public void SetUp() { app = ConfigureApp .Android .StartApp(); //app = ConfigureApp.Android.ApkFile("/Users/administrator/Desktop/neumann.conferenceapp.apk").StartApp(); }
public CustomerSalesPage(AndroidApp app) : base(app) { app.WaitForElement("WEEKLY AVERAGE", timeout: TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2)); app.Screenshot("On " + this.GetType().Name); }
public void BeforeEachTest() { var setup = ConfigureApp.Android; const string apkPath = "../../../../src/SymbolCollector.Android/bin/Release/net6.0-android/"; if (File.Exists(apkPath)) { setup = setup.ApkFile(apkPath); Console.WriteLine($"Using APK: {apkPath}"); } // Quick feedback in debug, not running on a farm: #if DEBUG else { var msg = $"APK path defined but no file exists at this path: {apkPath}"; Console.WriteLine(msg); Assert.Fail(msg); } #endif _app = setup .PreferIdeSettings() .StartApp(); }
public void BeforeEachTest () { app = ConfigureApp .Android .ApkFile ("app.apk") .StartApp (); }
public void BeforeEachTest() { app = ConfigureApp .Android .ApkFile("app.apk") .StartApp(); }
public void BeforeEachTest() { app = ConfigureApp .Android .ApkFile(@"..\..\..\Plugin.Fingerprint.Test.UI.Android\bin\Debug\Plugin.Fingerprint.Test.UI.Android-Signed.apk") .StartApp(); }
public void BeforeEachTest() { app = ConfigureApp .Android .ApkFile("../../../com.xamarin.xamarincrm-Signed.apk") .StartApp(); }
public void BeforeEachTest() { app = ConfigureApp .Android .EnableLocalScreenshots () .StartApp (); }
public void BeforeEachTest () { app = (AndroidApp)AppInitializer.StartApp ( platform, null, TestConsts.iOSBundleId); }
public CustomerOrderDetailsPage(AndroidApp app) : base(app, "Company") { ProductField = x => x.Class("EditTextEnter").Descendant(0); PriceField = x => x.Class("EntryEditText").Descendant(1); DateField = x => x.Class("EditText").Index(0); }
public void BeforeEachTest() { app = ConfigureApp .Android .ApkFile("../../../BMICalculator/bin/Debug/BMICalculator.BMICalculator.apk") .StartApp(); }
public void BeforeEachTest() { app = ConfigureApp .Android .ApkFile("../../../XamarinTestsForAndroid/bin/Debug/test.apk") .StartApp(); }
public void BeforeEachTest() { app = ConfigureApp .Android .InstalledApp("AppShortcuts.AppShortcuts") .StartApp(); }
public void BeforeEachTest() { app = ConfigureApp .Android .ApkFile(@"C:\Users\sorinpe\Source\Repos\CoffeeTipper2\Droid\bin\Release\com.xamarin.coffee_tip.apk") .StartApp(); }
public void BeforeEachTest() { app = ConfigureApp.Android .ApkFile("app.apk") .PreferIdeSettings() .StartApp(); }
public void SetUp() { app = ConfigureApp .Android .ApkFile (AppFile) .StartApp (); }
public void BeforeEachTest () { app = ConfigureApp.Android .ApkFile ("app.apk") .PreferIdeSettings () .StartApp (); }
public GlobalPage(AndroidApp app) : base(app) { SalesTab = "Sales"; CustomersTab = "Customers"; ProductsTab = "Products"; }
public AndroidDeviceSettings(AndroidApp app) : base(app) { _activity = app.MainActivity; _powerManager = _activity.GetSystemService(Context.PowerService) as PowerManager; _wifiManager = _activity.GetSystemService(Context.WifiService) as WifiManager; _wakeLock = _powerManager.NewWakeLock(WakeLockFlags.Full, "DSAMobile"); }
public void BeforeEachTest() { app = ConfigureApp .Android .ApkFile(@"..\..\..\App3\App3.Android\bin\Debug\com.companyname.App3.apk") .StartApp(); }
protected BasePage(AndroidApp app, Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> androidTrait) : this(app) { Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => app.WaitForElement(androidTrait), "Unable to verify on page: " + this.GetType().Name); app.Screenshot("On " + this.GetType().Name); }
