Exemple #1
 public void Register(Animatable animatable)
     lock (_animatables)
            public Plugin(Animatable a)
                 : base(a)
                className = a.ClassName;
                cid = a.ClassID;
                scid = a.SuperClassID;                
                ReferenceTarget rt = a as ReferenceTarget;
                var pbs = new List<ParameterBlock>();
                if (rt == null)
                    targets = new Reference[0];
                    targets = new Reference[rt.NumTargets];
                    for (int i = 0; i < rt.NumTargets; ++i)
                        var target = rt.GetTarget(i);
                        targets[i] = new Reference(target);

                        if (target is ParameterBlock1)
                            pbs.Add(new ParameterBlock(target as ParameterBlock1));
                        else if (target is ParameterBlock2)
                            pbs.Add(new ParameterBlock(target as ParameterBlock2));
                paramblocks = pbs.ToArray();
Exemple #3
        public override int GetHashCode()
                IAnimatable target;
                if (!Animatable.TryGetTarget(out target))
                    return(Handle?.GetHashCode() ?? 0);

                return(((target?.GetHashCode() ?? 0) * 397) ^ (Handle?.GetHashCode() ?? 0));
Exemple #4
        public static void Animate <T> (this Animatable self, string name, Func <float, T> transform, Action <T> callback, uint rate = 16, uint length = 250,
                                        Func <float, float> easing = null, Action <T, bool> finished = null, Func <bool> repeat = null)
            if (transform == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("transform");
            if (callback == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("callback");
            if (self == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("widget");

            name += self.GetHashCode().ToString();

            Action <float>       step  = f => callback(transform(f));
            Action <float, bool> final = null;

            if (finished != null)
                final = (f, b) => finished(transform(f), b);

            var info = new Info {
                Rate   = rate,
                Length = length,
                Easing = easing ?? Easing.Linear

            Tweener tweener = new Tweener(info.Length, info.Rate);

            tweener.Easing        = info.Easing;
            tweener.Handle        = name;
            tweener.ValueUpdated += HandleTweenerUpdated;
            tweener.Finished     += HandleTweenerFinished;

            info.tweener  = tweener;
            info.callback = step;
            info.finished = final;
            info.repeat   = repeat ?? (() => false);
            info.Owner    = self;

            animations[name] = info;

Exemple #5
 public TrimPath(
     string name,
     string matchName,
     TrimType trimPathType,
     Animatable <double> startPercent,
     Animatable <double> endPercent,
     Animatable <double> offsetDegrees)
     : base(name, matchName)
     TrimPathType  = trimPathType;
     StartPercent  = startPercent;
     EndPercent    = endPercent;
     OffsetDegrees = offsetDegrees;
 public RepeaterTransform(
     string name,
     IAnimatableVector3 anchor,
     IAnimatableVector3 position,
     IAnimatableVector3 scalePercent,
     Animatable <double> rotationDegrees,
     Animatable <double> opacityPercent,
     Animatable <double> startOpacityPercent,
     Animatable <double> endOpacityPercent)
     : base(name, anchor, position, scalePercent, rotationDegrees, opacityPercent)
     StartOpacityPercent = startOpacityPercent;
     EndOpacityPercent   = endOpacityPercent;
Exemple #7
        XObject FromAnimatable <T>(string name, Animatable <T> animatable)
            where T : IEquatable <T>
            if (!animatable.IsAnimated)
                return(new XAttribute(name, $"{animatable.InitialValue}"));
                var keyframesString = string.Join(", ", animatable.KeyFrames.SelectToSpan(kf => $"{FromKeyFrame(kf)}").ToArray());

                return(new XElement(name, keyframesString));
    private void Start()
        Damagable  damagable = GetComponent <Damagable>();
        BlockLevel level     = FindObjectOfType <BlockLevel>();

        Audible audible = GetComponent <Audible>();

        damagable.RegisterOnKilled((d) => audible.playSound());
        damagable.RegisterOnKilled((d) => level.removeBlock(d));

