public List <AllocationEmployeeLeave> TotalCasualLeave(int employeeId) { string query = @"select e.Id, a.LeaveTypeId, a.NumberOfLeave from tb_Employee e inner join tb_AllocationLeave a on e.DesignationId = a.DesignationId where e.Id = '" + employeeId + "' and a.LeaveTypeId = '" + 2 + "'"; try { SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand(query, con); con.Open(); SqlDataReader dr = com.ExecuteReader(); List <AllocationEmployeeLeave> totalLeave = new List <AllocationEmployeeLeave>(); while (dr.Read()) { AllocationEmployeeLeave leave = new AllocationEmployeeLeave(); leave.Id = (int)dr["Id"]; leave.NumberOfLeave = (int)dr["NumberOfLeave"]; totalLeave.Add(leave); } dr.Close(); return(totalLeave.ToList()); } catch (Exception exception) { throw new Exception("Unable to connect Server", exception); } finally { con.Close(); } }
public bool IsLeaveAllocated(AllocationEmployeeLeave leaveTaken) { try { string Query = "SELECT * FROM tb_AllocationLeave WHERE (DesignationId = @DesignationId and LeaveTypeId = @LeaveTypeId)"; SqlCommand Command = new SqlCommand(Query, con); con.Open(); Command.Parameters.Clear(); Command.Parameters.Add("DesignationId", SqlDbType.Int); Command.Parameters["DesignationId"].Value = leaveTaken.DesignationId; Command.Parameters.Add("LeaveTypeId", SqlDbType.Int); Command.Parameters["LeaveTypeId"].Value = leaveTaken.LeaveTypeId; SqlDataReader Reader = Command.ExecuteReader(); Reader.Read(); bool isExist = Reader.HasRows; Reader.Close(); return(isExist); } catch (Exception exception) { throw new Exception("Unable to connect Server", exception); } finally { con.Close(); } }
public int AllocationLeave(AllocationEmployeeLeave leave) { string query = @"INSERT INTO [dbo].[tb_AllocationLeave] ([DesignationId] ,[LeaveTypeId] ,[NumberOfLeave]) VALUES ('" + leave.DesignationId + "', '" + leave.LeaveTypeId + "', '" + leave.NumberOfLeave + "')"; try { SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(query, con); con.Open(); int rowAffected = command.ExecuteNonQuery(); return(rowAffected); } catch (Exception exception) { throw new Exception("Unable to connect Server", exception); } finally { con.Close(); } }
public ActionResult AllocationLeave(AllocationEmployeeLeave allocation) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { if (adminManager.IsLeaveAllocated(allocation)) { ViewBag.ShowMsg = "Leave allocated alrady."; } else { int message = adminManager.AllocationLeave(allocation); if (message > 0) { ViewBag.ShowMsg = "Leave Allocation Saved Successfully!"; } else { ViewBag.ShowMsg = "Opps! Data Not Saved! Try Again Please"; } } } catch (Exception exception) { ViewBag.ShowMsg = exception.Message; } } ViewBag.leavetype = adminManager.GetLeaveTypes(); ViewBag.designations = adminManager.GetDesignationList(); return(View()); }
public int AllocationLeave(AllocationEmployeeLeave allocation) { int rowAffected = adminGateway.AllocationLeave(allocation); return(rowAffected); }
public bool IsLeaveAllocated(AllocationEmployeeLeave leaveTaken) { return(adminGateway.IsLeaveAllocated(leaveTaken)); }