public void Init(BaseWeaponSystem weaponSystem, AimUI aimUI) { this.weaponSystem = weaponSystem; this.entityTransform = weaponSystem.gameObject.transform; this.aimUI = aimUI; = GameManager.Instance.sceneController.sceneCamera; }
public void EquipGun(eGunType type) { Gun gunToEquip = WeaponManager.Instance.GetGunPrefab(type).GetComponent <Gun>(); if (equippedGun != null) { Destroy(equippedGun.gameObject); } //weaponHold transform have Gun's position and rotation.(not local) Transform gunPosRot = weaponHold.GetChild((int)type); equippedGun = Instantiate(gunToEquip, gunPosRot.position, gunPosRot.rotation) as Gun; equippedGun.transform.parent = this.transform; IK.rightHandObj = equippedGun.RightGrabPosition; if (type == eGunType.Rifle || type == eGunType.Shotgun) { IK.leftHandObj = equippedGun.LeftGrabPosition; } IK.gunType = type; actor.gun = equippedGun.GetComponent <Gun>(); aimUI = UIManager.Instance.Aim.GetComponent <AimUI>(); if (aimUI == null) { Debug.LogError("AimUI NULL"); } else { Debug.Log("Aim!"); } }
public void AimPrefabLoad() { GameObject go = Resources.Load("Prefabs/UI/Aim") as GameObject; if (go == null) { Debug.LogError("AIM loading fail"); } else { Debug.Log("AIM loading success"); } Aim = Instantiate(go); Aim.SetActive(false); Aim.transform.SetParent(canvas.transform); AimUI aimUI = Aim.GetComponent <AimUI>(); aimUI.player = player; Debug.Log(player); }