public async Task <SkillResponse> HandleIntent() { LOGGER.log.DEBUG("Help", "HandleIntent", "CURRENT STATE: " + this.sessionAttributes.Schedule); if (this.sessionAttributes.SessionState != STATE.Introduction) { WordsToRead wordsToRead = new WordsToRead(base.skillRequest); return(await wordsToRead.HandleIntent()); } this.sessionAttributes.SessionState = STATE.Help; var prompt = new SsmlOutputSpeech("You can move to other flash card lessons. Lessons available are word families, " + "short vowels, consonant digraphs, consonant blends, long vowels, and sight words. Just say, " + "Alexa, move to word families"); string reprompt = "Try to say, Alexa, move to word families"; return(AlexaResponse.SayWithReprompt(prompt, reprompt)); }