public AgencyFull GetSchoolsInAthlicConf( int conferenceKey, int schoolType, string selectedAndCurrentSchools) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); if (selectedAndCurrentSchools == string.Empty) { selectedAndCurrentSchools = "''"; } sql.AppendFormat("select * FROM " + _sqlTableName + " " + " where " + " [year]= (select max(year) from Athletic_Conf) " + " and right(fullkey,1) <> 'X' " + " and left(right(fullkey,6),2) <> '14' " + " and fullkey not in ({0}) " + " and Schooltype = {1} " + " and ConferenceKey = {2} " + " order by name;", selectedAndCurrentSchools, schoolType, conferenceKey); AgencyFull ds = new AgencyFull(); base.GetDS(ds, sql.ToString(), ds._v_AgencyFull.TableName); return(ds); }
public AgencyFull GetCESAList(int year) { DALAgencyFull agency = DALAgencyFull; _ds = agency.GetCESAList(year); this.sql = this.sql + "||" + agency.SQL; return(_ds); }
public AgencyFull GetCountyBySubstr(string county_substr) { DALAgencyFull county = DALAgencyFull; _ds = county.GetCountyBySubstr(county_substr, CurrentYear); this.sql = this.sql + "||" + county.SQL; return(_ds); }
public AgencyFull GetDistrictByCESA(string cesa_number, string var_hs) { DALAgencyFull district = DALAgencyFull; _ds = district.GetDistrictByCESA(cesa_number, var_hs, CurrentYear); this.sql = this.sql + "||" + district.SQL; return((AgencyFull)_ds); }
public AgencyFull GetSchoolBySubstr(string school_substr) { DALAgencyFull school = DALAgencyFull; _ds = school.GetSchoolBySubstr(school_substr, CurrentYear); this.sql = this.sql + "||" + school.SQL; return(_ds); }
public AgencyFull GetCountyByName(string name_first_alpha) { DALAgencyFull county = DALAgencyFull; _ds = county.GetCountyByName(name_first_alpha, CurrentYear); this.sql = this.sql + "||" + county.SQL; return(_ds); }
public AgencyFull GetDistrictByName(string name_first_alpha) { DALAgencyFull district = DALAgencyFull; _ds = district.GetDistrictByName(name_first_alpha, CurrentYear); this.sql = this.sql + "||" + district.SQL; return(_ds); }
public AgencyFull GetDistrictBySubstr(string district_substr) { DALAgencyFull district = DALAgencyFull; _ds = district.GetDistrictBySubstr(district_substr, CurrentYear); this.sql = this.sql + "||" + district.SQL; return(_ds); }
public AgencyFull GetSchoolByName(string name_first_alpha) { DALAgencyFull school = DALAgencyFull; _ds = school.GetSchoolByName(name_first_alpha, CurrentYear); this.sql = this.sql + "||" + school.SQL; return(_ds); }
public AgencyFull GetSchoolByDistrictKey(string District_Key) { DALAgencyFull school = DALAgencyFull; _ds = school.GetSchoolByDistrictKey(District_Key, CurrentYear); this.sql = this.sql + "||" + school.SQL; return(_ds); }
public AgencyFull GetAllSchoolsInCounty (int county, string fullKey, int year) { DALAgencyFull agency = DALAgencyFull; _ds = agency.GetAllSchoolsInCounty(county, fullKey, year); this.sql = this.sql + "||" + agency.SQL; return(_ds); }
public AgencyFull GetSelectedDistricts (int year, string selectedDistricts) { DALAgencyFull agency = DALAgencyFull; _ds = agency.GetSelectedDistricts(year, selectedDistricts); this.sql = this.sql + "||" + agency.SQL; return(_ds); }
public AgencyFull GetSchoolsInCounty (string county, int schoolType, int year, string selectedAndCurrentSchools) { DALAgencyFull agency = DALAgencyFull; _ds = agency.GetSchoolsInCounty( county, schoolType, year, selectedAndCurrentSchools); this.sql = this.sql + "||" + agency.SQL; return(_ds); }
public AgencyFull GetSchool(string fullKey, int year) { DALAgencyFull school = DALAgencyFull; // string masked = FullKeyUtils.GetMaskedFullkey(fullKey, OrgLevel.School); // AgencyFull ds = school.GetSchool(masked, year); _ds = school.GetSchool(fullKey, year); this.sql = this.sql + "||" + school.SQL; return(_ds); }
