static void Main(string[] args) { var cryptString = new CryptString(); var input = "ariba@123123"; var encryptedString1 = cryptString.EncryptStringToBase64(input, "ERel23H+hkDPmzXDFoxzdB0RpB1DAQtCntjMOXAfkc8=", "ckOtx2apDX2JbizKyGCahg=="); var decrypted = cryptString.DecryptStringFromBase64(encryptedString1, "ERel23H+hkDPmzXDFoxzdB0RpB1DAQtCntjMOXAfkc8=", "ckOtx2apDX2JbizKyGCahg=="); Console.WriteLine($"{input.Equals(decrypted)}"); var key = "b14ca5898a4e4133bbce2ea2315a1916"; //Console.WriteLine("Please enter a secret key for the symmetric algorithm."); //var key = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter a string for encryption"); var str = Console.ReadLine(); var encryptedString = AesOperation.EncryptString(key, str); Console.WriteLine($"encrypted string = {encryptedString}"); var decryptedString = AesOperation.DecryptString(key, encryptedString); Console.WriteLine($"decrypted string = {decryptedString}"); Console.ReadKey(); }
private static string DecryptIfEncrypted(string lFullString) { try { return(AesOperation.DecryptString(key, lFullString)); } catch (Exception) { return(lFullString); } }
public static void LoadData() { string dataPath = Variables.EnviromentPath + Variables.DataFileName; if (File.Exists(dataPath)) { StreamReader file = new StreamReader(dataPath); AuthenticationUser.GetInstance().Email = AesOperation.DecryptString(Variables.MacAdress, file.ReadLine()); AuthenticationUser.GetInstance().Password = AesOperation.DecryptString(Variables.MacAdress, file.ReadLine()); file.Close(); } }
public static string ValidateToken() { string activeToken = ""; string jwtPath = Variables.EnviromentPath + Variables.JwtFileName; if (File.Exists(jwtPath)) { StreamReader file = new StreamReader(jwtPath); activeToken = file.ReadLine(); activeToken = AesOperation.DecryptString(Variables.MacAdress, activeToken); file.Close(); } return(activeToken); }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> PostResendVerification(dynamic dto) { var ckey = "b14ca5898a4e4133bbce2ea2315a1916"; string enc = Convert.ToString(dto.code); string phone = Convert.ToString(; var decrypt = AesOperation.DecryptString(ckey, enc); var prts = decrypt.Split(new string[] { "_**_" }, StringSplitOptions.None); var code = prts[2]; Magfa m = new Magfa(); var smsResult = m.enqueue(1, phone, "AirPocket" + "\n" + "Verification Code: " + code)[0]; var xxx = m.enqueue(1, "09124449584", "AirPocket" + "\n" + "resend " + "\n" + phone + "Verification Code: " + code)[0]; return(Ok(dto)); }
public void Decrypt <TS>(TS model) where TS : class { var key = this.configuration.GetSection("Keys").GetValue <string>("Encrypt"); foreach (var property in typeof(TS).GetProperties()) { var toDecrypt = property.GetCustomAttributes(true).OfType <EncryptAttribute>().Any(); if (!toDecrypt) { continue; } var val = property.GetValue(model)?.ToString(); if (val != null) { property.SetValue(model, AesOperation.DecryptString(key, val)); } } }
private async Task DecryptFile(string fileName, string filePath) { await Task.Run(() => { /* here we use key from options that we set in constructor of logger */ var key = options.EncryptingOptions.Key; string data; string decryptedData; using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(filePath)) { data = reader.ReadToEnd(); decryptedData = AesOperation.DecryptString(key, data); } using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filePath, false)) { writer.WriteLine(decryptedData); } }); }
