Exemple #1
    public void ShowRememberSendScore()
        titleText.text = LanguageManager.Instance.GetTextValue("ui.label.remember");
        lastName       = PlayerPrefs.GetString("name", "");
        specialThanksContentText.text = LanguageManager.Instance.GetTextValue("ui.label.remembersendscore");

        AnalyticsSender.SendCustomAnalitycs("rememberSendScore", new Dictionary <string, object> {
            { "name", lastName }
Exemple #2
    public void ShowSpecialMention()
        titleText.text = LanguageManager.Instance.GetTextValue("ui.label.specialthaks");
        lastName       = PlayerPrefs.GetString("name", "");
        specialThanksContentText.text = LanguageManager.Instance.GetTextValue("ui.label.specialthankscontent").Replace("#username", lastName);

        AnalyticsSender.SendCustomAnalitycs("mentionShowed", new Dictionary <string, object> {
            { "name", lastName }
    void BeginGame()
        AnalyticsSender.SendCustomAnalitycs("gameStart", new Dictionary <string, object>());
        //ResetGame ();
        if (OnBeginGame != null)

    public void EndTutorial()
        currentTutorialStep = TutorialStep.END;
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("tutorialVisto", 1);
        GameManager.instance.currentGamePlayState        = GamePlayState.Normal;
        GameManager.instance.rotator.OnPinPinned        -= HandleOnPinPinned;
        GameManager.instance.rotator.OnCompleteRotation -= HandleCompleteRotation;
        GameManager.instance.rotator.RotationSpeed       = Rotator.INITIAL_SPEED;

        AnalyticsSender.SendCustomAnalitycs("tutorialEnd", new Dictionary <string, object>());
        //Debug.Log ("Tutoral End");
Exemple #5
 public void CancelSendScore()
     AnalyticsSender.SendCustomAnalitycs("scoreNotSend", new Dictionary <string, object> {
         { "score", GameManager.instance.Score },
         { "nameUsedLastTime", lastName }
     if (UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2) == 0)
    public void GameOver()
        if (isGameOver)

        rotator.enabled = false;
        spawner.enabled = false;
        isGameOver      = true;

        AnalyticsSender.SendCustomAnalitycs("gameOver", new Dictionary <string, object>
            { "score", Score },
            { "pinsCount", spawner.pinsCount }
Exemple #7
    void SendScoreToBBDD(int result)
        lastName = nameField.text;
        PlayerPrefs.SetString("name", lastName);

        FirebaseDBManager.instance.AddNewHighscore(new ScoreEntry(lastName, GameManager.instance.Score));

        AnalyticsSender.SendCustomAnalitycs("scoreSended", new Dictionary <string, object> {
            { "score", GameManager.instance.Score },
            { "name", lastName }

         * else {
         *      Ventana modal avisando de que viendo videos colaboras a que mas juegos gratuitos como este sean creados.
         * }

        // Si no hemos mostrado la mención especial
        bool specialMentionShowed = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("specialMentionShowed", 0) == 1;
        bool showMention;

        if (!specialMentionShowed)
            //if (lastName == "Pako")
            //	showMention = true;
            showMention = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 10) == 0;
            showMention = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 10) == 0;

        if (showMention)
    void SearchNearestPins(Circumference newPin, bool startOver = true)
        if (startOver)

        // Comprobamos la distancia con el resto de bolas
        for (int i = 0; i < groupsDictionary.Count; i++)
            if (groupsDictionary[i].isActive)
                for (int c = 0; c < groupsDictionary[i].members.Count; c++)
                    if (IsColliding(newPin, groupsDictionary[i].members[c], marginBetweenPins))
                        if (!circumferencesCollided.Contains(groupsDictionary[i].members[c]))

        // Comprobamos la distancia con el rotator
        if (IsColliding(newPin, me))
            if (!circumferencesCollided.Contains(me))

        if (circumferencesCollided.Count == 0)
            //Debug.Log ("<color=red>Error WTF (0001): No se ha encontrado ninguna colision</color>");
            AnalyticsSender.SendCustomAnalitycs("wtfError", new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "type", "0001" },
                { "message", "No se ha encontrado ninguna colision" }
Exemple #9
    public void AddMember(Circumference c)
        if (c.tag == "Rotator")
            //Debug.Log("<color=red>Error WTF 102: Rotator metido en un grupo O_o </color>");
            AnalyticsSender.SendCustomAnalitycs("wtfError", new Dictionary <string, object> ()
                { "type", "0006" },
                { "message", "Rotator metido en un grupo" }

