// snippet-start:[CloudWatchLogs.dotnetv3.DescribeExportTasksExammple]
        public static async Task Main()
            // This client object will be associated with the same AWS Region
            // as the default user on this system. If you need to use a
            // different AWS Region, pass it as a parameter to the client
            // constructor.
            var client = new AmazonCloudWatchLogsClient();

            var request = new DescribeExportTasksRequest
                Limit = 5,

            var response = new DescribeExportTasksResponse();

                response = await client.DescribeExportTasksAsync(request);

                response.ExportTasks.ForEach(t =>
                    Console.WriteLine($"{t.TaskName} with ID: {t.TaskId} has status: {t.Status}");
            }while (response.NextToken is not null);