Exemple #1
        private static void AggregateTest(Table table)
            int iterations = 1000;

            AggregationQuery query = new AggregationQuery();

            query.Aggregator         = new Model.Aggregations.SumAggregator();
            query.AggregationColumns = new string[] { "ID" };
            query.TableName          = "Bugs";
            query.Where = SelectQuery.ParseWhere("\"Created Date\" < \"2013-01-01\"");

            query.Dimensions.Add(new AggregationDimension("Priority", "Priority < 0", "Priority = 0", "Priority = 1", "Priority > 1"));
            query.Dimensions.Add(new AggregationDimension("Framework", "Maui", "Apex", "Tao"));
            //query.Dimensions.Add(new AggregationDimension("Created Month",
            //    "\"Created Date\" >= \"2011-01-01\" AND \"Created Date\" < \"2011-02-01\"",
            //    "\"Created Date\" >= \"2011-02-01\" AND \"Created Date\" < \"2011-03-01\"",
            //    "\"Created Date\" >= \"2011-03-01\" AND \"Created Date\" < \"2011-04-01\""

            AggregationResult result = null;

            Console.WriteLine("\r\n{0}\r\n", query);

            Trace.Write("Aggregating Bugs...");

            for (int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i)
                result = table.Query(query);

        private IResponse AllCount(IRequestContext ctx, Route route)
            string queryString = ctx.Request.ResourceParameters["q"] ?? "";
            AllCountResult result = new AllCountResult(queryString);

            // Build a Count query
            IQuery<AggregationResult> query = new AggregationQuery("count", null, queryString);

            // Wrap in Joins, if found
            query = WrapInJoinQueryIfFound(query, this.Database, ctx);

            // Run server correctors
            using (ctx.Monitor(MonitorEventLevel.Verbose, "Correct", type: "AllCount", detail: query.Where.ToString()))

            // Accumulate Results for each table
            IPrincipal user = ctx.Request.User;
            using (ctx.Monitor(MonitorEventLevel.Information, "AllCount", type: "AllCount", detail: query.Where.ToString()))
                IExpression defaultWhere = query.Where;

                foreach (string tableName in this.Database.TableNames)
                    if (this.HasTableAccess(tableName, user, PermissionScope.Reader))
                        query.TableName = tableName;
                        query.Where = defaultWhere;

                        AggregationResult tableCount = this.Database.Query(query, (si) => this.IsInIdentity(ctx.Request.User, si));

                        if (!tableCount.Details.Succeeded || tableCount.Values == null)
                            result.ResultsPerTable.Add(new CountResult(tableName, 0, true, false));
                            result.ResultsPerTable.Add(new CountResult(tableName, (ulong)tableCount.Values[0, 0], true, tableCount.Details.Succeeded));
                        result.ResultsPerTable.Add(new CountResult(tableName, 0, false, false));

            // Sort results so that succeeding tables are first and are subsorted by count [descending]
            result.ResultsPerTable.Sort((left, right) =>
                int order = right.Succeeded.CompareTo(left.Succeeded);
                if (order != 0) return order;

                return right.Count.CompareTo(left.Count);

            return ArribaResponse.Ok(result);
Exemple #3
        public void PostUsersAggregatesQueryTest()
            // TODO: add unit test for the method 'PostUsersAggregatesQuery'
            AggregationQuery body = null; // TODO: replace null with proper value
            var response          = instance.PostUsersAggregatesQuery(body);

            Assert.IsInstanceOf <PresenceQueryResponse> (response, "response is PresenceQueryResponse");
Exemple #4
        public void ITable_Aggregate_Sum(Func <ITable> factoryMethod)
            // Define columns and add sample data
            ITable table = factoryMethod();


            AggregationQuery  query = new AggregationQuery();
            AggregationResult result;

            query.Aggregator         = new SumAggregator();
            query.AggregationColumns = new string[] { "ID" };
            query.Where = SelectQuery.ParseWhere("ID < 12000");

            // Dimensionless Aggregation - verify four bugs aggregated, one cell returned with sum of IDs
            result = table.Query(query);
            Assert.AreEqual(4, (int)result.Total);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Values.ColumnCount);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Values.RowCount);
            Assert.AreEqual((long)47097, result.Values[0, 0]);

            // One dimension - verify values split out and are correct; dimension queries echoed
            query.Dimensions.Add(new AggregationDimension("[Priority]", "[Priority] < 2", "[Priority] >= 2"));
            result = table.Query(query);
            AssertBlockEquals(result.Values, @"
[Priority] < 2, 23455
[Priority] >= 2, 23642
, 47097

