public override bool KeepBehaviorCheck(AiShip leader, AiShip subject)
            // Optimize -- Make sure the target is the same as the leaders.
            if (leader.GetTarget() == null)
                return false;

            if (leader.GetTarget() != subject.GetTarget()
                return false;

            Attributes subjectStats = subject.getAttributes();
            // Get Percent / 100% using cross multiply
            double health = GetCurrentHealthPercentage();
            // comparison of factions may not work, check later.
            if (health >= 25 && leader.GetTarget() != null)
                return true;
            if (!subject)
                return false;

            if (subject.GetMyFleet().fleetLeader is PlayerShip)
                return false;

            if (!leader)
                leader = (AiShip)subject.GetMyFleet().fleetLeader;

        return false;
    public override bool KeepBehaviorCheck(AiShip leader, AiShip subject)
        // Make sure leader is searching.
        //Object leaderBehavior = leader.GetBehavior();
        //Object SearchBehavior = new Search(null);
        if (ship.getFleetLeader().GetBehavior() is Search)
            return true;

        //subject.SetBehavior(new DoNothing());
        return false;
    public void RemoveAI(AiShip inShip)

        if (fleetLeader == inShip && fleet.Count > 0)

    public override bool KeepBehaviorCheck(AiShip leader, AiShip subject)
        Attributes subjectStats = subject.getAttributes();
        // Get Percent / 100% using cross multiply
        double health = GetCurrentHealthPercentage();

        // If ship is not damaged and has no target, search. (For Fleet leaders and Solo Ships only).
        if (health < 65 &&  subject.Aggressors.Count == 0)
            return true;

        return false;
    public override bool KeepBehaviorCheck(AiShip leader, AiShip subject)
        //Check if the behavior of the leader is the same as the subject.
        if (leader.GetBehavior().Equals(subject.GetBehavior()) && leader.ID != subject.ID)
            return true;

        AiShip enemyShip = leader.GetTarget().gameObject.GetComponent("AiShip") as AiShip;
        // For Leaders eyes Only
        if (leader.GetMyFleet().threat < (enemyShip.GetMyFleet().threat * 10))
            return true;

        return false;
    public override bool KeepBehaviorCheck(AiShip leader, AiShip subject)
        hasAggressors = false;
        Attributes subjectStats = subject.getAttributes();

        // Get Percent / 100% using cross multiply
        double health = GetCurrentHealthPercentage();

        if (subject.Aggressors.Count > 0)
            hasAggressors = true;

        // If still too close or too damaged, keep running.
        if (health < 35 && hasAggressors)
            return true;

        return false;
    public override bool KeepBehaviorCheck(AiShip leader, AiShip subject)
        // Make sure the ship hasn't become the faction leader.
        if (leader.ID == subject.ID)
            return false;

        Attributes subjectStats = subject.getAttributes();
        // Get Percent / 100% using cross multiply
        double health = GetCurrentHealthPercentage();
        float distance  = Vector3.Magnitude(subject.gameObject.transform.position - leader.gameObject.transform.position);

        // If still strong enough to fight and is far away from leader, regroup.
        if (health >= 25 && distance > 1100)
            return true;

        return false;
    public override bool KeepBehaviorCheck(AiShip leader, AiShip subject)
        // Optimize -- Make sure there is a target first.
        if (subject.GetTarget() == null)
            return false;

        Attributes subjectStats = subject.getAttributes();
        // Get Percent / 100% using cross multiply
        double health = GetCurrentHealthPercentage();

        //Debug.Log("MAYBE TRUE");
        // comparison of factions may not work, check later.
        if (health >= 15)
            return true;

        Debug.Log("SOLO FALSE");
        return false;
    public override bool KeepBehaviorCheck(AiShip leader, AiShip subject)
        // Optimize -- Make sure there is a target first.
        if (subject.GetTarget() == null)
            return false;

        Attributes subjectStats = subject.getAttributes();
        // Get Percent / 100% using cross multiply
        double health = GetCurrentHealthPercentage();
        AiShip targetShip = subject.GetTarget().gameObject.GetComponent("AiShip") as AiShip;
        string targetFaction = targetShip.getFaction();