        Animatable animatable = GetComponent <Animatable>();

        damagable.RegisterOnDamaged((healthRemaining) => animatable.changeSprite(healthRemaining));
Exemple #9
 public LinearGradientFill(
     string name,
     string matchName,
     Animatable <double> opacityPercent,
     Animatable <Vector2> startPoint,
     Animatable <Vector2> endPoint,
     Animatable <Sequence <GradientStop> > gradientStops)
     : base(name, matchName)
     OpacityPercent = opacityPercent;
     StartPoint     = startPoint;
     EndPoint       = endPoint;
     GradientStops  = gradientStops;
Exemple #10
 public Mask(
     bool inverted,
     string name,
     Animatable <PathGeometry> points,
     Animatable <Opacity> opacity,
     MaskMode mode
     Inverted = inverted;
     Name     = name;
     Points   = points;
     Opacity  = opacity;
     Mode     = mode;
Exemple #11
            public bool Equals(Animatable <T> x, Animatable <T> y)
                if (ReferenceEquals(x, y))

                if (x is null || y is null)

                return(x.InitialValue.Equals(y.InitialValue) && x.KeyFrames.SequenceEqual(y.KeyFrames));
Exemple #12
 public Rectangle(
     string name,
     string matchName,
     bool direction,
     IAnimatableVector3 position,
     IAnimatableVector3 size,
     Animatable <double> cornerRadius)
     : base(name, matchName)
     Direction    = direction;
     Position     = position;
     Size         = size;
     CornerRadius = cornerRadius;
Exemple #13
 public Mask(
     bool inverted,
     string name,
     Animatable <Sequence <BezierSegment> > points,
     Animatable <double> opacityPercent,
     MaskMode mode
     Inverted       = inverted;
     Name           = name;
     Points         = points;
     OpacityPercent = opacityPercent;
     Mode           = mode;
Exemple #14
        public void AnimatableGetPropertyCount()
            tlog.Debug(tag, $"AnimatableGetPropertyCount START");

            var testingTarget = new Animatable();

            Assert.IsNotNull(testingTarget, "should be not null");
            Assert.IsInstanceOf <Animatable>(testingTarget, "should be an instance of Animatable class!");

            tlog.Debug(tag, "PropertyCount : " + testingTarget.GetPropertyCount());

            tlog.Debug(tag, $"AnimatableGetPropertyCount END (OK)");
        public override IDisposable Apply(Animation animation, Animatable control, IClock clock, IObservable <bool> match, Action onComplete)
            foreach (var keyframe in this)
                if (keyframe.Value as ISolidColorBrush == null)

                // Preprocess keyframe values to Color if the xaml parser converts them to ISCB.
                if (keyframe.Value.GetType() == typeof(ImmutableSolidColorBrush))
                    keyframe.Value = ((ImmutableSolidColorBrush)keyframe.Value).Color;

            // Add SCB if the target prop is empty.
            if (control.GetValue(Property) == null)
                control.SetValue(Property, new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent));

            var targetVal = control.GetValue(Property);

            // Continue if target prop is not empty & is a SolidColorBrush derivative.
            if (typeof(ISolidColorBrush).IsAssignableFrom(targetVal.GetType()))
                if (_colorAnimator == null)

                SolidColorBrush finalTarget;

                // If it's ISCB, change it back to SCB.
                if (targetVal.GetType() == typeof(ImmutableSolidColorBrush))
                    var col = (ImmutableSolidColorBrush)targetVal;
                    targetVal = new SolidColorBrush(col.Color);
                    control.SetValue(Property, targetVal);

                finalTarget = targetVal as SolidColorBrush;

                return(_colorAnimator.Apply(animation, finalTarget, clock ?? control.Clock, match, onComplete));

Exemple #16
 public Transform(
     string name,
     IAnimatableVector3 anchor,
     IAnimatableVector3 position,
     IAnimatableVector3 scalePercent,
     Animatable <double> rotationDegrees,
     Animatable <double> opacityPercent)
     : base(name, string.Empty)
     Anchor          = anchor;
     Position        = position;
     ScalePercent    = scalePercent;
     RotationDegrees = rotationDegrees;
     OpacityPercent  = opacityPercent;
Exemple #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Manager on message queued.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The sender.</param>
        /// <param name="args">The <see cref="NotificationMessageManagerEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Can't use both ItemsSource and Items collection at the same time.</exception>
        private void ManagerOnOnMessageQueued(object sender, NotificationMessageManagerEventArgs args)
            (Items as AvaloniaList <object>).Add(args.Message);

            if (args.Message is INotificationAnimation animatableMessage &&
                animatableMessage.AnimatableElement != null)
                var animation = animatableMessage.AnimationOut;
                animation.Delay    = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0);
                animation.Duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(animatableMessage.AnimationOutDuration);

