Exemple #1
        internal Media(AllJoynMessageArgStructure s)
            // "(ssssxsssa{ss}a{sv}v)
            Url          = s[0] as string;
            Title        = s[1] as string;
            Artist       = s[2] as string;
            ThumbnailUrl = s[3] is string?new Uri(s[3] as string) : null;
            Duration     = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds((long)s[4]);
            MediaType    = s[5] as string;
            Album        = s[6] as string;
            Genre        = s[7] as string;
            var otherDataArg = s[8] as IList <KeyValuePair <object, object> >;

            OtherData = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            foreach (var item in otherDataArg)
                OtherData.Add((string)item.Key, (string)item.Value);
            var mediumArg = s[9] as IList <KeyValuePair <object, object> >;

            MediumDesc = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            foreach (var item in mediumArg)
                MediumDesc.Add((string)item.Key, item.Value);
            UserData = s[10] as AllJoynMessageArgVariant;
Exemple #2
        static private object ConvertStruct(ITypeDefinition type, IJsonValue val)
            AllJoynMessageArgStructure @struct = new AllJoynMessageArgStructure(type);

            IEnumerable <object> fields = Enumerable.Zip(type.Fields, val.GetArray(), Convert);

            foreach (object elem in fields)

Exemple #3
 internal Media(AllJoynMessageArgStructure s)
     Url          = s[0] as string;
     Title        = s[1] as string;
     Artist       = s[2] as string;
     ThumbnailUrl = s[3] is string?new Uri(s[3] as string) : null;
     Duration     = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds((long)s[4]);
     MediaType    = s[5] as string;
     Album        = s[6] as string;
     Genre        = s[7] as string;
     otherData    = s[8];
     mediumDesc   = s[9];
     userData     = s[10];
Exemple #4
        internal IList <object> ToParameter()
            var t        = AllJoynTypeDefinition.CreateTypeDefintions("(ssssxsssa{ss}a{sv}v)").First();
            var argument = new AllJoynMessageArgStructure(t);

            // var count = paramDef.Fields.Count;
            // string[] types = paramDef.Fields.Select(f => f.Type.ToString()).ToArray();
            // List<object> argument = new List<object>();
            argument.Add(Title ?? " ");
            argument.Add(Artist ?? " ");
            argument.Add(ThumbnailUrl?.OriginalString ?? " ");
            argument.Add(MediaType ?? " ");
            argument.Add(Album ?? " ");
            argument.Add(Genre ?? " ");

            // Other data: a{ss}
            var otherData = new Dictionary <object, object>();

            if (OtherData != null)
                foreach (var item in OtherData)
                    otherData.Add(item.Key, item.Value);


            // medium desc: a{sv}
            var mediumDesc = new Dictionary <object, object>();

            if (OtherData != null)
                foreach (var item in OtherData)
                    mediumDesc.Add(item.Key, item.Value);


            // AllJoynMessageArgVariant v = new AllJoynMessageArgVariant();
            // var arg = new DeviceProviders.AllJoynMessageArgVariant(AllJoynTypeDefinition.CreateTypeDefintions("v").First(), 0);
            // arg.Value = "upnp";
            argument.Add(UserData ?? "upnp"); // Variant: userdata
        internal PlayState(AllJoynMessageArgStructure arg)
            // (sxuuuiia(ssssxsssa{ss}a{sv}v))
            this.State       = StringToMediaState(arg[0] as string);
            Position         = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds((long)arg[1]);
            SampleRate       = (uint)arg[2];
            AudioChannels    = (uint)arg[3];
            BitsPerSample    = (uint)arg[4];
            IndexCurrentItem = (int)arg[5];
            IndexNextItem    = (int)arg[6];
            var t = arg[7] as IList <object>;

            if (t?.Count > 0)
                CurrentMedia = new Media(t[0] as AllJoynMessageArgStructure);
                if (t.Count > 1)
                    NextMedia = new Media(t[1] as AllJoynMessageArgStructure);
Exemple #6
        internal IList <object> ToParameter()
            var t = AllJoynTypeDefinition.CreateTypeDefintions("(ssssxsssa{ss}a{sv}v)").First();