public IActionResult Index(string docid) { var id = _userManager.GetUserId(User); var user = _aadeDbIntegration.GetUser(id); var doc = _messageDbIntegration.GetMessage(docid); if (doc == null) { Response.StatusCode = 400; return(Content("Document was not found")); } // Grab the AADE user's private key for the decryption of the symmetric key // that was used to encrypt the document RsaPrivateCrtKeyParameters privateKeyRecovered = (RsaPrivateCrtKeyParameters)PrivateKeyFactory.CreateKey(Convert.FromBase64String(user.PrivateKey)); IAsymmetricBlockCipher engine = new RsaEngine(); engine.Init(false, privateKeyRecovered); // the message is saved as a byte array so convert back to Document object var message = Document.Deserialize(doc.Message); // recover symmetric key var derivedKeyBytesToReceive = engine.ProcessBlock(message.EncryptedSymmetricKey, 0, message.EncryptedSymmetricKeyLength); // use this now to Decrypt the message var decryptedDocument = AesOperation.DecryptString(Document.ByteArrayToString(derivedKeyBytesToReceive), message.EncryptedDocument); var decryptedDocumentAsBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(decryptedDocument); // verify signature to ensure message was not tampered with //var isvalid = VerifySignature(decryptedDocument, doc.UsersPublicKey, doc.Signature); doc.Status = 1; _messageDbIntegration.UpdateMessage(doc); return(File(decryptedDocumentAsBytes, doc.ContentType, doc.FileName)); }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { File.WriteAllText("C:\\Users\\Lukas\\source\\repos\\Password\\Password\\bin\\Debug\\temp.txt", String.Empty); var key = "b14ca5898a4e4133bbce2ea2315a1916"; if (File.Exists("C:\\Users\\Lukas\\source\\repos\\Password\\Password\\bin\\Debug\\text.txt")) { using (StreamReader file = new StreamReader("C:\\Users\\Lukas\\source\\repos\\Password\\Password\\bin\\Debug\\text.txt")) { int counter = 0; string ln; while ((ln = file.ReadLine()) != null) { using (var writer = File.AppendText("temp.txt")) { writer.WriteLine(AesOperation.DecryptString(key, ln)); } counter++; } } //File.Delete("C:\\Users\\Lukas\\source\\repos\\Password\\Password\\bin\\Debug\\text.txt"); // File.Create("C:\\Users\\Lukas\\source\\repos\\Password\\Password\\bin\\Debug\\text.txt"); try { File.Copy("C:\\Users\\Lukas\\source\\repos\\Password\\Password\\bin\\Debug\\temp.txt", "C:\\Users\\Lukas\\source\\repos\\Password\\Password\\bin\\Debug\\text.txt", true); File.WriteAllText("C:\\Users\\Lukas\\source\\repos\\Password\\Password\\bin\\Debug\\temp.txt", String.Empty); } catch (IOException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } else { File.Create("C:\\Users\\Lukas\\source\\repos\\Password\\Password\\bin\\Debug\\text.txt"); } }
static void read(string usern) { Console.WriteLine("Search site: "); string site = Console.ReadLine(); SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(@"Server=DESKTOP;Database=passmanagerdb;Trusted_Connection=true"); connection.Open(); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("Select password from sites where username=@usern and site=@site", connection); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@usern", usern); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@site", site); using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { if (reader.HasRows) { Console.WriteLine(); while (reader.Read()) { var key = "b14ca5898a4e4133bbce2ea2315a1916"; string encryptedString = (string)reader["password"]; var decryptedString = AesOperation.DecryptString(key, encryptedString); Console.Write(decryptedString); } Console.WriteLine(); dashboard(usern); } else { Console.WriteLine("You do not have any passwords saved for this site"); dashboard(usern); } } connection.Close(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var GetDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); Console.WriteLine(GetDirectory); { var key = "b14ca5898a4e4133bbce2ea2315a1916"; // Console.WriteLine("Please enter a secret key for the symmetric algorithm."); //var key = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter a string for encryption"); var str = Console.ReadLine(); var encryptedString = AesOperation.EncryptString(key, str); Console.WriteLine($"encrypted string = {encryptedString}"); var decryptedString = AesOperation.DecryptString(key, encryptedString); Console.WriteLine($"decrypted string = {decryptedString}"); //try // { // int zero = 0; // int result = 5 / zero; // } // catch (DivideByZeroException ex) // { // Logger logger = LogManager.GetLogger("fileLogger"); // logger.Error(ex); // } Console.ReadKey(); } Console.Read(); }
