public static string PrepareRole()
            // Assume role policy which accepts OAuth tokens from Google, Facebook or Cognito, and allows AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity action.
            string assumeRolePolicy = @"{
                ""Federated"":["""","""", """"]
            // Role policy that allows all operations for a number of services
            var    allowPolicy = @"{
    ""Version"" : ""2012-10-17"",
    ""Statement"" : [
            ""Effect"" : ""Allow"",
            ""Action"" : [
            ""Resource"" : ""*""
            string roleArn;

            using (var identityClient = new Amazon.IdentityManagement.AmazonIdentityManagementServiceClient())
                string roleName = "NetWebIdentityRole" + new Random().Next();
                var    response = identityClient.CreateRole(new Amazon.IdentityManagement.Model.CreateRoleRequest
                    AssumeRolePolicyDocument = assumeRolePolicy,
                    RoleName = roleName

                identityClient.PutRolePolicy(new Amazon.IdentityManagement.Model.PutRolePolicyRequest
                    PolicyDocument = allowPolicy,
                    PolicyName     = policyName,
                    RoleName       = response.Role.RoleName

                roleArn = response.Role.Arn;

Exemple #2
        public string PrepareRole()
            // Assume role policy which accepts OAuth tokens from Google, Facebook or Cognito, and allows AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity action.
            string assumeRolePolicy = @"{
                ""Federated"":["""","""", """"]
            // Role policy that allows all operations for a number of services
            var allowPolicy = @"{
    ""Version"" : ""2012-10-17"",
    ""Statement"" : [
            ""Effect"" : ""Allow"",
            ""Action"" : [
            ""Resource"" : ""*""
            string roleArn;
            using (var identityClient = new Amazon.IdentityManagement.AmazonIdentityManagementServiceClient())
                string roleName = "NetWebIdentityRole" + new Random().Next();
                var response = identityClient.CreateRole(new Amazon.IdentityManagement.Model.CreateRoleRequest
                    AssumeRolePolicyDocument = assumeRolePolicy,
                    RoleName = roleName


                identityClient.PutRolePolicy(new Amazon.IdentityManagement.Model.PutRolePolicyRequest
                    PolicyDocument = allowPolicy,
                    PolicyName = policyName,
                    RoleName = response.Role.RoleName


                roleArn = response.Role.Arn;

            return roleArn;