public void CacheOverrideClips()
                    List <AnimationClip> clips = new List <AnimationClip>();

                    for (int i = 0; i < _controllers.Length; i++)
                        if (_controllers[i] != null)
                            foreach (AnimationClip clip in _controllers[i].animationClips)
                                if (clip != null && !clips.Contains(clip))

                    _overrideClips = new AnimationClipData[clips.Count];

                    for (int i = 0; i < _overrideClips.Length; i++)
                        _overrideClips[i] = new AnimationClipData()
                            _originalClip = clips[i],
                            _overrideClip = GPUAnimatorOverrideController.CreateOverrideClip(clips[i])
Exemple #2
 //[TODO-sin: 2022-3-14] Check if msKeyframeReduction is used
 private static Keyframe[] KeyframeReduction(Keyframe[] keys, float threshold, bool eraseFlatCurves) {
     int newCount = msKeyframeReduction(keys, keys.Length, threshold, ToByte(eraseFlatCurves));
     var newKeys  = new Keyframe[newCount];
     if (newCount > 0)
         Array.Copy(keys, newKeys, newCount);
     return newKeys;
        public static BakedData BakeClips(GameObject animationRoot, AnimationClip[] animationClips, float framerate, LodData lods)
            var skinRenderers = animationRoot.GetComponentsInChildren <SkinnedMeshRenderer>();

            if (skinRenderers.Length != 1)
                throw new System.ArgumentException("There must be exactly one SkinnedMeshRenderer");

            // @TODO: warning about more than one materials

            // Before messing about with some arbitrary game object hierarchy.
            // Instantiate the character, but make sure it's inactive so it doesn't trigger any unexpected systems.
            var wasActive = animationRoot.activeSelf;

            var instance = GameObject.Instantiate(animationRoot,, Quaternion.identity);


            instance.transform.localScale =;
            var skinRenderer = instance.GetComponentInChildren <SkinnedMeshRenderer>();

            BakedData bakedData = new BakedData();

            bakedData.NewMesh = CreateMesh(skinRenderer);
            var lod1Mesh = CreateMesh(skinRenderer, lods.Lod1Mesh);
            var lod2Mesh = CreateMesh(skinRenderer, lods.Lod2Mesh);
            var lod3Mesh = CreateMesh(skinRenderer, lods.Lod3Mesh);

            bakedData.lods = new LodData(lod1Mesh, lod2Mesh, lod3Mesh, lods.Lod1Distance, lods.Lod2Distance, lods.Lod3Distance);

            bakedData.Framerate = framerate;

            var sampledBoneMatrices = new List <Matrix4x4[, ]>();

            int numberOfKeyFrames = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < animationClips.Length; i++)
                var sampledMatrix = SampleAnimationClip(instance, animationClips[i], skinRenderer, bakedData.Framerate);

                numberOfKeyFrames += sampledMatrix.GetLength(0);

            int numberOfBones = sampledBoneMatrices[0].GetLength(1);

            var tex0 = bakedData.AnimationTextures.Animation0 = new Texture2D(numberOfKeyFrames, numberOfBones, TextureFormat.RGBAFloat, false);

            tex0.wrapMode   = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
            tex0.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
            tex0.anisoLevel = 0;

            var tex1 = bakedData.AnimationTextures.Animation1 = new Texture2D(numberOfKeyFrames, numberOfBones, TextureFormat.RGBAFloat, false);

            tex1.wrapMode   = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
            tex1.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
            tex1.anisoLevel = 0;

            var tex2 = bakedData.AnimationTextures.Animation2 = new Texture2D(numberOfKeyFrames, numberOfBones, TextureFormat.RGBAFloat, false);

            tex2.wrapMode   = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
            tex2.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
            tex2.anisoLevel = 0;

