+3f*/ : width_inspector_closed), height_scrollview);
        Rect rectView = new Rect(0f, 0f, rectScrollView.width - 20f, (height_all_tracks > rectScrollView.height ? height_all_tracks : rectScrollView.height));
        scrollViewValue = GUI.BeginScrollView(rectScrollView, scrollViewValue, rectView, false, true);
        scrollViewValue.y = Mathf.Clamp(scrollViewValue.y, 0f, height_all_tracks - height_scrollview);
        Vector2 scrollViewBounds = new Vector2(scrollViewValue.y, scrollViewValue.y + height_scrollview); // min and max y displayed onscreen
        bool isAnyTrackFoldedOut = false;
        float track_y = 0f;		// the next track's y position
        // tracks vertical start
        for(int i = 0; i < aData.getCurrentTake().rootGroup.elements.Count; i++) {
            if(track_y > scrollViewBounds.y) break;	// if start y is beyond max y
            int id = aData.getCurrentTake().rootGroup.elements[i];
            float height_group_elements = 0f;
            showGroupElement(id, 0, ref track_y, ref isAnyTrackFoldedOut, ref height_group_elements, e, scrollViewBounds);
        // draw element position indicator
        if(dragType == (int)DragType.GroupElement) {
            if(mouseOverElement != (int)ElementType.Group && mouseOverElement != (int)ElementType.GroupOutside && mouseOverElement != (int)ElementType.Track) {
                float element_position_y;
                if(e.mousePosition.y < (height_menu_bar + height_control_bar)) element_position_y = 2f;
                else element_position_y = track_y;
                GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(0f, element_position_y - height_element_position, width_track, height_element_position), tex_element_position);
        // frames vertical
        mouseXOverFrame = (int)aData.getCurrentTake().startFrame + Mathf.CeilToInt((e.mousePosition.x - width_track) / current_width_frame) - 1;
        if(dragType == (int)DragType.CursorHand && justStartedHandGrab) {
            startScrubFrame = mouseXOverFrame;
            justStartedHandGrab = false;
        track_y = 0f;	// reset track y
        showFramesForGroup(0, ref track_y, e, birdseye, scrollViewBounds);
        #region inspector
        Texture inspectorArrow;
        if(aData.isInspectorOpen) {
            Rect rectInspector = new Rect(position.width - width_inspector_open - 4f + width_inspector_closed, height_control_bar + height_menu_bar + 2f, width_inspector_open, position.height - height_menu_bar - height_control_bar);
            // inspector vertical
            GUI.enabled = true;
            GUI.enabled = !isPlaying;
            // backup editor styles
            GUIStyle styleEditorTextField = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.textField);
            GUIStyle styleEditorLabel = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.label);
            // modify editor styles
            EditorStyles.textField.normal = GUI.skin.textField.normal;
            EditorStyles.textField.focused = GUI.skin.textField.focused;
            EditorStyles.label.normal = GUI.skin.label.normal;
            showInspectorPropertiesFor(rectInspector, aData.getCurrentTake().selectedTrack, aData.getCurrentTake().selectedFrame, e);
            // reset editor styles
            EditorStyles.textField.normal = styleEditorTextField.normal;
            EditorStyles.textField.focused = styleEditorTextField.focused;
            EditorStyles.label.normal = styleEditorLabel.normal;
            inspectorArrow = texRightArrow;
        else {
            GUI.enabled = true;
            GUI.enabled = !isPlaying;
            inspectorArrow = texLeftArrow;
        GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(position.width - (aData.isInspectorOpen ? width_inspector_open : width_inspector_closed) + 4f, 60f, 22f, 19f), inspectorArrow);
        GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(position.width - (aData.isInspectorOpen ? width_inspector_open : width_inspector_closed) - 8f, 73f, 48f, 48f), texProperties);
        #region indicator
        if((oData.showFramesForCollapsedTracks || isAnyTrackFoldedOut) && (trackCount > 0)) drawIndicator(aData.getCurrentTake().selectedFrame);
        #region horizontal scrollbar tooltip
        string strHScrollbarLeftTooltip = (oData.time_numbering ? frameToTime((int)aData.getCurrentTake().startFrame, (float)aData.getCurrentTake().frameRate).ToString("N2") : aData.getCurrentTake().startFrame.ToString());
        string strHScrollbarRightTooltip = (oData.time_numbering ? frameToTime((int)aData.getCurrentTake().endFrame, (float)aData.getCurrentTake().frameRate).ToString("N2") : aData.getCurrentTake().endFrame.ToString());
        GUIStyle styleLabelCenter = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.label);
        styleLabelCenter.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
        Vector2 _label_size;
        if(customCursor == (int)CursorType.None && ((mouseOverElement == (int)ElementType.ResizeHScrollbarLeft && !isDragging) || dragType == (int)DragType.ResizeHScrollbarLeft) && (dragType != (int)DragType.ResizeHScrollbarRight)) {
            _label_size = GUI.skin.button.CalcSize(new GUIContent(strHScrollbarLeftTooltip));
            _label_size.x += 2f;
            GUI.Label(new Rect(rectResizeHScrollbarLeft.x + rectResizeHScrollbarLeft.width / 2f - _label_size.x / 2f, rectResizeHScrollbarLeft.y - 22f, _label_size.x, 20f), strHScrollbarLeftTooltip, GUI.skin.button);
        if(customCursor == (int)CursorType.None && ((mouseOverElement == (int)ElementType.ResizeHScrollbarRight && !isDragging) || dragType == (int)DragType.ResizeHScrollbarRight) && (dragType != (int)DragType.ResizeHScrollbarLeft)) {
            _label_size = GUI.skin.button.CalcSize(new GUIContent(strHScrollbarRightTooltip));
            _label_size.x += 2f;
            GUI.Label(new Rect(rectResizeHScrollbarRight.x + rectResizeHScrollbarRight.width / 2f - _label_size.x / 2f, rectResizeHScrollbarRight.y - 22f, _label_size.x, 20f), strHScrollbarRightTooltip, GUI.skin.button);
        #region click window
        if(GUI.Button(new Rect(0f, 0f, position.width, position.height), "", "label") && dragType != (int)DragType.TimelineScrub && dragType != (int)DragType.ResizeAction) {
            bool didRegisterUndo = false;

