static void UninstallIntegration()
            // Close the Picker window
            AkWwisePicker window = EditorWindow.GetWindow <AkWwisePicker>("AkWwisePicker", true, typeof(EditorWindow).Assembly.GetType("UnityEditor.ConsoleWindow"));

            // Remove the WwiseGlobal object
            AkInitializer[] AkInitializers = FindObjectsOfType(typeof(AkInitializer)) as AkInitializer[];
            if (AkInitializers.Length > 0)

            // Remove the AkAudioListener component from the camera
            AkAudioListener listener = Camera.main.gameObject.GetComponent <AkAudioListener>();
            if (listener != null)

            // Put back the built-in Audio Listener
            if (Camera.main.gameObject.GetComponent <AkAudioListener>() == null)
                Camera.main.gameObject.AddComponent <AudioListener>();

            // Remove the plugins
            string pluginsDir = Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, "Plugins");
            if (Directory.Exists(pluginsDir))
                string[] foundBundles = Directory.GetDirectories(pluginsDir, "AkSoundEngine*.bundle");
                foreach (string bundle in foundBundles)
                    Directory.Delete(bundle, true);

                string[] foundPlugins = Directory.GetFiles(pluginsDir, "AkSoundEngine*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
                foreach (string plugin in foundPlugins)

            // Remove the wwise settings xml file
            if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, WwiseSettings.WwiseSettingsFilename)))
                File.Delete(Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, WwiseSettings.WwiseSettingsFilename));

            // Delete the Wwise folder within the Assets folder
            if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, "Wwise")))
                Directory.Delete(Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, "Wwise"), true);
                if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, "Wwise.meta")))
                    File.Delete(Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, "Wwise.meta"));

            // Remove the generated SoundBanks
            string sbPath = AkUtilities.GetFullPath(Application.streamingAssetsPath, Settings.SoundbankPath);
            if (Directory.Exists(sbPath))
                Directory.Delete(sbPath, true);

            // Delete the Mac documentation
            string docPath = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, ".."), "WwiseUnityIntegrationHelp_AppleCommon_en");
            if (Directory.Exists(docPath))
                Directory.Delete(docPath, true);

            // Re-activate built-in audio
            AkUnitySettingsParser.SetBoolValue("m_DisableAudio", false, "AudioManager");

        catch (Exception e)
    // Perform all necessary steps to use the Wwise Unity integration.
    bool Setup()
        bool NoErrorHappened = true;

        // 0. Make sure the soundbank directory exists
        string sbPath = AkUtilities.GetFullPath(Application.streamingAssetsPath, Settings.SoundbankPath);

        if (!Directory.Exists(sbPath))

#if !UNITY_5
        // 1. Disable built-in audio
        if (!AkUnitySettingsParser.SetBoolValue("m_DisableAudio", true, "AudioManager"))
            EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Warning", "The Audio settings file format has changed. Please disable built-in audio by going to Project->Project Settings->Audio, and check \"Disable Audio\".", "Ok");

        // 2. Create a "WwiseGlobal" game object and set the AkSoundEngineInitializer and terminator scripts
        // 3. Set the SoundBank path property on AkSoundEngineInitializer
        if (!Settings.OldProject)

        // 4. Set the script order of AkInitializer, AkTerminator, AkGameObj, AkBankLoad (before default time), AkAudioListener by changing the .meta file
        if (!SetAllScriptExecutionOrder())
            EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Error", "Could not change script exec order!", "Ok");
            NoErrorHappened = false;

        // 5. Add AkAudioListener component to camera
        if (!Settings.OldProject)

        // 6. Enable "Run In Background" in PlayerSettings (PlayerSettings.runInbackground property)
        PlayerSettings.runInBackground = true;

#if !UNITY_5
        // 7. Install the Profile libraries of the installed platforms. This should actually be a change in the way we build unitypackages.
        if (!InstallAllPlatformProfilePlugins())
            EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Error", "Could not install some platform plugins!", "Ok");
            NoErrorHappened = false;

        // 8. Verify DirectX is installed (windows only)
        Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey key = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\DirectX\\");
        if (key == null)
            EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Warning", "Detected the DirectX End-User Runtime is not installed. You might have issues using the Windows version of the plugin", "Ok");
        // 9. Activate WwiseIDs file generation, and point Wwise to the Assets/Wwise folder
        // 10. Change the SoundBanks options so it adds Max Radius information in the Wwise project
        if (!SetSoundbankSettings())
            EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Warning", "Could not modify Wwise Project to generate the header file!", "Ok");

        // 11. Generate the WwiseIDs.cs file from the .h file
        // GenerateWwiseIDsCsFile();

        // 12. Refresh UI/Settings files.

        // 13. Make sure the installed SDK matches the one that was build on the machine

        // 14. Move some files out of the assets folder
        // todo.

        // 15. Populate the picker
        AkWwiseProjectInfo.GetData();         // Load data
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.WwiseProjectPath))
            if (AkWwiseProjectInfo.GetData().autoPopulateEnabled)
                AkWwiseWWUWatcher.GetInstance().SetPath(Path.GetDirectoryName(AkUtilities.GetFullPath(Application.dataPath, WwiseSettings.LoadSettings().WwiseProjectPath)));