                Animatable animatable = animatableMessage.AnimatableElement as Animatable;
Exemple #18
 Animatable StationaryObject()
     if (numObjInMovement < targets.Length)
         while (true)
             Animatable target = targets[Random.Range(0, targets.Length)];
             if (target.velocity.sqrMagnitude < float.Epsilon)
Exemple #19
 Animatable StationaryObject()
     if (numObjInMovement < targets.Length)
         while (true)
             Animatable target = targets[Random.Range(0, targets.Length)];
             if (target.stationary)
Exemple #20
        static Animatable <bool> FlipBoolAnimatable(Animatable <bool> animatable)
            if (!animatable.IsAnimated)
                return(new Animatable <bool>(!animatable.InitialValue));

            var keyFrames = new List <KeyFrame <bool> >();

            foreach (var keyFrame in animatable.KeyFrames)
                keyFrames.Add(new KeyFrame <bool>(keyFrame.Frame, !keyFrame.Value, keyFrame.Easing));

            return(new Animatable <bool>(!animatable.InitialValue, keyFrames));
Exemple #21
 public GaussianBlurEffect(
     string name,
     bool isEnabled,
     Animatable <double> blurriness,
     Animatable <Enum <BlurDimension> > blurDimensions,
     Animatable <bool> repeatEdgePixels,
     : base(
     Blurriness        = blurriness;
     BlurDimensions    = blurDimensions;
     RepeatEdgePixels  = repeatEdgePixels;
     ForceGpuRendering = forceGpuRendering;
Exemple #22
        public void ChildPropertyRegistrationcConstructor()
            tlog.Debug(tag, $"ChildPropertyRegistrationcConstructor START");

            using (Animatable ani = new Animatable())
                var registered    = new TypeRegistration((global::System.IntPtr)ani.SwigCPtr, false);
                var testingTarget = new ChildPropertyRegistration(registered, "Animatable", 45000000, PropertyType.Boolean);
                Assert.IsNotNull(testingTarget, "should not be null.");
                Assert.IsInstanceOf <ChildPropertyRegistration>(testingTarget, "should be an instance of ChildPropertyRegistration class!");


            tlog.Debug(tag, $"ChildPropertyRegistrationcConstructor END (OK)");
Exemple #23
    Animatable CreateObject()
        Animatable target = targets[0];

        // Determine position
        var entryAngle = objectAngle.RandomValue();

        var objectPos = CameraHelper.WorldRect.RandomPosition();

        var animatable = GameObject.Instantiate<Animatable>(target, objectPos, Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, entryAngle));

        animatable.transform.parent = transform;

        animatable.localScale = RandomHelper.RandomVector2(minObjectSize, maxObjectSize);
        return animatable;
Exemple #24
        private void ChangeBobText()
            String   randombobtext = ChooseRandomBobText();
            Bitmap   measurebob    = new Bitmap(1, 1);
            Font     bobberfont    = new Font("Arial", 72, FontStyle.Bold);
            Graphics mbob          = Graphics.FromImage(measurebob);
            SizeF    bobtextsize   = mbob.MeasureString(randombobtext, bobberfont);
            Color    RandomColor1  = getrndcolor();
            Color    RandomColor2  = getrndcolor();
            float    randomAngle   = (float)(2 * Math.PI * rgen.NextDouble());
            Brush    bobtextbrush  = new LinearGradientBrush(new RectangleF(0, 0, bobtextsize.Width, bobtextsize.Height),
                                                             RandomColor1, RandomColor2, randomAngle, true);

