public override void PrepareForExecution()
            if (DLLModelType == DLLModelTypes.C)
            else if (DLLModelType == DLLModelTypes.CPP)
            else if (DLLModelType == DLLModelTypes.CS)
                ExecutableCode  = "";
                ExecutableCode += "\t\tpublic object " + Name + "(";
                foreach (Data inputData in ModelDataInputs)
                    if (inputData is IntegerData)
                        ExecutableCode += "int " + inputData.Name + ", ";
                    else if (inputData is DoubleData)
                        ExecutableCode += "double " + inputData.Name + ", ";
                    else if (inputData is IntegerVectorData)
                        ExecutableCode += "int[] " + inputData.Name + ", ";
                    else if (inputData is DoubleVectorData)
                        ExecutableCode += "double[] " + inputData.Name + ", ";
                ExecutableCode  = ExecutableCode.TrimEnd(',', ' ');
                ExecutableCode += ")\n\t\t";

                ExecutableCode += "{\n";

                //DElMethis.DLLFilePath = "IRW1_RNG_RMP\\AircadiaCSLib\\AircadiaCSLib\\bin\\Debug\\AircadiaCSLib.dll";

                // Get type from the "aircadia project dll" (aircadia project dll assembly contains only one type, i.e. only one class) and then create object of that type
                AircadiaProject Project = AircadiaProject.Instance;
                ExecutableCode += "\t\t\tAssembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFile(@\"" + System.IO.Path.Combine(Project.ProjectPath, DLLFilePath) + "\");\n";
                ExecutableCode += "\t\t\tType[] aircadiaProjDLLTypes = assembly.GetTypes();\n";
                ExecutableCode += "\t\t\tobject aircadiaProjDLLObject = Activator.CreateInstance(aircadiaProjDLLTypes[0]);\n";

                // Get method object to be executed in "aircadia project dll"
                ExecutableCode += "\t\t\tMethodInfo methodInfo = aircadiaProjDLLTypes[0].GetMethod(\"" + Name + "\");\n";
                ExecutableCode += "\t\t\tMethodInfo[] methodInfoA = aircadiaProjDLLTypes[0].GetMethods();\n";

                // initialise input arguments for the method (arguments also contain outputs of the model)
                ExecutableCode += "\t\t\tobject[] inputArgs = new object[" + (ModelDataInputs.Count + ModelDataOutputs.Count) + "];\n";

                int ncount = 0;
                foreach (Data data in ModelDataInputs)
                    if (data is IntegerData)
                        ExecutableCode += "\t\t\tinputArgs[" + ncount + "] = " + ((IntegerData)data).Name + ";\n";
                    else if (data is DoubleData)
                        ExecutableCode += "\t\t\tinputArgs[" + ncount + "] = " + ((DoubleData)data).Name + ";\n";
                    else if (data is IntegerVectorData)
                        ExecutableCode += "\t\t\tinputArgs[" + ncount + "] = " + ((IntegerVectorData)data).Name + ";\n";
                    else if (data is DoubleVectorData)
                        ExecutableCode += "\t\t\tinputArgs[" + ncount + "] = " + ((DoubleVectorData)data).Name + ";\n";

                // Execute the model (call method of the Aircadia project dll)
                ExecutableCode += "\t\t\ttry\n";
                ExecutableCode += "\t\t\t{\n";
                ExecutableCode += "\t\t\t\tmethodInfo.Invoke(aircadiaProjDLLObject, inputArgs);\n";
                ExecutableCode += "\t\t\t}\n";
                ExecutableCode += "\t\t\tcatch (Exception e)\n";
                ExecutableCode += "\t\t\t{\n";
                ExecutableCode += "\t\t\t\tSystem.Console.WriteLine(e.Source);\n";
                ExecutableCode += "\t\t\t\tSystem.Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace);\n";
                //this.ExecutableCode += "\t\t\t\tConsole.WriteLine(\"Execution of model (" + this.Name + ") failed in C# dll file " + Path.GetDirectoryName(this.DLLFilePath) + "\\" + this.dllFileName + ".dll\", \"DLL Model Execution Failed\", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);\n";
                //status = false;
                ExecutableCode += "\t\t\t}\n";

                // Output
                ExecutableCode += "\t\t\tobject modelResultObject = null;\n";
                ExecutableCode += "\t\t\tobject[] outputs = new object[" + ModelDataOutputs.Count + "];\n";
                ExecutableCode += "\t\t\tfor (int i = 0; i < " + ModelDataOutputs.Count + "; i++)\n";
                ExecutableCode += "\t\t\t{\n";
                ExecutableCode += "\t\t\t\toutputs[i] = inputArgs[" + ModelDataInputs.Count + " + i];\n";
                ExecutableCode += "\t\t\t}\n";
                ExecutableCode += "\t\t\tmodelResultObject = outputs;\n";
                ExecutableCode += "\t\t\treturn modelResultObject;\n";
                ExecutableCode += "\t\t}\n";
            else if (DLLModelType == DLLModelTypes.FORTRAN)
            else if (DLLModelType == DLLModelTypes.MATLAB)
        public ActionResult <ExecutionModel> GetData()
            JObject requestBodyJson = null;

            using (var reader = new StreamReader(Request.Body))
                string requestBody = reader.ReadToEnd();
                requestBodyJson = JObject.Parse(requestBody);

            string FileName = @"C:\home\site\repository\WindTurbine.explorer";