            Color[] texture0Color = new Color[tex0.width * tex0.height];
            Color[] texture1Color = new Color[tex0.width * tex0.height];
            Color[] texture2Color = new Color[tex0.width * tex0.height];

            int runningTotalNumberOfKeyframes = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < sampledBoneMatrices.Count; i++)
                for (int boneIndex = 0; boneIndex < sampledBoneMatrices[i].GetLength(1); boneIndex++)
                    //Color previousRotation = new Color();

                    for (int keyframeIndex = 0; keyframeIndex < sampledBoneMatrices[i].GetLength(0); keyframeIndex++)
                        //var rotation = GetRotation(Quaternion.LookRotation(sampledBoneMatrices[i][keyframeIndex, boneIndex].GetColumn(2),
                        //													sampledBoneMatrices[i][keyframeIndex, boneIndex].GetColumn(1)));

                        //if (keyframeIndex != 0)
                        //	if (Distance(previousRotation, rotation) > Distance(Negate(rotation), previousRotation))
                        //	{
                        //		rotation = new Color(-rotation.r, -rotation.g, -rotation.b, -rotation.a);
                        //	}

                        //var translation = GetTranslation(sampledBoneMatrices[i][keyframeIndex, boneIndex].GetColumn(3), rotation);

                        //previousRotation = rotation;
                        //int index = Get1DCoord(runningTotalNumberOfKeyframes + keyframeIndex, boneIndex, bakedData.TranslationTexture.width);
                        //translations[index] = translation;
                        //rotations[index] = rotation;

                        int index = Get1DCoord(runningTotalNumberOfKeyframes + keyframeIndex, boneIndex, tex0.width);

                        texture0Color[index] = sampledBoneMatrices[i][keyframeIndex, boneIndex].GetRow(0);
                        texture1Color[index] = sampledBoneMatrices[i][keyframeIndex, boneIndex].GetRow(1);
                        texture2Color[index] = sampledBoneMatrices[i][keyframeIndex, boneIndex].GetRow(2);

                AnimationClipData clipData = new AnimationClipData
                    Clip       = animationClips[i],
                    PixelStart = runningTotalNumberOfKeyframes + 1,
                    PixelEnd   = runningTotalNumberOfKeyframes + sampledBoneMatrices[i].GetLength(0) - 1

                if (clipData.Clip.wrapMode == WrapMode.Default)
                    clipData.PixelEnd -= 1;


                runningTotalNumberOfKeyframes += sampledBoneMatrices[i].GetLength(0);


            runningTotalNumberOfKeyframes = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < sampledBoneMatrices.Count; i++)
                for (int boneIndex = 0; boneIndex < sampledBoneMatrices[i].GetLength(1); boneIndex++)
                    for (int keyframeIndex = 0; keyframeIndex < sampledBoneMatrices[i].GetLength(0); keyframeIndex++)
                        //int d1_index = Get1DCoord(runningTotalNumberOfKeyframes + keyframeIndex, boneIndex, bakedData.Texture0.width);

                        Color pixel0 = tex0.GetPixel(runningTotalNumberOfKeyframes + keyframeIndex, boneIndex);
                        Color pixel1 = tex1.GetPixel(runningTotalNumberOfKeyframes + keyframeIndex, boneIndex);
                        Color pixel2 = tex2.GetPixel(runningTotalNumberOfKeyframes + keyframeIndex, boneIndex);

                        if ((Vector4)pixel0 != sampledBoneMatrices[i][keyframeIndex, boneIndex].GetRow(0))
                            Debug.LogError("Error at (" + (runningTotalNumberOfKeyframes + keyframeIndex) + ", " + boneIndex + ") expected " + Format(sampledBoneMatrices[i][keyframeIndex, boneIndex].GetRow(0)) + " but got " + Format(pixel0));
                        if ((Vector4)pixel1 != sampledBoneMatrices[i][keyframeIndex, boneIndex].GetRow(1))
                            Debug.LogError("Error at (" + (runningTotalNumberOfKeyframes + keyframeIndex) + ", " + boneIndex + ") expected " + Format(sampledBoneMatrices[i][keyframeIndex, boneIndex].GetRow(1)) + " but got " + Format(pixel1));
                        if ((Vector4)pixel2 != sampledBoneMatrices[i][keyframeIndex, boneIndex].GetRow(2))
                            Debug.LogError("Error at (" + (runningTotalNumberOfKeyframes + keyframeIndex) + ", " + boneIndex + ") expected " + Format(sampledBoneMatrices[i][keyframeIndex, boneIndex].GetRow(2)) + " but got " + Format(pixel2));
                runningTotalNumberOfKeyframes += sampledBoneMatrices[i].GetLength(0);

            tex0.Apply(false, true);
            tex1.Apply(false, true);
            tex2.Apply(false, true);

            bakedData.AnimationsDictionary = new Dictionary <string, AnimationClipData>();
            foreach (var clipData in bakedData.Animations)
                bakedData.AnimationsDictionary[] = clipData;


