public void CorrectSortByTtileMethodsSortsTheMoviesFromTheDataBaseByAlphabeticalOrder_FromAToZ() { DummyMockedAllMoviesService dummy = new DummyMockedAllMoviesService(); IAllMoviesPresenter movie_presenter = new AllMoviesPresenter(dummy._iallMoviesService); try { movie_presenter.SortMoviesByTitle(); } catch (Exception) { Assert.IsTrue(false); } finally { Assert.IsTrue(true); } }
public void CorrectFilterMoviesByDurationAndPGFiltersTheMovieInTheDataBase() { DummyMockedAllMoviesService dummy = new DummyMockedAllMoviesService(); IAllMoviesPresenter movie_presenter = new AllMoviesPresenter(dummy._iallMoviesService); try { movie_presenter.FilterMoviesByDurationAndPG(2, 12); } catch (Exception) { Assert.Pass(); } finally { Assert.IsTrue(true); } }
public void CorrectSortByDateMethodSortsTheMoviesFromTheDataBaseByTheirPrimierDate_FromTheOldesToNewest() { DummyMockedAllMoviesService dummy = new DummyMockedAllMoviesService(); IAllMoviesPresenter movie_presenter = new AllMoviesPresenter(dummy._iallMoviesService); try { movie_presenter.SortByDate(); } catch (Exception) { Assert.IsTrue(false); } finally { Assert.IsTrue(true); } }
public void CorrectEditMovieUpdatesACertainMovieInTheDataBase() { DummyMockedAllMoviesService dummy = new DummyMockedAllMoviesService(); IAllMoviesPresenter movie_presenter = new AllMoviesPresenter(dummy._iallMoviesService); try { movie_presenter.EditMovie(4, "Movie", 7, 18, DateTime.Now, "summary...", new byte[90], 93); } catch (Exception) { Assert.IsTrue(false); } finally { Assert.IsTrue(true); } }
public void CorrectSetMovieInformationSetsTheInformationOfTheMovies() { DummyMockedAllMoviesService dummy = new DummyMockedAllMoviesService(); IAllMoviesPresenter movie_presenter = new AllMoviesPresenter(dummy._iallMoviesService); try { movie_presenter.SetMovieInformation(); } catch (Exception) { Assert.IsTrue(false); } finally { Assert.IsTrue(true); } }
public void CorrectSetMovieTitleSetsTheTitleOfACertainMovie() { DummyMockedAllMoviesService dummy = new DummyMockedAllMoviesService(); IAllMoviesPresenter movie_presenter = new AllMoviesPresenter(dummy._iallMoviesService); try { movie_presenter.SetMovieTitle(2); } catch (Exception) { Assert.IsTrue(false); } finally { Assert.IsTrue(true); } }
public void CorrectGetMoviesTitlesReturnsTheTtitlesOfTheMoviesFromTheDataBaseAsAList() { DummyMockedAllMoviesService dummy = new DummyMockedAllMoviesService(); IAllMoviesPresenter movie_presenter = new AllMoviesPresenter(dummy._iallMoviesService); try { movie_presenter.GetMovieTitles(); } catch (Exception) { Assert.Pass(); } finally { Assert.IsTrue(true); } }
public void CorrectGetUserInfoMethodReturnsTheIdAndThePositionOfACertainUser() { DummyMockedAllMoviesService dummy = new DummyMockedAllMoviesService(); IAllMoviesPresenter movie_presenter = new AllMoviesPresenter(dummy._iallMoviesService); try { movie_presenter.GetUserInfo("petya", "myPass"); } catch (Exception) { Assert.IsTrue(false); } finally { Assert.IsTrue(true); } }
public void CorrectReturnsTheIdOfTheGenreByItsName() { DummyMockedAllMoviesService dummy = new DummyMockedAllMoviesService(); IAllMoviesPresenter movie_presenter = new AllMoviesPresenter(dummy._iallMoviesService); try { movie_presenter.GetMovieGenre("Drama"); } catch (Exception) { Assert.IsTrue(false); } finally { Assert.IsTrue(true); } }
public void CorrectGetMovieReturnsAMovieAsATuple() { DummyMockedAllMoviesService dummy = new DummyMockedAllMoviesService(); IAllMoviesPresenter movie_presenter = new AllMoviesPresenter(dummy._iallMoviesService); try { movie_presenter.GetMovie(2); } catch (Exception) { Assert.IsTrue(false); } finally { Assert.IsTrue(true); } }
public void CorrectDeleteMovieDeletsAovieFromTheDataBase() { DummyMockedAllMoviesService dummy = new DummyMockedAllMoviesService(); IAllMoviesPresenter movie_presenter = new AllMoviesPresenter(dummy._iallMoviesService); try { movie_presenter.DeleteMovie(1); } catch (Exception) { Assert.IsTrue(false); } finally { Assert.IsTrue(true); } }
public void CorrectGetMoviesByTitleReturnsTheMoviesFromTheDataBaseByTheirTitles() { DummyMockedAllMoviesService dummy = new DummyMockedAllMoviesService(); IAllMoviesPresenter movie_presenter = new AllMoviesPresenter(dummy._iallMoviesService); try { movie_presenter.GetMoviesByTitle(new List <string> { "Terminator", "Titanic" }); } catch (Exception) { Assert.IsTrue(false); } finally { Assert.IsTrue(true); } }
/// <summary> /// The <c>ValidateMovieUpdate()</c> method receives as parameters - a certain movie's /// title, genre, parental gidness, prime date, summary and wrapper and uses the private /// methods for validation of this class in order to check whether all fields for /// updating a certain movie are correctly filled. /// </summary> /// <param name="title">This is the title of the movie.</param> /// <param name="genre">This is the genre of the movie.</param> /// <param name="pg">This is the parental guidness of the movie.</param> /// <param name="date">This is the prime date of the movie.</param> /// <param name="summary">This is the summary of the movie.</param> /// <param name="wrapper">This is the wrapper of the movie.</param> /// <exception cref="Mov4e.Exceptions.InvalidFieldInputException">Throw when /// any of the fields are incorectly filled.</exception> /// <remarks>When the exception is thrown this methods writes the error in the error.txt file.</remarks> public static void ValidateMovieUpdate(int id, string title, int genre, Nullable <int> pg, Nullable <DateTime> date, string summary, byte[] wrapper, int dur) { if (ValidateId(id) && ValidateTitle(title) && ValidateGenre(genre) && ValidatePG(pg) && ValidateDate(date) && ValidateSummary(summary) && ValidateWrapper(wrapper) && ValidateDuration(dur)) { IAllMoviesPresenter all_movies_presenter = new AllMoviesPresenter(); all_movies_presenter.EditMovie(id, title, genre, (int)pg, date, summary, wrapper, dur); MessageBox.Show("You successfully updated this movie!", "Movie's Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { MessageBox.Show("All fields are required! For more information about that " + "check the errors.txt file, please!", "Invalid input", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); Logger.Logger.WriteToLogFile(DateTime.Now.ToString() + " You tried to update a movie but you didn't fill " + "\n" + "all fields, so the application cannot create a movie with this data! " + new InvalidFieldInputException().ToString() + "\n"); throw new InvalidFieldInputException(); } }