        if (!members.Contains(c))
            c.colorGroup = index;
            c.name      += "_group" + index;
    public void ShowAds(bool rewarded, callback _callback = null)
        resultCallback = _callback;

        if (Advertisement.isInitialized)
            if (Advertisement.isSupported)
                if (Advertisement.IsReady())
                    var options = new ShowOptions {
                        resultCallback = HandleShowResult
                    string videotypeString = videoTypeStrings [rewarded ? (int)videoType.REWARDED_VIDEO : (int)videoType.SKIPPABLES_VIDEO];
                    AnalyticsSender.SendCustomAnalitycs("supportVideo", new Dictionary <string, object>()
                        { "type", rewarded ? "rewarded" : "skippable" }
                    Advertisement.Show(videotypeString, options);
                    //Debug.Log ("Ads not Ready");
                //Debug.Log ("Ads no soportados");
            //Debug.Log ("Ads no iniciados");
Exemple #11
    public void ProcessPin(Circumference newCircumference)
        // Comprobamos si sólo hay
        if (circumferencesCollided.Count == 1)
            if (circumferencesCollided [0].tag == "Rotator")               // Si la colisión es con el rotator
                groupsDictionary.Add(groupsDictionary.Count, new ColorPinsGroup(groupsDictionary.Count, newCircumference));
                for (int i = 0; i < groupsDictionary.Count; i++)
                    if (groupsDictionary [i].isActive)
                        if (groupsDictionary [i].Contains(circumferencesCollided [0]))
                            groupsDictionary [i].AddMember(newCircumference);
        else if (circumferencesCollided.Count > 1)
            for (int i = 0; i < circumferencesCollided.Count && !GameManager.instance.isGameOver; i++)
                if (circumferencesCollided [i].tag == "Pin")
                    for (int j = 0; j < groupsDictionary.Count; j++)
                        if (groupsDictionary [j].isActive)
                            if (groupsDictionary [j].Contains(circumferencesCollided [i]))
                                if (!groupsCollided.Contains(groupsDictionary [j].index))
                                    groupsCollided.Add(groupsDictionary [j].index);

            if (groupsCollided.Count > 0)                 // ... Si hemos localizado un grupo en el que ya existe la circumferencia que evaluamos, metemos la nueva en ese grupo.
            else               // ... Si la circumferencia que evaluamos no pertenece a ningún grupo algo raro ha pasado y necesitamos un "salvoconducto"
                string log = "";
                foreach (var item in circumferencesCollided)
                    log += "\n - " + item.name;
                //Debug.Log ("<color=red>Error WTF 0005: Los pins colisionados no están en ningún grupo. Esto no debería suceder</color> \n - Pin Evaluado: " + newCircumference.name + "\n - Pins Colisionados:" + log);
                AnalyticsSender.SendCustomAnalitycs("wtfError", new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "type", "0005" },
                    { "message", string.Format("Los pins colisionados no están en ningún grupo. \nPin Evaluado: {0} - \nPin Colisionados: {1}", newCircumference.name, log) }
Exemple #12
    void Reposition(Circumference newPin)
        //foreach (Circumference c in circumferencesCollided)
        //	Debug.LogFormat ("<color=blue>Colision con {0} ({1}): distancia: {2}</color>", c.name, c.tag, DistanceBetweenCircumferences (newPin, c));

        if (circumferencesCollided.Count > 1)
            circumferencesCollided.Sort((A, B) => DistanceBetweenCircumferences(newPin, A).CompareTo(DistanceBetweenCircumferences(newPin, B)));

        // Si mas de dos, nos quedamos sólo con los dos mas cercanos
        if (circumferencesCollided.Count > 2)
            circumferencesCollided = circumferencesCollided.GetRange(0, 2);

        //foreach (Circumference c in circumferencesCollided)
        //	Debug.LogFormat ("<color=yellow>Colision aceptada: {0} ({1}) ( distancia: {2})</color>", c.name, c.tag, DistanceBetweenCircumferences (newPin, c));
        switch (circumferencesCollided.Count)
        case 1:
             * //debug posicion pin colisionado
             * DrawTheGizmo (new GizmoToDraw( GizmoType.sphere, pinsCollided[0].GetPosition(), pinsCollided[0].GetRadius(), Color.gray ) );
             * //debug posicion new pin en el momento de la collision
             * DrawTheGizmo( new GizmoToDraw( GizmoType.sphere, newPin.GetPosition(), newPin.GetRadius(), Color.yellow ) );