            Bobber =
                new BobbingTextAnimator(randombobtext, 35, bobberfont, 0.25f, 0.35f, 0.007f, -35, bobtextbrush);
Exemple #25
    // TODO
    // Add scale velocity to target
    IEnumerator Rescale(Animatable target)
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(startTime));

        bool scaleUp = true;

        while (Time.time < endTime)
            var reverseAt = Time.time + cadence;
            target.scaleVelocity = scaleUp ? scaleVelocity : -1 * scaleVelocity;
            while (Time.time < reverseAt)
                yield return(null);
            scaleUp = !scaleUp;
Exemple #26
        private static void BFS(Animatable o, int depth)
            if (o == null)
                Tizen.Log.Fatal("NUI-APP", "##### o == null! return here!");

            Tizen.Log.Fatal("NUI-APP", "##### o.GetTypeName()=" + o.GetTypeName());

            if (o is View)
                View myView = o as View;

                if (o is TextLabel)
                    TextLabel myTextLabel = o as TextLabel;

                    Tizen.Log.Fatal("NUI-APP", string.Format("it is TextLabel, {0}", myTextLabel.Text));

                    Tizen.Log.Fatal("NUI-APP", string.Format("it is not TextLaebl"));

                for (int i = 0; i < myView.ChildCount; i++)
                    BFS(myView.GetChildAt((uint)i), depth + 1);
            else if (o is Layer)
                Layer myLayer = o as Layer;

                for (int i = 0; i < myLayer.ChildCount; i++)
                    BFS(myLayer.GetChildAt((uint)i), depth + 1);
Exemple #27
 public void ParentTest()
     tlog.Debug(tag, $"ParentTest START");
         Animatable t2 = new Animatable();
         Assert.IsNotNull(t2, "null Element");
         Assert.IsNull(t2.Parent, "Should be null");
         t2.Parent = new View();
         Assert.IsNotNull(t2.Parent, "Should not be null");
     catch (Exception e)
         Assert.Fail("Caught Exception" + e.ToString());
     tlog.Debug(tag, $"ParentTest END");
Exemple #28
        /*private List<Tuple<IAnimatable, DependencyProperty>> animatedPropertyList =
         *  new List<Tuple<IAnimatable, DependencyProperty>>();*/

        /// <summary>
        /// アニメーションを開始します。
        /// </summary>
        public void Begin(Animatable target)
            foreach (var anim in Children)
                if (anim == null)

                var animTarget = GetTarget(anim);
                if (animTarget == null)
                    animTarget = target;

                    var targetPath = GetTargetPath(anim);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetPath))
                        var targetProperty = WPFUtil.GetDependencyProperty(

                        if (targetProperty != null)
                            var t = target.GetValue(targetProperty) as Animatable;
                            if (t != null)
                                animTarget = t;

                var property = WPFUtil.GetDependencyProperty(

                if (property != null)
                    animTarget.BeginAnimation(property, anim);

                 *  Tuple.Create(animTarget, property));*/
Exemple #29
        public void RenderTaskAssign()
            tlog.Debug(tag, $"RenderTaskAssign START");

            using (Animatable ani = new Animatable())
                using (RenderTask task = new RenderTask(ani.SwigCPtr.Handle, false))
                    var testingTarget = task.Assign(task);
                    Assert.IsNotNull(testingTarget, "Can't create success object RenderTask.");
                    Assert.IsInstanceOf <RenderTask>(testingTarget, "Should return RenderTask instance.");


            tlog.Debug(tag, $"RenderTaskAssign END (OK)");
 public RadialGradientFill(
     string name,
     string matchName,
     Animatable <double> opacityPercent,
     IAnimatableVector3 startPoint,
     IAnimatableVector3 endPoint,
     Animatable <Sequence <GradientStop> > gradientStops,
     Animatable <double> highlightLength,
     Animatable <double> highlightDegrees)
     : base(name, matchName)
     OpacityPercent   = opacityPercent;
     StartPoint       = startPoint;
     EndPoint         = endPoint;
     GradientStops    = gradientStops;
     HighlightLength  = highlightLength;
     HighlightDegrees = highlightDegrees;
Exemple #31
        public void RenderTaskRequiresSync()
            tlog.Debug(tag, $"RenderTaskRequiresSync START");