public AgencyFull GetAgencyByFullKey (string fullkey, int year) { DALAgencyFull agency = DALAgencyFull; _ds = agency.GetAgencyByFullKey (fullkey, year); this.sql = this.sql + "||" + agency.SQL; return(_ds); }
public AgencyFull GetCountyBySubstr(string county_substr, int year) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.AppendFormat("SELECT fullkey, DistrictName, CountyName, LowGrade, HighGrade, AgencyType, SchoolType FROM " + _sqlTableName + " WHERE AgencyTypeLabel = 'District' and YEAR = {1} AND WINSS = 1 AND CountyName LIKE '%{0}%' Order By CountyName, DistrictName", county_substr, year.ToString()); AgencyFull ds = new AgencyFull(); base.GetDS(ds, sql.ToString(), ds._v_AgencyFull.TableName); return(ds); }
public AgencyFull GetDistrictsInCounty (string county, int year, string selectedAndCurrentDistricts) { DALAgencyFull agency = DALAgencyFull; _ds = agency.GetDistrictsInCounty( county, year, selectedAndCurrentDistricts); this.sql = this.sql + "||" + agency.SQL; return(_ds); }
public AgencyFull GetDistrictBySubstr(string district_substr, int year) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.AppendFormat("SELECT distinct left(fullkey,8)+'XXXX' fullkey, DistrictName, CountyName, Schoolname, LowGrade, HighGrade, AgencyType, SchoolType FROM " + _sqlTableName + " WHERE AgencyTypeLabel = 'District' and WINSS = 1 AND Year = {1} AND DistrictName LIKE '%{0}%' Order By DistrictName", district_substr, year.ToString()); AgencyFull ds = new AgencyFull(); base.GetDS(ds, sql.ToString(), ds._v_AgencyFull.TableName); return(ds); }
public AgencyFull GetSchoolBySubstr(string school_substr, int year) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.AppendFormat("SELECT fullkey, DistrictName, CountyName, Schoolname, LowGrade, HighGrade, AgencyType, SchoolType FROM " + _sqlTableName + " WHERE SchoolName IS NOT NULL AND AgencyTypeLabel = 'School' and WINSS = 1 AND Year = {1} AND SchoolName LIKE '%{0}%' Order By Schoolname", school_substr, year.ToString()); AgencyFull ds = new AgencyFull(); base.GetDS(ds, sql.ToString(), ds._v_AgencyFull.TableName); return(ds); }
public AgencyFull GetSchoolByName(string name_first_alpha, int year) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.AppendFormat("SELECT fullkey, DistrictName, CountyName, Schoolname, LowGrade, HighGrade, SchoolType, AgencyType FROM " + _sqlTableName + " WHERE WINSS = 1 AND SchoolName IS NOT NULL AND (AgencyTypeLabel = 'School' OR AgencyTypeLabel = 'Charter school') AND Year = {1} AND SchoolName LIKE '{0}%' Order By SchoolName,DistrictName", name_first_alpha, year.ToString()); AgencyFull ds = new AgencyFull(); base.GetDS(ds, sql.ToString(), ds._v_AgencyFull.TableName); return(ds); }
public AgencyFull GetCESAList(int year) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.AppendFormat("select distinct cesa, CesaName FROM " + _sqlTableName + " where [year]= {0} and cesa is not null order by CesaName", year); AgencyFull ds = new AgencyFull(); base.GetDS(ds, sql.ToString(), ds._v_AgencyFull.TableName); return(ds); }
public AgencyFull GetCountyList(int year) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.AppendFormat("select distinct county, countyname FROM " + _sqlTableName + " where [year]= {0} and county is not null and county <> '74' and countyname is not null order by countyname", year); AgencyFull ds = new AgencyFull(); base.GetDS(ds, sql.ToString(), ds._v_AgencyFull.TableName); return(ds); }
public AgencyFull GetSchoolByDistrictKey(string District_Key, int year) { string District_Key_temp = string.Concat(District_Key.Substring(0, 6), "04"); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.AppendFormat("SELECT distinct fullkey, DistrictName, CountyName, Schoolname, LowGrade, HighGrade, AgencyType, SchoolType FROM " + _sqlTableName + " WHERE WINSS = 1 AND rtrim(ltrim(AgencyTypeLabelSort)) = 'School' AND Year = {1} and left(fullkey,6) = left('{0}',6) and schooltype <> '' and ( left(right(fullkey,6),2) <> '14' or ( left(fullkey,8) = left('{0}',8) and rtrim(PartSchIndic) = 'PAR' ) ) Order By SchoolName, DistrictName", District_Key_temp, year.ToString()); AgencyFull ds = new AgencyFull(); base.GetDS(ds, sql.ToString(), ds._v_AgencyFull.TableName); return(ds); }
