public void AddAsEmoteG(Gif gif, IMessage m, string name = "uwu") { var guild = Program.GetGuildFromChannel(m.Channel); var guildUser = guild.GetUser(m.Author.Id); if (!guildUser.GuildPermissions.AddReactions) { throw new Exception("U no have permission for dis :c"); } using MemoryStream s = new MemoryStream(); int maxWidth = gif.Item1.Select(x => x.Width).Max(); int maxHeight = gif.Item1.Select(x => x.Height).Max(); using (AnimatedGifCreator c = new AnimatedGifCreator(s, -1)) for (int i = 0; i < gif.Item1.Length; i++) { c.AddFrame(gif.Item1[i].CropImage(new Rectangle(0, 0, maxWidth, maxHeight)), gif.Item2[i], GifQuality.Bit8); } guild.CreateEmoteAsync(name, new Discord.Image(s)).Wait(); foreach (Bitmap b in gif.Item1) { b.Dispose(); } }
public static void PngToGIF(string png, string info, string gif) { var reader = new BinaryReader(new FileStream(info, FileMode.Open)); reader.ReadInt16(); // width reader.ReadInt16(); // height int rows = reader.ReadInt16(); int lines = reader.ReadInt16(); if (rows == 1 & lines == 1) { return; } int rect_width = reader.ReadInt16(); int rect_height = reader.ReadInt16(); reader.Close(); var gif_creator = new AnimatedGifCreator(gif, 115, 0); var source = new Bitmap(png); for (int i = 0; i < lines; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++) { var frame_rect = new Rectangle(j * rect_width, i * rect_height, rect_width, rect_height); var frame = CropImage(source, frame_rect); gif_creator.AddFrame(frame); } } gif_creator.Dispose(); }
public void SaveAsGIF(string path, GIFQuality quality) { if (imgCache != null && imgCache is HardDiskCache && !IsRecording) { Helpers.CreateDirectoryFromFilePath(path); HardDiskCache hdCache = imgCache as HardDiskCache; using (AnimatedGifCreator gifEncoder = new AnimatedGifCreator(path, delay)) { int i = 0; int count = hdCache.Count; foreach (Image img in hdCache.GetImageEnumerator()) { i++; OnEncodingProgressChanged((int)((float)i / count * 100)); using (img) { gifEncoder.AddFrame(img, quality); } } } } }
private void Save(List <string> framesPath) { SaveFileDialog dialog = new SaveFileDialog(); dialog.Filter = "Gif Files(*.Gif)|*.Gif"; dialog.FileName = "file"; if (dialog.ShowDialog().Value) { Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { using (var gif = new AnimatedGifCreator(dialog.FileName, int.Parse(Properties.Settings.Default["Fps"].ToString()))) { int value = 0; foreach (var img in framesPath) { gif.AddFrame(img, delay: -1, quality: GifQuality.Bit8); SaveUpdateStatus(++value, framesPath.Count); } } }).ContinueWith((a1) => { ClearTempFiles(); SaveRecord(); }); } }
public ActionResult Gif() { using (Bitmap image = GetValidateImage("123456")) { List <Bitmap> imageList = GetClearImageList(image); // 注意: 这里是测试,因此写个固定的文件名. // 实际环境下, 需要生成唯一的文件名,并定期清理. string webFileName = "/Output/test.gif"; string fileName = Server.MapPath(webFileName); using (AnimatedGifCreator gifCreator = AnimatedGif.AnimatedGif.Create(fileName, 300)) { //Enumerate through a List<System.Drawing.Image> or List<System.Drawing.Bitmap> for example foreach (Image img in imageList) { using (img) { //Add the image to gifEncoder with default Quality gifCreator.AddFrame(img, GifQuality.Default); } //Image disposed } } // gifCreator.Finish and gifCreator.Dispose is called here return(File(webFileName, @"image/gif")); } }
private static void AddFrame(AnimatedGifCreator gif, SKImageInfo info, Action <SKCanvas> action) { using var surface = SKSurface.Create(info); action(surface.Canvas); using SKImage image = surface.Snapshot(); using var bitmap = image.ToBitmap(); gif.AddFrame(bitmap, quality: GifQuality.Bit8); }
