Exemple #1
 protected override void OnAfterLabelEdit(LabelEditEventArgs e)
     if (e.Label != null)
         string text = e.Label;
         var    item = this.Items[e.Item];
         AfterEdit?.Invoke(this, new LabelEditEventArgs(item.Index, text));
     else if (_pressedEsc)
         var originalItem = this.Items[e.Item];
         var newItem      = new ListViewItem(_originalText);
         this.Items.Insert(e.Item, newItem);
         this.FocusedItem = newItem;
         foreach (ListViewItem item in this.Items)
             item.Selected = false;
         newItem.Selected = true;
         _pressedEsc      = false;
     _originalText  = null;
     _editItemIndex = -1;
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the current edit.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task CommitEdit()
            if (SelectedNode?.IsEditing == true)
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SelectedNode.EditText) || SelectedNode.HasSiblingWithText(SelectedNode.EditText))
                    // notify and allow cancel
                    var afterEditArgs = new TreeNodeAfterEditEventArgs <TItem>(SelectedNode, SelectedNode.Text, SelectedNode.EditText);
                    await AfterEdit.InvokeAsync(afterEditArgs).ConfigureAwait(true);

                    if (afterEditArgs.Cancel)
                        SelectedNode.EditText = afterEditArgs.NewValue;                         // application my of altered
                        SelectedNode?.ParentNode?.Nodes?.Sort(NodeSort);                        // re-sort parent
                        await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("panoramicData.focus", Id).ConfigureAwait(true);
        public EditGroup(Activity ctx, IKp2aApp app, String name, PwIcon iconid, PwUuid customIconId, PwGroup group, OnFinish finish)
            : base(ctx, finish)
            _ctx          = ctx;
            _name         = name;
            _iconId       = iconid;
            Group         = group;
            _customIconId = customIconId;
            _app          = app;

            _onFinishToRun = new AfterEdit(ctx, this, OnFinishToRun);
Exemple #4
        public EditGroup(Context ctx, IKp2aApp app, String name, PwIcon iconid, PwUuid customIconId, PwGroup group, OnFinish finish)
            : base(finish)
            _ctx = ctx;
            _name = name;
            _iconId = iconid;
            Group = group;
            _customIconId = customIconId;
            _app = app;

            _onFinishToRun = new AfterEdit(this, OnFinishToRun);
        /// <summary>
        /// Commits the current edit.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task CommitEditAsync()
            if (IsEditing && EditItem != null)
                // build dictionary of edit values
                var args = new TableAfterEditEventArgs <TItem>(EditItem);
                foreach (var column in ActualColumnsToDisplay)
                    if (_editValues.ContainsKey(column.Id) && IsColumnInEditMode(column, EditItem))
                        args.NewValues.Add(column.Id, _editValues[column.Id]);

                // notify and allow cancel
                await AfterEdit.InvokeAsync(args).ConfigureAwait(true);

                if (!args.Cancel)
                    // apply edit value to each column
                    foreach (var column in ActualColumnsToDisplay)
                        if (args.NewValues.ContainsKey(column.Id))
                            // get new value (possible updated by host app) and attempt to set on edit item
                            var newValue = args.NewValues[column.Id];
                                column.SetValue(EditItem, newValue);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                throw new PDTableException($"Failed to assign value {newValue} to column {column.Id}", ex);

                // save changes if configured to do so and data provider is given
                if (SaveChanges && DataProvider != null)
                    var delta = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                    foreach (var kvp in _editValues)
                        if (kvp.Value != null)
                            var col = Columns.Find(x => x.Id == kvp.Key);
                            if (col != null && col.Field?.GetPropertyMemberInfo() is MemberInfo mi)
                                delta.Add(mi.Name, kvp.Value);
                    await DataProvider.UpdateAsync(EditItem, delta, default).ConfigureAwait(true);

                EditItem  = null;
                IsEditing = false;
                await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("panoramicData.focus", Id).ConfigureAwait(true);