            // Two dimensions - verify values split on both; values are correct
            query.Dimensions.Add(new AggregationDimension("[Title]", "[Title]:One | [Title]:Two", "-([Title]:One | [Title]:Two)"));
            result = table.Query(query);
            AssertBlockEquals(result.Values, @"
[Priority] < 2, [Title]:One OR [Title]:Two, 11512
[Priority] < 2, NOT([Title]:One OR [Title]:Two), 11943
[Priority] < 2, , 23455
[Priority] >= 2, [Title]:One OR [Title]:Two, 11643
[Priority] >= 2, NOT([Title]:One OR [Title]:Two), 11999
[Priority] >= 2, , 23642
, [Title]:One OR [Title]:Two, 23155
, NOT([Title]:One OR [Title]:Two), 23942
, , 47097

            // Add an empty cell and re-check
            query.Dimensions.Add(new AggregationDimension("Title", "Title:unused"));
            result = table.Query(query);
            AssertBlockEquals(result.Values, @"
[Title]:unused, null
, 47097
Exemple #5
        private void TestAggregations <T>(string columnType, T[] ascending, string sum)
            DataBlock block = new DataBlock(new string[] { "ID" }, ascending.Length);

            block.SetColumn(0, ascending);

            // Add to a table with the desired column type, big enough to have multiple partitions
            Table table = new Table("Sample", 100000);

            table.AddColumn(new ColumnDetails("ID", columnType, null, "", true));

            // Build an AggregationQuery
            AggregationQuery q = new AggregationQuery();

            q.AggregationColumns = new string[] { "ID" };
            AggregationResult result;

            // Verify the Max equals the last value from the array
            q.Aggregator = new MaxAggregator();
            result       = table.Query(q);
            Assert.AreEqual(ascending[ascending.Length - 1].ToString(), result.Values[0, 0].ToString());

            // Verify the Min equals the first value from the array
            q.Aggregator = new MinAggregator();
            result       = table.Query(q);
            Assert.AreEqual(ascending[0].ToString(), result.Values[0, 0].ToString());

            // Verify the Count equals the rows added
            q.Aggregator = new CountAggregator();
            result       = table.Query(q);
            Assert.AreEqual(ascending.Length.ToString(), result.Values[0, 0].ToString());

            // Verify the Sum equals the sum from the array [if computable]
            q.Aggregator = new SumAggregator();
            if (sum == null)
                Verify.Exception <NotImplementedException>(() => table.Query(q));
                result = table.Query(q);
                Assert.AreEqual(sum, result.Values[0, 0].ToString());

            // Verify BaseAggregator throws NotImplemented [the default]
            q.Aggregator = new BaseAggregator();
            Verify.Exception <NotImplementedException>(() => table.Query(q));
Exemple #6
        public void ITable_Empty(Func <ITable> factoryMethod)
            // Define columns and but DO NOT add sample data
            ITable table = factoryMethod();


            // Verify select sorted column search returns nothing
            SelectQuery selectQuery = new SelectQuery();

            selectQuery.Columns = new string[] { "ID", "Priority" };
            selectQuery.Count   = 3;
            selectQuery.Where   = SelectQuery.ParseWhere("[ID] > -1");
            SelectResult selectResult = table.Query(selectQuery);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, (int)selectResult.Total);

            // Verify select word match returns nothing
            selectQuery.Where = SelectQuery.ParseWhere("Title:One");
            selectResult      = table.Query(selectQuery);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, (int)selectResult.Total);

            // Verify count returns 0
            AggregationQuery aggregateQuery = new AggregationQuery();

            aggregateQuery.Aggregator         = new CountAggregator();
            aggregateQuery.AggregationColumns = new string[] { "ID" };
            AggregationResult aggregateResult = table.Query(aggregateQuery);

            Assert.AreEqual((ulong)0, aggregateResult.Values[0, 0]);

            // Verify sum returns null [can't merge correctly if there are no values]
            aggregateQuery.Aggregator = new SumAggregator();
            aggregateResult           = table.Query(aggregateQuery);
            Assert.AreEqual(null, aggregateResult.Values[0, 0]);

            // Verify Min/Max return null
            aggregateQuery.Aggregator = new MinAggregator();
            aggregateResult           = table.Query(aggregateQuery);
            Assert.IsNull(aggregateResult.Values[0, 0]);

            aggregateQuery.Aggregator = new MaxAggregator();
            aggregateResult           = table.Query(aggregateQuery);
            Assert.IsNull(aggregateResult.Values[0, 0]);
Exemple #7
        public void Aggregator_RequireMerge()
            Table t = new Table("Sample", 100);


            var aggregator = new AggregatorNeedingMerge();
            var aq         = new AggregationQuery();

            aq.Aggregator = aggregator;

            aggregator.RequireMerge = false;
            AggregationResult result = t.Query(aq);