public void BeforeEachTest() { app = ConfigureApp .Android .ApkFile(@"..\..\..\SecureStorageTest\bin\Release\SecureStorageTest.SecureStorageTest.apk") .StartApp(); }
public CustomerContactPage(AndroidApp app) : base(app, "Address") { PhoneButton = x => x.Class("FormsImageView").Index(2); MapButton = x => x.Class("FormsImageView").Index(3); HeaderImage = x => x.Class("ImageRenderer").Index(0); }
public void BeforeEachTest () { app = ConfigureApp .Android //.DeviceSerial() .StartApp (); }
public void Setup() { app = ConfigureApp .Android //.ApkFile("/Users/brent/Projects/Xamarin/VoltageRegulatorTemperature/Droid/bin/Release/com.sparkfun.voltageregulatortemperature.apk") .StartApp(); }
public void BeforeEachTest() { app = ConfigureApp.Android .ApkFile("C:\\Users\\admin\\Desktop\app\\") .DeviceSerial("51baf25d") .StartApp(); }
public void BeforeEachTest() { app = ConfigureApp .Android .ApkFile("../../../ms-enterprise/platforms/android/build/outputs/apk/android-debug.apk") .StartApp(); }
public void BeforeEachTest() { app = (AndroidApp)AppInitializer.StartApp( platform, null, TestConsts.iOSBundleId); }
protected BasePage(AndroidApp app, Func <AppQuery, AppQuery> androidTrait) : this(app) { Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => app.WaitForElement(androidTrait), "Unable to verify on page: " + this.GetType().Name); app.Screenshot("On " + this.GetType().Name); }
public void BeforeEachTest() { app = ConfigureApp .Android //.DeviceSerial() .StartApp(); }
public void BeforeEachTest() { app = ConfigureApp.Android .ApkFile(@"C:\temp/com.companyname.appname.apk") .StartApp(); _mainPagePageObject = new MainPageViewObject(app); }
public void BeforeEachTest() { app = ConfigureApp .Android .ApkFile(@"..\..\..\eXam.Droid\bin\Release\eXam.Droid.apk") .StartApp(); }
public void AfterEachTest() { // Start the application app = ConfigureApp.Android.StartApp(); // Delete recently created city if still existing // Depending on your test configuration and environment, ConfigureApp.Android.StartApp(); sometimes // deployes a complete new package of the app. In this case, no cleanup work is needed. app.WaitForElement(x => x.Id("textView1")); var city = app.Query(x => x.Text(testCityName)).FirstOrDefault(); if (city != null) { // Delete the recently created city app.Tap(x => x.Text(testCityName)); app.WaitForElement(x => x.Class("OverflowMenuButton")); app.Tap(x => x.Class("OverflowMenuButton")); app.Tap(x => x.Class("TextView").Index(0)); // Edit button app.WaitForElement(x => x.Id("action_delete_city"), "Delete city button never appeared..."); app.Tap(x => x.Id("action_delete_city")); app.Tap(x => x.Id("button1")); // Check if city has been deleted successfully var results = app.Query(x => x.Text(testCityName)); Assert.IsFalse(results.Any()); } }
public void BeforeEachTest() { app = ConfigureApp .Android .EnableLocalScreenshots() .StartApp(); }
public static void AssemblyInitialize(TestContext testContext) { var app = new AndroidApp(); app.UseExceptionLogger(); app.UseMsTestSettings(); app.UseAppBehavior(); app.UseLogExecutionBehavior(); app.UseLogExecutionBehavior(); app.UseFFmpegVideoRecorder(); app.UseIOSDriverScreenshotsOnFail(); app.UseElementsBddLogging(); app.UseValidateExtensionsBddLogging(); app.UseLayoutAssertionExtensionsBddLogging(); app.StartAppiumLocalService(); app.Initialize(); // Software machine automation module helps you to install the required software to the developer's machine // such as a specific version of the browsers, browser extensions, and any other required software. // You can configure it from BELLATRIX configuration file testFrameworkSettings.json // "machineAutomationSettings": { // "isEnabled": "true", // "packagesToBeInstalled": [ "googlechrome", "firefox --version=65.0.2", "opera" ] // } // // You need to specify the packages to be installed in the packagesToBeInstalled array. You can search for packages in the // public community repository- // // To use the service you need to start Visual Studio in Administrative Mode. The service supports currently only Windows. // In the future BELLATRIX releases we will support OSX and Linux as well. // // To use the machine automation setup- install Bellatrix.MachineAutomation NuGet package. // SoftwareAutomationService.InstallRequiredSoftware(); }
public void BeforeEachTest() { app = ConfigureApp.Android.StartApp (); Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> menu_button_query = e => e.Id("menu_button"); app.Tap (menu_button_query); Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> search_button = e => e.Text ("Search"); app.Tap (search_button); }
public void BeforeEachTest() { app = ConfigureApp .Android .EnableLocalScreenshots() .ApkFile("C:/data/visualstudio_diverseprojecten/travellingsalesman/TSMApp/bin/Debug/TSMApp.TSMApp.apk") .StartApp(); }
public void BeforeEachTest() { app = ConfigureApp .Android .ApkFile(@"C:\Users\omehe\Desktop\Calculadora.apk") //.DeviceSerial("emulator-5554") .StartApp(); }
public void BeforeEachTest() { app = ConfigureApp.Android .ApkFile(@"C:\temp/com.companyname.appname.apk") .StartApp(); _mainPageViewObject = new MainPageViewObject(app); _dogsListViewObject = _mainPageViewObject.UserHasDogSignIn(); }
public void BeforeEachTest () { app = (AndroidApp)AppInitializer.StartApp ( platform, TestConsts.ApkFile, null); app.WakeUpAndroidDevice (); }
public void BeforeEachTest() { // TODO: If the Android app being tested is included in the solution then open // the Unit Tests window, right click Test Apps, select Add App Project // and select the app projects that should be tested. app = ConfigureApp .Android.ApkFile ("../../../APK/Test/com.refractored.bikenowpronto.apk") .StartApp(); }
public void BeforeEachTest() { // TODO: If the Android app being tested is included in the solution then open // the Unit Tests window, right click Test Apps, select Add App Project // and select the app projects that should be tested. app = ConfigureApp .Android .ApkFile("../../../GeneticsTests/bin/Release/com.example.genetics.GeneticsTests.apk") .StartApp(); }
public void Setup(bool clear) { var appConfig = ConfigureApp .Android .ApkFile("../../../com.xamarin.xamarincrm-Signed.apk"); if (clear) app = appConfig.StartApp(); else app = appConfig.StartApp(Xamarin.UITest.Configuration.AppDataMode.DoNotClear); }
public void BeforeEachTest() { // TODO: If the Android app being tested is included in the solution then open // the Unit Tests window, right click Test Apps, select Add App Project // and select the app projects that should be tested. app = ConfigureApp .Android .ApiKey(Key) .ApkFile("Kinder.apk") .StartApp(); }
public void BeforeEachTest() { app = ConfigureApp.Android.StartApp (); app.Screenshot ("Given the app is loaded"); app.Tap (x => x.Button ("btn_play")); app.WaitForElement (x => x.Id ("tv_bingoItem")); var results = app.Query (x => x.Id ("tv_bingoItem")); Assert.AreEqual (25, results.Length); app.Screenshot ("25 items should be shown"); }
public void BeforeEachTest() { // TODO: If the Android app being tested is included in the solution then open // the Unit Tests window, right click Test Apps, select Add App Project // and select the app projects that should be tested. app = ConfigureApp .Android // TODO: Update this path to point to your Android app and uncomment the // code if the app is not included in the solution. //.ApkFile ("../../../Droid/bin/Debug/xamarinforms.apk") .StartApp(); }
