Exemple #1
        private bool CheckIfTheMethodShouldBeMocked(Type type, AnalyzedSolution analyzedSolution,
                                                    MethodInfo dependencyMethod, Type classUnerTestType)
            foreach (AnalyzedProject proj in analyzedSolution.Projects)
                if (proj.Name == _selectedProjectName)
                    foreach (Class cls in proj.Classes)
                        if (cls.Name == classUnerTestType.Name)
                            foreach (Method cutMethod in cls.Methods)
                                foreach (Statement stm in cutMethod.MethodBody.Statements)
                                    if (stm.Content.Contains(dependencyMethod.Name))

Exemple #2
        private void MockAllExternalDependencyMethods(Type type, CodeConstructor testClassConstructor,
                                                      AnalyzedSolution analyzedSolution, Type classUnderTestType)
            // - for each discovered/mockable method in type ObjectToBeMocked
            var methods = type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public
                                          | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly);

            foreach (MethodInfo m in methods)
                // see if the method should be mocked
                // -- search in the code for all the methods in the CUT to see if the method is invoked somewhere
                // --- if yes, then the method should be mocked
                // --- if no, then that method is not used and it should not be mocked
                bool shouldBeMocked = CheckIfTheMethodShouldBeMocked(type, analyzedSolution, m, classUnderTestType);

                if (shouldBeMocked)
                    // dynamically generate the code for a lamda expression
                    var        parameter  = Expression.Parameter(type, "m");
                    MethodInfo methodInfo = type.GetMethod(m.Name);

                    // randomly generate method parameters
                    var    methodParameters = m.GetParameters();
                    string parameters       = "";
                    int    j = 1;
                    foreach (ParameterInfo p in methodParameters)
                        var separator = j == methodParameters.Count() ? "" : ", ";
                        parameters += string.Format("It.IsAny<{0}>()", p.ParameterType) + separator;

                    var lambdaExpr      = string.Format("m => m.{0}({1})", m.Name, parameters);
                    var mockSetupMethod = new CodeMethodInvokeExpression(
                        new CodeVariableReferenceExpression(string.Format("{0}Mock", type.Name)),
                        "Setup", new CodeSnippetExpression(lambdaExpr));

                    // resolve method return type
                    var methodReturnType = m.ReturnType.Name;
                    CodeExpression[] mockReturnMethodParameter = new CodeExpression[1];
                    mockReturnMethodParameter[0] = new CodePrimitiveExpression(

                    var mockReturnMethod = new CodeMethodInvokeExpression(
                        "Returns", mockReturnMethodParameter);

 public SolutionAnalyzer(string pathToSolution)
     _pathToSolution   = pathToSolution;
     _analyzedSolution = new AnalyzedSolution();
     _workspace        = CreateWorkspace();
Exemple #4
        public void AddTestClassConstructor(string constructorName, CodeTypeDeclaration targetClass,
                                            Type type, AnalyzedSolution analyzedSolution)
            // create a code unit for a consturctor
            CodeConstructor testClassConstructor = new CodeConstructor()
                Name       = constructorName,
                Attributes = MemberAttributes.Public

            // decide if this type has a mockable parameter
            // ex: a custom object wich implements an interface or has virtual methods
            // if yes -- mock all methods that can be mocked
            // if not -- nothing to be done

            var targetTypeConstructor = type.GetConstructors().Where(c => c.GetParameters().Length != 0).FirstOrDefault();

            foreach (ParameterInfo pi in targetTypeConstructor.GetParameters())
                if (pi.ParameterType.Name != "String" &&
                    pi.ParameterType.Name != "Int32" &&
                    pi.ParameterType.IsClass)    // it is a non-primitive class, TODO: rethink this!
                    // check if it implements an interface
                    var implementedInterfaces = pi.ParameterType.GetInterfaces().ToList();
                    if (implementedInterfaces.Count != 0)
                        // - globally declare a mock object for each dependency to be mocked
                        // example -- private Mock<ObjectToBeMocked> _objectMock;

                        // TODO: mock each interface, the class can implement multiple interfaces ???
                        Dictionary <string, string> globallyDeclaredObjects = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                        foreach (Type implementedInterface in implementedInterfaces)
                            var mockTypeName   = string.Format("Mock<{0}>", implementedInterface.Name);
                            var mockObjectName = string.Format("{0}Mock", implementedInterface.Name);
                            AddMockObjectDeclarationToConstructor(targetClass, mockTypeName, mockObjectName);
                            globallyDeclaredObjects.Add(mockObjectName, mockTypeName);

                            // - inside the constructor, instantiate all the above declared mocked objects
                            // example -- _objectMock = new Mock<ObjectToBeMocked>();
                            AddMockObjectInstantiationToConstructor(testClassConstructor, mockObjectName, mockTypeName);

                            MockAllExternalDependencyMethods(implementedInterface, testClassConstructor, analyzedSolution, type);

                            // TODO: for each mocked method, generate a new unit test method in which to test the mocking logic
                else if (pi.ParameterType.IsInterface)
                    var mockTypeName   = string.Format("Mock<{0}>", pi.ParameterType.Name);
                    var mockObjectName = string.Format("{0}Mock", pi.ParameterType.Name);
                    AddMockObjectDeclarationToConstructor(targetClass, mockTypeName, mockObjectName);
                    AddMockObjectInstantiationToConstructor(testClassConstructor, mockObjectName, mockTypeName);

                    MockAllExternalDependencyMethods(pi.ParameterType, testClassConstructor, analyzedSolution, type);

                    // - for each mocked method, generate a new unit test method in which to test the mocking logic

            // done!