protected void btnModify_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { IBizOffer bizoffer = AlbianServiceRouter.GetService <IBizofferOperation>().LoadBizOffer(txtId.Text); bizoffer.Creator = txtSellerId.Text; bizoffer.Description = txtDesc.Text; bizoffer.Discount = null; bizoffer.IsDiscount = null; bizoffer.LastModifier = txtSellerId.Text; bizoffer.LastModifyTime = DateTime.Now; bizoffer.LastPrice = decimal.Parse(txtPrice.Text); bizoffer.Name = txtName.Text; bizoffer.Price = decimal.Parse(txtPrice.Text); bizoffer.SellerId = txtSellerId.Text; bizoffer.SellerName = txtSellerName.Text; bizoffer.State = BizofferState.Create; if (AlbianServiceRouter.GetService <IBizofferOperation>().Modify(bizoffer)) { txtId.Text = bizoffer.Id; ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "Save", "<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">alert(\"Modify Success!\");</script>"); } else { ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "Save", "<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">alert(\"Modify Fail!\");</script>"); } }
public static IList <T> GetCachingObjects <T>(IDbCommand cmd) where T : class, IAlbianObject { ICacheAttribute cache = GetCacheAttribute <T>(); if (null == cache || !cache.Enable) { return(null); } string cachedKey = Utils.GetCacheKey <T>(cmd); IExpiredCached cachedService = AlbianServiceRouter.GetService <IExpiredCached>(); if (null == cachedService) { if (null != Logger) { Logger.Warn("No expired cached service."); } return(null); } object oTarget = cachedService.Get(cachedKey); if (null == oTarget) { return(null); } return((IList <T>)oTarget); }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); IBizOffer bizoffer = AlbianObjectFactory.CreateInstance <BizOffer>(); bizoffer.Id = AlbianObjectFactory.CreateId("BOFF"); bizoffer.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; bizoffer.Creator = txtSellerId.Text; bizoffer.Description = txtDesc.Text; bizoffer.Discount = null; bizoffer.IsDiscount = null; bizoffer.LastModifier = txtSellerId.Text; bizoffer.LastModifyTime = DateTime.Now; bizoffer.LastPrice = decimal.Parse(txtPrice.Text); bizoffer.Name = txtName.Text; bizoffer.Price = decimal.Parse(txtPrice.Text); bizoffer.SellerId = txtSellerId.Text; bizoffer.SellerName = txtSellerName.Text; bizoffer.State = BizofferState.Create; if (AlbianServiceRouter.GetService <IBizofferOperation>().Create(bizoffer)) { txtId.Text = bizoffer.Id; ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "Save", "<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">alert(\"Create Success!\");</script>"); } else { ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "Save", "<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">alert(\"Create Fail!\");</script>"); } sw.Stop(); Response.Write(sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); }
protected virtual void PreLoadExecute(IDictionary <string, IStorageContext> storageContexts) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, IStorageContext> context in storageContexts) { IStorageContext storageContext = context.Value; string sConnection = StorageParser.BuildConnectionString(storageContext.Storage); storageContext.Connection = storageContext.Storage.Pooling ? DbConnectionPoolManager.GetConnection(storageContext.StorageName, sConnection) : DatabaseFactory.GetDbConnection(storageContext.Storage.DatabaseStyle, sConnection); try { if (ConnectionState.Open != storageContext.Connection.State) { storageContext.Connection.Open(); } } catch (Exception exc) { IStorageAttribute storageAttr = (IStorageAttribute)StorageCache.Get(storageContext.StorageName); storageAttr.IsHealth = false; UnhealthyStorage.Add(storageAttr.Name); if (null != Logger) { Logger.WarnFormat("Storage:{0} can not open.Set the health is false and it not used until the health set true.", storageAttr.Name); } IConnectionNotify notify = AlbianServiceRouter.GetService <IConnectionNotify>(); if (null != notify) { Logger.Info("send message when open database is error."); string msg = string.Format("Server:{0},Database:{1},Exception Message:{2}.", storageContext.Storage.Server, storageContext.Storage.Database, exc.Message); notify.SendMessage(msg); } throw exc; } if (storageContext.Storage.Transactional) { storageContext.Transaction = storageContext.Connection.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted); } foreach (IFakeCommandAttribute fc in storageContext.FakeCommand) { IDbCommand cmd = storageContext.Connection.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = fc.CommandText; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; if (storageContext.Storage.Transactional) { cmd.Transaction = storageContext.Transaction; } foreach (DbParameter para in fc.Paras) { cmd.Parameters.Add(para); } storageContext.Command.Add(cmd); } } }