private void MakeGIF(string saveTo, Action <int, int> callback) { var files = Directory.GetFiles(ScreenRecordOption.CachePath); // 保存每个文件流,以方便在后面关闭文件 var temp = new List <FileStream>(files.Length); int qualityValue = 3; this.InvokeMethod(() => { qualityValue = tbQuality.Value; }); GifQuality quality; switch (qualityValue) { case 1: quality = GifQuality.Grayscale; break; case 2: quality = GifQuality.Bit4; break; case 3: quality = GifQuality.Bit8; break; default: quality = GifQuality.Default; break; } var gifStream = new FileStream(saveTo, FileMode.Create); var gif = new AnimatedGifCreator(gifStream, 1000 / ScreenRecordOption.Fps, ScreenRecordOption.RepeatCount); for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++) { callback(i, files.Length); var stream = LoadImage(files[i]); temp.Add(stream); gif.AddFrame(Image.FromStream(stream), quality: quality); } callback(files.Length, files.Length); gif.Dispose(); foreach (var item in temp) { item.Close(); item.Dispose(); } temp.Clear(); GC.Collect(); }
/// <summary> Gifアニメーションをファイルに保存 /// <param name="savePath">保存先ファイル名</param> /// <param name="delay">フレームディレイ(ms)</param> public void Save(string savePath, int delay) { using (AnimatedGifCreator gifCreator = AnimatedGif.AnimatedGif.Create(savePath, delay, 1)) { //NoRepeat foreach (MemoryStream frame in this.ImageList) { using (Image img = (Image)Decompress(frame)){ gifCreator.AddFrame(img, delay, GifQuality.Default); frame.Dispose(); } } } //Clear Image buffer this.ImageList.Clear(); this.ImageList.TrimExcess(); }
//--Not Auto-Play private void GenerateByAnimatedGifCreator() { //Create new Animated GIF Creator with Path to C:\awesomegif.gif and 33ms delay between frames (=30 fps) using (AnimatedGifCreator gifCreator = new AnimatedGifCreator(@"D:\Playground\BackYard\bucket\output\awesomegif6.gif", 33)) { //Enumerate through a List<System.Drawing.Image> or List<System.Drawing.Bitmap> for example List <Image> imgList = new List <Image>(); //for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++) //{ // imgList.Add(Image.FromFile(@"D:\0-Desktop\gif-research\Comp 1\"+string.Format("000",i)+".png")); //} imgList.Add(Image.FromFile(@"D:\0-Desktop\gif-research\set-2\sleepy-1.png")); imgList.Add(Image.FromFile(@"D:\0-Desktop\gif-research\set-2\sleepy-2.png")); foreach (Image img in imgList) { using (img) { //Add the image to gifEncoder with default Quality gifCreator.AddFrame(img, GifQuality.Default); } //Image disposed } } // gifCreator.Finish and gifCreator.Dispose is called here }
private unsafe void CreateGifBtnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog() { Filter = "Gif File|*.gif" }) { if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } string filePath = saveFileDialog.FileName; int timeInSeconds = int.Parse(Interaction.InputBox("Enter the length of the gif (in seconds)")); int framesPerSecond = int.Parse(Interaction.InputBox("Enter how many frames per second")); Bitmap frame; using (AnimatedGifCreator gif = AnimatedGif.AnimatedGif.Create(filePath, framesPerSecond)) { int[] frameBytes = new int[_panelSize * _panelSize * 1]; for (int i = 0; i < frameBytes.Length; i++) { frameBytes[i] = Byte.MaxValue; } frame = new Bitmap(_panelSize, _panelSize, PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb); int split = _lines.Count / (timeInSeconds * framesPerSecond); if (_lines.Count % (timeInSeconds * framesPerSecond) != 0) { split = _lines.Count / (timeInSeconds * framesPerSecond - 1); } int lineChange = (int)lineChangeNumeric.Value; fixed(int *frameBytesPtr = frameBytes) { for (int i = 0; i < timeInSeconds; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < framesPerSecond; j++) { int startingLineIndex = (i * framesPerSecond + j) * split; int endingLineIndex = Math.Min(_lines.Count, startingLineIndex + split); Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1} out of {2}", startingLineIndex, endingLineIndex, _lines.Count); for (int currentLineIndex = startingLineIndex; currentLineIndex < endingLineIndex; currentLineIndex++) { (PointF point1, PointF point2) = _lines[currentLineIndex]; ApplyLine(frameBytesPtr, point1, point2, lineChange); } BitmapData frameBitmapData = frame.LockBits( new Rectangle(0, 0, frame.Width, frame.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb); for (int y = 0; y < _panelSize; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < _panelSize; x++) { int grayValue = frameBytesPtr[y * _panelSize + x]; byte grayValueByte = (byte)Math.Max(grayValue, 0); byte *framePtr = (byte *)frameBitmapData.Scan0 + y * frameBitmapData.Stride + x * (32 / 8); framePtr[0] = grayValueByte; framePtr[1] = grayValueByte; framePtr[2] = grayValueByte; } } frame.UnlockBits(frameBitmapData); gif.AddFrame(frame, -3, GifQuality.Bit8); } } } } frame.Dispose(); } }
// GIF public void StartRecordingGif() { if (processingGif | recordingGif) { return; } if (snipper.gifArea.Width == 0 || snipper.gifArea.Height == 0) { if (!shownGifSnipperHelp) { shownGifSnipperHelp = true; DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("You need to select an gif area in the SelectionForm™ before recording a gif!", "Missing Gif Area", MessageBoxButtons.OK); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { shownGifSnipperHelp = false; } } return; } processingGif = true; recordingGif = true; gifShots.Clear(); Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { List <Task> runners = new List <Task>(); for (int i = 0; i < 750 && recordingGif; i++) { runners.Add(Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { gifShots.Add(ScreenshotHelper.GetRectScreenshot(snipper.gifArea)); Debug.WriteLine($"Made gif shot {i}!"); })); Task.Delay(33).Wait(); } Debug.WriteLine("waiting for close..."); Task.WaitAll(runners.ToArray()); Debug.WriteLine("closed"); string path = config.Default.path + "\\" + GetScreenshotName() + ".gif"; using (FileStream s = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create)) { using AnimatedGifCreator c = new AnimatedGifCreator(s, 40); foreach (Bitmap b in gifShots) { c.AddFrame(b, -1, GifQuality.Default); } } images.Add(new Screenshot(path)); imagesIndex = images.Count - 1; CurrentScreenshot.Save(); this.InvokeIfRequired(() => UpdateUI()); processingGif = false; }); }
private void ToGif(string outputFile) { var bounds = new FrameBounds[frames.Count]; int i = 0; foreach (var x in frames) { bounds[i++] = new FrameBounds(x.X, x.Y, x.Width, x.Height, x); Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3}", x.X, x.Y, x.Width, x.Height); } var minLeft = bounds.Min(x => x.left); var minTop = bounds.Min(x =>; var totalBounds = new FrameBounds() { left = bounds.Min(x => x.left), top = bounds.Min(x =>, // Top of the image right = bounds.Max(x => x.right), bottom = bounds.Max(x => x.bottom), // Bottom of the image }; Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", minLeft, minTop); foreach (var fb in bounds) { Console.WriteLine(fb.ToString()); fb.Move(-minLeft, -minTop); Console.WriteLine(fb.