Exemple #1
        public void RegisterUnregisterSessionlessSignals()
            AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription testIntf;
            Assert.Equal(AllJoyn.QStatus.OK, bus.CreateInterface("org.alljoyn.test.signalstest", out testIntf));
            Assert.Equal(AllJoyn.QStatus.OK, testIntf.AddSignal("testSignal", "s", "newName"));

            TestBusObject testObj = new TestBusObject("/org/alljoyn/test/signal");

            Assert.Equal(AllJoyn.QStatus.OK, testObj.AddInterface(testIntf));
            Assert.Equal(AllJoyn.QStatus.OK, bus.RegisterBusObject(testObj));

            AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.Member mySignalMember = testIntf.GetMember("testSignal");

            Assert.Equal(AllJoyn.QStatus.OK, bus.AddMatch("type='signal',sessionless='t',interface='org.alljoyn.test.signalstest,member='testSignal'"));

            AllJoyn.Message msg = new AllJoyn.Message(bus);
            AllJoyn.MsgArg  arg = new AllJoyn.MsgArg();

            Assert.Equal(AllJoyn.QStatus.OK, arg.Set("s", "AllJoyn"));
            Assert.Equal(AllJoyn.QStatus.OK, testObj.SendTestSignal("", 0, mySignalMember, arg, 0, AllJoyn.ALLJOYN_FLAG_SESSIONLESS, msg));

            Assert.Equal(AllJoyn.QStatus.OK, testObj.CancelSessionlessMessage(msg.CallSerial));

            Assert.Equal(AllJoyn.QStatus.OK, testObj.SendTestSignal("", 0, mySignalMember, arg, 0, AllJoyn.ALLJOYN_FLAG_SESSIONLESS, msg));
            Assert.Equal(AllJoyn.QStatus.OK, testObj.CancelSessionlessMessage(msg));
Exemple #2
        public void RegisterUnregisterSessionlessSignals()
            AllJoyn.QStatus status = AllJoyn.QStatus.FAIL;

            // create+start+connect bus attachment
            AllJoyn.BusAttachment bus = null;
            bus = new AllJoyn.BusAttachment("SignalsTest", true);

            status = bus.Start();
            Assert.Equal(AllJoyn.QStatus.OK, status);

            status = bus.Connect(AllJoynTestCommon.GetConnectSpec());
            Assert.Equal(AllJoyn.QStatus.OK, status);

            AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription testIntf;
            Assert.Equal(AllJoyn.QStatus.OK, bus.CreateInterface("org.alljoyn.test.signalstest", out testIntf));
            Assert.Equal(AllJoyn.QStatus.OK, testIntf.AddSignal("testSignal", "s", "newName"));

            TestBusObject testObj = new TestBusObject("/org/alljoyn/test/signal");

            Assert.Equal(AllJoyn.QStatus.OK, testObj.AddInterface(testIntf));
            Assert.Equal(AllJoyn.QStatus.OK, bus.RegisterBusObject(testObj));

            AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.Member mySignalMember = testIntf.GetMember("testSignal");

            Assert.Equal(AllJoyn.QStatus.OK, bus.AddMatch("type='signal',sessionless='t',interface='org.alljoyn.test.signalstest,member='testSignal'"));

            AllJoyn.Message msg = new AllJoyn.Message(bus);
            AllJoyn.MsgArg  arg = new AllJoyn.MsgArg();

            Assert.Equal(AllJoyn.QStatus.OK, arg.Set("s", "AllJoyn"));
            Assert.Equal(AllJoyn.QStatus.OK, testObj.SendTestSignal("", 0, mySignalMember, arg, 0, AllJoyn.ALLJOYN_FLAG_SESSIONLESS, msg));

            Assert.Equal(AllJoyn.QStatus.OK, testObj.CancelSessionlessMessage(msg.CallSerial));

            Assert.Equal(AllJoyn.QStatus.OK, testObj.SendTestSignal("", 0, mySignalMember, arg, 0, AllJoyn.ALLJOYN_FLAG_SESSIONLESS, msg));
            Assert.Equal(AllJoyn.QStatus.OK, testObj.CancelSessionlessMessage(msg));
Exemple #3
        public void UnregisterSignalHandler()
            AllJoyn.QStatus status = AllJoyn.QStatus.FAIL;

