public void OnAfterFittingStep()
            if (_view != null)

            if (_doc.FitContext is Altaxo.Graph.GUI.GraphController)
                // for every dependent variable in the FitEnsemble, create a function graph
                Altaxo.Graph.GUI.GraphController graph = _doc.FitContext as Altaxo.Graph.GUI.GraphController;

                int funcNumber = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < _doc.FitEnsemble.Count; i++)
                    FitElement fitEle = _doc.FitEnsemble[i];

                    for (int k = 0; k < fitEle.NumberOfDependentVariables; k++, funcNumber++)
                        if (funcNumber < _functionPlotItems.Count && _functionPlotItems[funcNumber] != null)
                            XYFunctionPlotItem plotItem = (XYFunctionPlotItem)_functionPlotItems[funcNumber];
                            FitFunctionToScalarFunctionDDWrapper wrapper = (FitFunctionToScalarFunctionDDWrapper)plotItem.Data.Function;
                            wrapper.Initialize(fitEle.FitFunction, k, 0, _doc.GetParametersForFitElement(i));
                            FitFunctionToScalarFunctionDDWrapper wrapper = new FitFunctionToScalarFunctionDDWrapper(fitEle.FitFunction, k, _doc.GetParametersForFitElement(i));
                            XYFunctionPlotData plotdata = new XYFunctionPlotData(wrapper);
                            XYFunctionPlotItem plotItem = new XYFunctionPlotItem(plotdata, new G2DPlotStyleCollection(LineScatterPlotStyleKind.Line));

                // if there are more elements in _functionPlotItems, remove them from the graph
                for (int i = _functionPlotItems.Count - 1; i >= funcNumber; --i)
                    if (_functionPlotItems[i] != null)