Exemple #1
        public void Dispose()
            // unsubscribe the app port from the MIDI output, and then delete the port.
            var q = new AlsaSubscriptionQuery {
                Type = AlsaSubscriptionQueryType.Read, Index = 0

            q.Address.Client = (byte)port.PortInfo.Client;
            q.Address.Port   = (byte)port.PortInfo.Port;
            if (seq.QueryPortSubscribers(q))
                seq.DisconnectTo(port.PortInfo.Port, q.Address.Client, q.Address.Port);
Exemple #2
        public void Send()
            using (var seq = new AlsaSequencer(AlsaIOType.Output, AlsaIOMode.NonBlocking)) {
                var cinfo = new AlsaClientInfo {
                    Client = -1
                int lastClient = -1;
                while (seq.QueryNextClient(cinfo))
                    if (cinfo.Name.Contains("TiMidity"))
                        lastClient = cinfo.Client;
                if (lastClient < 0)
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("TiMidity not found. Not testable.");
                    return;                     // not testable

                int targetPort = 3;
                try {
                    seq.GetPort(lastClient, targetPort);
                } catch {
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("TiMidity port #3 not available. Not testable.");
                    return;                     // not testable

                int appPort = seq.CreateSimplePort("alsa-sharp-test-output", AlsaPortCapabilities.Write | AlsaPortCapabilities.NoExport, AlsaPortType.Application | AlsaPortType.MidiGeneric);
                try {
                    seq.ConnectTo(appPort, lastClient, targetPort);
                    var setup  = new byte [] { 0xC0, 0x48, 0xB0, 7, 110, 0xB0, 11, 127 };
                    var keyon  = new byte [] { 0x90, 0x40, 0x70 };
                    var keyoff = new byte [] { 0x80, 0x40, 0x70 };
                    seq.Send(appPort, setup, 0, setup.Length);
                    seq.Send(appPort, keyon, 0, keyon.Length);
                    seq.Send(appPort, keyoff, 0, keyoff.Length);
                    seq.DisconnectTo(appPort, lastClient, targetPort);
                } finally {
Exemple #3
        public void InputToObserveSystemAnnoucements()
            bool          passed  = false;
            var           evt     = new AlsaSequencerEvent();
            AlsaSequencer inseq   = null;
            int           appPort = -1;
            Task          task    = new TaskFactory().StartNew(() => {
                using (inseq = new AlsaSequencer(AlsaIOType.Input, AlsaIOMode.None)) {
                    appPort = inseq.CreateSimplePort("alsa-sharp-test-input", AlsaPortCapabilities.Write | AlsaPortCapabilities.NoExport, AlsaPortType.Application | AlsaPortType.MidiGeneric);
                    inseq.ConnectFrom(appPort, AlsaSequencer.ClientSystem, AlsaPortInfo.PortSystemAnnouncement);
                    try {
                        // ClientStart, PortStart, PortSubscribed, PortUnsubscribed, PortExit
                        inseq.Input(evt, appPort);
                        Assert.AreEqual(AlsaSequencerEventType.ClientStart, evt.EventType, "evt1");
                        inseq.Input(evt, appPort);
                        Assert.AreEqual(AlsaSequencerEventType.PortStart, evt.EventType, "evt2");
                        inseq.Input(evt, appPort);
                        Assert.AreEqual(AlsaSequencerEventType.PortSubscribed, evt.EventType, "evt3");
                        passed = true;
                    } finally {
                        inseq.DisconnectFrom(appPort, AlsaSequencer.ClientSystem, AlsaPortInfo.PortSystemAnnouncement);
                        appPort = -1;

            Thread.Sleep(50);              // give some time for announcement client to start.

            // create another port, which is a dummy and just subscribes to notify the system to raise an announcement event.
            var cinfo = new AlsaClientInfo {
                Client = -1
            int lastClient = -1;
            var outseq     = new AlsaSequencer(AlsaIOType.Input, AlsaIOMode.NonBlocking);

            while (outseq.QueryNextClient(cinfo))
                if (cinfo.Name.Contains("Midi Through"))
                    lastClient = cinfo.Client;
            if (lastClient < 0)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Midi Through not found. Not testable.");
                return;                 // not testable
            int targetPort = 0;

            int testPort = outseq.CreateSimplePort("alsa-sharp-test-output", AlsaPortCapabilities.Write | AlsaPortCapabilities.NoExport, AlsaPortType.Application | AlsaPortType.MidiGeneric);

            try {
                outseq.ConnectTo(testPort, lastClient, targetPort);
                outseq.DisconnectTo(testPort, lastClient, targetPort);
                Thread.Sleep(50);                  // give some time for announcement client to finish.
                Assert.IsTrue(passed, "failed to receive an announcement");
            } finally {