            // create bus attachment
            AllJoyn.BusAttachment bus = null;
            bus = new AllJoyn.BusAttachment("BusAttachmentTest", true);

            // create the interface description
            AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription testIntf = null;
            status = bus.CreateInterface("org.alljoyn.test.BusAttachment", out testIntf);
            Assert.Equal(AllJoyn.QStatus.OK, status);

            // add the signal member to the interface
            status = testIntf.AddSignal("testSignal", "s", "msg", 0);
            Assert.Equal(AllJoyn.QStatus.OK, status);

            // activate the interface

            // start the bus attachment
            status = bus.Start();
            Assert.Equal(AllJoyn.QStatus.OK, status);

            // connect to the bus
            status = bus.Connect(AllJoynTestCommon.GetConnectSpec());
            Assert.Equal(AllJoyn.QStatus.OK, status);

            // create the bus object &
            // add the interface to the bus object
            TestBusObject testBusObject = new TestBusObject(bus, "/test");


            // get the signal member from the interface description
            AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.Member testSignalMember = testIntf.GetMember("testSignal");

            // register both signal handlers
            status = bus.RegisterSignalHandler(this.TestSignalHandlerOne, testSignalMember, null);
            Assert.Equal(AllJoyn.QStatus.OK, status);
            status = bus.RegisterSignalHandler(this.TestSignalHandlerTwo, testSignalMember, null);
            Assert.Equal(AllJoyn.QStatus.OK, status);

            // add match for the signal
            status = bus.AddMatch("type='signal',member='testSignal'");
            Assert.Equal(AllJoyn.QStatus.OK, status);

            handledSignalsOne = false;
            handledSignalsTwo = false;
            signalOneMsg      = null;
            signalTwoMsg      = null;

            // send a signal
            testBusObject.SendTestSignal("test msg");


            // make sure that both handlers got the signal
            Assert.Equal(true, handledSignalsOne);
            Assert.Equal("test msg", signalOneMsg);
            Assert.Equal(true, handledSignalsTwo);
            Assert.Equal("test msg", signalTwoMsg);

            // now unregister one handler & make sure it doesn't receive the signal
            handledSignalsOne = false;
            handledSignalsTwo = false;
            signalOneMsg      = null;
            signalTwoMsg      = null;

            status = bus.UnregisterSignalHandler(this.TestSignalHandlerOne, testSignalMember, null);
            Assert.Equal(AllJoyn.QStatus.OK, status);

            // send another signal
            testBusObject.SendTestSignal("test msg");

            // wait to see if we receive the signal

            // make sure that only the second handler got the signal
            Assert.Equal(false, handledSignalsOne);
            Assert.Equal(true, handledSignalsTwo);
            Assert.Equal("test msg", signalTwoMsg);

            // TODO: move these into a teardown method?
        public void StartUp()
            chatText       = "Starting AllJoyn\n\n\n" + chatText;
            AllJoynStarted = true;
            AllJoyn.QStatus status = AllJoyn.QStatus.OK;
                chatText = "Creating BusAttachment\n" + chatText;
                // Create message bus
                msgBus = new AllJoyn.BusAttachment("myApp", true);

                // Add org.alljoyn.Bus.method_sample interface
                status = msgBus.CreateInterface(INTERFACE_NAME, false, out testIntf);
                if (status)
                    chatText = "Chat Interface Created.\n" + chatText;
                    Debug.Log("Chat Interface Created.");
                    testIntf.AddSignal("chat", "s", "msg", 0);
                    chatText = "Failed to create interface 'org.alljoyn.Bus.chat'\n" + chatText;
                    Debug.Log("Failed to create interface 'org.alljoyn.Bus.chat'");

                // Create a bus listener
                busListener = new MyBusListener();
                if (status)
                    chatText = "Chat BusListener Registered.\n" + chatText;
                    Debug.Log("Chat BusListener Registered.");

                if (testObj == null)
                    testObj = new TestBusObject(msgBus, SERVICE_PATH);

                // Start the msg bus
                if (status)
                    status = msgBus.Start();
                    if (status)
                        chatText = "Chat BusAttachment started.\n" + chatText;
                        Debug.Log("Chat BusAttachment started.");