            //string FileName = @"C:\Users\s130030\OneDrive - Cranfield University\Desktop\WebApplication1\WindTurbine.explorer";

            AircadiaProject.Initialize("WindTurbine", @"C:\home\site\repository");
            //AircadiaProject.Initialize("WindTurbine", @"C:\Users\s130030\OneDrive - Cranfield University\Desktop\WebApplication1");


            AircadiaProject Project = AircadiaProject.Instance;

            ExecutionModel model = new ExecutionModel();

            model.Name = (string)(requestBodyJson["Name"]);
            //model.Description = "Add two numbers";
            //model.Uri = "";

            Workflow workflow = null;

            foreach (Workflow wf in Project.WorkflowStore)
                if (wf.Name == model.Name)
                    workflow = wf;

            List <object> parameters = new List <object>();

            // Inputs
            List <Data> inputs     = new List <Data>();
            var         inputsJson = requestBodyJson["Inputs"];

            for (int i = 0; i < inputsJson.Count(); i++)
                Data data = new Data();
                data.Name  = (string)(inputsJson[i]["Name"]);
                data.Value = (string)(inputsJson[i]["Value"]);
            model.Inputs = inputs;

            for (int i = 0; i < workflow.ModelDataInputs.Count(); i++)
                workflow.ModelDataInputs[i].Value = Convert.ToDouble(inputs[i].Value);

            // Outputs
            List <Data> outputs     = new List <Data>();
            var         outputsJson = requestBodyJson["Outputs"];

            for (int i = 0; i < outputsJson.Count(); i++)
                Data data = new Data();
                data.Name  = (string)(outputsJson[i]["Name"]);
                data.Value = (string)(outputsJson[i]["Value"]);
            model.Outputs = outputs;

            if (workflow != null)

                // Set outputs for json
                int inputs_Count = inputsJson.Count();
                for (int i = 0; i < outputs.Count(); i++)
                    outputs[i].Value = workflow.ModelDataOutputs[i].Value.ToString();

        public override bool Execute()
            bool status = true; // model execution status

            // Get type from the "aircadia project dll" (aircadia project dll assembly contains only one type, i.e. only one class) and then create object of that type
            AircadiaProject Project = AircadiaProject.Instance;

            //Type[] aircadiaProjDLLTypes = Project.assemblyacd.GetTypes();
            Type[] aircadiaProjDLLTypes  = new Type[0];
            object aircadiaProjDLLObject = Activator.CreateInstance(aircadiaProjDLLTypes[0]);

            // Get method object to be executed in "aircadia project dll"
            MethodInfo methodInfo = aircadiaProjDLLTypes[0].GetMethod(Name);

            // initialise input arguments for the method
            object[] inputArgs = new object[ModelDataInputs.Count];
            int      ncount    = 0;

            foreach (Data data in ModelDataInputs)
                if (data is IntegerData)
                    inputArgs[ncount] = (Convert.ToInt32(data.Value));
                else if (data is DoubleData)
                    inputArgs[ncount] = (double)data.Value;
                else if (data is IntegerVectorData)
                    inputArgs[ncount] = (int[])data.Value;
                else if (data is DoubleVectorData)
                    inputArgs[ncount] = (double[])data.Value;

            // Execute the model (call method of the Aircadia project dll)
            object modelResultObject = null;

                modelResultObject = methodInfo.Invoke(aircadiaProjDLLObject, inputArgs);
            catch (Exception e)
                status = false;

            // Convert modelResultObject into array of objects
            object[] modelResultObjects = (object[])modelResultObject;

            // Update/store the values of the model's outputs after execution of the model
            ncount = 0;
            foreach (Data data in ModelDataOutputs)
                if (modelResultObjects[ncount] is int dataOutputValue)
                    data.Value = dataOutputValue;
                else if (modelResultObjects[ncount] is double dataOutputValueD)
                    if (Double.IsNaN(dataOutputValueD) || Double.IsInfinity(dataOutputValueD) || Double.IsNegativeInfinity(dataOutputValueD) || Double.IsPositiveInfinity(dataOutputValueD))
                        Console.WriteLine("Invalid value in data" + data.Name + ".\r\n" + "Execution may continue");
                        status = false;
                    data.Value = dataOutputValueD;
                else if (modelResultObjects[ncount] is int[] dataOutputValueIA)
                    data.Value = dataOutputValueIA;
                else if (modelResultObjects[ncount] is double[] dataOutputValueDA)
                    data.Value = dataOutputValueDA;

            // Return with status of model execution