Exemple #4
    public static BakedData BakeClips(SkinnedMeshRenderer originalRenderer, AnimationClip[] animationClips, LodData lods)
        BakedData bakedData = new BakedData();

        bakedData.NewMesh = CreateMesh(originalRenderer, lods.Scale);
        var lod1Mesh = CreateMesh(originalRenderer, lods.Scale, lods.Lod1Mesh);
        var lod2Mesh = CreateMesh(originalRenderer, lods.Scale, lods.Lod2Mesh);
        var lod3Mesh = CreateMesh(originalRenderer, lods.Scale, lods.Lod3Mesh);

        bakedData.lods = new LodData(lod1Mesh, lod2Mesh, lod3Mesh, lods.Lod1Distance, lods.Lod2Distance, lods.Lod3Distance);

        bakedData.Framerate = 60f;

        List <Matrix4x4[, ]> sampledBoneMatrices = new List <Matrix4x4[, ]>();

        int numberOfKeyFrames  = 0;
        var animationComponent = originalRenderer.GetComponentInParent <Animation>();

        for (int i = 0; i < animationClips.Length; i++)
            animationComponent[animationClips[i].name].enabled = false;
            animationComponent[animationClips[i].name].weight  = 0f;

        for (int i = 0; i < animationClips.Length; i++)
            Debug.Log("x " + i + " " + animationClips[i].name);
            var sampledMatrix = SampleAnimationClip(animationClips[i], originalRenderer, bakedData.Framerate);

            numberOfKeyFrames += sampledMatrix.GetLength(0);

        int numberOfBones = sampledBoneMatrices[0].GetLength(1);

        bakedData.Texture0            = new Texture2D(numberOfKeyFrames, numberOfBones, TextureFormat.RGBAFloat, false);
        bakedData.Texture0.wrapMode   = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
        bakedData.Texture0.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
        bakedData.Texture0.anisoLevel = 0;

        bakedData.Texture1            = new Texture2D(numberOfKeyFrames, numberOfBones, TextureFormat.RGBAFloat, false);
        bakedData.Texture1.wrapMode   = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
        bakedData.Texture1.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
        bakedData.Texture1.anisoLevel = 0;

        bakedData.Texture2            = new Texture2D(numberOfKeyFrames, numberOfBones, TextureFormat.RGBAFloat, false);
        bakedData.Texture2.wrapMode   = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
        bakedData.Texture2.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
        bakedData.Texture2.anisoLevel = 0;

        Color[] texture0Color = new Color[bakedData.Texture0.width * bakedData.Texture0.height];
        Color[] texture1Color = new Color[bakedData.Texture0.width * bakedData.Texture0.height];
        Color[] texture2Color = new Color[bakedData.Texture0.width * bakedData.Texture0.height];

        int runningTotalNumberOfKeyframes = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < sampledBoneMatrices.Count; i++)
            for (int boneIndex = 0; boneIndex < sampledBoneMatrices[i].GetLength(1); boneIndex++)
                //Color previousRotation = new Color();

                for (int keyframeIndex = 0; keyframeIndex < sampledBoneMatrices[i].GetLength(0); keyframeIndex++)
                    //var rotation = GetRotation(Quaternion.LookRotation(sampledBoneMatrices[i][keyframeIndex, boneIndex].GetColumn(2),
                    //													sampledBoneMatrices[i][keyframeIndex, boneIndex].GetColumn(1)));

                    //if (keyframeIndex != 0)
                    //	if (Distance(previousRotation, rotation) > Distance(Negate(rotation), previousRotation))
                    //	{
                    //		rotation = new Color(-rotation.r, -rotation.g, -rotation.b, -rotation.a);
                    //	}