                        for (int i = 0; i < connectArgs.Length; ++i)
                            chatText = "Chat Connect trying: " + connectArgs[i] + "\n" + chatText;
                            Debug.Log("Chat Connect trying: " + connectArgs[i]);
                            status = msgBus.Connect(connectArgs[i]);
                            if (status)
                                chatText = "BusAttchement.Connect(" + connectArgs[i] + ") SUCCEDED.\n" + chatText;
                                Debug.Log("BusAttchement.Connect(" + connectArgs[i] + ") SUCCEDED.");
                                connectedVal = connectArgs[i];
                                chatText = "BusAttachment.Connect(" + connectArgs[i] + ") failed.\n" + chatText;
                                Debug.Log("BusAttachment.Connect(" + connectArgs[i] + ") failed.");
                        if (!status)
                            chatText = "BusAttachment.Connect failed.\n" + chatText;
                            Debug.Log("BusAttachment.Connect failed.");
                        chatText = "Chat BusAttachment.Start failed.\n" + chatText;
                        Debug.Log("Chat BusAttachment.Start failed.");

                myAdvertisedName = SERVICE_NAME + "._" + msgBus.GlobalGUIDString;

                AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.Member chatMember = testIntf.GetMember("chat");
                status = msgBus.RegisterSignalHandler(this.ChatSignalHandler, chatMember, null);
                if (!status)
                    chatText = "Chat Failed to add signal handler " + status + "\n" + chatText;
                    Debug.Log("Chat Failed to add signal handler " + status);
                    chatText = "Chat add signal handler " + status + "\n" + chatText;
                    Debug.Log("Chat add signal handler " + status);

                status = msgBus.AddMatch("type='signal',member='chat'");
                if (!status)
                    chatText = "Chat Failed to add Match " + status.ToString() + "\n" + chatText;
                    Debug.Log("Chat Failed to add Match " + status.ToString());
                    chatText = "Chat add Match " + status.ToString() + "\n" + chatText;
                    Debug.Log("Chat add Match " + status.ToString());

            // Request name
            if (status)
                status = msgBus.RequestName(myAdvertisedName,
                                            AllJoyn.DBus.NameFlags.ReplaceExisting | AllJoyn.DBus.NameFlags.DoNotQueue);
                if (!status)
                    chatText = "Chat RequestName(" + SERVICE_NAME + ") failed (status=" + status + ")\n" + chatText;
                    Debug.Log("Chat RequestName(" + SERVICE_NAME + ") failed (status=" + status + ")");

            // Create session
            opts = new AllJoyn.SessionOpts(AllJoyn.SessionOpts.TrafficType.Messages, false,
                                           AllJoyn.SessionOpts.ProximityType.Any, AllJoyn.TransportMask.Any);
            if (status)
                ushort sessionPort = SERVICE_PORT;
                sessionPortListener = new MySessionPortListener();
                status = msgBus.BindSessionPort(ref sessionPort, opts, sessionPortListener);
                if (!status || sessionPort != SERVICE_PORT)
                    chatText = "Chat BindSessionPort failed (" + status + ")\n" + chatText;
                    Debug.Log("Chat BindSessionPort failed (" + status + ")");
                chatText = "Chat BindSessionPort on port (" + sessionPort + ")\n" + chatText;
                Debug.Log("Chat BBindSessionPort on port (" + sessionPort + ")");;

            // Advertise name
            if (status)
                status = msgBus.AdvertiseName(myAdvertisedName, opts.Transports);
                if (!status)
                    chatText = "Chat Failed to advertise name " + myAdvertisedName + " (" + status + ")\n" + chatText;
                    Debug.Log("Chat Failed to advertise name " + myAdvertisedName + " (" + status + ")");

            status = msgBus.FindAdvertisedName(SERVICE_NAME);
            if (!status)
                chatText = "Chat org.alljoyn.Bus.FindAdvertisedName failed.\n" + chatText;
                Debug.Log("Chat org.alljoyn.Bus.FindAdvertisedName failed.");

