public void subtotalTest() { AmountDetails target = GetAmountDetails(); string expected = "75"; string actual = target.subtotal; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void taxTest() { AmountDetails target = GetAmountDetails(); string expected = "15"; string actual =; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void ConvertToJsonTest() { AmountDetails target = GetAmountDetails(); string expected = "{\"subtotal\":\"75\",\"tax\":\"15\",\"shipping\":\"10\",\"fee\":\"2\"}"; string actual = target.ConvertToJson(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void feeTest() { AmountDetails target = GetAmountDetails(); string expected = "2"; string actual = target.fee; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public void shippingTest() { AmountDetails target = GetAmountDetails(); string expected = "10"; string actual = target.shipping; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public async Task <Authorize3dResponse> Authorize3d( string currency, string amount, PaymentOption paymentOption, string relatedTransactionId, List <Item> items = null, string userTokenId = null, string clientUniqueId = null, string clientRequestId = null, int?isRebilling = null, AmountDetails amountDetails = null, DeviceDetails deviceDetails = null, CashierUserDetails userDetails = null, UserAddress shippingAddress = null, UserAddress billingAddress = null, DynamicDescriptor dynamicDescriptor = null, MerchantDetails merchantDetails = null, Addendums addendums = null, UrlDetails urlDetails = null, string customSiteName = null, string productId = null, string customData = null, string transactionType = null, bool autoPayment3D = default, string userId = null, string rebillingType = null, string authenticationTypeOnly = null, SubMerchant subMerchant = null) { var request = new Authorize3dRequest(merchantInfo, sessionToken, currency, amount, paymentOption, relatedTransactionId) { Items = items, UserTokenId = userTokenId, ClientRequestId = clientRequestId, ClientUniqueId = clientUniqueId, IsRebilling = isRebilling, AmountDetails = amountDetails, DeviceDetails = deviceDetails, UserDetails = userDetails, ShippingAddress = shippingAddress, BillingAddress = billingAddress, DynamicDescriptor = dynamicDescriptor, MerchantDetails = merchantDetails, Addendums = addendums, UrlDetails = urlDetails, CustomSiteName = customSiteName, ProductId = productId, CustomData = customData, TransactionType = transactionType, AutoPayment3D = autoPayment3D, UserId = userId, RebillingType = rebillingType, AuthenticationTypeOnly = authenticationTypeOnly, SubMerchant = subMerchant }; return(await safechargeRequestExecutor.Authorize3d(request)); }
private AmountDetails GetAmountDetails() { AmountDetails amntDetails = new AmountDetails(); = "15"; amntDetails.fee = "2"; amntDetails.shipping = "10"; amntDetails.subtotal = "75"; return(amntDetails); }
public void detailsTest() { Amount target = GetAmount(); AmountDetails expected = GetAmountDetails(); AmountDetails actual = target.details; Assert.AreEqual(expected.subtotal, actual.subtotal); Assert.AreEqual(expected.fee, actual.fee); Assert.AreEqual(expected.shipping, actual.shipping); Assert.AreEqual(expected.subtotal, actual.subtotal); }
public Payment CreatePayment(string email, PaymentMethod paymntMethod, string orderAmount, string orderDescription, string returnUrl, string cancelUrl) { Payment pymnt = null; AmountDetails amountDetails = new AmountDetails(); amountDetails.shipping = "2"; = "1"; amountDetails.subtotal = orderAmount; Amount amount = new Amount(); amount.currency = "USD"; int total = Convert.ToInt32( + Convert.ToInt32(amountDetails.shipping) + Convert.ToInt32(orderAmount); = total.ToString(); amount.details = amountDetails; RedirectUrls redirectUrls = new RedirectUrls(); redirectUrls.return_url = returnUrl; redirectUrls.cancel_url = cancelUrl; Transaction transaction = new Transaction(); transaction.amount = amount; transaction.description = orderDescription; List <Transaction> transactions = new List <Transaction>(); transactions.Add(transaction); Payer payer = new Payer(); payer.payment_method = paymntMethod.ToString(); Payment pyment = new Payment(); pyment.intent = "sale"; pyment.payer = payer; pyment.transactions = transactions; pyment.redirect_urls = redirectUrls; pymnt = pyment.Create(accessToken); return(pymnt); }