            Assert.AreEqual((int)result.Values[0, 0], 2);

            aggregator.RequireMerge = true;
            result = t.Query(aq);
            Assert.AreEqual((int)result.Values[0, 0], 1);
Exemple #8
        private static bool CompareAggregate(Table expected, Table actual, AggregationQuery query)
            StringBuilder differences = new StringBuilder();

            AggregationResult resultExpected = expected.Query(query);
            AggregationResult resultActual   = actual.Query(query);

            if (resultExpected.Total != resultActual.Total)
                differences.AppendLine(String.Format("Total; Expect: {0:n0}, Actual {1:n0}.", resultExpected.Total, resultActual.Total));

            CompareValues(resultExpected.Values, resultActual.Values, differences);

            if (differences.Length > 0)
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}\r\n========================================\r\n{1}\r\n========================================\r\n\r\n", query, differences));

            return(differences.Length == 0);
Exemple #9
        private static async Task ExampleShort()
            // Connect to local Arriba server
            using (var client = new ArribaClient(ArribaServerUrl))
                // Create Table [2 Partition Bits = 4 Partitions = 256k items]
                CreateTableRequest tableRequest = new CreateTableRequest("Test_" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString(), 2);
                tableRequest.Columns.Add(new ColumnDetails("ID", "int", -1, String.Empty, true));
                tableRequest.Columns.Add(new ColumnDetails("Name", "string", null));
                tableRequest.Columns.Add(new ColumnDetails("Age", "int", -1));
                var table = await client.CreateTableAsync(tableRequest);

                // Add or Update items (CSV) [ID,Name,Age]
                using (MemoryStream ms = BuildSampleUserCsv())
                    await table.ImportFileAsync(ms, "csv");

                // Select ID, Name WHERE Age = 32
                SelectResult selectResult = await table.Select(new SelectQuery(new string[] { "ID" }, "Age = 32"));

                Console.WriteLine("Found {0:n0} 32 year olds (expected 2)", selectResult.Total);

                // Aggregate COUNT(*) WHERE {ALL} BY Age < 30, Age >= 30
                AggregationQuery aggregateQuery = new AggregationQuery("Count", new string[] { "ID" }, "");
                aggregateQuery.Dimensions.Add(new AggregationDimension("Age", "Age < 30", "Age >= 30"));
                AggregationResult aggregateResult = await table.Aggregate(aggregateQuery);

                Console.WriteLine("Found {0:n0} under 30 year olds (expected 1)", aggregateResult.Values[0, 1]);
                Console.WriteLine("Found {0:n0} over 30 year olds (expected 3)", aggregateResult.Values[1, 1]);
                Console.WriteLine("Found {0:n0} altogether (expected 4)", aggregateResult.Values[2, 1]);

                // Delete WHERE Age < 30
                int countDeleted = await table.Delete(SelectQuery.ParseWhere("Age < 30"));

                Console.WriteLine("Deleted {0:n0} users (expected 1)", countDeleted);
        private static async Task <AggregationQuery> BuildAggregateFromContext(IRequestContext ctx)
            if (ctx.Request.Method == RequestVerb.Post && ctx.Request.HasBody)
                return(await ctx.Request.ReadBodyAsync <AggregationQuery>());

            string aggregationFunction = ctx.Request.ResourceParameters["a"] ?? "count";
            string columnName          = ctx.Request.ResourceParameters["col"];
            string queryString         = ctx.Request.ResourceParameters["q"];

            AggregationQuery query = new AggregationQuery();

            query.Aggregator         = AggregationQuery.BuildAggregator(aggregationFunction);
            query.AggregationColumns = String.IsNullOrEmpty(columnName) ? null : new string[] { columnName };

            using (ctx.Monitor(MonitorEventLevel.Verbose, "Arriba.ParseQuery", String.IsNullOrEmpty(queryString) ? "<none>" : queryString))
                query.Where = String.IsNullOrEmpty(queryString) ? new AllExpression() : SelectQuery.ParseWhere(queryString);

            for (char dimensionPrefix = 'd'; ctx.Request.ResourceParameters.Contains(dimensionPrefix.ToString() + "1"); ++dimensionPrefix)
                List <string> dimensionParts = ReadParameterSet(ctx.Request, dimensionPrefix.ToString());

                if (dimensionParts.Count == 1 && dimensionParts[0].EndsWith(">"))
                    query.Dimensions.Add(new DistinctValueDimension(QueryParser.UnwrapColumnName(dimensionParts[0].TrimEnd('>'))));
                    query.Dimensions.Add(new AggregationDimension("", dimensionParts));

Exemple #11
        private AggregationQuery BuildAggregateFromContext(IRequestContext ctx, NameValueCollection p)
            string aggregationFunction = p["a"] ?? "count";
            string columnName          = p["col"];
            string queryString         = p["q"];