            Debug.Log("Completed ChatService Constructor");
Exemple #5
        public void StartUp()
            //Debug.LogError("Starting AllJoyn");
            AllJoynStarted = true;
            AllJoyn.QStatus status = AllJoyn.QStatus.OK;
                //Debug.LogError("Creating BusAttachment");
                msgBus = new AllJoyn.BusAttachment("myApp", true);

                status = msgBus.CreateInterface(INTERFACE_NAME, false, out testIntf);
                if (status)
                    //Debug.LogError("Interface Created.");
                    testIntf.AddSignal("player", "sddddbb", "playerPoints", 0);
                    testIntf.AddSignal("enemyInit", "ssdddd", "enemyPoints", 0);
                    testIntf.AddSignal("enemyAgro", "sss", "enemyPoints1", 0);
                    testIntf.AddSignal("enemyHP", "ssd", "enemyPoints2", 0);
                    //Debug.LogError("Failed to create interface 'org.alljoyn.Bus.chat'");

                busListener = new MyBusListener();
                if (status)
                    //Debug.LogError("BusListener Registered.");

                if (testObj == null)
                    testObj = new TestBusObject(msgBus, SERVICE_PATH);

                if (status)
                    status = msgBus.Start();
                    if (status)
                        //Debug.LogError("BusAttachment started.");

                        for (int i = 0; i < connectArgs.Length; ++i)
                            //Debug.LogError("Connect trying: " + connectArgs[i]);
                            status = msgBus.Connect(connectArgs[i]);
                            if (status)
                                //Debug.LogError("BusAttchement.Connect(" + connectArgs[i] + ") SUCCEDED.");
                                connectedVal = connectArgs[i];
                                //Debug.LogError("BusAttachment.Connect(" + connectArgs[i] + ") failed.");
                        if (!status)
                            //Debug.LogError("BusAttachment.Connect failed.");
                        //Debug.LogError("BusAttachment.Start failed.");

                myAdvertisedName = SERVICE_NAME + "._" + msgBus.GlobalGUIDString + playerNick;

                AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.Member playerMember = testIntf.GetMember("player");
                status = msgBus.RegisterSignalHandler(this.PlayerSignalHandler, playerMember, null);
                if (!status)
                    //Debug.LogError("Failed to add vector signal handler " + status);
                    //Debug.LogError("add vector signal handler " + status);

                AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.Member enemyInitMember = testIntf.GetMember("enemyInit");
                status = msgBus.RegisterSignalHandler(this.EnemyInitSignalHandler, enemyInitMember, null);
                if (!status)
                    Debug.LogError("Failed to add vector signal handler " + status);
                    //Debug.LogError("add vector signal handler " + status);

                AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.Member enemyAgroMember = testIntf.GetMember("enemyAgro");
                status = msgBus.RegisterSignalHandler(this.EnemyAgroSignalHandler, enemyAgroMember, null);
                if (!status)
                    Debug.LogError("Failed to add vector signal handler " + status);
                    //Debug.LogError("add vector signal handler " + status);

                AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.Member enemyHPMember = testIntf.GetMember("enemyHP");
                status = msgBus.RegisterSignalHandler(this.EnemyHPSignalHandler, enemyHPMember, null);
                if (!status)
                    Debug.LogError("Failed to add vector signal handler " + status);
                    //Debug.LogError("add vector signal handler " + status);

                status = msgBus.AddMatch("type='signal',interface='org.alljoyn.bus.multi'");
                if (!status)
                    Debug.LogError("Failed to add vector Match " + status.ToString());
                    //Debug.LogError("add vector Match " + status.ToString());

            if (status)
                status = msgBus.RequestName(myAdvertisedName,
                                            AllJoyn.DBus.NameFlags.ReplaceExisting | AllJoyn.DBus.NameFlags.DoNotQueue);
                if (!status)
                    Debug.LogError("RequestName(" + SERVICE_NAME + ") failed (status=" + status + ")");

            opts = new AllJoyn.SessionOpts(AllJoyn.SessionOpts.TrafficType.Messages, false,
                                           AllJoyn.SessionOpts.ProximityType.Any, AllJoyn.TransportMask.Any);
            if (status)
                ushort sessionPort = SERVICE_PORT;
                sessionPortListener = new MySessionPortListener(this);
                status = msgBus.BindSessionPort(ref sessionPort, opts, sessionPortListener);
                if (!status || sessionPort != SERVICE_PORT)
                    Debug.LogError("BindSessionPort failed (" + status + ")");
                //Debug.LogError("BBindSessionPort on port (" + sessionPort + ")"); ;

            if (status)
                status = msgBus.AdvertiseName(myAdvertisedName, opts.Transports);
                if (!status)
                    Debug.LogError("Failed to advertise name " + myAdvertisedName + " (" + status + ")");

            status = msgBus.FindAdvertisedName(SERVICE_NAME);
            if (!status)
                Debug.LogError("org.alljoyn.Bus.FindAdvertisedName failed.");