public string SamplePaymentsData() { //Create the Sample Data using Model Classes of Payments API var clientReferenceInformation = new ClientReferenceInformation { code = "TC50171_3" }; var processingInformation = new ProcessingInformation { commerceIndicator = "internet" }; var subMerchant = new SubMerchant { cardAcceptorID = "1234567890", country = "US", phoneNumber = "650-432-0000", address1 = "900 Metro Center", postalCode = "94404-2775", locality = "Foster Cit", name = "Visa Inc", administrativeArea = "CA", region = "PEN", email = "*****@*****.**" }; var aggregatorInformation = new AggregatorInformation { subMerchant = subMerchant, name = "V-Internatio", aggregatorID = "123456789" }; var billTo = new BillTo { country = "US", lastName = "VDP", address2 = "Address 2", address1 = "201 S. Division St.", postalCode = "48104-2201", locality = "Ann Arbor", administrativeArea = "MI", firstName = "RTS", phoneNumber = "999999999", district = "MI", buildingNumber = "123", company = "Visa", email = "*****@*****.**" }; var amountDetails = new AmountDetails { totalAmount = "102.21", currency = "USD" }; var orderInformation = new OrderInformation { billTo = billTo, amountDetails = amountDetails }; var card = new Card { expirationYear = "2031", number = "5555555555554444", securityCode = "123", expirationMonth = "12", type = "002" }; var paymentInformation = new PaymentInformation { card = card }; var payments = new Payments { clientReferenceInformation = clientReferenceInformation, processingInformation = processingInformation, aggregatorInformation = aggregatorInformation, orderInformation = orderInformation, paymentInformation = paymentInformation }; return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payments, Formatting.Indented)); }
// ##Create // Sample showing to create a Payment using // CreditCard as a FundingInstrument protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { HttpContext CurrContext = HttpContext.Current; // ###Address // Base Address object used as shipping or billing // address in a payment. Address billingAddress = new Address(); = "Johnstown"; billingAddress.country_code = "US"; billingAddress.line1 = "52 N Main ST"; billingAddress.postal_code = "43210"; billingAddress.state = "OH"; // ###CreditCard // A resource representing a credit card that can be // used to fund a payment. CreditCard crdtCard = new CreditCard(); crdtCard.billing_address = billingAddress; crdtCard.cvv2 = "874"; crdtCard.expire_month = "11"; crdtCard.expire_year = "2018"; crdtCard.first_name = "Joe"; crdtCard.last_name = "Shopper"; crdtCard.number = "4417119669820331"; crdtCard.type = "visa"; // ###AmountDetails // Let's you specify details of a payment amount. AmountDetails amntDetails = new AmountDetails(); amntDetails.shipping = "1"; amntDetails.subtotal = "5"; = "1"; // ###Amount // Let's you specify a payment amount. Amount amnt = new Amount(); amnt.currency = "USD"; // Total must be equal to sum of shipping, tax and subtotal. = "7"; amnt.details = amntDetails; // ###Transaction // A transaction defines the contract of a // payment - what is the payment for and who // is fulfilling it. Transaction is created with // a `Payee` and `Amount` types Transaction tran = new Transaction(); tran.amount = amnt; tran.description = "This is the payment transaction description."; // The Payment creation API requires a list of // Transaction; add the created `Transaction` // to a List List <Transaction> transactions = new List <Transaction>(); transactions.Add(tran); // ###FundingInstrument // A resource representing a Payeer's funding instrument. // Use a Payer ID (A unique identifier of the payer generated // and provided by the facilitator. This is required when // creating or using a tokenized funding instrument) // and the `CreditCardDetails` FundingInstrument fundInstrument = new FundingInstrument(); fundInstrument.credit_card = crdtCard; // The Payment creation API requires a list of // FundingInstrument; add the created `FundingInstrument` // to a List List <FundingInstrument> fundingInstrumentList = new List <FundingInstrument>(); fundingInstrumentList.Add(fundInstrument); // ###Payer // A resource representing a Payer that funds a payment // Use the List of `FundingInstrument` and the Payment Method // as 'credit_card' Payer payr = new Payer(); payr.funding_instruments = fundingInstrumentList; payr.payment_method = "credit_card"; // ###Payment // A Payment Resource; create one using // the above types and intent as `sale` Payment pymnt = new Payment(); pymnt.intent = "sale"; pymnt.payer = payr; pymnt.transactions = transactions; try { // ###AccessToken // Retrieve the access token from // OAuthTokenCredential by passing in // ClientID and ClientSecret // It is not mandatory to generate Access Token on a per call basis. // Typically the access token can be generated once and // reused within the expiry window string accessToken = new OAuthTokenCredential(ConfigManager.Instance.GetProperties()["ClientID"], ConfigManager.Instance.GetProperties()["ClientSecret"]).GetAccessToken(); // ### Api Context // Pass in a `ApiContext` object to authenticate // the call and to send a unique request id // (that ensures idempotency). The SDK generates // a request id if you do not pass one explicitly. APIContext apiContext = new APIContext(accessToken); // Use this variant if you want to pass in a request id // that is meaningful in your application, ideally // a order id. // String requestId = Long.toString(System.nanoTime(); // APIContext apiContext = new APIContext(accessToken, requestId )); // Create a payment by posting to the APIService // using a valid AccessToken // The return object contains the status; Payment createdPayment = pymnt.Create(apiContext); CurrContext.Items.Add("ResponseJson", JObject.Parse(createdPayment.ConvertToJson()).ToString(Formatting.Indented)); } catch (PayPal.Exception.PayPalException ex) { CurrContext.Items.Add("Error", ex.Message); } CurrContext.Items.Add("RequestJson", JObject.Parse(pymnt.ConvertToJson()).ToString(Formatting.Indented)); Server.Transfer("~/Response.aspx"); }
public async Task <OpenOrderResponse> OpenOrder( string currency, string amount, List <Item> items = null, OpenOrderPaymentOption paymentOption = null, UserPaymentOption userPaymentOption = null, string paymentMethod = null, string userTokenId = null, string clientUniqueId = null, string clientRequestId = null, string userId = null, string authenticationTypeOnly = null, AmountDetails amountDetails = null, DeviceDetails deviceDetails = null, CashierUserDetails userDetails = null, UserAddress shippingAddress = null, UserAddress billingAddress = null, DynamicDescriptor dynamicDescriptor = null, MerchantDetails merchantDetails = null, Addendums addendums = null, UrlDetails urlDetails = null, string customSiteName = null, string productId = null, string customData = null, string transactionType = null, string isMoto = null, string isRebilling = null, string rebillingType = null, SubMerchant subMerchant = null) { var request = new OpenOrderRequest(merchantInfo, sessionToken, currency, amount) { Items = items, PaymentOption = paymentOption, UserPaymentOption = userPaymentOption, PaymentMethod = paymentMethod, UserTokenId = userTokenId, ClientRequestId = clientRequestId, ClientUniqueId = clientUniqueId, UserId = userId, AuthenticationTypeOnly = authenticationTypeOnly, AmountDetails = amountDetails, DeviceDetails = deviceDetails, UserDetails = userDetails, ShippingAddress = shippingAddress, BillingAddress = billingAddress, DynamicDescriptor = dynamicDescriptor, MerchantDetails = merchantDetails, Addendums = addendums, UrlDetails = urlDetails, CustomSiteName = customSiteName, ProductId = productId, CustomData = customData, TransactionType = transactionType, IsMoto = isMoto, IsRebilling = isRebilling, RebillingType = rebillingType, SubMerchant = subMerchant }; return(await safechargeRequestExecutor.OpenOrder(request)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { HttpContext CurrContext = HttpContext.Current; Payment pymnt = null; // ## ExecutePayment if (Request.Params["PayerID"] != null) { pymnt = new Payment(); if (Request.Params["guid"] != null) { = (string)Session[Request.Params["guid"]]; } try { // ###AccessToken // Retrieve the access token from // OAuthTokenCredential by passing in // ClientID and ClientSecret // It is not mandatory to generate Access Token on a per call basis. // Typically the access token can be generated once and // reused within the expiry window string accessToken = new OAuthTokenCredential(ConfigManager.Instance.GetProperties()["ClientID"], ConfigManager.Instance.GetProperties()["ClientSecret"]).GetAccessToken(); // ### Api Context // Pass in a `ApiContext` object to authenticate // the call and to send a unique request id // (that ensures idempotency). The SDK generates // a request id if you do not pass one explicitly. APIContext apiContext = new APIContext(accessToken); // Use this variant if you want to pass in a request id // that is meaningful in your application, ideally // a order id. // String requestId = Long.toString(System.nanoTime(); // APIContext apiContext = new APIContext(accessToken, requestId )); PaymentExecution pymntExecution = new PaymentExecution(); pymntExecution.payer_id = Request.Params["PayerID"]; Payment executedPayment = pymnt.Execute(apiContext, pymntExecution); CurrContext.Items.Add("ResponseJson", JObject.Parse(executedPayment.ConvertToJson()).ToString(Formatting.Indented)); } catch (PayPal.Exception.PayPalException ex) { CurrContext.Items.Add("Error", ex.Message); } } // ## Creating Payment else { // ###Payer // A resource representing a Payer that funds a payment // Payment Method // as `paypal` Payer payr = new Payer(); payr.payment_method = "paypal"; Random rndm = new Random(); var guid = Convert.ToString(rndm.Next(100000)); string baseURI = Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + Request.Url.Authority + "/PaymentWithPayPal.aspx?"; // # Redirect URLS RedirectUrls redirUrls = new RedirectUrls(); redirUrls.cancel_url = baseURI + "guid=" + guid; redirUrls.return_url = baseURI + "guid=" + guid; // ###AmountDetails // Let's you specify details of a payment amount. AmountDetails amntDetails = new AmountDetails(); = "15"; amntDetails.shipping = "10"; amntDetails.subtotal = "75"; // ###Amount // Let's you specify a payment amount. Amount amnt = new Amount(); amnt.currency = "USD"; // Total must be equal to sum of shipping, tax and subtotal. = "100"; amnt.details = amntDetails; // ###Transaction // A transaction defines the contract of a // payment - what is the payment for and who // is fulfilling it. Transaction is created with // a `Payee` and `Amount` types List <Transaction> transactionList = new List <Transaction>(); Transaction tran = new Transaction(); tran.description = "Transaction description."; tran.amount = amnt; // The Payment creation API requires a list of // Transaction; add the created `Transaction` // to a List transactionList.Add(tran); // ###Payment // A Payment Resource; create one using // the above types and intent as 'sale' pymnt = new Payment(); pymnt.intent = "sale"; pymnt.payer = payr; pymnt.transactions = transactionList; pymnt.redirect_urls = redirUrls; try { // ###AccessToken // Retrieve the access token from // OAuthTokenCredential by passing in // ClientID and ClientSecret // It is not mandatory to generate Access Token on a per call basis. // Typically the access token can be generated once and // reused within the expiry window string accessToken = new OAuthTokenCredential(ConfigManager.Instance.GetProperties()["ClientID"], ConfigManager.Instance.GetProperties()["ClientSecret"]).GetAccessToken(); // ### Api Context // Pass in a `ApiContext` object to authenticate // the call and to send a unique request id // (that ensures idempotency). The SDK generates // a request id if you do not pass one explicitly. APIContext apiContext = new APIContext(accessToken); // Use this variant if you want to pass in a request id // that is meaningful in your application, ideally // a order id. // String requestId = Long.toString(System.nanoTime(); // APIContext apiContext = new APIContext(accessToken, requestId )); // Create a payment by posting to the APIService // using a valid AccessToken // The return object contains the status; Payment createdPayment = pymnt.Create(apiContext); CurrContext.Items.Add("ResponseJson", JObject.Parse(createdPayment.ConvertToJson()).ToString(Formatting.Indented)); var links = createdPayment.links.GetEnumerator(); while (links.MoveNext()) { Link lnk = links.Current; if (lnk.rel.ToLower().Trim().Equals("approval_url")) { CurrContext.Items.Add("RedirectURL", lnk.href); } } Session.Add(guid,; } catch (PayPal.Exception.PayPalException ex) { CurrContext.Items.Add("Error", ex.Message); } } CurrContext.Items.Add("RequestJson", JObject.Parse(pymnt.ConvertToJson()).ToString(Formatting.Indented)); Server.Transfer("~/Response.aspx"); }
public void AmountDetailsConstructorTest() { AmountDetails target = new AmountDetails(); Assert.IsNotNull(target); }