            // Reposición
            //newPin.transform.position = circumferencesCollided[0].GetPosition() + ( ( newPin.GetPosition() - circumferencesCollided[0].GetPosition() ).normalized * ( newPin.GetRadius() + circumferencesCollided[0].GetRadius() ) );
            newPin.transform.position = circumferencesCollided[0].GetPosition() + SnapNormalizedVector(newPin.GetPosition(), circumferencesCollided[0].GetPosition()) * (newPin.GetRadius() + circumferencesCollided[0].GetRadius());

            //debug posicion new pin despues de la colocación
            //DrawTheGizmo ( new GizmoToDraw( GizmoType.sphere, newPin.GetPosition(), newPin.GetRadius(), Color.green ) );
            if (circumferencesCollided[0].tag == "Rotator")
                newPin.GetComponent <Pin>().DrawSpear();

        case 2:
            Circumference A = circumferencesCollided [0];
            Circumference B = circumferencesCollided [1];
            if (A == B)
                //Debug.Log ("Error WTF 0002: Hemos colisionador dos veces con el mismo Pin");
                AnalyticsSender.SendCustomAnalitycs("wtfError", new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "type", "0002" },
                    { "message", "Hemos colisionador dos veces con el mismo Pin" }

            //Solución de Fernando Rojas basada en: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teorema_del_coseno
            float Lc = (B.GetPosition() - A.GetPosition()).magnitude;                       //A.GetRadius() + B.GetRadius();
            float La = B.GetRadius() + newPin.GetRadius();
            float Lb = newPin.GetRadius() + A.GetRadius();

            float a = Mathf.Rad2Deg * Mathf.Acos((Lb * Lb + Lc * Lc - La * La) / (2 * Lb * Lc));

            Vector3 ab = (B.GetPosition() - A.GetPosition()).normalized;

            Quaternion rot       = Quaternion.AngleAxis(a, Vector3.forward);
            Vector3    Solution1 = A.GetPosition() + rot * ab * Lb;

            rot = Quaternion.AngleAxis(a, -Vector3.forward);
            Vector3 Solution2 = A.GetPosition() + rot * ab * Lb;

            #region "Otra solución - Solo funciona con circulos con igual radio"

             * //Solución para el ajuste de posición. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18558487/tangent-circles-for-two-other-circles
             * // 1 Calculate distance from A to B -> |AB|:
             * float AB = Vector3.Distance(A.GetPosition(), B.GetPosition());
             * // 2 Checks whether a solution exist, it exist only if:
             * Debug.Assert(AB <= 4 * newPin.GetComponent<Circumference>().GetRadius());
             * // 3 If it exist, calculate half-point between points A and B:
             * Vector2 H = new Vector2( A.GetPosition().x + ( (B.GetPosition().x - A.GetPosition().x) / 2 ), A.GetPosition().y + ( (B.GetPosition().y - A.GetPosition().y) / 2 ) );
             * // 4 Create normalized perpendicular vector to line segment AB:
             * Vector2 HC_perp_norm = new Vector2( (B.GetPosition().y - A.GetPosition().y) / AB, -(B.GetPosition().x - A.GetPosition().x) / AB );
             * // 5 Calculate distance from this H point to C point -> |HC|:
             * float HCpos = Mathf.Abs( 0.5f * Mathf.Sqrt( 16 * ( newPin.GetRadius() * newPin.GetRadius() ) - (AB*AB) ) );
             * float HCneg = -( 0.5f * Mathf.Sqrt( 16 * ( newPin.GetRadius() * newPin.GetRadius() ) - (AB*AB) ) );
             * // Posibles soluciones
             * Vector3 Solution1 = new Vector3 (H.x + (HCpos * HC_perp_norm.x), H.y + (HCpos * HC_perp_norm.y), 0);
             * Vector3 Solution2 = new Vector3 (H.x + (HCneg * HC_perp_norm.x), H.y + (HCneg * HC_perp_norm.y), 0);
            // nos quedamos con la mas cercana al spawner
            Vector3 sol = DistanceBetweenPoints(Solution1, GameManager.instance.spawner.transform.position) <
                          DistanceBetweenPoints(Solution2, GameManager.instance.spawner.transform.position) ? Solution1 : Solution2;

            if (float.IsNaN(sol.x))
                //Debug.Log ("<color=red>Error WTF 0003: Naaaaaaan</color>");
                AnalyticsSender.SendCustomAnalitycs("wtfError", new Dictionary <string, object>()
                    { "type", "0003" },
                    { "message", "La reposición contiene numero inválidos: (" + sol.ToString() + "). Cambio NaN -> cero" }
                sol = new Vector3(float.IsNaN(sol.x) ? 0 : sol.x, float.IsNaN(sol.y) ? 0 : sol.y, float.IsNaN(sol.y) ? 0 : sol.y);
                // TODO: Enviar como estadística de errores
                // Posición final
                newPin.transform.position = sol;