            // ITypeDefinition.h -->
            // public enum class TypeId
            //    {
            //        Invalid = 0,
            //    Boolean = 'b',                               // maps to ALLJOYN_BOOLEAN
            //    Double = 'd',                                // maps to ALLJOYN_DOUBLE
            //    Dictionary = 'e',                            // maps to an array of ALLJOYN_DICT_ENTRY: a{**}
            //    Signature = 'g',                             // maps to ALLJOYN_SIGNATURE (string)
            //    Int32 = 'i',                                 // maps to ALLJOYN_INT32
            //    Int16 = 'n',                                 // maps to ALLJOYN_INT16
            //    ObjectPath = 'o',                            // maps to ALLJOYN_OBJECT_PATH (string)
            //    Uint16 = 'q',                                // maps to ALLLJOYN_UINT16
            //    Struct = 'r',                                // maps to ALLJOYN_STRUCT
            //    String = 's',                                // maps to ALLJOYN_STRING
            //    Uint64 = 't',                                // maps to ALLJOYN_UINT64
            //    Uint32 = 'u',                                // maps to ALLJOYN_UINT32
            //    Variant = 'v',                               // maps to ALLJOYN_VARIANT
            //    Int64 = 'x',                                 // maps to ALLJOYN_INT64
            //    Uint8 = 'y',                                 // maps to ALLJOYN_BYTE
            //    ArrayByte = 'a',
            //    ArrayByteMask = 0xFF,
            //    BooleanArray    = ('b' << 8) | ArrayByte,    // maps to ALLJOYN_BOOLEAN_ARRAY
            //    DoubleArray     = ('d' << 8) | ArrayByte,    // maps to ALLJOYN_DOUBLE_ARRAY
            //    Int32Array      = ('i' << 8) | ArrayByte,    // maps to ALLJOYN_INT32_ARRAY
            //    Int16Array      = ('n' << 8) | ArrayByte,    // maps to ALLJOYN_INT16_ARRAY
            //    Uint16Array     = ('q' << 8) | ArrayByte,    // maps to ALLJOYN_UINT16_ARRAY
            //    Uint64Array     = ('t' << 8) | ArrayByte,    // maps to ALLJOYN_UINT64_ARRAY
            //    Uint32Array     = ('u' << 8) | ArrayByte,    // maps to ALLJOYN_UINT32_ARRAY
            //    VariantArray    = ('v' << 8) | ArrayByte,    // no AllJoyn typeid equivalent defined
            //    Int64Array      = ('x' << 8) | ArrayByte,    // maps to ALLJOYN_INT64_ARRAY
            //    Uint8Array      = ('y' << 8) | ArrayByte,    // maps to ALLJOYN_BYTE_ARRAY
            //    SignatureArray  = ('g' << 8) | ArrayByte,    // no AllJoyn typeid equivalent defined
            //    ObjectPathArray = ('o' << 8) | ArrayByte,    // no AllJoyn typeid equivalent defined
            //    StringArray     = ('s' << 8) | ArrayByte,    // no AllJoyn typeid equivalent defined
            //    StructArray     = ('r' << 8) | ArrayByte,    // no AllJoyn typeid equivalent defined
            // };
            var argument = new AllJoynMessageArgStructure(t);

            // var count = paramDef.Fields.Count;
            // string[] types = paramDef.Fields.Select(f => f.Type.ToString()).ToArray();
            // List<object> argument = new List<object>();
            argument.Add(Title ?? " ");
            argument.Add(Artist ?? " ");
            argument.Add(ThumbnailUrl?.OriginalString ?? " ");
            argument.Add(MediaType ?? " ");
            argument.Add(Album ?? " ");
            argument.Add(Genre ?? " ");

            // Other data: a{ss}
            var otherData = new Dictionary <object, object>();

            if (OtherData != null)
                foreach (var item in OtherData)
                    otherData.Add(item.Key, item.Value);


            // medium desc: a{sv}
            var mediumDesc = new Dictionary <object, object>();

            if (OtherData != null)
                foreach (var item in OtherData)
                    mediumDesc.Add(item.Key, item.Value);


            // AllJoynMessageArgVariant v = new AllJoynMessageArgVariant();
            // var arg = new DeviceProviders.AllJoynMessageArgVariant(AllJoynTypeDefinition.CreateTypeDefintions("v").First(), 0);
            // arg.Value = "upnp";
            argument.Add(UserData ?? "upnp"); // Variant: userdata