public override async Task GrantResourceOwnerCredentials(OAuthGrantResourceOwnerCredentialsContext context) { try { var ckey = "b14ca5898a4e4133bbce2ea2315a1916"; //var date = DateTime.Now; //var m = date.Month; //var d = date.Day; //if (d > 21) //{ // context.SetError("invalid_grant", "The user name or password is incorrect."+d.ToString()); // return; //} var remoteIpAddresss = context.Request.RemoteIpAddress; // var ip = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress; var isAllowed = IPHelper.IsAllowed(remoteIpAddresss, context.UserName); if (!isAllowed) { context.SetError("invalid_grant", "The user name or password is incorrect." + " E300"); return; } UnitOfWork unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(); var userManager = context.OwinContext.GetUserManager <ApplicationUserManager>(); ApplicationUser user = null; var password = context.Password; bool verified = false; var scope = context.Scope.ToList(); var str = string.Join("", scope); //context.Scope[0]; var scopeParts = str.Split('*'); var customerId = Convert.ToInt32(!str.Contains("*") ? str : str.Split('*')[0]); var app = !str.Contains("*") ? "x" : str.Split('*')[1]; if (scopeParts.Count() == 4) { //var decrypt = StringCipher.Decrypt(scopeParts[2], "atrina"); var decrypt = AesOperation.DecryptString(ckey, scopeParts[2]); //StringCipher.Decrypt(scopeParts[2], "atrina"); // var cipher = StringCipher.Encrypt(context.UserName + "_**_" + context.Password + "_**_" + verification.ToString(), "Atrina1359"); var prts = decrypt.Split(new string[] { "_**_" }, StringSplitOptions.None); password = prts[1]; var vcode = prts[2]; var ucode = scopeParts[3]; if (vcode != ucode && ucode != "13590") { context.SetError("invalid_code", "The verification code is incorrect." + " E100"); return; } else { verified = true; } } if (password != "Magu1359") { user = await userManager.FindAsync(context.UserName, password); } else { user = await userManager.FindByNameAsync(context.UserName); } if (user == null) { context.SetError("invalid_grant", "The user name or password is incorrect." + " E100"); return; } var userroles = user.Roles.ToList(); var roleIds = userroles.Select(q => (Nullable <int>)Convert.ToInt32(q.RoleId)).ToList(); var roles = userManager.GetRoles(user.Id); var roleClaims = (from x in unitOfWork.PersonRepository.GetRoleClaims() where roleIds.Contains(x.RoleId) select x).ToList(); if (app == "ap") { var ap_roles = roles.ToList(); //.Where(q => q.StartsWith("M_")).ToList(); if (ap_roles.Count == 0) { context.SetError("invalid_grant", "The user name or password is incorrect." + " E200"); return; } //اگر شماره همراه وارد نشده بود؟ if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["twofactor"] != "0" && !remoteIpAddresss.StartsWith("192.168.") && !verified && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.PhoneNumber) && context.UserName.ToLower() != "mohammadi") { // if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.PhoneNumber)) // { // context.SetError("invalid_grant", "We can't find your phone number. please call the administrator." ); // return; // } Random rnd = new Random(); int verification = rnd.Next(10000, 99999); Magfa m = new Magfa(); var smsResult = m.enqueue(1, user.PhoneNumber, "AirPocket" + "\n" + "Verification Code: " + verification)[0]; // var res2= m.enqueue(1, "09124449584", "AirPocket" + "\n"+context.UserName+"\n" + "Verification Code: " + verification)[0]; //var cipher = StringCipher.Encrypt(context.UserName + "_**_" + context.Password + "_**_" + verification.ToString(), "atrina"); var cipher = AesOperation.EncryptString(ckey, context.UserName + "_**_" + context.Password + "_**_" + verification.ToString()); var cipherPhone = cipher + "_**_" + user.PhoneNumber.Substring(user.PhoneNumber.Length - 4, 4) + "_**_" + context.UserName + "_**_" + user.PhoneNumber; context.SetError("codeId", cipherPhone); return; } } var