public AmqpModelContainer GetModel(AmqpChannelPooler pool, bool streamsPublisherConfirms) { var model = (RPCModelContainer)pool.GetModel(streamsPublisherConfirms ? ChannelFlags.RPCWithPublisherConfirms : ChannelFlags.RPC); model.Reset(); return(model); }
public void StartStrategy(AmqpChannelPooler pool, bool requestExpectsResponse) { if (requestExpectsResponse) { seenRequestExpectingResponse = true; } if (seenRequestExpectingResponse) { //This client has seen a request expecting a response so //Start Callback consumer if it hasn't started StartCallbackQueueConsumer(pool); } }
private AmqpChannelPooler CreateNewChannelPool() { //NOTE: This is the only place where connections are created in the client //NOTE: CreateConnection() can always throw RabbitMQ.Client.Exceptions.BrokerUnreachableException var newConn = connectionFactory.CreateConnection(); //Swap out client connection and pooler, so other threads can use the new objects: //swap out old pool with new pool var newPool = new AmqpChannelPooler(newConn); var oldpool = Interlocked.Exchange(ref _clientPool, newPool); //Dispose old pool if (oldpool != null) { oldpool.Dispose(); } return(newPool); }
public AmqpModelContainer GetModel(AmqpChannelPooler pool, bool streamsPublisherConfirms) { return(pool.GetModel(streamsPublisherConfirms ? ChannelFlags.PublisherConfirms : ChannelFlags.None)); }
private void StartCallbackQueueConsumer(AmqpChannelPooler pool) { //TODO: Double-checked locking -- make this better if (callbackConsumer == null || !isInConsumerLoop || !pool.Connection.IsOpen) { lock (restartConsumerSync) { if (!(callbackConsumer == null || !isInConsumerLoop || !pool.Connection.IsOpen)) { return; } //This method waits on this signal to make sure the callbackprocessor thread either started successfully or failed. ManualResetEventSlim consumerSignal = new ManualResetEventSlim(false); Exception consumerSignalException = null; Thread callBackProcessor = new Thread(p => { ConcurrentQueueingConsumer consumer = null; try { //Start consumer AmqpModelContainer channelContainer = null; try { channelContainer = pool.GetModel(ChannelFlags.Consumer); IModel channel = channelContainer.Channel; if (clientSettings.DisableDirectReplies || !channelContainer.IsDirectReplyToCapable) { DeclareIndirectReplyToQueue(channel, indirectReplyToQueueName); } consumer = new ConcurrentQueueingConsumer(channel, responseQueued); //Set consumerCancelled to true on consumer cancellation consumerCancelled = false; consumer.ConsumerCancelled += (s, e) => { consumerCancelled = true; }; channel.BasicQos(0, (ushort)clientSettings.PrefetchCount, false); //Start consumer: string replyToQueueName; if (clientSettings.DisableDirectReplies || !channelContainer.IsDirectReplyToCapable) { channel.BasicConsume(indirectReplyToQueueName, clientSettings.AckBehavior == ClientAckBehavior.Automatic, consumer); replyToQueueName = indirectReplyToQueueName; } else { //TODO: REMOVE LATER: This clause is never called because in this case the DirectReplyToRPCStrategy would be in use //instead of this strategy. //throw an InvalidOperationException instead channel.BasicConsume(RPCStrategyHelpers.DIRECT_REPLY_TO_QUEUENAME_ARG, true, consumer); //Discover direct reply to queue name replyToQueueName = DiscoverDirectReplyToQueueName(channel, indirectReplyToQueueName); } //Set callbackConsumer to consumer callbackQueueName = replyToQueueName; callbackConsumer = consumer; //Notify outer thread that channel has started consumption consumerSignal.Set(); BasicDeliverEventArgs evt; ExpectedResponse expected; isInConsumerLoop = true; while (true) { try { evt = DequeueCallbackQueue(); } catch { //TODO: Log this exception except it's ObjectDisposedException or OperationCancelledException throw; } expected = null; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(evt.BasicProperties.CorrelationId) && expectedResponses.TryRemove(evt.BasicProperties.CorrelationId, out expected)) { RPCStrategyHelpers.ReadAndSignalDelivery(expected, evt); } //Acknowledge receipt: //In ClientBehavior.Automatic mode //Client acks all received messages, even if it wasn't the expected one or even if it wasn't expecting anything. //This prevents a situation where crap messages are sent to the client but the good expected message is stuck behind the //crap ones and isn't delivered because the crap ones in front of the queue aren't acked and