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", totalBounds.left,; int w = totalBounds.Width; int h = totalBounds.Height; int minx = 0, miny = 0; using (var gif = new AnimatedGifCreator(outputFile, 0, 0)) { foreach (var b in bounds) { using (var bm = new Bitmap(w + 1, h + 1)) using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(bm)) { int x = b.left; int y =; Console.WriteLine("Drawing image {0} - {1}, {2} - {3}", x, x + b.Width, y, y + b.Height); g.DrawImageUnscaled( b.frame.Image.Tile, x, y ); gif.AddFrame( bm, b.frame.delay, GifQuality.Bit8 ); } } } }
private void ToGif(string outputFile) { var bounds = new FrameBounds[frames.Count]; int i = 0; foreach (var x in frames) { bounds[i++] = new FrameBounds(x.OffsetX, x.OffsetY, x.Width, x.Height, x); Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3}", x.OffsetX, x.OffsetY, x.Width, x.Height); } var minLeft = bounds.Min(x => x.left); var minTop = bounds.Min(x =>; var totalBounds = new FrameBounds() { left = bounds.Min(x => x.left), top = bounds.Min(x =>, // Top of the image right = bounds.Max(x => x.right), bottom = bounds.Max(x => x.bottom), // Bottom of the image }; // Make sure that the image is in bounds foreach (var fb in bounds) { fb.Move(-minLeft, -minTop); } int w = totalBounds.Width; int h = totalBounds.Height; bool checkerBoard = useCheckerboard.Checked; using (var backgroundChecker = new Bitmap(w + 1, h + 1)) { const int backgroundCheckerWidth = 8; const int backgroundCheckerHeight = 8; using (var b = new Bitmap(backgroundCheckerWidth, backgroundCheckerHeight)) { using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(b)) { var c1 = new SolidBrush(Color.Gray); var c2 = new SolidBrush(Color.DarkGray); var blockWidth = backgroundCheckerWidth / 2; var blockHeight = backgroundCheckerHeight / 2; g.FillRectangle(c1, 0, 0, blockWidth, blockHeight); g.FillRectangle(c2, blockWidth, 0, blockWidth, blockHeight); g.FillRectangle(c1, blockWidth, blockHeight, blockWidth, blockHeight); g.FillRectangle(c2, 0, blockHeight, blockWidth, blockHeight); } using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(backgroundChecker)) { var checkersX = (w / backgroundCheckerWidth) + 1; var checkersY = (h / backgroundCheckerHeight) + 1; for (int y = 0; y < checkersY; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < checkersX; x++) { g.DrawImage(b, new Point(x * backgroundCheckerWidth, y * backgroundCheckerHeight)); } } } } using (var gif = new AnimatedGifCreator(outputFile, 0, 0)) { using (var bm = new Bitmap(w + 1, h + 1)) using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(bm)) { foreach (var b in bounds) { g.Clear(Color.FromArgb(0)); if (checkerBoard) { g.DrawImageUnscaled(backgroundChecker, 0, 0); } int x = b.left; int y =; Console.WriteLine("Drawing image {0} - {1}, {2} - {3}", x, x + b.Width, y, y + b.Height); g.DrawImageUnscaled( b.frame.Tile, x, y ); gif.AddFrame( bm, b.frame.delay, GifQuality.Bit8 ); } } } } }
public static void SaveToGif2(float time = 0) { SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog(); saveFileDialog.Filter = "Gif Image|*.gif"; saveFileDialog.Title = "Save a Gif File"; GifQuality gifQuality = new GifQuality(); switch (App.globalValues.GifQuality) { case "Default": gifQuality = GifQuality.Default; break; case "Bit8": gifQuality = GifQuality.Bit8; break; case "Bit4": gifQuality = GifQuality.Bit4; break; case "Grayscale": gifQuality = GifQuality.Grayscale; break; default: gifQuality = GifQuality.Default; break; } string fileName = GetFileNameNoEx(App.globalValues.SelectAtlasFile); if (App.globalValues.SelectAnimeName != "") { fileName += $"_{App.globalValues.SelectAnimeName}"; } if (App.globalValues.SelectSkin != "") { fileName += $"_{App.globalValues.SelectSkin}"; } saveFileDialog.FileName = fileName; saveFileDialog.ShowDialog(); string[] pngList = Directory.GetFiles($"{App.rootDir}\\Temp\\", "*.png", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); int delay = 0; if (time == 0) { delay = 1000 / App.globalValues.Speed; } else { delay = (int)(time * 1000 * (App.globalValues.Speed / 30f) / pngList.Length); } if (saveFileDialog.FileName != "") { using (AnimatedGifCreator gifCreator = AnimatedGif.AnimatedGif.Create(saveFileDialog.FileName, delay, App.globalValues.IsLoop == true ? 0 : 1)) { foreach (string path in pngList) { using (FileStream fsimg = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open)) { using (Image img = Image.FromStream(fsimg)) { gifCreator.AddFrame(img, -1, gifQuality); } } } } } else { } ClearCacheFile(); GC.Collect(); }
public static void SaveToGif(List <MemoryStream> lms, float time = 0) { SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog(); saveFileDialog.Filter = "Gif Image|*.gif"; saveFileDialog.Title = "Save a Gif File"; GifQuality GQ = new GifQuality(); switch (App.GV.GifQuality) { case "Default": GQ = GifQuality.Default; break; case "Bit8": GQ = GifQuality.Bit8; break; case "Bit4": GQ = GifQuality.Bit4; break; case "Grayscale": GQ = GifQuality.Grayscale; break; default: GQ = GifQuality.Default; break; } string fileName = GetFileNameNoEx(App.GV.SelectFile); if (App.GV.SelectAnimeName != "") { fileName += $"_{App.GV.SelectAnimeName}"; } if (App.GV.SelectSkin != "") { fileName += $"_{App.GV.SelectSkin}"; } saveFileDialog.FileName = fileName; saveFileDialog.ShowDialog(); int delay = 0; if (time == 0) { delay = 1000 / App.GV.Speed; } else { delay = (int)(time * 1000 / lms.Count); } if (saveFileDialog.FileName != "") { using (AnimatedGifCreator gifCreator = AnimatedGif.AnimatedGif.Create(saveFileDialog.FileName, delay, App.GV.IsLoop == true ? 0 : 1)) { foreach (MemoryStream msimg in lms) { using (msimg) { using (Image img = Image.FromStream(msimg)) { gifCreator.AddFrame(img, -1, GQ); } } } } } else { foreach (MemoryStream ms in lms) { ms.Dispose(); } } lms.Clear(); GC.Collect(); }
public void AddFrame(Image frame) { _gif.AddFrame(frame, delay: -1, quality: GifQuality.Bit8); }
public static void SaveToGif(List <MemoryStream> lms) { SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog(); saveFileDialog.Filter = "Gif Image|*.gif"; saveFileDialog.Title = "Save a Gif File"; GifQuality GQ = new GifQuality(); switch (App.GV.GifQuality) { case "Default": GQ = GifQuality.Default; break; case "Bit8": GQ = GifQuality.Bit8; break; case "Bit4": GQ = GifQuality.Bit4; break; case "Grayscale": GQ = GifQuality.Grayscale; break; default: GQ = GifQuality.Default; break; } string fileName = GetFileNameNoEx(App.GV.SelectFile); if (App.GV.SelectAnimeName != "") { fileName += $"_{App.GV.SelectAnimeName}"; } if (App.GV.SelectSkin != "") { fileName += $"_{App.GV.SelectSkin}"; } saveFileDialog.FileName = fileName; saveFileDialog.ShowDialog(); if (saveFileDialog.FileName != "") { using (AnimatedGifCreator gifCreator = AnimatedGif.AnimatedGif.Create(saveFileDialog.FileName, 1000 / App.GV.Speed)) { foreach (MemoryStream img in lms) { using (img) { gifCreator.AddFrame(Image.FromStream(img), GQ); img.Dispose(); } } } } else { foreach (MemoryStream ms in lms) { ms.Dispose(); } } lms.Clear(); }