            if(aData.getCurrentTake().contextSelectionTracks != null && aData.getCurrentTake().contextSelectionTracks.Count > 0) {
                Undo.RecordObject(aData.getCurrentTake(), "Deselect Tracks");
                didRegisterUndo = true;
                aData.getCurrentTake().contextSelectionTracks = new List<int>();
            if(aData.getCurrentTake().contextSelection != null && aData.getCurrentTake().contextSelection.Count > 0) {
                if(!didRegisterUndo) Undo.RecordObject(aData.getCurrentTake(), "Deselect Frames");
                didRegisterUndo = true;
                aData.getCurrentTake().contextSelection = new List<int>();
            if(aData.getCurrentTake().ghostSelection != null && aData.getCurrentTake().ghostSelection.Count > 0) {
                aData.getCurrentTake().ghostSelection = new List<int>();

            if(objects_window.Count > 0) objects_window = new List<GameObject>();
            if(isRenamingGroup < 0) isRenamingGroup = 0;
            if(isRenamingTake) {
                isRenamingTake = false;
            if(isRenamingTrack != -1) isRenamingTrack = -1;
            if(isChangingTimeControl) isChangingTimeControl = false;
            if(isChangingFrameControl) isChangingFrameControl = false;
            // if clicked on inspector, do nothing
            if(e.mousePosition.y > (float)height_menu_bar + (float)height_control_bar && e.mousePosition.x > position.width - (aData.isInspectorOpen ? width_inspector_open : width_inspector_closed)) return;
            if(aData.getCurrentTake().selectedGroup != 0) timelineSelectGroup(0);
            if(aData.getCurrentTake().selectedTrack != -1) aData.getCurrentTake().selectedTrack = -1;

            if(objects_window.Count > 0) objects_window = new List<GameObject>();

        #region drag logic
        if(dragType == (int)DragType.GroupElement) {
            // show element near cursor
            Rect rectDragElement = new Rect(e.mousePosition.x + 20f, e.mousePosition.y, 90f, 20f);
            string dragElementName = "Unknown";
            Texture dragElementIcon = null;
            float dragElementIconWidth = 12f;
            if(draggingGroupElementType == (int)ElementType.Group) {
                dragElementName = aData.getCurrentTake().getGroup((int)draggingGroupElement.x).group_name;
                dragElementIcon = tex_icon_group_closed;
                dragElementIconWidth = 16f;
            else if(draggingGroupElementType == (int)ElementType.Track) {
                AMTrack dragTrack = aData.getCurrentTake().getTrack((int)draggingGroupElement.y);
                if(dragTrack) {
                    dragElementName = dragTrack.name;
                    dragElementIcon = getTrackIconTexture(dragTrack);
            GUI.DrawTexture(rectDragElement, GUI.skin.GetStyle("GroupElementActive").normal.background);
            dragElementName = trimString(dragElementName, 8);
            if(dragElementIcon) GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(rectDragElement.x + 3f + (draggingGroupElementType == (int)ElementType.Track ? 1.45f : 0f), rectDragElement.y + rectDragElement.height / 2 - dragElementIconWidth / 2, dragElementIconWidth, dragElementIconWidth), dragElementIcon);
            GUI.Label(new Rect(rectDragElement.x + 15f + 4f, rectDragElement.y, rectDragElement.width - 15f - 4f, rectDragElement.height), dragElementName);
        mouseAboveGroupElements = e.mousePosition.y < (height_menu_bar + height_control_bar);
        if(aData.getCurrentTake().rootGroup == null || aData.getCurrentTake().rootGroup.elements.Count <= 0) {

