public void BindonLineData() { string strWhereOut = ""; DateTime dateTimeS; DateTime dateTimeE; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(BusinessType) && BusinessType != "-1") { strWhereOut += " AND BGID in (" + BLL.Util.SqlFilterByInCondition(BusinessType) + ")"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(StartTime) && DateTime.TryParse(StartTime, out dateTimeS)) { strWhereOut += " AND CreateTime >='" + StartTime + " 00:00:00'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(EndTime) && DateTime.TryParse(EndTime, out dateTimeE)) { strWhereOut += " AND CreateTime <='" + EndTime + " 23:59:59'"; } int RecordCount = 0; string tableEndName = "";//查询质检话务冗余表 DataTable dt = BLL.QS_Result.Instance.GetQS_ResultGradeStatisticsOnLine(strWhereOut, "BGID DESC", BLL.PageCommon.Instance.PageIndex, PageSize, tableEndName, out RecordCount); repeaterListHotLine.DataSource = dt; repeaterListHotLine.DataBind(); AjaxPager.PageSize = 20; AjaxPager.InitPager(RecordCount); }
//绑定数据 public void BindData() { Entities.QueryStopCustApply query = new Entities.QueryStopCustApply(); string errMsg = string.Empty; BLL.ConverToEntitie <Entities.QueryStopCustApply> conver = new BLL.ConverToEntitie <Entities.QueryStopCustApply>(query); errMsg = conver.Conver(JsonStr); if (errMsg != "") { return; } query.LoginID = userID; int RecordCount = 0; DataTable dt = BLL.StopCustApply.Instance.GetStopCustApply(query, " sca.ApplyTime desc ", BLL.PageCommon.Instance.PageIndex, PageSize, out RecordCount); repeaterTableList.DataSource = dt; repeaterTableList.DataBind(); AjaxPager.PageSize = 20; AjaxPager.InitPager(RecordCount); }
//绑定数据 public void BindData() { Entities.QueryCallRecordInfo query = new Entities.QueryCallRecordInfo(); query.LoginID = userID; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ScoreBeginTime)) { query.ScoreBeginTime = ScoreBeginTime; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ScoreEndTime)) { query.ScoreEndTime = ScoreEndTime; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ScoreCreater)) { // query.ScoreCreater = int.Parse(ScoreCreater); query.QSScoreCreaters = " and b.UserID IN (" + BLL.Util.SqlFilterByInCondition(ScoreCreater) + ")"; } query.QSResultStatus = "20002,20003,20004,20005,20006"; query.IsFilterNull = 1; int RecordCount = 0; string tableEndName = "_QS";//查询质检话务冗余表 DataTable dt = BLL.QS_Result.Instance.GetQS_ResultFrequenyStatistics(query, "tCount desc", BLL.PageCommon.Instance.PageIndex, PageSize, tableEndName, out RecordCount); repeaterList.DataSource = dt; repeaterList.DataBind(); AjaxPager.PageSize = 10; AjaxPager.InitPager(RecordCount); }
//绑定数据 public void BindData() { DateTime dateTimeS; DateTime dateTimeE; string whereBGID = ""; string whereTime1 = ""; string whereTime2 = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(BusinessType) && BusinessType != "-1") { whereBGID += " AND cri.BGID in (" + BLL.Util.SqlFilterByInCondition(BusinessType) + ")"; //页面BGID int userid = BLL.Util.GetLoginUserID(); whereBGID += " And cri.BGID in (SELECT BGID FROM UserGroupDataRigth WHERE USERID = " + userid + ") "; //数据权限 } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(StartTime) && DateTime.TryParse(StartTime, out dateTimeS)) { whereTime1 += " AND cri.CreateTime >='" + StartTime + " 00:00:00'"; whereTime2 += " AND cri.StatDate >='" + StartTime + " 00:00:00'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(EndTime) && DateTime.TryParse(EndTime, out dateTimeE)) { whereTime1 += " AND cri.CreateTime <='" + EndTime + " 23:59:59'"; whereTime2 += " AND cri.StatDate <='" + EndTime + " 23:59:59'"; } int RecordCount = 0; string searchTableName = "Report_CallRecord_Day"; SqlConnection conn = null; DataTable dt = null; try { conn = CallRecordReport.Instance.CreateSqlConnection(); string msg = ""; if (DateTime.Now.Date == Convert.ToDateTime(EndTime).Date&& Convert.ToDateTime(StartTime).Date == DateTime.Now.Date) { Dictionary <ReportTempType, string> dic1 = CallRecordReport.Instance.CreateReportCallRecordStatForDayTmp(conn, Convert.ToDateTime(StartTime).Date, ReportTempType.Day, out msg); searchTableName = dic1[ReportTempType.Day]; } dt = BLL.QS_Result.Instance.GetQS_ResultGradeStatisticsHotLine(whereBGID, whereTime1, whereTime2, BLL.PageCommon.Instance.PageIndex, PageSize, searchTableName, out RecordCount, conn); } catch (Exception) { throw; } finally { CallRecordReport.Instance.CloseSqlConnection(conn); } repeaterList.DataSource = dt; repeaterList.DataBind(); AjaxPager.PageSize = 20; AjaxPager.InitPager(RecordCount); }