            AggregationQuery query = new AggregationQuery();

            query.Aggregator         = AggregationQuery.BuildAggregator(aggregationFunction);
            query.AggregationColumns = String.IsNullOrEmpty(columnName) ? null : new string[] { columnName };

            using (ctx.Monitor(MonitorEventLevel.Verbose, "Arriba.ParseQuery", String.IsNullOrEmpty(queryString) ? "<none>" : queryString))
                query.Where = String.IsNullOrEmpty(queryString) ? new AllExpression() : SelectQuery.ParseWhere(queryString);

            for (char dimensionPrefix = 'd'; true; ++dimensionPrefix)
                List <string> dimensionParts = ReadParameterSet(p, dimensionPrefix.ToString());
                if (dimensionParts.Count == 0)

                if (dimensionParts.Count == 1 && dimensionParts[0].EndsWith(">"))
                    query.Dimensions.Add(new DistinctValueDimension(QueryParser.UnwrapColumnName(dimensionParts[0].TrimEnd('>'))));
                    query.Dimensions.Add(new AggregationDimension("", dimensionParts));

Exemple #12
 public AggregationResult(AggregationQuery query) : base(query)
Exemple #13
 public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
Exemple #14
        private async Task ExecuteReport()
            QueryErrorMessage.Value = "";
            IsErrorVisible.Value    = false;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(GroupByField.Value))
                ApplicationModel.Current.Notifications.Add(new Notification("You must select a field to group by"));

            if (ValueCalculations.Count == 0)
                ApplicationModel.Current.Notifications.Add(new Notification("You must add at least one Value"));

            var facets = new List <AggregationQuery>();

            foreach (var value in ValueCalculations)
                var facetForField = facets.FirstOrDefault(f => f.AggregationField == value.Field);
                if (facetForField != null)
                    facetForField.Aggregation |= value.SummaryMode;
                    facets.Add(new AggregationQuery
                        Name             = GroupByField.Value,
                        DisplayName      = GroupByField.Value + "-" + value.Field,
                        AggregationField = value.Field,
                        Aggregation      = value.SummaryMode

            ResultColumns = null;

            var cancelationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

            var progressWindow = new ProgressWindow()
                Title           = "Preparing Report",
                IsIndeterminate = false,
                CanCancel       = true

            progressWindow.Closed += delegate { cancelationTokenSource.Cancel(); };

            var queryStartTime = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;

                var results        = new List <KeyValuePair <string, FacetResult> >();
                var hasMoreResults = true;
                var fetchedResults = 0;

                while (hasMoreResults)
                    var queryFacetsTask = DatabaseCommands.GetFacetsAsync(IndexName,
                                                                          new IndexQuery()
                        Query = FilterDoc.Text
                                                                          fetchedResults, 256);

                    await TaskEx.WhenAny(
                        TaskEx.Delay(int.MaxValue, cancelationTokenSource.Token));

                    if (cancelationTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)

                    var facetResults = await queryFacetsTask;


                    fetchedResults += facetResults.Results.Select(r => r.Value.Values.Count).Max();
                    var remainingResults = facetResults.Results.Select(r => r.Value.RemainingTermsCount).Max();
                    var totalResults     = fetchedResults + remainingResults;

                    progressWindow.Progress = (int)((fetchedResults / (double)totalResults) * 100);

                    hasMoreResults = remainingResults > 0;

                var rowsByKey = new Dictionary <string, ReportRow>();
                var rows      = new List <ReportRow>();

                foreach (var facetResult in results)
                    var calculatedField = facetResult.Key.Split('-')[1];

                    foreach (var facetValue in facetResult.Value.Values)
                        ReportRow result;
                        if (!rowsByKey.TryGetValue(facetValue.Range, out result))
                            result = new ReportRow {
                                Key = facetValue.Range
                            rowsByKey.Add(result.Key, result);

                        foreach (
                            var valueCalculation in ValueCalculations.Where(v => v.Field == calculatedField))
                            var value = facetValue.GetAggregation(valueCalculation.SummaryMode);
                            if (value.HasValue)
                                                  facetValue.GetAggregation(valueCalculation.SummaryMode) ?? 0);

                var columns = new ColumnsModel();

                columns.Columns.Add(new ColumnDefinition()
                    Header  = "Key",
                    Binding = "Key"

                        k => new ColumnDefinition()
                    Header = k.Header, Binding = "Values[" + k.Header + "]"

                ResultColumns = columns;

                var queryEndTime = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;

                ExecutionElapsedTime.Value = new TimeSpan(queryEndTime - queryStartTime);
            catch (AggregateException ex)
                var badRequest = ex.ExtractSingleInnerException() as BadRequestException;
                if (badRequest != null)
                    QueryErrorMessage.Value = badRequest.Message;
                    IsErrorVisible.Value    = true;
            catch (TaskCanceledException)
                // there's a bug in silverlight where if a ChildWindow gets closed too soon after it's opened, it leaves the UI
                // disabled; so delay closing the window by a few milliseconds
 public void Init()
     instance = new AggregationQuery();
        public void SecureDatabase_AggregationQuerySecurity()
            SecureDatabase db = BuildSampleDB();