public AgencyFull GetAgencyByFullKey(string fullkey, int year) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.AppendFormat("select * FROM " + _sqlTableName + " " + " where [year]={0} and fullkey = '{1}' ", year, fullkey); AgencyFull ds = new AgencyFull(); base.GetDS(ds, sql.ToString(), ds._v_AgencyFull.TableName); return(ds); }
public AgencyFull GetSchool(string fullKey, int year) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.AppendFormat("SELECT fullkey, DistrictName, CountyName, SchoolName, LowGrade, HighGrade, SchoolType, AgencyType, DistrictWebAddress, SchoolWebAddress FROM " + _sqlTableName + " WHERE WINSS = 1 AND fullkey like '{0}%'", fullKey); sql.AppendFormat(" AND year = {0}", year); AgencyFull ds = new AgencyFull(); base.GetDS(ds, sql.ToString(), ds._v_AgencyFull.TableName); return(ds); }
public AgencyFull GetSchoolsInAthlicConf (int conferenceKey, int schoolType, int year, string selectedAndCurrentSchools) { DALAgencyFull agency = DALAgencyFull; _ds = agency.GetSchoolsInAthlicConf( conferenceKey, schoolType, selectedAndCurrentSchools); this.sql = this.sql + "||" + agency.SQL; return(_ds); }
public AgencyFull GetAllSchoolsInCounty(int county, string fullKey, int year) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); // sql.AppendFormat("select year ,YearFormatted,fullkey, schooltype, [School paramName] FROM v_ACT where county = '{0}' or fullkey = '{1}' and [year]= {2} and cesa is not null order by [School paramName]", county, fullKey, year); sql.AppendFormat("select * FROM " + _sqlTableName + " where ( county = '{0}' and [year]= {2} )or ( fullkey = '{1}' and [year]= {2} ) and schooltype is not null order by [SchoolName]", county, fullKey, year); AgencyFull ds = new AgencyFull(); base.GetDS(ds, sql.ToString(), ds._v_AgencyFull.TableName); return(ds); }
public AgencyFull GetDistrictsInAthlicConf (int conferenceKey, string selectedAndCurrentDistricts) { DALAgencyFull agency = DALAgencyFull; _ds = agency.GetDistrictsInAthlicConf( conferenceKey, selectedAndCurrentDistricts); this.sql = this.sql + "||" + agency.SQL; return(_ds); }
//public string GetAthleticConfNameByID(int conferenceKey, int year) //{ // StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); // sql.AppendFormat("select distinct county, countyname " // + "FROM " + _sqlTableName + " where [year]= {0} and conferenceKey = '{1}' " // , year, conferenceKey); // AgencyFull ds = new AgencyFull(); // base.GetDS(ds, sql.ToString(), ds._v_AgencyFull.TableName); // return GetScalarStringByID(ds, ds._v_AgencyFull.a.ColumnName); //} public string GetCESANameByID(string cesa, int year) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); sql.AppendFormat("select distinct cesa, CesaName " + "FROM " + _sqlTableName + " where [year]= {0} and cesa = '{1}' " , year, cesa); AgencyFull ds = new AgencyFull(); base.GetDS(ds, sql.ToString(), ds._v_AgencyFull.TableName); return(GetScalarStringByID(ds, ds._v_AgencyFull.CESANameColumn.ColumnName)); }
public AgencyFull GetSelectedDistricts(int year, string selectedDistricts) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); AgencyFull ds = new AgencyFull(); if (selectedDistricts != null && selectedDistricts.Length > 11) { sql.AppendFormat("select * FROM " + _sqlTableName + " where [year]= {0} and agencytype = '03' and fullkey in ({1}) order by [DistrictName]", year, selectedDistricts); } else { return(ds); } base.GetDS(ds, sql.ToString(), ds._v_AgencyFull.TableName); return(ds); }