Exemple #1
        public static async Task Main(string[] args)
            //Get configuration file using Akkatecture's defaults as fallback
            var path       = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
            var configPath = Path.Combine(path, "seed.conf");
            var config     = ConfigurationFactory.ParseString(File.ReadAllText(configPath))
            var clustername = config.GetString("akka.cluster.name");

            //Create actor system
            var actorSystem = ActorSystem.Create(clustername, config);

            Console.WriteLine("Akkatecture.Examples.Seed Running");

            var quit = false;

            while (!quit)
                Console.Write("\rPress Q to Quit.         ");
                var key = Console.ReadLine();
                quit = key?.ToUpper() == "Q";

            //Shut down the local actor system
            await actorSystem.Terminate();

            Console.WriteLine("Akkatecture.Examples.Seed Exiting.");
        public void ClusteringDefaultSettings_IsNotEmpty()
            var config = AkkatectureClusteringDefaultSettings.DefaultConfig();

            var value = config.GetString("akka.cluster.name");

Exemple #3
        public static async Task Main(string[] args)
            //Get configuration file using Akkatecture's defaults as fallback
            var path       = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
            var configPath = Path.Combine(path, "worker.conf");
            var baseConfig = ConfigurationFactory.ParseString(File.ReadAllText(configPath));

            //specified amount of workers running on their own thread
            var amountOfWorkers = 1;

            //Create several workers with each worker port will be 6001, 6002,...
            var actorSystems = new List <ActorSystem>();

            foreach (var worker in Enumerable.Range(1, amountOfWorkers + 1))
                //Create worker with port 700X
                var config = ConfigurationFactory.ParseString($"akka.remote.dot-netty.tcp.port = 700{worker}");
                config = config
                var clustername = config.GetString("akka.cluster.name");
                var actorSystem = ActorSystem.Create(clustername, config);

                Cluster.Get(actorSystem).RegisterOnMemberUp(() =>
                    //Start the aggregate cluster when the actorsystem is part of a cluster.
                    //all requests being proxied to this cluster will be sent here to be processed.

            Console.WriteLine("Akkatecture.Examples.Workers Running");

            var quit = false;

            while (!quit)
                Console.Write("\rPress Q to Quit.         ");
                var key = Console.ReadLine();
                quit = key?.ToUpper() == "Q";

            //Shut down all the local actor systems
            foreach (var actorsystem in actorSystems)
                await actorsystem.Terminate();
            Console.WriteLine("Akkatecture.Examples.Workers Exiting.");
Exemple #4
        public static async Task Main(string[] args)
            //Get configuration file using Akkatecture's defaults as fallback
            var path       = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
            var configPath = Path.Combine(path, "client.conf");
            var config     = ConfigurationFactory.ParseString(File.ReadAllText(configPath))

            //Create actor system
            var clustername        = config.GetString("akka.cluster.name");
            var shardProxyRoleName = config.GetString("akka.cluster.singleton-proxy.role");
            var actorSystem        = ActorSystem.Create(clustername, config);

            StartApplication(actorSystem, shardProxyRoleName);
            await actorSystem.WhenTerminated;

            Console.WriteLine("Akkatecture.Examples.ClusterClient Exiting.");
Exemple #5
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //Get configuration file using Akkatecture's defaults as fallback
            var path       = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
            var configPath = Path.Combine(path, "client.conf");
            var config     = ConfigurationFactory.ParseString(File.ReadAllText(configPath))

            //Create actor system
            var clustername        = config.GetString("akka.cluster.name");
            var shardProxyRoleName = config.GetString("akka.cluster.singleton-proxy.role");
            var actorSystem        = ActorSystem.Create(clustername, config);

            //Instantiate an aggregate proxy reference to the worker node that hosts the
            //aggregates. This is the reference to proxy client commands to
            var aggregateProxy = StartUserAccountClusterProxy(actorSystem, shardProxyRoleName);

            Console.WriteLine("Press Enter To Create A Random User Account, or Q to quit.");

            var key  = Console.ReadLine();
            var quit = key?.ToUpper() == "Q";

            while (!quit)
                //Generate random, new UserAccount
                var aggregateId              = UserAccountId.New;
                var randomUserAccountName    = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                var createUserAccountCommand = new CreateUserAccountCommand(aggregateId, randomUserAccountName);

                //Send the command

                Console.WriteLine($"CreateUsrAccountCommand: Id={createUserAccountCommand.AggregateId}; Name={createUserAccountCommand.Name} Sent.");

                Console.WriteLine("Press Enter To Create Another Random User Account, or Q to quit.");
                key  = Console.ReadLine();
                quit = key?.ToUpper() == "Q";

            //Shut down the local actor system
            Console.WriteLine("Akkatecture.Examples.ClusterClient Exiting.");
        public AggregateClusterTestConfig()
            Seed   = Role("seed");
            Client = Role("client");
            Worker = Role("worker");

            CommonConfig =
                    akka.loglevel = INFO

            NodeConfig(new [] { Seed }, new [] {
                    akka.cluster.sharding.role = ""seed""

            NodeConfig(new [] { Client }, new [] {
                    akka.cluster.sharding.role = ""client""

            NodeConfig(new [] { Worker }, new [] {
                    akka.cluster.sharding.role = ""worker""