public ActionResult Create(ViewModelUser ViewUser)
            User user = new User();

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                user.FirstName = ViewUser.FirstName;
                user.LastName  = ViewUser.LastName;
                user.UserName  = ViewUser.UserName;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ViewUser.Password))
                    user.Password = AesCryptography.Encrypt(ViewUser.Password);
                user.Email = ViewUser.Email;
                string _SiteURL = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SiteImgURL"];
                user.ImageURL = _SiteURL + "/ProfileImage/" + ViewUser.ImageURL_data.FileName;
                var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Content/Upload/ProfileImage"), ViewUser.ImageURL_data.FileName);
                user.RecordStatus = "Active";
                user.CreatedDate  = DateTime.Now;

Exemple #2
        public void StartEncryptAndDecrypt()
            var generator = new CryptographyKey();

            if (!generator.IsKeyCreated())
                var result = generator.CanCreateKey("");

                if (!result)
                    // A chave não foi criada, deseja usar a padrão?

                var key = generator.IsKeyCreated() ? generator.GetKey() : generator.GetDefaultKey();
                var iv  = generator.IsKeyCreated() ? generator.GetIv() : generator.GetDefaultIv();

                var aes = new AesCryptography {
                    CipherMode  = System.Security.Cryptography.CipherMode.ECB,
                    KeySize     = CryptographyKeySize.KeySize128,
                    PaddingMode = System.Security.Cryptography.PaddingMode.PKCS7

                var hash      = Hash.Compute("Texto para exemplo!");
                var encrypted = aes.Encrypt(hash, generator.GetKey(), generator.GetIv(), out var success);

                if (success)
                    var decrypted = aes.Decrypt(hash, key, iv, out success);

                    if (success)
Exemple #3
        private ByteBuffer Encript(Connection connection)
            encrypted = true;

            var buffer = new ByteBuffer();
            var header = msg.ReadInt32();
            var bytes  = msg.ReadBytes(msg.Length());
            var key    = connection.AesKey.GetKey();
            var iv     = connection.AesKey.GetIv();

            var aes = new AesCryptography()
                CipherMode  = System.Security.Cryptography.CipherMode.CBC,
                KeySize     = AesKeySize.KeySize128,
                PaddingMode = System.Security.Cryptography.PaddingMode.PKCS7

            var encripted = aes.Encrypt(bytes, key, iv);

            if (encripted != null)
                buffer = new ByteBuffer(4 + encripted.Length);

Exemple #4
        public ActionResult ChangePassword(FormCollection data)
            int AdminID = Numerics.GetInt(Session["AdminID"]);

            if (AdminID > 0)
                if (data.Count > 0)
                    string oldPassword = AesCryptography.Encrypt(data["OldPassword"]);
                    string newPassword = AesCryptography.Encrypt(data["NewPassword"]);
                    GenericRepository <Users> _userRepo = new GenericRepository <Users>(_unitOfWork);

                    Users entity = _userRepo.Repository.Get(p => p.Password == oldPassword && p.UserID == AdminID);
                    if (entity != null)
                        entity.Password = newPassword;
                        ViewBag.Message = "Password updated successfully.";
                        ViewBag.Type    = "alert-success";
                        ViewBag.Message = "Old Password is incorrect.";
                        ViewBag.Type    = "alert-danger";
                return(RedirectToAction("index", "login"));
 public static string Encrypt(DataTable dt)
     if (dt == null)
Exemple #6
        public void AesTests(string plainText, string password)
            var aes = new AesCryptography(password);

            var encrypted = aes.Encrypt(plainText);
            var decrypted = aes.Decrypt(encrypted);

            decrypted.Should().Be(plainText, "the decrypted string should be unchanged from the original string");
        public void TestAesCrypto()
            var crypto = new AesCryptography();

            const string originalString = "AES cryptography";
            var cryptoString = crypto.Encrypt(originalString);
            var decryptString = crypto.Decrypt(cryptoString);

            Assert.AreEqual(originalString, decryptString);
            public void EncryptDecrypt_TamperingEncryptedData_ThrowsCryptographicException()
                AesCryptography aes = new AesCryptography();

                byte[] cipherText  = aes.Encrypt(SecurityIds.Password, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(SecurityIds.Salt), Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(CLEAR_TEXT));
                byte[] inClearText = aes.Decrypt(SecurityIds.Password, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(SecurityIds.Salt), cipherText);

                // Now let's do some tampering...