        // comparison of factions may not work, check later.
        if (health >= 25 &&  subject.getFaction() == targetFaction)
            return true;

        return false;
    public override bool KeepBehaviorCheck(AiShip leader, AiShip subject)
        Attributes subjectStats = subject.getAttributes();
        // Get Percent / 100% using cross multiply
        double health = (subjectStats.structureHealth * 100) / subjectStats.maxStructureHealth;
        float distance = 999999999999;

        // Figure out how far we are from the Aggressors
        foreach (GameObject go in subject.Aggressors.Keys)
            float distanceBetween = Vector3.Magnitude(subject.gameObject.transform.position - go.transform.position);
            if (distance > distanceBetween)
                distance = distanceBetween;

        // If still too close or too damaged, keep running.
        if (health < 15 && distance < 15000)
            return true;

        return false;
    public override bool KeepBehaviorCheck(AiShip leader, AiShip subject)
        if (ship.Aggressors.Count > 0 )
            //Debug.Log("Search has aggressors :: " +;
            return false;

        if ( != beacon.transform && != null)
        //			if ( != beacon.transform)
        //				//Debug.Log("Search has target other than beacon");
        //			else
        //				//Debug.Log("Search has target is null");
            return false;

        Attributes subjectStats = subject.getAttributes();
        // Get Percent / 100% using cross multiply
        double health = GetCurrentHealthPercentage();

        // If ship is not damaged and has no target, search. (For Fleet leaders and Solo Ships only).
        if (health >= 75 &&  subject.GetTarget() == beacon.transform)
            return true;

        //Debug.Log("Behavior Not Kept");
        return false;
 public AiBehavior DetermineLeaderBehavior(AiShip inLeader)
     return null;
 public abstract bool KeepBehaviorCheck(AiShip leader, AiShip subject);
 public void SetShip(AiShip inShip)
     this.ship = inShip;
Exemple #15
        public void Draw(GraphicsDevice graphics, int width, int height, List <AiShip> ships, PlayerShip playerShip)
            if (_renderTarget0 == null || _renderTarget0.Width != width || _renderTarget0.Height != height)
                _renderTarget0 = new RenderTarget2D(graphics, width, height, false, SurfaceFormat.Color, DepthFormat.None, 0, RenderTargetUsage.PreserveContents);
                _renderTarget1 = new RenderTarget2D(graphics, width, height, false, SurfaceFormat.Color, DepthFormat.None, 0, RenderTargetUsage.PreserveContents);

                graphics.SetRenderTarget(_renderTarget0); graphics.Clear(Color.Black);
                graphics.SetRenderTarget(_renderTarget1); graphics.Clear(Color.Black);

            _offframe = !_offframe;

            graphics.SetRenderTarget(_offframe ? _renderTarget1 : _renderTarget0);

            if (_positions == null)
                _positions     = new Vector2[ships.Count + 1];
                _lastPositions = new Vector2[ships.Count + 1];
                _colors        = new Vector3[ships.Count + 1];

                //Ai ships
                for (var index = 0; index < ships.Count; index++)
                    AiShip ship = ships[index];
                    _colors[index] = ship.ColorV3;

                    _lastPositions[index] = ship.Position;
                    _positions[index]     = ship.Position;
                //Player ship
                _colors[ships.Count]        = Vector3.One;
                _lastPositions[ships.Count] = playerShip.Position;
                _positions[ships.Count]     = playerShip.Position;

            for (var index = 0; index < ships.Count; index++)
                AiShip ship = ships[index];

                if (Vector2.DistanceSquared(ship.Position, _lastPositions[index]) > 49)
                    _lastPositions[index] = _positions[index];
                    _positions[index]     = ship.Position;

            if (Vector2.DistanceSquared(playerShip.Position, _lastPositions[ships.Count]) > 49)
                _lastPositions[ships.Count] = _positions[ships.Count];
                _positions[ships.Count]     = playerShip.Position;

            //Colors[0] = Vector3.One;
            //Positions[0] = Mouse.GetState().Position.ToVector2();



            _texParam.SetValue(_offframe ? _renderTarget0 : _renderTarget1);

            graphics.BlendState = BlendState.Opaque;

 public void setFleetLeader(AiShip inShip)
     fleetLeader = inShip;
 public override bool KeepBehaviorCheck(AiShip leader, AiShip subject)
     //Debug.Log( + " Checking Behavior for DoNothing @ " + Time.timeSinceLevelLoad);
     return false;