public static IList <T> GetCachingObjects <T>(string routingName, int top, IFilterCondition[] where, IOrderByCondition[] orderby) where T : class, IAlbianObject { ICacheAttribute cache = GetCacheAttribute <T>(); if (null == cache || !cache.Enable) { return(null); } string cachedKey = Utils.GetCacheKey <T>(routingName, top, where, orderby); IExpiredCached cachedService = AlbianServiceRouter.GetService <IExpiredCached>(); if (null == cachedService) { if (null != Logger) { Logger.Warn("No expired cached service."); } return(null); } object oTarget = cachedService.Get(cachedKey); if (null == oTarget) { return(null); } return((IList <T>)oTarget); }
public static T GetCachingObject <T>(string routingName, IFilterCondition[] where) where T : class, IAlbianObject { ICacheAttribute cache = GetCacheAttribute <T>(); if (null == cache || !cache.Enable) { return(null); } string cachedKey = null != where && 1 == where.Length && "id" == where[0].PropertyName.ToLower() ? Utils.GetCacheKey <T>(where[0].Value.ToString(), AssemblyManager.GetFullTypeName <T>()) //find by pk id : Utils.GetCacheKey <T>(routingName, 0, where, null); IExpiredCached cachedService = AlbianServiceRouter.GetService <IExpiredCached>(); if (null == cachedService) { if (null != Logger) { Logger.Warn("No expired cached service."); } return(null); } object oTarget = cachedService.Get(cachedKey); if (null == oTarget) { return(null); } return((T)oTarget); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { IList <BizOffer> bizoffers = AlbianServiceRouter.GetService <IBizofferOperation>().FindBizoffer(); gv.DataSource = bizoffers; gv.DataBind(); } }
protected void btnFind_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { IBizOffer bizoffer = AlbianServiceRouter.GetService <IBizofferOperation>().FindBizOffer(txtId.Text); txtDesc.Text = bizoffer.Description; txtId.Text = bizoffer.Id; txtName.Text = bizoffer.Name; txtPrice.Text = bizoffer.Price.ToString(); txtSellerId.Text = bizoffer.SellerId; txtSellerName.Text = bizoffer.SellerName; }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { IUser user = AlbianObjectFactory.CreateInstance <User>(); user.Id = AlbianObjectFactory.CreateId("User"); user.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; user.Creator = user.Id; user.LastModifier = user.Id; user.LastMofidyTime = DateTime.Now; user.Mail = txtMail.Text; user.Mobile = txtMobile.Text; user.Nickname = txtNickName.Text; user.Password = txtPassword.Text; user.RegistrDate = DateTime.Now; user.UserName = txtUserName.Text; bool isSuccess = AlbianServiceRouter.GetService <IUserOperation>().Create(user); txtID.Text = user.Id; }
public static void CachingObjects <T>(IDbCommand cmd, IList <T> target) where T : class, IAlbianObject { ICacheAttribute cache = GetCacheAttribute <T>(); if (null == cache || !cache.Enable) { return; } string cachedKey = Utils.GetCacheKey <T>(cmd); IExpiredCached cachedService = AlbianServiceRouter.GetService <IExpiredCached>(); if (null == cachedService) { if (null != Logger) { Logger.Warn("No expired cached service."); } return; } cachedService.InsertOrUpdate(cachedKey, target, cache.LifeTime); }
public static void CachingObject <T>(T target) where T : class, IAlbianObject { ICacheAttribute cacheAttr = GetCacheAttribute(target); if (null == cacheAttr || !cacheAttr.Enable) { return; } string cachedKey = Utils.GetCacheKey <T>(target.Id, AssemblyManager.GetFullTypeName(target)); IExpiredCached cachedService = AlbianServiceRouter.GetService <IExpiredCached>(); if (null == cachedService) { if (null != Logger) { Logger.Warn("No expired cached service."); } return; } cachedService.InsertOrUpdate(cachedKey, target, cacheAttr.LifeTime); }
public static void CachingObjects <T>(string routingName, int top, IFilterCondition[] where, IOrderByCondition[] orderby, IList <T> target) where T : class, IAlbianObject { ICacheAttribute cache = GetCacheAttribute <T>(); if (null == cache || !cache.Enable) { return; } string cachedKey = Utils.GetCacheKey <T>(routingName, top, where, orderby); IExpiredCached cachedService = AlbianServiceRouter.GetService <IExpiredCached>(); if (null == cachedService) { if (null != Logger) { Logger.Warn("No expired cached service."); } return; } cachedService.InsertOrUpdate(cachedKey, target, cache.LifeTime); }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool isSuccess = AlbianServiceRouter.GetService <IUserOperation>().Modify(txtID.Text, txtNickName.Text); }