            using (Animatable ani = new Animatable())
                var testingTarget = new RenderTask(ani.SwigCPtr.Handle, false);
                Assert.IsNotNull(testingTarget, "Can't create success object RenderTask.");
                Assert.IsInstanceOf <RenderTask>(testingTarget, "Should return RenderTask instance.");

                testingTarget.RequiresSync = true;
                tlog.Debug(tag, "RequiresSync :" + testingTarget.RequiresSync);


            tlog.Debug(tag, $"RenderTaskRequiresSync END (OK)");
Exemple #32
        public void PropertyConstructorWithPropertyName()
            tlog.Debug(tag, $"PropertyConstructorWithPropertyName START");

            var animatable = new Animatable();

            Assert.IsNotNull(animatable, "Should be not null!");
            Assert.IsInstanceOf <Animatable>(animatable, "Should return PropertyValue instance.");

            var testingTarget = new Property(animatable, "image");

            Assert.IsNotNull(testingTarget, "Should be not null!");
            Assert.IsInstanceOf <Property>(testingTarget, "Should return PropertyValue instance.");

            tlog.Debug(tag, $"PropertyConstructorWithPropertyName END (OK)");
 protected override void CopyCurrentValueCore(Animatable sourceAnimatable)
 private void ChangeBobText()
     String randombobtext = ChooseRandomBobText();
     Bitmap measurebob = new Bitmap(1, 1);
     Font bobberfont = BCBlockGameState.GetScaledFont(new Font("Arial", 72, FontStyle.Bold),128);
     Graphics mbob = Graphics.FromImage(measurebob);
     SizeF bobtextsize = mbob.MeasureString(randombobtext, bobberfont);
     Color RandomColor1 = getrndcolor();
     Color RandomColor2 = getrndcolor();
     float randomAngle = (float) (2*Math.PI*rgen.NextDouble());
     Brush bobtextbrush = new LinearGradientBrush(new RectangleF(0, 0, bobtextsize.Width, bobtextsize.Height),
                                                  RandomColor1, RandomColor2, randomAngle, true);
     Bobber =
         new BobbingTextAnimator(randombobtext, 35, bobberfont, 0.25f, 0.35f, 0.007f, -35, bobtextbrush);
        private void SplashScreen_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //431, 260
            this.AllowTransparency = true;
            //first, initialize image panel to 431, 260
            panImage.Location = new Point(0, 0);
            //change this if the image is changed...
            Size UseSize = new Size(431, 260);
            PointF ScaleValue = DPIHelper.GetDPIScaling(this);
            UseSize = new Size((int)((float)UseSize.Width*ScaleValue.X),(int)((float)UseSize.Height*ScaleValue.Y));

            panImage.Size = UseSize;
            Size = new Size(panImage.Width, panImage.Height + panProgress.Height);
            //clear the background of the panImage to speed drawing

            //ImageBackBufferCanvas.DrawImage(useBackground, 0, 0, BackgroundBitmap.Width, BackgroundBitmap.Height);
            //move the lower pane...
            panProgress.Location = new Point(0, panImage.Bottom);
            panProgress.Size = new Size(panImage.Width, ClientSize.Height - panImage.Bottom);
            panProgress.Visible = !ShownAsAbout;
            PanelAbout.Visible = ShownAsAbout;
            PanelAbout.Size = panProgress.Size;
            if (ShownAsAbout)
                LowerPanel = PanelAbout;
                PanelAbout.Visible = true;
                LowerPanel = panProgress;
            LowerPanel.Visible = true;

            LowerPanel.Location = new Point(0, panImage.Bottom);
            this.Size = new Size(panImage.Width, LowerPanel.Bottom);
            //resize the textbox to show exactly two lines
            //panProgress.Height = txtprogress.Height;

            //this.ClientSize = new Size(this.ClientSize.Width,panImage.Height + panProgress.Height);
            this.Height = LowerPanel.Bottom + 5;

            //put in middle of the screen, as well.
            //get appropriate screen...
            Screen usescreen = Screen.FromHandle(this.Handle);
            //center on working area...
            Point uselocation = new Point(usescreen.WorkingArea.Width/2 - Width/2,
                                          usescreen.WorkingArea.Height/2 - Height/2);
            this.Location = uselocation;
            mAlphaIncrement = 0.01;
            this.Opacity = 100;