            AggregationQuery q = new AggregationQuery("sum", new string[] { "ID" }, "One");

            q.TableName = sampleTableName;

            AggregationResult result;

            // Run the Query without security. Expect no restrictions and no security checks.
            result = db.Query(new AggregationQuery(q), (si) => { Assert.Fail("No security checks for unsecured table"); return(true); });
            Assert.AreEqual("[*]:One", result.Query.Where.ToString());

            // Restrict the secret columns to people in "G1", or users in "G2" can see everything but only for SecretPriority < 1 items.

            // Run the Query as a user in all column restriction groups
            // Verify the query is unrestricted - no WHERE clause and no filtered columns
            result = db.Query(new AggregationQuery(q), (si) => si.Name == "g1" || si.Name == "g2");
            Assert.AreEqual("[*]:One", result.Query.Where.ToString());

            // Run the Query as a user in G3.
            // Verify WHERE clause restriction.
            result = db.Query(new AggregationQuery(q), (si) => si.Name == "g3");
            Assert.AreEqual("[SecretPriority] > 1 AND [*]:One", result.Query.Where.ToString());

            // Run the Query as a user in all groups
            // Verify WHERE clause restriction for *first* matching group
            result = db.Query(new AggregationQuery(q), (si) => true);
            Assert.AreEqual("[SecretPriority] > 1 AND [*]:One", result.Query.Where.ToString());

            // Run the Query as a user in no groups.
            // Verify all column restrictions, no where clause filter
            result = db.Query(new AggregationQuery(q), (si) => false);
            Assert.AreEqual("[*]:One", result.Query.Where.ToString());

            // Add a query clause for a disallowed column when not in group. Verify error.
            result = db.Query(new AggregationQuery(q)
                Where = QueryParser.Parse("One AND SecretOwner=Bob")
            }, (si) => false);
            Assert.AreEqual("", result.Query.Where.ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual(String.Format(ExecutionDetails.DisallowedColumnQuery, "SecretOwner"), result.Details.Errors);

            // Add a query clause for a disallowed column when in group. Verify success.
            result = db.Query(new AggregationQuery(q)
                Where = QueryParser.Parse("One AND SecretOwner=Bob")
            }, (si) => si.Name == "g1");
            Assert.AreEqual("[*]:One AND [SecretOwner] = Bob", result.Query.Where.ToString());

            // Ask to aggregate on a restricted column. Verify error.
            result = db.Query(new AggregationQuery(q)
                AggregationColumns = new string[] { "SecretPriority" }
            }, (si) => si.Name == "g1");
            Assert.AreEqual("", result.Query.Where.ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual(String.Format(ExecutionDetails.DisallowedColumnQuery, "SecretPriority"), result.Details.Errors);

            // Ask to aggregate over a restricted column dimension. Verify error.
            AggregationQuery a = new AggregationQuery(q);

            a.Dimensions.Add(new AggregationDimension("Columns", new string[] { "ID > 5", "ID > 10", "SecretPriority = 1" }));

            result = db.Query(a, (si) => si.Name == "g1");
            Assert.AreEqual("", result.Query.Where.ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual(String.Format(ExecutionDetails.DisallowedColumnQuery, "SecretPriority"), result.Details.Errors);
        /// <summary>
        /// Query for flow aggregates
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="PureCloudPlatform.Client.V2.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
        /// <param name="body">query</param>
        /// <returns>AggregateQueryResponse</returns>
        public AggregateQueryResponse PostAnalyticsFlowsAggregatesQuery(AggregationQuery body)
            ApiResponse <AggregateQueryResponse> localVarResponse = PostAnalyticsFlowsAggregatesQueryWithHttpInfo(body);

Exemple #18
        public void ITable_Aggregate_Count(Func <ITable> factoryMethod)
            // Define columns and add sample data
            ITable table = factoryMethod();


            AggregationQuery  query = new AggregationQuery();
            AggregationResult result;

            query.Aggregator         = new CountAggregator();
            query.AggregationColumns = new string[] { "ID" };
            query.Where = SelectQuery.ParseWhere("ID < 12000");

            // Dimensionless Aggregation - verify four bugs aggregated, one cell returned with sum of IDs
            result = table.Query(query);
            Assert.AreEqual((ulong)4, result.Values[0, 0]);

            // One dimension - verify values split out and are correct; dimension queries echoed
            query.Dimensions.Add(new AggregationDimension("Priority", "Priority < 2", "Priority >= 2"));
            result = table.Query(query);
            AssertBlockEquals(result.Values, @"
[Priority] < 2, 2
[Priority] >= 2, 2
, 4");
            Assert.AreEqual((ulong)2, result.Values[0, 1]);
            Assert.AreEqual((ulong)2, result.Values[1, 1]);
            Assert.AreEqual((ulong)4, result.Values[2, 1]);