private void BindAppealData() { string where = string.Empty; int userId = 0; if (int.TryParse(RequestUserID, out userId)) { where += " And cri.CreateUserID=" + userId; } int groupId = 0; if (int.TryParse(RequestGroupID, out groupId) && groupId > 0) { where += " AND cri.BGID=" + groupId; } DateTime beginTime; DateTime endTime; if (DateTime.TryParse(RequestBeginTime, out beginTime)) { where += " And qsr.CreateTime>='" + beginTime.ToString() + "'"; } if (DateTime.TryParse(RequestEndTime, out endTime)) { where += " And qsr.CreateTime<='" + endTime.Add(new TimeSpan(23, 59, 59)).ToString() + "'"; } DateTime recordBeginTime; DateTime recordEndTime; if (DateTime.TryParse(RequestRecordBeginTime, out recordBeginTime)) { where += " And cri.CreateTime>='" + recordBeginTime.ToString() + "'"; } if (DateTime.TryParse(RequestRecordEndTime, out recordEndTime)) { where += " And cri.CreateTime<='" + recordEndTime.Add(new TimeSpan(23, 59, 59)).ToString() + "'"; } #region 数据权限判断 int loginUserId = BLL.Util.GetLoginUserID(); string whereDataRight = ""; whereDataRight = BLL.UserGroupDataRigth.Instance.GetSqlRightstr("cri", "BGID", "CreateUserID", loginUserId); where += whereDataRight; #endregion int totalCount = 0; string tableEndName = "_QS";//查询质检话务冗余表 DataTable dt = BLL.QS_Result.Instance.GetQS_ResultAppealStat(where, "", BLL.PageCommon.Instance.PageIndex, pageSize, tableEndName, out totalCount); repeaterTableList.DataSource = dt; repeaterTableList.DataBind(); AjaxPager.PageSize = 20; AjaxPager.InitPager(totalCount); }
private void BindData() { //解析参数 string errMsg = string.Empty; QueryQS_IM_Result query = new QueryQS_IM_Result(); BLL.ConverToEntitie <QueryQS_IM_Result> conver = new BLL.ConverToEntitie <QueryQS_IM_Result>(query); errMsg = conver.Conver(JsonStr); if (errMsg != "") { return; } //参数校验处理(必须) query.LoginUerID = BLL.Util.GetLoginUserID(); query.InitCheck(); switch (query.BeginCount) { case "-1": query.BeginCount = "1"; query.EndCount = ""; break; case "1": query.BeginCount = "1"; query.EndCount = "30"; break; case "2": query.BeginCount = "31"; query.EndCount = "59"; break; case "3": query.BeginCount = "60"; query.EndCount = "99"; break; case "4": query.BeginCount = "100"; query.EndCount = ""; break; default: break; } //查询数据 DataTable dt = BLL.QS_IM_Result.Instance.GetQS_IM_Result(query, "", BLL.PageCommon.Instance.PageIndex, PageSize, out RecordCount); repeaterTableList.DataSource = dt; repeaterTableList.DataBind(); AjaxPager.PageSize = 20; AjaxPager.InitPager(RecordCount); }
//绑定数据 public void BindData() { Entities.QueryCallRecordInfo query = new Entities.QueryCallRecordInfo(); string errMsg = string.Empty; BLL.ConverToEntitie <Entities.QueryCallRecordInfo> conver = new BLL.ConverToEntitie <Entities.QueryCallRecordInfo>(query); errMsg = conver.Conver(JsonStr); #region 从JSONSTR中解析出通话时间 string begintime = ""; string endtime = ""; string[] array1 = JsonStr.Split('&'); if (array1.Length >= 3) { begintime = array1[1].Split('=')[1]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(begintime)) { begintime = begintime.Insert(10, " "); query.BeginTime = DateTime.Parse(begintime); } endtime = array1[2].Split('=')[1]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(endtime)) { endtime = endtime.Insert(10, " "); query.EndTime = DateTime.Parse(endtime); } } #endregion if (errMsg != "") { return; } query.LoginID = userID; query.IsFilterNull = 1; int RecordCount = 0; tableEndName = BLL.Util.CalcTableNameByMonth(3, query.BeginTime.Value); DataTable dt = BLL.QS_Result.Instance.GetQS_ResultList(query, " cob.CreateTime desc ", BLL.PageCommon.Instance.PageIndex, PageSize, tableEndName, out RecordCount); repeaterTableList.DataSource = dt; repeaterTableList.DataBind(); AjaxPager.PageSize = 20; AjaxPager.InitPager(RecordCount); }
