private void DoAction() { Action = null; if (Owner.BlackBoard.DesiredTarget == null) { return; } Action = AgentActionFactory.Create(AgentActionFactory.E_Type.E_BLOCK) as AgentActionBlock; Action.Attacker = Owner.BlackBoard.DesiredTarget; Action.Time = 3.0f; Owner.BlackBoard.ActionAdd(Action); WorldStateProp prop = Owner.WorldState.GetWSProperty(E_PropKey.E_IN_DODGE); if (prop == null || prop.GetBool() == true) { return; } //WorldStateTime = prop.Time; //UnityEngine.Debug.Log(this.ToString() + "Send new roll action to pos " + Action.Direction.ToString()); }
protected override AgentAction MakeAgentAction() { AgentActionBlock agentAction = AgentActionFactory.Get(AgentActionType.BLOCK, Owner) as AgentActionBlock; agentAction.attacker = Owner.BlackBoard.desiredTarget; agentAction.time = 3.0f; return(agentAction); }
public override void Deactivate() { Owner.WorldState.SetWSProperty(E_PropKey.E_IN_BLOCK, false); //AgentActionFactory.Return(Action); Action = null; base.Deactivate(); }
override public void OnDeactivate() { // Time.timeScale = 1.0f; if (ActionDamageBlocked != null) { ActionDamageBlocked.SetSuccess(); } ActionDamageBlocked = null; ActionBlock.SetSuccess(); ActionBlock = null; Owner.BlackBoard.MotionType = E_MotionType.None; base.OnDeactivate(); }
protected override void Initialize(AgentAction action) { base.Initialize(action); //Debug.Log(Time.timeSinceLevelLoad + + "Block init"); ActionBlock = action as AgentActionBlock; string animName = Owner.AnimSet.GetBlockAnim(E_BlockState.Start, Owner.BlackBoard.WeaponSelected); StartRotation = Transform.rotation; StartPosition = Transform.position; Vector3 dir = ActionBlock.Attacker.Position - Transform.position; float angle = 0; if (dir.sqrMagnitude > 0.1f * 0.1f) { dir.Normalize(); angle = Vector3.Angle(Transform.forward, dir); } else { dir = Transform.forward; } FinalRotation.SetLookRotation(dir); RotationTime = angle / 500.0f; MoveTime = 0; RotationOk = RotationTime == 0; PositionOK = MoveTime == 0; CurrentRotationTime = 0; CurrentMoveTime = 0; CrossFade(animName, 0.05f); EndOfStateTime = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad + AnimEngine[animName].length * 0.9f; BlockEndTime = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad + ActionBlock.Time; State = E_State.E_START; }
static public AgentAction Create(E_Type type) { int index = (int)type; AgentAction a; if (m_UnusedActions[index].Count > 0) { a = m_UnusedActions[index].Dequeue(); } else { switch (type) { case E_Type.E_IDLE: a = new AgentActionIdle(); break; case E_Type.E_MOVE: a = new AgentActionMove(); break; case E_Type.E_GOTO: a = new AgentActionGoTo(); break; case E_Type.E_COMBAT_MOVE: a = new AgentActioCombatMove(); break; case E_Type.E_ATTACK: a = new AgentActionAttack(); break; case E_Type.E_ATTACK_ROLL: a = new AgentActionAttackRoll(); break; case E_Type.E_ATTACK_WHIRL: a = new AgentActionAttackWhirl(); break; case E_Type.E_INJURY: a = new AgentActionInjury(); break; case E_Type.E_DAMAGE_BLOCKED: a = new AgentActionDamageBlocked(); break; case E_Type.E_BLOCK: a = new AgentActionBlock(); break; case E_Type.E_ROLL: a = new AgentActionRoll(); break; case E_Type.E_INCOMMING_ATTACK: a = new AgentActionIncommingAttack(); break; case E_Type.E_WEAPON_SHOW: a = new AgentActionWeaponShow(); break; case E_Type.Rotate: a = new AgentActionRotate(); break; case E_Type.E_USE_LEVER: a = new AgentActionUseLever(); break; case E_Type.E_PLAY_ANIM: a = new AgentActionPlayAnim(); break; case E_Type.E_PLAY_IDLE_ANIM: a = new AgentActionPlayIdleAnim(); break; case E_Type.E_DEATH: a = new AgentActionDeath(); break; case E_Type.E_KNOCKDOWN: a = new AgentActionKnockdown(); break; case E_Type.Teleport: a = new AgentActionTeleport(); break; default: Debug.LogError("no AgentAction to create"); return(null); } } a.Reset(); a.SetActive(); // DEBUG !!!!!! m_ActionsInAction.Add(a); return(a); }