            // Two dimensions - verify values split on both; values are correct
            query.Dimensions.Add(new AggregationDimension("Title", "Title:One | Title:Two", "-(Title:One | Title:Two)"));
            result = table.Query(query);
            AssertBlockEquals(result.Values, @"
[Priority] < 2, [Title]:One OR [Title]:Two, 1
[Priority] < 2, NOT([Title]:One OR [Title]:Two), 1
[Priority] < 2, , 2
[Priority] >= 2, [Title]:One OR [Title]:Two, 1
[Priority] >= 2, NOT([Title]:One OR [Title]:Two), 1
[Priority] >= 2, , 2
, [Title]:One OR [Title]:Two, 2
, NOT([Title]:One OR [Title]:Two), 2
, , 4

            // Sparse dimensions - verify skipping is correct
            query.Dimensions.Add(new AggregationDimension("[Priority]", "[Priority] = 0", "[Priority] = 1", "[Priority] = 2", "[Priority] = 3"));
            query.Dimensions.Add(new AggregationDimension("ID", "[ID] < 11900", "[ID] >= 11900"));
            result = table.Query(query);
            AssertBlockEquals(result.Values, @"
[Priority] = 0, [ID] < 11900, 1
[Priority] = 0, [ID] >= 11900, null
[Priority] = 0, , 1
[Priority] = 1, [ID] < 11900, null
[Priority] = 1, [ID] >= 11900, 1
[Priority] = 1, , 1
[Priority] = 2, [ID] < 11900, null
[Priority] = 2, [ID] >= 11900, null
[Priority] = 2, , null
[Priority] = 3, [ID] < 11900, 1
[Priority] = 3, [ID] >= 11900, 1
[Priority] = 3, , 2
, [ID] < 11900, 2
, [ID] >= 11900, 2
, , 4
            // Add an empty cell and re-check
            query.Dimensions.Add(new AggregationDimension("[Title]", "[Title]:unused"));
            result = table.Query(query);
            AssertBlockEquals(result.Values, @"
[Title]:unused, null
, 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Query for flow aggregates
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="PureCloudPlatform.Client.V2.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
        /// <param name="body">query</param>
        /// <returns>Task of AggregateQueryResponse</returns>
        public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task <AggregateQueryResponse> PostAnalyticsFlowsAggregatesQueryAsync(AggregationQuery body)
            ApiResponse <AggregateQueryResponse> localVarResponse = await PostAnalyticsFlowsAggregatesQueryAsyncWithHttpInfo(body);

Exemple #20
        protected void ApplyTableSecurity <T>(IQuery <T> query, Func <SecurityIdentity, bool> isCurrentUserIn, ExecutionDetails details)
            SecurityPermissions security = this.Security(query.TableName);

            // If table has row restrictions and one matches, restrict rows and allow
            // NOTE: If restricted rows are returned, columns are NOT restricted.
            foreach (var rowRestriction in security.RowRestrictedUsers)
                if (isCurrentUserIn(rowRestriction.Key))
                    query.Where = new AndExpression(QueryParser.Parse(rowRestriction.Value), query.Where);

            // If table has column restrictions, build a list of excluded columns
            IList <string> restrictedColumns = GetRestrictedColumns(query.TableName, isCurrentUserIn);

            // If no columns were restricted, return query as-is
            if (restrictedColumns == null)

            // Exclude disallowed columns from where clauses
            // If a disallowed column is requested specifically, block the query and return an error
            ColumnSecurityCorrector c = new ColumnSecurityCorrector(restrictedColumns);

            catch (ArribaColumnAccessDeniedException e)
                query.Where = new EmptyExpression();
                details.AddError(ExecutionDetails.DisallowedColumnQuery, e.Message);

            // If columns are excluded, remove those from the select list
            IQuery <T> primaryQuery = query;

            if (query is JoinQuery <T> )
                primaryQuery = ((JoinQuery <T>)query).PrimaryQuery;

            if (primaryQuery.GetType().Equals(typeof(SelectQuery)))
                SelectQuery   sq = (SelectQuery)primaryQuery;
                List <string> filteredColumns = null;

                if (sq.Columns.Count == 1 && sq.Columns[0] == "*")
                    filteredColumns = new List <string>();
                    foreach (ColumnDetails column in this[sq.TableName].ColumnDetails)
                        if (restrictedColumns.Contains(column.Name))
                    foreach (string columnName in sq.Columns)
                        if (restrictedColumns.Contains(columnName))
                            if (filteredColumns == null)
                                filteredColumns = new List <string>(sq.Columns);