             * /// DEBUG ///
             * //debug posicion new pin en el momento de la collision
             * DrawTheGizmo ( new GizmoToDraw( GizmoType.sphere, newCircumference.GetPosition(), newCircumference.GetRadius(), Color.white ) );
             * //debug posicion pins colisionados
             * //A
             * DrawTheGizmo ( new GizmoToDraw( GizmoType.sphere, A.GetPosition(), A.GetRadius(), Color.green ) );
             * DrawTheGizmo ( new GizmoToDraw( GizmoType.line, A.GetPosition(), A.GetPosition() + (B.GetPosition () - A.GetPosition()).normalized * A.GetRadius(), Color.green ) ); // Ra to Rb
             * DrawTheGizmo ( new GizmoToDraw( GizmoType.line, A.GetPosition(), A.GetPosition() + (Solution1 - A.GetPosition()).normalized * A.GetRadius(), Color.green ) );// Linea A-Solution1
             * DrawTheGizmo ( new GizmoToDraw( GizmoType.line, A.GetPosition(), A.GetPosition() + (Solution2 - A.GetPosition()).normalized * A.GetRadius(), Color.green ) );//Linea  B-Solution2
             * //B
             * DrawTheGizmo ( new GizmoToDraw( GizmoType.sphere, B.GetPosition(), B.GetRadius(), Color.green ) );
             * DrawTheGizmo ( new GizmoToDraw( GizmoType.line, B.GetPosition(), B.GetPosition() + (A.GetPosition () - B.GetPosition()).normalized * B.GetRadius(), Color.green ) ); // Rb to Ra
             * DrawTheGizmo ( new GizmoToDraw( GizmoType.line, B.GetPosition(), B.GetPosition() + (Solution1 - B.GetPosition()).normalized * B.GetRadius(), Color.green ) ); // Linea A-Solution1
             * DrawTheGizmo ( new GizmoToDraw( GizmoType.line, B.GetPosition(), B.GetPosition() + (Solution2 - B.GetPosition()).normalized * B.GetRadius(), Color.green ) ); // Linea B-Solution2
             * //Solution 1
             * DrawTheGizmo ( new GizmoToDraw( GizmoType.sphere, Solution1, newCircumference.GetRadius(), Color.yellow ) );
             * DrawTheGizmo ( new GizmoToDraw( GizmoType.line, Solution1, Solution1 + (A.GetPosition () - Solution1).normalized * newCircumference.GetRadius(), Color.yellow ) ); // Linea Solution1-A
             * DrawTheGizmo ( new GizmoToDraw( GizmoType.line, Solution1, Solution1 + (B.GetPosition () - Solution1).normalized * newCircumference.GetRadius(), Color.yellow ) ); // Linea Solution1-B
             * //Solution 2
             * DrawTheGizmo ( new GizmoToDraw( GizmoType.sphere, Solution2, newCircumference.GetRadius(), Color.yellow ) );
             * DrawTheGizmo ( new GizmoToDraw( GizmoType.line, Solution2, Solution2 + (A.GetPosition () - Solution2).normalized * newCircumference.GetRadius(), Color.yellow ) ); // Linea Solution2-A
             * DrawTheGizmo ( new GizmoToDraw( GizmoType.line, Solution2, Solution2 + (B.GetPosition () - Solution2).normalized * newCircumference.GetRadius(), Color.yellow ) ); // Linea Solution2-B
             * //Posicion fianl decidida...
             * //DrawTheGizmo ( new GizmoToDraw( GizmoType.sphere, newPin.transform.position, newCircumference.GetRadius(), Color.black ) );

            //Debug.Log(string.Format("<color=red> ERROR WTF 0004: número de colisiones incorrectas: {0}</color>", circumferencesCollided.Count.ToString()));

            AnalyticsSender.SendCustomAnalitycs("wtfError", new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "type", "0004" },
                { "message", "número de colisiones incorrectas: (" + circumferencesCollided.Count.ToString() + ")" }