Exemple #1
    private bool NeedToAvoid(Animal other)
        if (other == target)
        if (other.type == target.type)
        Vector3 toOther = other.GetPosition() - target.GetPosition();

        if (Mathf.Abs(toOther.x) < intimidationRange && Mathf.Abs(toOther.z) < intimidationRange)
            // how afraid are we of them?
            // If we are more afraid of them then we love them, we need to avoid them in this case.
            AnimalRelationship relationship = AnimalRelationships.Instance.GetOpinionOf(target.type, other.type);
            if (relationship.fear > relationship.love)
            // far enough away that we dont need to avoid them.
Exemple #2
        public ActionResult _MotherAdd(int id)
            // Load Female Animals
            ViewData["FemaleParents"] = commonRep.GetFemaleAnimalsDropDown(id);
            AnimalRelationship ins = new AnimalRelationship(id);

 private void CacheHatedTypes()
     foreach (AnimalTypes type in (AnimalTypes[])System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(AnimalTypes)))
         AnimalRelationship relationship = AnimalRelationships.Instance.GetOpinionOf(target.type, type);
         hatedTypes.Add(type, relationship.hate);
Exemple #4
        public JsonResult AddBirthScenario(int FemaleId, int MaleId, int ChildId, int TubeId, int BirthTypeId, int Success, int CompanyId, int UserKey, DateTime ModifiedDate)
            //...Check if Tube was used
            if (TubeId != 0)
                //...Tube was used, save history record
                InseminationHistory insem = new InseminationHistory();
                insem.AnimalId     = FemaleId;
                insem.TubeId       = TubeId;
                insem.CompanyId    = CompanyId;
                insem.ModifiedBy   = UserKey;
                insem.ModifiedDate = ModifiedDate.AddDays(-274);

                insem = aiRep.InsertInseminationHistorySim(insem);

                if (insem.HistoryId == 0)
                    return(Json(insem.HistoryId, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));

            //...Insert Birth History
            BirthHistory birth = new BirthHistory();

            birth.BirthTypeId    = BirthTypeId;
            birth.ChildId        = ChildId;
            birth.CompanyId      = CompanyId;
            birth.FemaleParentId = FemaleId;
            birth.MaleParentId   = MaleId;
            birth.ModifiedBy     = UserKey;
            birth.Success        = (Success == 1) ? true : false;
            birth.TubeId         = TubeId;
            birth.ModifiedDate   = ModifiedDate;

            birth = aiRep.InsertBirthHistorySim(birth);

            if ((birth.HistoryId != 0) && (birth.ChildId != 0))
                AnimalRelationship father = new AnimalRelationship();
                father.ParentAnimalId = birth.MaleParentId;
                father.ChildAnimalId  = birth.ChildId;
                father.ModiefiedDate  = ModifiedDate;
                father.ModifiedBy     = UserKey;
                father = aniRep.InsertAnimalRelationshipSim(father);

                AnimalRelationship mother = new AnimalRelationship();
                mother.ParentAnimalId = birth.FemaleParentId;
                mother.ChildAnimalId  = birth.ChildId;
                mother.ModiefiedDate  = ModifiedDate;
                mother.ModifiedBy     = UserKey;
                mother = aniRep.InsertAnimalRelationshipSim(mother);

            return(Json(birth.HistoryId, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
    public void AnimalWasKilled(Animal killer, Animal victim)
        AnimalRelationship relationship = AnimalRelationships.Instance.GetOpinionOf(victim.type, killer.type);

        // increase how much we fear the thing which just killed us.
        relationship.fear += 0.02f;

        // Increase the hatred of the killed by those who love us.
        for (int i = 0; i < relationships.Length; i++)
            if (relationships[i].target == victim.type)
                if (relationships[i].love > 0)
                    GetOpinionOf(relationships[i].source, killer.type).hate += 0.05f * relationships[i].love;
Exemple #6
        public JsonResult _InsertBirthHistory(BirthHistory ins)
            ins = aiRep.InsertBirthHistory(ins);

            if ((ins.HistoryId != 0) && (ins.ChildId != 0))
                AnimalRelationship father = new AnimalRelationship();
                father.ParentAnimalId = ins.MaleParentId;
                father.ChildAnimalId  = ins.ChildId;
                father = animalRep.InsertAnimalRelationship(father);

                AnimalRelationship mother = new AnimalRelationship();
                mother.ParentAnimalId = ins.FemaleParentId;
                mother.ChildAnimalId  = ins.ChildId;
                mother = animalRep.InsertAnimalRelationship(mother);

            return(Json(new GridModel(commonRep.GetBirthHistories())));
Exemple #7
        public ActionResult _AddParent(AnimalRelationship ins)
            ins = animalRep.InsertAnimalRelationship(ins);

            return(RedirectToAction("Tag", new { id = ins.ChildAnimalId }));
Exemple #8
    private bool IsAnimalDangerous(Animal animal)
        AnimalRelationship relationship = AnimalRelationships.Instance.GetOpinionOf(target.type, animal.type);

        return(relationship.fear > 0f);