                if (filteredColumns != null)
                    sq.Columns = filteredColumns;
            else if (primaryQuery.GetType().Equals(typeof(AggregationQuery)))
                AggregationQuery aq = (AggregationQuery)primaryQuery;
                if (aq.AggregationColumns != null)
                    foreach (string columnName in aq.AggregationColumns)
                        if (restrictedColumns.Contains(columnName))
                            details.AddError(ExecutionDetails.DisallowedColumnQuery, columnName);
                            aq.Where = new EmptyExpression();
            else if (primaryQuery.GetType().Equals(typeof(DistinctQuery)))
                DistinctQuery dq = (DistinctQuery)primaryQuery;
                if (restrictedColumns.Contains(dq.Column))
                    details.AddError(ExecutionDetails.DisallowedColumnQuery, dq.Column);
                    dq.Where = new EmptyExpression();
                // IQuery is extensible; there's no way to ensure that user-implemented
                // queries respect security rules.
                details.AddError(ExecutionDetails.DisallowedQuery, primaryQuery.GetType().Name);
                primaryQuery.Where = new EmptyExpression();
Exemple #21
        private static async Task Example()
            using (var client = new ArribaClient(ArribaServerUrl))
                // Create Table [2 Partition Bits = 4 Partitions = 256k items]
                CreateTableRequest tableRequest = new CreateTableRequest("Test_" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString(), 2);
                tableRequest.Columns.Add(new ColumnDetails("ID", "int", -1, String.Empty, true));
                tableRequest.Columns.Add(new ColumnDetails("Name", "string", null));
                tableRequest.Columns.Add(new ColumnDetails("Age", "int", -1));
                var table = await client.CreateTableAsync(tableRequest);

                // Add columns (after creation)
                await table.AddColumnsAsync(new ColumnDetails[] { new ColumnDetails("Team", "string", null) });

                // Add items (CSV) [ID,Name,Age]
                using (MemoryStream ms = BuildSampleUserCsv())
                    await table.ImportFileAsync(ms, "csv");

                // Add items (DataBlock)
                DataBlock block = new DataBlock(
                    new string[] { "ID", "Name", "Age", "Team" },
                    new Array[] {
                    new int[] { 4 },
                    new string[] { "Karl" },
                    new int[] { 30 },
                    new string[] { "VSPlat" }
                await table.ImportDataBlock(block);

                // Get Table Information
                var d = await table.GetTableInformationAsync();

                // Select ID, Name WHERE Age = 32
                SelectResult selectResult = await table.Select(new SelectQuery(new string[] { "ID" }, "Age = 32"));

                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Found {0:n0} 32 year olds (expected 2)", selectResult.Total));

                // Aggregate COUNT(*) WHERE {ALL} BY Age < 30, Age >= 30
                AggregationQuery aggregateQuery = new AggregationQuery("Count", new string[] { "ID" }, "");
                aggregateQuery.Dimensions.Add(new AggregationDimension("Age", "Age < 30", "Age >= 30"));
                AggregationResult aggregateResult = await table.Aggregate(aggregateQuery);

                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Found {0:n0} under 30 year olds (expected 1)", aggregateResult.Values[0, 1]));
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Found {0:n0} over 30 year olds (expected 3)", aggregateResult.Values[1, 1]));
                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Found {0:n0} altogether (expected 4)", aggregateResult.Values[2, 1]));

                // Delete WHERE ID = 2
                int countDeleted = await table.Delete(SelectQuery.ParseWhere("ID = 2"));

                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Deleted {0:n0} users (expected 1)", countDeleted));

                // Select ID, Name WHERE Age = 32 (again)
                selectResult = await table.Select(new SelectQuery(new string[] { "ID" }, "Age = 32"));

                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Found {0:n0} 32 year olds (expected 1)", selectResult.Total));

                // Add write permission to another user
                await table.GrantPermissionsAsync(Model.Security.PermissionScope.Reader, Model.Security.IdentityScope.User, "phil");

                SecurityPermissions permissions = await table.GetPermissionsAsync();

                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Expecting 'Phil' as reader. Readers: {0}", permissions.Readers.First().Name));

                // Deny myself write permission
                await table.RevokePermissionsAsync(Model.Security.PermissionScope.Reader, Model.Security.IdentityScope.User, "phil");

                permissions = await table.GetPermissionsAsync();

                Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Found {0:n0} readers (expected 0)", permissions.Readers.Count()));