private void BindScoreData() { QueryQS_ScoreStat query = new QueryQS_ScoreStat(); query.RequestUserID = RequestUserID; query.RequestGroupID = RequestGroupID; query.RequestRecordBeginTime = RequestRecordBeginTime; query.RequestRecordEndTime = RequestRecordEndTime; int totalCount = 0; string tableEndName = "_QS";//查询质检话务冗余表 DataTable dt = BLL.QS_Result.Instance.GetQS_ResultScoreStat(query, "", BLL.PageCommon.Instance.PageIndex, pageSize, tableEndName, out totalCount); repeaterTableList.DataSource = dt; repeaterTableList.DataBind(); AjaxPager.PageSize = pageSize; AjaxPager.InitPager(totalCount); }
//绑定数据 public void BindData() { Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); Entities.QueryCallRecord_ORIG query = new Entities.QueryCallRecord_ORIG(); string errMsg = string.Empty; BLL.ConverToEntitie <Entities.QueryCallRecord_ORIG> conver = new BLL.ConverToEntitie <Entities.QueryCallRecord_ORIG>(query); errMsg = conver.Conver(JsonStr); if (errMsg != "") { return; } int RecordCount = 0; int _loginID = -2; string _ownGroup = string.Empty; string _oneSelf = string.Empty; _loginID = userID; query.LoginID = _loginID; query.BeginTime = Request["tfBeginTime"]; query.EndTime = Request["tfEndTime"]; string tableEndName = BLL.Util.CalcTableNameByMonth(3, CommonFunction.ObjectToDateTime(query.BeginTime)); DataTable dt = BLL.CallRecord_ORIG.Instance.GetCallRecord_ORIGByList(query, " c.CreateTime desc ", BLL.PageCommon.Instance.PageIndex, PageSize, tableEndName, out RecordCount); string a = sw.Elapsed.ToString(); repeaterTableList.DataSource = dt; repeaterTableList.DataBind(); sw.Stop(); string b = sw.Elapsed.ToString(); AjaxPager.PageSize = 20; AjaxPager.InitPager(RecordCount); }
private void BindData() { Entities.QueryQS_RulesTable query = new Entities.QueryQS_RulesTable(); string errMsg = string.Empty; BLL.ConverToEntitie <Entities.QueryQS_RulesTable> conver = new BLL.ConverToEntitie <Entities.QueryQS_RulesTable>(query); errMsg = conver.Conver(JsonStr); if (errMsg != "") { return; } query.LoginID = userID; int RecordCount = 0; DataTable dt = BLL.QS_RulesTable.Instance.GetQS_RulesTable(query, " QS_RulesTable.CreateTime desc ", BLL.PageCommon.Instance.PageIndex, PageSize, out RecordCount); repeaterTableList.DataSource = dt; repeaterTableList.DataBind(); AjaxPager.PageSize = 20; AjaxPager.InitPager(RecordCount); }
//绑定数据 public void BindData() { Entities.QueryKLRaiseQuestions query = new Entities.QueryKLRaiseQuestions(); string questionedUserName = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Title)) { query.Title = Title; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CreateUserName)) { if (CreateUserName != "-1") { questionedUserName = "******" + StringHelper.SqlFilter(CreateUserName) + "'"; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CreateBeginTime)) { query.CreateBeginTime = Convert.ToDateTime(CreateBeginTime); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CreateEndTime)) { query.CreateEndTime = Convert.ToDateTime(CreateEndTime); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(KLCId)) { if (KLCId != "-1") { query.KLCId = int.Parse(KLCId); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RegionID)) { query.RegionID = int.Parse(RegionID); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AnswerUserId)) { if (AnswerUserId != "-1") { query.AnswerUser = int.Parse(AnswerUserId); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AnswerBeginTime)) { query.AnswerBeginTime = Convert.ToDateTime(AnswerBeginTime); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AnswerEndTime)) { query.AnswerEndTime = Convert.ToDateTime(AnswerEndTime); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Status)) { query.QueryStatuses = Status; } string bgids = ""; int userid = BLL.Util.GetLoginUserID(); DataTable dtbgid = BLL.EmployeeSuper.Instance.GetCurrentUserGroups(userid); foreach (DataRow row in dtbgid.Rows) { bgids += "," + row["BGID"].ToString(); } if (bgids != "") { bgids = bgids.Substring(1, bgids.Length - 1); } query.QueryBGIDs = bgids; int RecordCount = 0; DataTable dt = BLL.Personalization.Instance.GetKLRaiseQuestionDataForManage(query, questionedUserName, "a.NewCreateDate desc", BLL.PageCommon.Instance.PageIndex, PageSize, out RecordCount); repeaterList.DataSource = dt; repeaterList.DataBind(); AjaxPager.PageSize = 10; AjaxPager.InitPager(RecordCount); }