Exemple #1
    private void Scan()
        bool suspiciousActorSeen = false;

        // Check each player:
        foreach (PlayerController actor in AlarmSingleton.SuspiciousActors)
            Vector3 actorDirection = AlarmSingleton.GetActorTorso(actor) - transform.position;
            // Check to see if the actor is in the field of view and range of the camera.
            if (Vector3.Angle(actorDirection, transform.forward) < fieldOfView / 2f &&
                Vector3.Project(actorDirection, transform.forward).magnitude < maxViewDistance)
                // Trigger event if this is the first actor seen
                // and the alarm is not already in a triggered state.
                if (audioSource.isPlaying == false)
                suspiciousActorSeen = true;
                if (!isCurrentlyAlarmed)
                    isCurrentlyAlarmed = true;
        isCurrentlyAlarmed = suspiciousActorSeen;
Exemple #2
 private void Start()
     // Generate the line renderers for these lasers.
     renderers         = new LineRenderer[laserEnds.Length / 2];
     laserInterpolants = new float[renderers.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < laserEnds.Length - 1; i += 2)
         // Set the relevant renderer properties.
         LineRenderer renderer = AlarmSingleton.GetNewLaserRenderer();
         renderer.positionCount = 2;
         renderers[i / 2]       = renderer;
     IsEnabled = alarmEnabled;
Exemple #3
    private void Update()
        // Reorient the text to face the main camera.
        // TODO this behavior should be abstracted into
        // another script.
        stateText.transform.parent.forward *= -1f;

        // Do the update behavior specific to the current state.
        switch (Behavior)
        case AIBehaviorState.Stationary:
            StationaryUpdate(); break;

        case AIBehaviorState.Patrolling:
            PatrollingUpdate(); break;

        case AIBehaviorState.Investigating:
            InvestigatingUpdate(); break;

        case AIBehaviorState.Chasing:
            ChasingUpdate(); break;

        // If not chasing, check to see if any
        // players are inside the field of view.
        if (Behavior != AIBehaviorState.Chasing)
            foreach (PlayerController actor in AlarmSingleton.SuspiciousActors)
                // Get the direction vector from the AI to the actor.
                Vector3 actorDirection = AlarmSingleton.GetActorTorso(actor)
                                         - transform.position;

                audioSource.volume = 4f;
                if (audioSource.isPlaying == false)
                    audioSource.PlayOneShot(guardFootsteps[Random.Range(0, guardFootsteps.Length)]);
                // Ignore elevation.
                actorDirection.y = 0f;
                // Check to see if the actor is within the personal space,
                // or if they are within the field of view.
                if (actorDirection.magnitude < personalSpaceRadius
                    (actorDirection.magnitude < viewDistance &&
                     Vector3.Angle(actorDirection, transform.forward) < fieldOfView / 2))

                    // Run a linecast to make sure there isn't a
                    // wall between the guard and actor.
                    if (IsSightLineClear(AlarmSingleton.GetActorTorso(actor)))
                        // If the player is seen switch to chasing.
                        transformCurrentlyChasing = actor.transform;
                        Behavior = AIBehaviorState.Chasing;
                        // Play the whistle sound effect.