Exemple #1
    //    [HideInInspector]
    //    public AmmoGUI gui;
    void Start()
        muzzleflash = GetComponent<MuzzleFlash>();
        ammoVariables = GameObject.FindWithTag ("Player").GetComponent<AmmunitionVariables>();
        shotsRemainingInBurst = burstCount;

        //		currentAmmoInMag = ammoPerMag;

        //		if (gui) {
        //			gui.SetAmmoInfo(totalAmmo, currentAmmoInMag);
        //		}

Exemple #2
    //    [HideInInspector]
    //    public AmmoGUI gui;
    void Start()
        muzzleflash = GetComponent<MuzzleFlash>();
        ammoVariables = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Player").GetComponent<AmmunitionVariables>();
        shotsRemainingInBurst = burstCount;
        alienScream = Resources.Load ("alien-scream") as AudioClip;
        ammoText = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("AmmoText").GetComponent<Text>() as Text;

        //		currentAmmoInMag = ammoPerMag;

        //		if (gui) {
        //			gui.SetAmmoInfo(totalAmmo, currentAmmoInMag);
        //		}

        if(gameObject.tag == "Revolver") {
            currentAmmo = ammoVariables.revolverCurrentAmmo;
            currentClip = ammoVariables.revolverCurrentClip;
            maxAmmo = ammoVariables.revolverMaxAmmo;
            maxClip = ammoVariables.revolverMaxClip;
        } else if(gameObject.tag == "Rifle") {
            currentAmmo = ammoVariables.rifleCurrentAmmo;
            currentClip = ammoVariables.rifleCurrentClip;
            maxAmmo = ammoVariables.rifleMaxAmmo;
            maxClip = ammoVariables.rifleMaxClip;
        } else if(gameObject.tag == "Shotgun") {
            currentAmmo = ammoVariables.shotgunCurrentAmmo;
            currentClip = ammoVariables.shotgunCurrentClip;
            maxAmmo = ammoVariables.shotgunMaxAmmo;
            maxClip = ammoVariables.shotgunMaxClip;
    //PlayerController otherPlayerScript;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        alive = true;
        windowRect = new Rect(Screen.width/2-200, Screen.height/2-100, 400,200);

        // Storing the Y position of the health bar.
        cachedHealthY = healthTransform.position.y;
        cachedOxygenY = oxygenTransform.position.y;
        // Storing the X value of the bar at max health, which is the starting position of the bar.
        maxHealthXValue = healthTransform.position.x;
        maxOxygenXValue = oxygenTransform.position.x;

        // The x position of the bar at minimum health is the starting position of the bar minus the width of the rectangle (the health bar).
        minHealthXValue = healthTransform.position.x - healthTransform.rect.width;
        minOxygenXValue = oxygenTransform.position.x - oxygenTransform.rect.width;

        currentHealth = maxHealth;
        currentOxygen = maxOxygen;

        cashText = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("SpaceCash").GetComponent<Text>() as Text;
        gsh = GameObject.Find("GameStateHandler").GetComponent<GameStateHandler>();
        ammoVariables = GetComponent<AmmunitionVariables>();
        gun = GetComponent<Gun>();
        shopMenuManager = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Canvas2").GetComponent<ShopMenuManager>();
        //spaceCash = gsh.GetSpaceCash ();
    //    public Text ammoText;
    //    AmmunitionVariables ammoVariables;
    //    Gun gun;
    //PlayerController otherPlayerScript;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        // Storing the Y position of the health bar.
        cachedY = healthTransform.position.y;
        // Storing the X value of the bar at max health, which is the starting position of the bar.
        maxXValue = healthTransform.position.x;
        // The x position of the bar at minimum health is the starting position of the bar minus the width of the rectangle (the health bar).
        minXValue = healthTransform.position.x - healthTransform.rect.width;
        currentHealth = maxHealth;

        ammoVariables = GetComponent<AmmunitionVariables>();
        gun = GetComponent<Gun>();