            if(aData.isInspectorOpen) aData.isInspectorOpen = false;
            float width_helpbox = position.width - width_inspector_closed - 28f - width_track;
            EditorGUI.HelpBox(new Rect(width_track + 5f, height_menu_bar + height_control_bar + 7f, width_helpbox, 50f), "Click the track icon below or drag a GameObject here to add a new track.", MessageType.Info);
            //GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(width_track+75f,height_menu_bar+height_control_bar+19f-(width_helpbox<=355.5f ? 6f: 0f),15f,15f),tex_icon_track);
        #region quick add
        GUIStyle styleObjectField = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.objectField);
        GUIStyle styleObjectFieldThumb = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.objectFieldThumb);
        EditorStyles.objectField.normal.textColor = new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f);
        EditorStyles.objectField.contentOffset = new Vector2(width_track * -1 - 300f, 0f);
        EditorStyles.objectField.normal.background = null;
        EditorStyles.objectField.onNormal.background = null;

        GameObject tempGO = null;
        tempGO = (GameObject)EditorGUI.ObjectField(new Rect(width_track, height_menu_bar + height_control_bar + 2f, position.width - 5f - 15f - width_track - (aData.isInspectorOpen ? width_inspector_open : width_inspector_closed), position.height - height_indicator_footer - height_menu_bar - height_control_bar), "", tempGO, typeof(GameObject), true);

        if(tempGO != null) {
            objects_window = new List<GameObject>();
            if(Selection.gameObjects.Length <= 0) objects_window.Add(tempGO);
            else objects_window.AddRange(Selection.gameObjects);
        EditorStyles.objectField.contentOffset = styleObjectField.contentOffset;
        EditorStyles.objectField.normal = styleObjectField.normal;
        EditorStyles.objectField.onNormal = styleObjectField.onNormal;
        EditorStyles.objectFieldThumb.normal = styleObjectFieldThumb.normal;
        #region tooltip

        if(!oData.disableTimelineActions && !oData.disableTimelineActionsTooltip && dragType == (int)DragType.None && showTooltip && tooltip != "") {
            Vector2 tooltipSize = GUI.skin.label.CalcSize(new GUIContent(tooltip));
            tooltipSize.x += GUI.skin.button.padding.left + GUI.skin.button.padding.right;
            tooltipSize.y += GUI.skin.button.padding.top + GUI.skin.button.padding.bottom;
            Rect rectTooltip = new Rect(e.mousePosition.x - tooltipSize.x / 2f, (e.mousePosition.y + 30f + tooltipSize.y <= position.height - height_playback_controls ? e.mousePosition.y + 30f : e.mousePosition.y - 12f - tooltipSize.y), tooltipSize.x, tooltipSize.y);
            GUI.Box(rectTooltip, tooltip, GUI.skin.button);
        #region custom cursor
        if(customCursor != (int)CursorType.None) {
            if(customCursor == (int)CursorType.Zoom) {
                if(!tex_cursor_zoom) tex_cursor_zoom = tex_cursor_zoomin;
                if(tex_cursor_zoom == tex_cursor_zoomin && aData.zoom <= 0f) tex_cursor_zoom = tex_cursor_zoom_blank;
                else if(tex_cursor_zoom == tex_cursor_zoomout && aData.zoom >= 1f) tex_cursor_zoom = tex_cursor_zoom_blank;
                GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(e.mousePosition.x - 6f, e.mousePosition.y - 5f, 16f, 16f), tex_cursor_zoom);
            else if(customCursor == (int)CursorType.Hand) {
                GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(e.mousePosition.x - 8f, e.mousePosition.y - 7f, 16f, 16f), (tex_cursor_grab));
        if(e.alt && !isDragging) startZoomXOverFrame = mouseXOverFrame;

        if(doRefresh) {

            GameObject go = _aData.gameObject;
            _aData.isAnimatorOpen = false;
            _aData = null;
            Selection.activeGameObject = go;
Exemple #47
    void OnUndoRedo()
        if(isPlaying) isPlaying = false;

        if(_aData != null)
            _aData = _aData.gameObject.GetComponent<AnimatorData>();


        // recheck for component
        /*GameObject go = GameObject.Find("AnimatorData");
        if(go) {
            aData = (AnimatorData)go.GetComponent("AnimatorData");
        else {
            aData = null;
        // repaint
        //repaintBuffer = repaintRefreshRate;

