Exemple #1
        public override string ToString()
            string output = String.Format("{0} is a {1} and has the following abilities:", Name, category.ToString());

            if (CanFly)
                output += String.Format("\n\t- can fly and the maximum speed of flying is : {0}", MaxSpeedFlying);
            if (CanWalk)
                output += String.Format("\n\t- can walk and the maximum speed of walking is : {0}", MaxSpeedWalking);
            if (CanSwim)
                output += String.Format("\n\t- can swim and the maximum speed of swimming is : {0}", MaxSpeedSwimming);
            if (CanCrawl)
                output += String.Format("\n\t- can crawl, and the maximum speed of crawling is : {0}", MaxSpeedCrawling);