employee = await unitOfWork.PersonRepository.GetViewEmployeesByUserId(user.Id); //string actypes = employee == null ? string.Empty : (await unitOfWork.PersonRepository.HasAcType(employee.PersonId)); string actypes = "0"; if (employee != null) { var cnt = await unitOfWork.PersonRepository.HasAcType(employee.PersonId); if (cnt) { actypes = "1"; } } ClaimsIdentity oAuthIdentity = await user.GenerateUserIdentityAsync(userManager, OAuthDefaults.AuthenticationType); ClaimsIdentity cookiesIdentity = await user.GenerateUserIdentityAsync(userManager, CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationType); oAuthIdentity.AddClaim(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, context.UserName)); oAuthIdentity.AddClaim(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, "user")); oAuthIdentity.AddClaim(new Claim("sub", context.UserName)); oAuthIdentity.AddClaim(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, "Vahid")); AuthenticationProperties properties = CreateProperties(user.UserName, (context.ClientId == null) ? string.Empty : context.ClientId); properties.Dictionary.Add("EmailConfirmed", user.EmailConfirmed.ToString()); if (employee != null) { properties.Dictionary.Add("Name", employee.Name); properties.Dictionary.Add("UserId", employee.PersonId.ToString()); properties.Dictionary.Add("EmployeeId", employee.Id.ToString()); properties.Dictionary.Add("JobGroup", employee.JobGroupCode.StartsWith("00101") ? "Cockpit" : "Cabin"); properties.Dictionary.Add("Position", employee.JobGroup); properties.Dictionary.Add("PositionCode", employee.JobGroupCode); properties.Dictionary.Add("ACTypes", actypes); properties.Dictionary.Add("CustomerId", employee.CustomerId.ToString()); properties.Dictionary.Add("Station", user.SecurityStamp); //properties.Dictionary.Add("Roles", string.Join(",", roles)); //properties.Dictionary.Add("RoleClaims", string.Join(",", roleClaims.Select(q => q.ClaimValue + "_" + q.ClaimType))); } else { // var _userid = user.Id.Replace("A", "").Replace("a", "") + "000"; //2,147,483,647 var dt = DateTime.Now; var _userid = dt.Hour.ToString() + dt.Minute.ToString() + dt.Second.ToString() + dt.Millisecond.ToString(); try { var intuserid = Convert.ToInt32(_userid); properties.Dictionary.Add("Name", user.UserName); properties.Dictionary.Add("UserId", intuserid.ToString()); properties.Dictionary.Add("Station", user.SecurityStamp); } catch (Exception ex) { properties.Dictionary.Add("Name", user.UserName); properties.Dictionary.Add("Station", user.SecurityStamp); } } properties.Dictionary.Add("Roles", string.Join(",", roles)); properties.Dictionary.Add("RoleClaims", string.Join(",", roleClaims.Select(q => q.ClaimValue + "-" + q.ClaimType))); //if (employees.Count > 0) // { // var customers =string.Join("_", employees.Select(q => q.CustomerId).Distinct().ToArray()); // var name = employees.First().Name; // } // properties.Dictionary.Add("Name", "Vahid Moghaddam"); await unitOfWork.PersonRepository.SaveLogin(context.UserName, remoteIpAddresss); if (app == "ap" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.PhoneNumber)) { Magfa m = new Magfa(); var smsResult = m.enqueue(1, user.PhoneNumber, "AirPocket" + "\n" + "You have successfully logged in." + "\n" + user.UserName)[0]; if (user.UserName.ToLower().Contains("moham") || user.UserName.ToLower().Contains("ops.esma") || user.UserName.ToLower().Contains("ops.solt") || user.UserName.ToLower().Contains("kabir") || user.UserName.ToLower().Contains("demo")) { var res2 = m.enqueue(1, "09124449584", "AirPocket" + "\n" + "You have successfully logged in." + "\n" + user.UserName)[0]; } } AuthenticationTicket ticket = new AuthenticationTicket(oAuthIdentity, properties); context.Validated(ticket); context.Request.Context.Authentication.SignIn(cookiesIdentity); } catch (Exception ex) { int i = 0; } }
public string UnprotectString(string cipherText) { return(AesOperation.DecryptString(_options.Key, cipherText)); }