        // reload AnimatorData for other windows
Exemple #48
    public static bool showEasePicker(AMTrack track, AMKey key, AnimatorData aData, float x = -1f, float y = -1f, float width = -1f)
        bool didUpdate = false;
        if(x >= 0f && y >= 0f && width >= 0f) {
            float height = 22f;
            Rect rectLabel = new Rect(x, y - 1f, 40f, height);
            GUI.Label(rectLabel, "Ease");
            Rect rectPopup = new Rect(rectLabel.x + rectLabel.width + 2f, y + 3f, width - rectLabel.width - width_button_delete - 3f, height);

            int nease = EditorGUI.Popup(rectPopup, key.easeType, easeTypeNames);
            if(key.easeType != nease) {
                recordUndoTrackAndKeys(track, false, "Change Ease");
                // update cache when modifying varaibles
                // preview new position
                // save data
                // refresh component
                didUpdate = true;
                // refresh values

            Rect rectButton = new Rect(width - width_button_delete + 1f, y, width_button_delete, width_button_delete);
            if(GUI.Button(rectButton, getSkinTextureStyleState("popup").background, GUI.skin.GetStyle("ButtonImage"))) {
                AMEasePicker.setValues(/*aData,*/key, track);

            //display specific variable for certain tweens
            //TODO: only show this for specific tweens
            if(!key.hasCustomEase()) {
                y += rectButton.height + 4;
                Rect rectAmp = new Rect(x, y, 200f, height);
                key.amplitude = EditorGUI.FloatField(rectAmp, "Amplitude", key.amplitude);

                y += rectAmp.height + 4;
                Rect rectPer = new Rect(x, y, 200f, height);
                key.period = EditorGUI.FloatField(rectPer, "Period", key.period);
        else {
            int nease = EditorGUILayout.Popup(key.easeType, easeTypeNames);
            if(key.easeType != nease) {
                recordUndoTrackAndKeys(track, false, "Change Ease");
                // update cache when modifying varaibles
                // preview new position
                // save data
                // refresh component
                didUpdate = true;
                // refresh values
            if(GUILayout.Button(getSkinTextureStyleState("popup").background, GUI.skin.GetStyle("ButtonImage"), GUILayout.Width(width_button_delete), GUILayout.Height(width_button_delete))) {
                AMEasePicker.setValues(/*aData,*/key, track);

            //display specific variable for certain tweens
            //TODO: only show this for specific tweens
            if(!key.hasCustomEase()) {
                key.amplitude = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Amplitude", key.amplitude);

                key.period = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Period", key.period);
        return didUpdate;
 void OnLauncherAnimComplete(AnimatorData animDat, AMTake take) {
     mTarget = null;
     InvokeRepeating("DoActiveCheck", launcherFireDelay, activateCheckDelay);
 public void reloadAnimatorData()
     aData = null;
     AMTake take = aData.getCurrentTake();
     // update references for track and key
     bool shouldClose = true;
     foreach(AMTrack _track in take.trackValues) {
         if(track ==	_track) {
             track = _track;
             foreach(AMKey _key in track.keys) {
                 if(key == _key) {
                     key = _key;
                     shouldClose = false;
     if(shouldClose) this.Close();
 public bool IsDataMatch(AnimatorData aData) {
     return aData == mData;
 void AnimCompleted(AnimatorData dat, AMTake _take) {
     if(repeat && !mStopped)
         Invoke("DoPlay", repeatDelay);
    void Awake() {
        if(animDat == null)
            animDat = GetComponent<AnimatorData>();

        animDat.takeCompleteCallback += AnimCompleted;
 void OnAnimationEnd(AnimatorData dat, AMTake take) {
 void loadAnimatorData()
     if(AMTimeline.window != null) {
         aData = AMTimeline.window.aData;
 void Awake() {
     mAnimDat = GetComponent<AnimatorData>();
Exemple #57
    void OnShellAnimDone(AnimatorData anim, AMTake take) {
        if(take.name == "close") {
            Invoke(openFunc, openDelay);
        else if(take.name == "open") {
            mIsOpen = true;
            stats.isInvul = false;

            mLastShotTime = Time.time;
            mCurShotCount = 0;

            InvokeRepeating(orientFunc, 0, orientAcquireDelay);
 void loadAnimatorData()
     GameObject go = GameObject.Find ("AnimatorData");
     if(go) {
         aData = (AnimatorData) go.GetComponent ("AnimatorData");
         if(aData) {
             if(aData.playOnStart != null) playOnStartIndex = aData.getTakeIndex(aData.playOnStart) + 1;
             exportTakeIndex = aData.getTakeIndex(aData.getCurrentTake());
 void OnDisable()
     window = null;
     justSet = false;
     key = null;
     track = null;
     aData = null;