                // Delete table
                await table.DeleteAsync();
        /// <summary>
        /// Query for flow aggregates
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="PureCloudPlatform.Client.V2.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
        /// <param name="body">query</param>
        /// <returns>Task of ApiResponse (AggregateQueryResponse)</returns>
        public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task <ApiResponse <AggregateQueryResponse> > PostAnalyticsFlowsAggregatesQueryAsyncWithHttpInfo(AggregationQuery body)
            // verify the required parameter 'body' is set
            if (body == null)
                throw new ApiException(400, "Missing required parameter 'body' when calling FlowsApi->PostAnalyticsFlowsAggregatesQuery");

            var    localVarPath         = "/api/v2/analytics/flows/aggregates/query";
            var    localVarPathParams   = new Dictionary <String, String>();
            var    localVarQueryParams  = new List <Tuple <String, String> >();
            var    localVarHeaderParams = new Dictionary <String, String>(Configuration.DefaultHeader);
            var    localVarFormParams   = new Dictionary <String, String>();
            var    localVarFileParams   = new Dictionary <String, FileParameter>();
            Object localVarPostBody     = null;

            // to determine the Content-Type header
            String[] localVarHttpContentTypes = new String[] {
            String localVarHttpContentType = this.Configuration.ApiClient.SelectHeaderContentType(localVarHttpContentTypes);

            // to determine the Accept header
            String[] localVarHttpHeaderAccepts = new String[] {
            String localVarHttpHeaderAccept = this.Configuration.ApiClient.SelectHeaderAccept(localVarHttpHeaderAccepts);

            if (localVarHttpHeaderAccept != null)
                localVarHeaderParams.Add("Accept", localVarHttpHeaderAccept);

            // set "format" to json by default
            // e.g. /pet/{petId}.{format} becomes /pet/{petId}.json
            localVarPathParams.Add("format", "json");

            // Path params

            // Query params

            // Header params

            // Form params

            // Body param
            if (body != null && body.GetType() != typeof(byte[]))
                localVarPostBody = this.Configuration.ApiClient.Serialize(body); // http body (model) parameter
                localVarPostBody = body; // byte array
            // authentication (PureCloud OAuth) required
            // oauth required
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Configuration.AccessToken))
                localVarHeaderParams["Authorization"] = "Bearer " + this.Configuration.AccessToken;

            // make the HTTP request
            IRestResponse localVarResponse = (IRestResponse)await this.Configuration.ApiClient.CallApiAsync(localVarPath,
                                                                                                            Method.POST, localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarFileParams,
                                                                                                            localVarPathParams, localVarHttpContentType);

            int localVarStatusCode = (int)localVarResponse.StatusCode;

            Dictionary <string, string> localVarHeaders = localVarResponse.Headers.ToDictionary(x => x.Name, x => x.Value.ToString());

            if (localVarStatusCode >= 400)
                throw new ApiException(localVarStatusCode, "Error calling PostAnalyticsFlowsAggregatesQuery: " + localVarResponse.Content, localVarResponse.Content, localVarHeaders);
            else if (localVarStatusCode == 0)
                throw new ApiException(localVarStatusCode, "Error calling PostAnalyticsFlowsAggregatesQuery: " + localVarResponse.ErrorMessage, localVarResponse.ErrorMessage);

            return(new ApiResponse <AggregateQueryResponse>(localVarStatusCode,
                                                            (AggregateQueryResponse)this.Configuration.ApiClient.Deserialize(localVarResponse, typeof(AggregateQueryResponse)),
 public async Task <AggregationResult> Aggregate(AggregationQuery query)
     return(await _client.SendObjectAsync <AggregationResult>(HttpMethod.Post, String.Format("table/{0}?action=aggregate", _tableName), value : query));
Exemple #24
        public void CanCalculateMultipleFieldsForOneAggregate()
            using (var store = NewDocumentStore())
                new Orders_All().Execute(store);

                using (var session = store.OpenSession())
                    session.Store(new Order {
                        Currency = Currency.EUR, Product = "Milk", Total = 1000, Quantity = 1
                    session.Store(new Order {
                        Currency = Currency.NIS, Product = "Milk", Total = 2000, Quantity = 2
                    session.Store(new Order
                        Currency = Currency.EUR,
                        Product  = "iPhone",
                        Total    = 3000,
                        Quantity = 3

                var queries = new List <AggregationQuery>
                    new AggregationQuery
                        Aggregation      = FacetAggregation.Sum,
                        AggregationField = "Total_Range",
                        DisplayName      = "Product-Total",
                        Name             = "Product",
                    new AggregationQuery
                        Aggregation      = FacetAggregation.Sum,
                        AggregationField = "Quantity_Range",
                        DisplayName      = "Product-Quantity",
                        Name             = "Product",

                var result =
                    store.AsyncDatabaseCommands.GetFacetsAsync("Orders/All", new IndexQuery(), AggregationQuery.GetFacets(queries),
                                                               start: 0, pageSize: 512).Result;

                Assert.Equal(6000, result.Results["Product-Total"].Values.Sum(s => s.Sum));
                Assert.Equal(6, result.Results["Product-Quantity"].Values.Sum(s => s.Sum));