                    //var translation = GetTranslation(sampledBoneMatrices[i][keyframeIndex, boneIndex].GetColumn(3), rotation);

                    //previousRotation = rotation;
                    //int index = Get1DCoord(runningTotalNumberOfKeyframes + keyframeIndex, boneIndex, bakedData.TranslationTexture.width);
                    //translations[index] = translation;
                    //rotations[index] = rotation;

                    int index = Get1DCoord(runningTotalNumberOfKeyframes + keyframeIndex, boneIndex, bakedData.Texture0.width);

                    texture0Color[index] = sampledBoneMatrices[i][keyframeIndex, boneIndex].GetRow(0);
                    texture1Color[index] = sampledBoneMatrices[i][keyframeIndex, boneIndex].GetRow(1);
                    texture2Color[index] = sampledBoneMatrices[i][keyframeIndex, boneIndex].GetRow(2);

            AnimationClipData clipData = new AnimationClipData
                Clip       = animationClips[i],
                PixelStart = runningTotalNumberOfKeyframes + 1,
                PixelEnd   = runningTotalNumberOfKeyframes + sampledBoneMatrices[i].GetLength(0) - 1

            if (clipData.Clip.wrapMode == WrapMode.Default)
                clipData.PixelEnd -= 1;


            runningTotalNumberOfKeyframes += sampledBoneMatrices[i].GetLength(0);

        bakedData.Texture0.Apply(false, false);

        bakedData.Texture1.Apply(false, false);

        bakedData.Texture2.Apply(false, false);

        runningTotalNumberOfKeyframes = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < sampledBoneMatrices.Count; i++)
            for (int boneIndex = 0; boneIndex < sampledBoneMatrices[i].GetLength(1); boneIndex++)
                for (int keyframeIndex = 0; keyframeIndex < sampledBoneMatrices[i].GetLength(0); keyframeIndex++)
                    //int d1_index = Get1DCoord(runningTotalNumberOfKeyframes + keyframeIndex, boneIndex, bakedData.Texture0.width);

                    Color pixel0 = bakedData.Texture0.GetPixel(runningTotalNumberOfKeyframes + keyframeIndex, boneIndex);
                    Color pixel1 = bakedData.Texture1.GetPixel(runningTotalNumberOfKeyframes + keyframeIndex, boneIndex);
                    Color pixel2 = bakedData.Texture2.GetPixel(runningTotalNumberOfKeyframes + keyframeIndex, boneIndex);

                    if ((Vector4)pixel0 != sampledBoneMatrices[i][keyframeIndex, boneIndex].GetRow(0))
                        Debug.LogError("Error at (" + (runningTotalNumberOfKeyframes + keyframeIndex) + ", " + boneIndex + ") expected " + Format(sampledBoneMatrices[i][keyframeIndex, boneIndex].GetRow(0)) + " but got " + Format(pixel0));
                    if ((Vector4)pixel1 != sampledBoneMatrices[i][keyframeIndex, boneIndex].GetRow(1))
                        Debug.LogError("Error at (" + (runningTotalNumberOfKeyframes + keyframeIndex) + ", " + boneIndex + ") expected " + Format(sampledBoneMatrices[i][keyframeIndex, boneIndex].GetRow(1)) + " but got " + Format(pixel1));
                    if ((Vector4)pixel2 != sampledBoneMatrices[i][keyframeIndex, boneIndex].GetRow(2))
                        Debug.LogError("Error at (" + (runningTotalNumberOfKeyframes + keyframeIndex) + ", " + boneIndex + ") expected " + Format(sampledBoneMatrices[i][keyframeIndex, boneIndex].GetRow(2)) + " but got " + Format(pixel2));
            runningTotalNumberOfKeyframes += sampledBoneMatrices[i].GetLength(0);

        bakedData.AnimationsDictionary = new Dictionary <string, AnimationClipData>();
        foreach (var clipData in bakedData.Animations)
            bakedData.AnimationsDictionary[] = clipData;

