Exemple #1
 static extern bool VirtualProtectEx(
     IntPtr hProcess,
     IntPtr lpAddress,
     uint dwSize,
     AllocationProtect flNewProtect,
     out AllocationProtect lpflOldProtect
Exemple #2
 public static extern IntPtr CreateFileMapping(
     IntPtr hFile,
     UInt32 lpAttributes,
     AllocationProtect flProtect,
     UInt32 dwMaxSizeHi,
     UInt32 dwMaxSizeLow,
     string lpName
Exemple #3
 public static extern uint VirtualAllocEx(IntPtr hProcess, IntPtr lpAddress,
                                          int dwSize, AllocationType flAllocationType, AllocationProtect flProtect);
 private static extern IntPtr VirtualAllocEx(IntPtr intptr_0, IntPtr intptr_1, IntPtr intptr_2, AllocationType allocationType_0, AllocationProtect allocationProtect_0);
        public static Boolean WriteRemoteMem(IntPtr hProc, IntPtr pSource, IntPtr pDest, Int32 Size, AllocationProtect Protect)
            UInt32  BytesWritten = 0;
            Boolean bRemoteWrite = WriteProcessMemory(hProc, pDest, pSource, (uint)Size, ref BytesWritten);

            if (!bRemoteWrite)

            UInt32  OldProtect = 0;
            Boolean bProtect   = VirtualProtectEx(hProc, pDest, (uint)Size, Protect, ref OldProtect);

            if (!bProtect)

 public static extern Boolean VirtualProtectEx(
     IntPtr hProcess,
     IntPtr lpAddress,
     UInt32 dwSize,
     AllocationProtect flNewProtect,
     ref UInt32 lpflOldProtect);
Exemple #7
 static extern IntPtr VirtualAllocEx(UIntPtr hProcess, IntPtr lpAddress, uint dwSize, MemoryState flAllocationType, AllocationProtect flProtect);
        public MagicManager(Process process, long[] romPtrBaseSuggestions, long[] ramPtrBaseSuggestions, int offset, bool exScan)
            this.process = process;

            bool isRomFound = false;
            bool isRamFound = false;

            foreach (uint romPtrBaseSuggestion in romPtrBaseSuggestions)
                romPtrBase = romPtrBaseSuggestion;
                if (IsRomBaseValid())
                    isRomFound = true;

            foreach (uint ramPtrBaseSuggestion in ramPtrBaseSuggestions)
                ramPtrBase = ramPtrBaseSuggestion;
                if (IsRamBaseValid())
                    isRamFound = true;

            ulong parallelStart = 0;
            ulong parallelEnd   = 0;

            foreach (ProcessModule module in process.Modules)
                if (module.ModuleName.Contains("parallel_n64"))
                    parallelStart = (ulong)module.BaseAddress;
                    parallelEnd   = parallelStart + (ulong)module.ModuleMemorySize;

            ulong MaxAddress = process.Is64Bit() ? 0x800000000000U : 0xffffffffU;
            ulong address    = 0;

                if (isRomFound && isRamFound)

                int result = VirtualQueryEx(process.Handle, new UIntPtr(address), out m, (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION)));
                if (address == (ulong)m.BaseAddress + (ulong)m.RegionSize || result == 0)

                AllocationProtect prot = (AllocationProtect)(m.Protect & 0xff);
                if (prot == AllocationProtect.PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE ||
                    prot == AllocationProtect.PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY ||
                    prot == AllocationProtect.PAGE_READWRITE ||
                    prot == AllocationProtect.PAGE_WRITECOPY ||
                    prot == AllocationProtect.PAGE_READONLY)
                    uint value;
                    bool readSuccess = process.ReadValue(new IntPtr((long)(address + (ulong)offset)), out value);
                    if (readSuccess)
                        if (!isRamFound && ((value & ramMagicMask) == ramMagic))
                            ramPtrBase = address + (ulong)offset;
                            isRamFound = true;

                        if (!isRomFound && value == romMagic)
                            romPtrBase = address + (ulong)offset;
                            isRomFound = true;

                    // scan only large regions - we want to find g_rdram
                    ulong regionSize = (ulong)m.RegionSize;
                    if (parallelStart <= address && address <= parallelEnd && regionSize >= 0x800000)
                        // g_rdram is aligned to 0x1000
                        ulong maxCnt = (ulong)m.RegionSize / 0x1000;
                        for (ulong num = 0; num < maxCnt; num++)
                            readSuccess = process.ReadValue(new IntPtr((long)(address + num * 0x1000)), out value);
                            if (readSuccess)
                                if (!isRamFound && ((value & ramMagicMask) == ramMagic))
                                    ramPtrBase = address + num * 0x1000;
                                    isRamFound = true;

                            if (isRamFound)

                address = (ulong)m.BaseAddress + (ulong)m.RegionSize;
            }while (address <= MaxAddress);

            if (!isRomFound || !isRamFound)
                throw new ArgumentException("Failed to find rom and ram!");

            uint[] mem;
                byte[] bytes = process.ReadBytes(new IntPtr((long)ramPtrBase), 0x400000);
                int    size  = bytes.Count() / 4;
                mem = new uint[size];
                for (int idx = 0; idx < size; idx++)
                    mem[idx] = BitConverter.ToUInt32(bytes, 4 * idx);

            DecompManager dm = new DecompManager(mem);

            if (!dm.gSaveBuffer.HasValue)
                throw new ArgumentException("Failed to gSaveBuffer!");

            saveBufferOffset   = dm.gSaveBuffer.Value & 0xffffff;
            saveFileSize       = dm.gSaveFileSize.Value;
            verificationBytes  = dm.VerificationBytes;
            verificationOffset = dm.VerificationOffset.Value;

            isDecomp = saveBufferOffset != 0x207700; // TODO: This is inaccurate