public LeadDetailsPage(AndroidApp app) : base(app, "Opportunity") { ContactTab = x => x.Descendant("Contact"); EditCompany = x => x.Marked("Company").Sibling(); EditIndustry = x => x.Class("android.widget.EditText").Index(1); EditSize = x => x.Marked("Size").Sibling(); EditStage = x => x.Class("android.widget.EditText").Index(3); Done = x => x.Marked("Save"); Save = x => x.Marked("Save"); ScrollPanel = x => x.Marked("customPanel"); OkButton = x => x.Marked("button1"); }
public void BeforeEachTest() { var path = @"../../../NewBankMobile.Droid/bin/Debug/"; var apkName = ""; var apkPath = $"{path}{apkName}"; app = ConfigureApp .Android .ApkFile(apkPath) .EnableLocalScreenshots() //.PreferIdeSettings() //.DeviceSerial("") .StartApp(); }
public SalesHomePage(AndroidApp app) : base(app, "WEEKLY AVERAGE") { FirstLead = x => x.Marked("50% - Value Proposition"); ListView = x => x.Id("content"); AddLeadButton = x => x.Class("FormsImageView"); LeadCell = x => x.Class("ViewCellRenderer_ViewCellContainer"); ChartIdentifier = x => x.Id("stripLinesLayout"); //Verifying page has loaded app.WaitForElement(LeadCell); app.WaitForElement(ChartIdentifier); app.WaitForNoElement(SalesDataLoading, timeout: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20)); app.WaitForNoElement(LeadsLoading, timeout: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20)); }
public void BeforeEachTest() { // Start the application app = ConfigureApp.Android.StartApp(); // Create a new city app.WaitForElement(x => x.Id("action_add_city")); app.Tap(x => x.Id("action_add_city")); app.EnterText(x => x.Id("addEditCityName"), testCityName); app.EnterText(x => x.Id("addEditCityZip"), testCityZip); app.Tap(x => x.Id("action_add_city_confirm")); // Check if city has been created successfully var results = app.Query(x => x.Text(testCityName)); Assert.IsTrue(results.Any()); }
public virtual void BeforeEachTest() { app = AppInitializer.StartApp(); Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); if (app.Query("SIGN IN").Any()) { new SplashScreenPage(app) .ExitSplashScreen(); } //waiting for next screen to load Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); app.Screenshot("On Home Page"); }
public LeadContactPage(AndroidApp app) : base(app, "Phone") { DetailsTab = x => x.Index(9); RoleField = x => x.Marked("Role").Sibling(); FirstNameField = x => x.Marked("First Name").Sibling(); LastNameField = x => x.Marked("Last Name").Sibling(); PhoneField = x => x.Marked("Phone").Sibling(); EmailField = x => x.Marked("Email").Sibling(); AddressField = x => x.Marked("Address").Sibling(); PostalCodeField = x => x.Marked("Postal Code").Sibling(); CityField = x => x.Marked("City").Sibling(); StateField = x => x.Marked("State").Sibling(); CountryField = x => x.Marked("Country").Sibling(); ContactList = x => x.Class("ListView"); Done = "DONE"; Save = "Save"; }
public void BeforeEachTest () { // TODO: If the Android app being tested is included in the solution then open // the Unit Tests window, right click Test Apps, select Add App Project // and select the app projects that should be tested. app = ConfigureApp .Android // TODO: Update this path to point to your Android app and uncomment the // code if the app is not included in the solution. .ApkFile ("../../../Tasky.Droid/bin/Release/com.xamarin.samples.taskydroid.apk") .StartApp (); app.Screenshot("uslika.png"); //app.Repl(); return; }
public void BeforeEachTest () { app = ConfigureApp.Android.StartApp (); }
public LoginPage(AndroidApp app) : base(app, "Sign in") { }
protected BasePage(AndroidApp app) { = app; //app.WaitForElement(element); }