//            Bobber = new BobbingTextAnimator("BETA", 35, new Font("Arial", 72,FontStyle.Bold),0.25f,0.35f,0.007f,-35);
            //Bobber = new BobbingTextAnimator(GetExecutingVersion(), 35, new Font("Arial", 72, FontStyle.Bold), 0.25f, 0.35f, 0.007f, -35);
            String randombobtext = ChooseRandomBobText();
            Bitmap measurebob = new Bitmap(1, 1);
            Font bobberfont = BCBlockGameState.GetScaledFont(new Font("Arial", 72, FontStyle.Bold),90);
            Font biggerbobberfont = BCBlockGameState.GetScaledFont(new Font("Arial", 72, FontStyle.Bold), 128);
            Graphics mbob = Graphics.FromImage(measurebob);
            SizeF bobtextsize = mbob.MeasureString(randombobtext, bobberfont);
            Color RandomColor1 = getrndcolor();
            Color RandomColor2 = getrndcolor();
            float randomAngle = (float) (2*Math.PI*rgen.NextDouble());
            Brush bobtextbrush = new LinearGradientBrush(new RectangleF(0, 0, bobtextsize.Width, bobtextsize.Height),
                                                         RandomColor1, RandomColor2, randomAngle, true);

              FirstBobberPos = new Point((int)(320f*ScaleValue.X),(int)(157f*ScaleValue.Y));
              SecondBobberPos = new Point((int)(70f * ScaleValue.X), (int)(157f * ScaleValue.Y));

            Bobber =
                new BobbingTextAnimator(randombobtext, 35, bobberfont, 0.25f, 0.35f, 0.007f, -35, bobtextbrush);
            Bobber2 =
                new BobbingTextAnimator(GetExecutingVersion(), 35,biggerbobberfont, 0.25f, 0.35f,
                                        0.007f, 32, new SolidBrush(Color.Yellow));
            delaytimer = new Timer(timercallback, null, 0, 0);
            //alphatimer = new Timer(AlphaTick, null, 0, 10);
            tmrFade.Enabled = true;
            assemblylist = new GenericListViewSorter(lvwAssemblies);
Exemple #36
        public void Commit(Animatable owner, string name, uint rate = 16, uint length = 250, 
		                    Func<double, double> easing = null, Action<double, bool> finished = null, Func<bool> repeat = null)
            owner.Animate (name, this, rate, length, easing, finished, repeat);
 protected virtual void CopyCurrentValueCore(Animatable sourceAnimatable)
   throw new NotImplementedException();
 public Target(Animatable a)
     id = (ulong)a.AnimHandle;
Exemple #39
    public override void LoadAssets()
        background = FullScreenQuad.create(this, "pedal_stomp_bg");
        shoe = resourceFactory.Create("SceneTen/Shoe");
        amp = resourceFactory.Create(this, "Amp");
        wires = resourceFactory.Create(this, "Wires");
        wireShadow = resourceFactory.Create(this, "WireShadow");


        // double the scale on all of these because the art is half-size
        shoe.transform.localScale = Vector3.one * 2;
        shoe.GetComponent<Sprite>().setScreenPosition(0, 164);
        amp.GetComponent<Sprite>().setScreenPosition(130, 50);
        amp.transform.localScale = Vector3.one * 2;
        wires.GetComponent<Sprite>().setScreenPosition(30, 30);
        wires.transform.localScale = Vector3.one * 2;
        wireShadow.GetComponent<Sprite>().setScreenPosition(30, 30);
        wireShadow.transform.localScale = Vector3.one * 2;

        pedalStomped = new PedalStomped(new List<Sprite> {ampSprite, wiresSprite, wireShadowSprite});
        pedalUnStomped = new PedalUnStomped(new List<Sprite> {ampSprite, wiresSprite, wireShadowSprite});
        stompFoot = new StompFoot(new List<Sprite> {shoeSprite});
        retractFoot = new RetractFoot(new List<Sprite> {shoeSprite});
        animatables = new[] {pedalStomped, pedalUnStomped, stompFoot, retractFoot};