Exemple #5
 void OnUpdateAnimation(AnimationClip anim, AnimationClipData data)
     m_log += "AnimationClip: " + + "\n";
        /// <summary>
        /// Bake all animation clips to texture in format:
        /// [clip0[frame0[bone0[row0, row1, row0]..boneN[row0, row1, row0]]..frameM[bone0[row0, row1, row0]..boneN[row0, row1, row0]]]..clipK[..
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>BakedData - baked animation matrix to texture</returns>
        public BakedData BakeClips(float frameRate = 30f)

            var bakedDataBuilder = BakedData.Bulder(1)

            var sampledBoneMatrices = SampleAnimationClips(frameRate,
                                                           out var animationClips,
                                                           out var numberOfKeyFrames,
                                                           out var numberOfBones);

            // find minimum square texture size, size should be power of 2
            var size = BakeryUtils.NextPowerOfTwo(
                (int)Math.Sqrt(numberOfBones * numberOfKeyFrames * MATRIX_ROWS_COUNT));
            var texture = new Texture2D(size, size, TextureFormat.RGBAFloat, false)
                wrapMode   = TextureWrapMode.Clamp,
                filterMode = FilterMode.Point,
                anisoLevel = 0
            var textureColor = new Color[texture.width * texture.height];

            bakedDataBuilder.SetTexture(0, texture);

            var clipOffset = 0;

            for (var clipIndex = 0; clipIndex < sampledBoneMatrices.Count; clipIndex++)
                var framesCount = sampledBoneMatrices[clipIndex].GetLength(0);
                for (var keyframeIndex = 0; keyframeIndex < framesCount; keyframeIndex++)
                    var frameOffset = keyframeIndex * numberOfBones * MATRIX_ROWS_COUNT;
                    for (var boneIndex = 0; boneIndex < numberOfBones; boneIndex++)
                        var index  = clipOffset + frameOffset + boneIndex * MATRIX_ROWS_COUNT;
                        var matrix = sampledBoneMatrices[clipIndex][keyframeIndex, boneIndex];

                        if ((Vector4)textureColor[index + 0] !=
                            Debug.LogError($"Index {index + 0} not empty");
                        if ((Vector4)textureColor[index + 1] !=
                            Debug.LogError($"Index {index + 1} not empty");
                        if ((Vector4)textureColor[index + 2] !=
                            Debug.LogError($"Index {index + 2} not empty");

                        textureColor[index + 0] = matrix.GetRow(0);
                        textureColor[index + 1] = matrix.GetRow(1);
                        textureColor[index + 2] = matrix.GetRow(2);

                var clip  = animationClips[clipIndex];
                var start = clipOffset;
                var end   = clipOffset + (framesCount - 1) * MATRIX_ROWS_COUNT;

                var clipData = AnimationClipData.Create(clip,


                clipOffset += framesCount * numberOfBones * MATRIX_ROWS_COUNT;

            texture.Apply(false, false);

            clipOffset = 0;
            for (var clipIndex = 0; clipIndex < sampledBoneMatrices.Count; clipIndex++)
                var framesCount = sampledBoneMatrices[clipIndex].GetLength(0);
                for (var keyframeIndex = 0; keyframeIndex < framesCount; keyframeIndex++)
                    var frameOffset = keyframeIndex * numberOfBones * MATRIX_ROWS_COUNT;
                    for (var boneIndex = 0; boneIndex < numberOfBones; boneIndex++)
                        var index  = clipOffset + frameOffset + boneIndex * MATRIX_ROWS_COUNT;
                        var matrix = sampledBoneMatrices[clipIndex][keyframeIndex, boneIndex];

                        var color0   = textureColor[index];
                        var index2D0 = BakeryUtils.To2D(index, texture.width);
                        var pixel0   = texture.GetPixel(index2D0.x, index2D0.y);
                        var row0     = (Color)matrix.GetRow(0);

                        var color1   = textureColor[index];
                        var index2D1 = BakeryUtils.To2D(index, texture.width);
                        var pixel1   = texture.GetPixel(index2D1.x, index2D1.y);
                        var row1     = (Color)matrix.GetRow(1);

