public async Task SystemTestAsync() { //InMemoryContext.LoadData(source: _masterDBContext, target: _ctx); var simContext = new AgentSimulation(DBContext: _masterDBContext, messageHub: new ConsoleHub()); var simConfig = SimulationCore.Environment.Configuration.Create(args: new object[] { // set ResultDBString and set SaveToDB true new DBConnectionString(value: localresultdb) , new SimulationId(value: 1) , new SimulationNumber(value: simNr) , new SimulationKind(value: SimulationType.None) // implements the used behaviour, if None --> DefaultBehaviour , new OrderArrivalRate(value: 0.025) , new OrderQuantity(value: 1) , new TransitionFactor(value: 3) , new EstimatedThroughPut(value: 600) , new DebugAgents(value: true) , new DebugSystem(value: false) , new KpiTimeSpan(value: 480) , new Seed(value: 1337) , new MinDeliveryTime(value: 1160) , new MaxDeliveryTime(value: 1600) , new TimePeriodForThrougputCalculation(value: 3840) , new SettlingStart(value: 2880) , new SimulationEnd(value: 20160) , new WorkTimeDeviation(value: 0.2) , new SaveToDB(value: false) }); var simulation = await simContext.InitializeSimulation(configuration : simConfig); emtpyResultDBbySimulationNumber(simNr: simConfig.GetOption <SimulationNumber>()); var simWasReady = false; if (simulation.IsReady()) { // set for Assert simWasReady = true; // Start simulation var sim = simulation.RunAsync(); AgentSimulation.Continuation(inbox: simContext.SimulationConfig.Inbox , sim: simulation , collectors: new List <IActorRef> { simContext.StorageCollector , simContext.WorkCollector , simContext.ContractCollector }); await sim; } Assert.True(condition: simWasReady); }
public async Task RunAkkaSimulation(Configuration configuration) { _configuration = configuration; _messageHub.SendToAllClients(msg: "Prepare in Memory model from DB for Simulation: " + _configuration.GetOption <SimulationId>().Value.ToString() , msgType:; //In-memory database only exists while the connection is open //var _inMemory = InMemoryContext.CreateInMemoryContext(); // InMemoryContext.LoadData(source: _context, target: _inMemory); //MasterDBInitializerSimple.DbInitialize(_inMemory); _messageHub.SendToAllClients(msg: "Prepare Simulation", msgType:; _agentSimulation = new AgentSimulation(DBContext: _context , messageHub: _messageHub); // Defines the status output var simulation = _agentSimulation.InitializeSimulation(configuration: _configuration).Result; SimulationContext = simulation.SimulationContext; if (simulation.IsReady()) { _messageHub.SendToAllClients(msg: "Start Simulation ...", msgType:; // Start simulation var sim = simulation.RunAsync(); AgentSimulation.Continuation(inbox: _agentSimulation.SimulationConfig.Inbox , sim: simulation , collectors: new List <IActorRef> { _agentSimulation.StorageCollector , _agentSimulation.WorkCollector , _agentSimulation.ContractCollector }); await sim; } _messageHub.EndScheduler(); _messageHub.EndSimulation(msg: "Simulation Completed." , simId: _configuration.GetOption <SimulationId>().Value.ToString() , simNumber: _configuration.GetOption <SimulationNumber>().Value.ToString()); return; }