crap messages exceed prefetchCount. //In ClientAckBehavior.ValidResponses mode (and Direct Reply to is not in effect): //Client only acks expected messages if they could be deserialized //If not, they are rejected. if ((clientSettings.DisableDirectReplies || !channelContainer.IsDirectReplyToCapable) && clientSettings.AckBehavior == ClientAckBehavior.ValidResponses) { if (expected != null && expected.DeserializationException != null) { channel.BasicAck(evt.DeliveryTag, false); } else { channel.BasicReject(evt.DeliveryTag, false); } } //Exit loop if consumer is cancelled. if (consumerCancelled) { break; } } } finally { isInConsumerLoop = false; pool.SetRecycle(); if (channelContainer != null) { if (consumer != null && !consumerCancelled) { try { channelContainer.Channel.BasicCancel(consumer.ConsumerTag); } catch { } } channelContainer.Close(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { //TODO: Log error (Except it's object disposed exception) //Set Exception object which will be throw by signal waiter consumerSignalException = ex; //Notify outer thread to move on, in case it's still waiting try { consumerSignal.Set(); } catch { } } finally { if (pool != null) { pool.Dispose(); } } }); //Start Thread callBackProcessor.Name = "RestBus RabbitMQ Client Callback Queue Consumer"; callBackProcessor.IsBackground = true; callBackProcessor.Start(); //Wait for Thread to start consuming messages consumerSignal.Wait(); consumerSignal.Dispose(); //Examine exception if it were set and rethrow it Thread.MemoryBarrier(); //Ensure we have the non-cached version of consumerSignalException if (consumerSignalException != null) { throw consumerSignalException; } //No more code from this point in this method } } }
public void StartStrategy(AmqpChannelPooler pool, bool requestExpectsResponse) { //Nothing to start }
public void Restart() { hasStarted.Set(true); //CLose connections and channels if (subscriberChannel != null) { if (subscriberConsumer != null) { try { subscriberChannel.Channel.BasicCancel(subscriberConsumer.ConsumerTag); } catch { } } try { subscriberChannel.Close(); } catch { } } if (workChannel != null) { if (workConsumer != null) { try { workChannel.Channel.BasicCancel(workConsumer.ConsumerTag); } catch { } } try { workChannel.Close(); } catch { } } if (_subscriberPool != null) { _subscriberPool.Dispose(); } //NOTE: CreateConnection() can throw BrokerUnreachableException //That's okay because the exception needs to propagate to Reconnect() or Start() var conn = connectionFactory.CreateConnection(); if (connectionBroken != null) { connectionBroken.Dispose(); } connectionBroken = new CancellationTokenSource(); if (stopWaitingOnQueue != null) { stopWaitingOnQueue.Dispose(); } stopWaitingOnQueue = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(disposedCancellationSource.Token, connectionBroken.Token); var pool = new AmqpChannelPooler(conn); _subscriberPool = pool; //Use pool reference henceforth. //Create work channel and declare exchanges and queues workChannel = pool.GetModel(ChannelFlags.Consumer); //Redeclare exchanges and queues AmqpUtils.DeclareExchangeAndQueues(workChannel.Channel, messageMapper, messagingConfig, serviceName, exchangeDeclareSync, Id); //Listen on work queue workConsumer = new ConcurrentQueueingConsumer(workChannel.Channel, requestQueued); string workQueueName = AmqpUtils.GetWorkQueueName(messagingConfig, serviceName); workChannel.Channel.BasicQos(0, (ushort)Settings.PrefetchCount, false); workChannel.Channel.BasicConsume(workQueueName, Settings.AckBehavior == SubscriberAckBehavior.Automatic, workConsumer); //Listen on subscriber queue subscriberChannel = pool.GetModel(ChannelFlags.Consumer); subscriberConsumer = new ConcurrentQueueingConsumer(subscriberChannel.Channel, requestQueued); string subscriberWorkQueueName = AmqpUtils.GetSubscriberQueueName(serviceName, Id); subscriberChannel.Channel.BasicQos(0, (ushort)Settings.PrefetchCount, false); subscriberChannel.Channel.BasicConsume(subscriberWorkQueueName, Settings.AckBehavior == SubscriberAckBehavior.Automatic, subscriberConsumer); //Cancel connectionBroken on connection/consumer problems pool.Connection.ConnectionShutdown += (s, e) => { connectionBroken.Cancel(); }; workConsumer.ConsumerCancelled += (s, e) => { connectionBroken.Cancel(); }; subscriberConsumer.ConsumerCancelled += (s, e) => { connectionBroken.Cancel(); }; }