                        var color2   = textureColor[index];
                        var index2D2 = BakeryUtils.To2D(index, texture.width);
                        var pixel2   = texture.GetPixel(index2D2.x, index2D2.y);
                        var row2     = (Color)matrix.GetRow(2);

                        if (!Verify(pixel0, row0, color0, index2D0, clipIndex, keyframeIndex, boneIndex))
                        if (!Verify(pixel1, row1, color1, index2D1, clipIndex, keyframeIndex, boneIndex))
                        if (!Verify(pixel2, row2, color2, index2D2, clipIndex, keyframeIndex, boneIndex))

                clipOffset += numberOfBones * framesCount * MATRIX_ROWS_COUNT;

            var data = bakedDataBuilder.Build();

Exemple #7
        // Main functioon, handles the baking of the animation
        public static AnimationData BakeAnimation(SkinnedMeshRenderer meshToSample)
            // Create the default variables
            AnimationData        bakedAnimData = new AnimationData();
            List <Matrix4x4[, ]> boneMatrix    = new List <Matrix4x4[, ]>();
            int keyframes = 0;

            // Convert the skinned mesh to sample into a static mesh
            bakedAnimData.NewMesh = ConvertSkinnedMesh(meshToSample);

            // Get the animations from the user
            CG_GameManager UserAnimations = CG_GameManager.Instance;

            // Assign these animation clips. For this to work, the animations must be inserted into
            // the mesh renderers animator controller, however allows the hot swapping of animations
            AnimationClip[] animationClips = new AnimationClip[2];

            // If the animations are found, add these to the clips
            if (UserAnimations.Animation1)
                animationClips[0] = UserAnimations.Animation1;

            if (UserAnimations.Animation2)
                animationClips[1] = UserAnimations.Animation2;

            // For both of the animation clips, sample their data
            for (int i = 0; i < animationClips.Length; i++)
                Matrix4x4[,] sampledAim = SampleAnimation(animationClips[i], meshToSample);
                keyframes += sampledAim.GetLength(0);

            // Initialise the texture data of the baked data
            bakedAnimData.textures = new Texture2D[3];

            for (int i = 0; i < bakedAnimData.textures.Length; i++)
                bakedAnimData.textures[i] = new Texture2D(keyframes, boneMatrix[0].GetLength(1), TextureFormat.RGBAFloat, false);

            // Initialise the texture color data of the baked data
            int tCW = bakedAnimData.textures[0].width * bakedAnimData.textures[0].height;

            Color[] texture0Colour = new Color[tCW];
            Color[] texture1Colour = new Color[tCW];
            Color[] texture2Colour = new Color[tCW];

            // loop through and assign this colour data
            int totalKeyframes = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < boneMatrix.Count; i++)
                for (int boneIdx = 0; boneIdx < boneMatrix[i].GetLength(1); boneIdx++)
                    for (int keyframeIdx = 0; keyframeIdx < boneMatrix[i].GetLength(0); keyframeIdx++)
                        int index = (boneIdx * bakedAnimData.textures[0].width + (totalKeyframes + keyframeIdx));

                        texture0Colour[index] = boneMatrix[i][keyframeIdx, boneIdx].GetRow(0);
                        texture1Colour[index] = boneMatrix[i][keyframeIdx, boneIdx].GetRow(1);
                        texture2Colour[index] = boneMatrix[i][keyframeIdx, boneIdx].GetRow(2);

                // set the color data
                // Apply this without setting minmaps and do not make them no longer readable
                bakedAnimData.textures[0].Apply(false, false);
                bakedAnimData.textures[1].Apply(false, false);
                bakedAnimData.textures[2].Apply(false, false);

                // Create the animation clip data
                AnimationClipData clipData = new AnimationClipData();
                clipData.Clip         = animationClips[i];
                clipData.textureStart = totalKeyframes + 1;
                clipData.textureEnd   = (totalKeyframes + boneMatrix[i].GetLength(0) - 1) - 1;

                // Add this animation to the animation clip data

                // count the total running amount of keyframes
                totalKeyframes += boneMatrix[i].GetLength(0);

            // Return the AnimatorData gathered