                aes.Decrypt(SecurityIds.Password, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(SecurityIds.Salt), cipherText);
Exemple #9
        public ActionResult Login(UserLogin login, string ReturnUrl = "")
            string message = "";

            using (oposeeDbEntities db = new oposeeDbEntities())
                //if ("*****@*****.**" != login.EmailID)
                //// if ("*****@*****.**" != input.Email)
                //    ViewBag.Message = "Invalid Admin Email";
                //    ViewBag.Type = "alert-danger";
                //    Session.RemoveAll();
                //    return View();
                var v = db.Users.Where(a => a.Email == login.EmailID && a.IsAdmin == true).FirstOrDefault();
                if (v != null)
                    if (string.Compare(AesCryptography.Encrypt(login.Password), v.Password) == 0)
                        int    timeout   = login.RememberMe ? 525600 : 20; // 525600 min = 1 year
                        var    ticket    = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(login.EmailID, login.RememberMe, timeout);
                        string encrypted = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(ticket);
                        var    cookie    = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, encrypted);
                        cookie.Expires  = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(timeout);
                        cookie.HttpOnly = true;

                        if (Url.IsLocalUrl(ReturnUrl))
                            Session["AdminID"] = login.EmailID;
                            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
                        message = "Invalid credential provided";
                    message = "Invalid credential provided";
            ViewBag.Message = message;
Exemple #10
 public ActionResult Edit(ViewModelUser ViewUser)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         User user = new User();
         user.FirstName = ViewUser.FirstName;
         user.LastName  = ViewUser.LastName;
         user.UserName  = ViewUser.UserName;
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ViewUser.Password))
             user.Password = AesCryptography.Encrypt(ViewUser.Password);
         user.Email = ViewUser.Email;
         string _SiteURL = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SiteImgURL"];
         if (ViewUser.ImageURL_data != null)
             user.ImageURL = _SiteURL + "/ProfileImage/" + ViewUser.ImageURL_data.FileName;
             var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Content/Upload/ProfileImage"), ViewUser.ImageURL_data.FileName);
             user.ImageURL = _SiteURL + "/ProfileImage/oposee-profile.png";
         user.CreatedDate = ViewUser.CreatedDate;
         //user.ImageURL = ViewUser.ImageURL;
         user.UserID          = ViewUser.UserID;
         user.DeviceType      = ViewUser.DeviceType;
         user.DeviceToken     = ViewUser.DeviceToken;
         user.SocialID        = ViewUser.SocialID;
         user.SocialType      = ViewUser.SocialType;
         user.RecordStatus    = "Active";
         user.ModifiedDate    = DateTime.Now;
         db.Entry(user).State = EntityState.Modified;
            public void EncryptDecrypt_ValidPasswordSalt_AreEqual()
                AesCryptography aes = new AesCryptography();

                byte[] cipherText  = aes.Encrypt(SecurityIds.Password, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(SecurityIds.Salt), Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(CLEAR_TEXT));
                byte[] inClearText = aes.Decrypt(SecurityIds.Password, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(SecurityIds.Salt), cipherText);

                Assert.AreEqual(CLEAR_TEXT, Encoding.UTF8.GetString(inClearText));

                    // Now let's do some tampering...

                    aes.Decrypt(SecurityIds.Password, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(SecurityIds.Salt), cipherText);
                    Assert.Fail("The 'Decrypt' method did not throw an exception eventhough data was tamered with!");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Assert.IsTrue(ex is CryptographicException);
        public async Task <ExternalAuthentication> GetAsync(ulong discordUserId, ExternalService service)
            var userId         = (long)discordUserId;
            var dbExternalAuth = await _botContext.ExternalAuthentication
                                 .Where(ea => ea.User.DiscordUserId == userId)
                                 .FirstOrDefaultAsync(ea => ea.Service == service).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (dbExternalAuth == null)

            var auth = new ExternalAuthentication
                AccessToken  = _aes.Decrypt(dbExternalAuth.AccessTokenAes),
                TokenType    = _aes.Decrypt(dbExternalAuth.TokenTypeAes),
                Scope        = _aes.Decrypt(dbExternalAuth.ScopeAes),
                RefreshToken = _aes.Decrypt(dbExternalAuth.RefreshTokenAes),
                ExpiresIn    = int.Parse(_aes.Decrypt(dbExternalAuth.ExpiresInAes))

            if (dbExternalAuth.LastRefreshed + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(auth.ExpiresIn - 60) > DateTime.UtcNow)

            // Get New Token
            var newToken = await UpdateAsync(auth.RefreshToken, service).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Update DB
            dbExternalAuth.AccessTokenAes = _aes.Encrypt(newToken.AccessToken);
            dbExternalAuth.ExpiresInAes   = _aes.Encrypt(newToken.ExpiresIn.ToString());
            dbExternalAuth.LastRefreshed  = DateTime.UtcNow;
            await _botContext.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Update return object
            auth.AccessToken = newToken.AccessToken;
            auth.ExpiresIn   = newToken.ExpiresIn;

Exemple #13
        public ActionResult Index(InputLogin input)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                Users entity = null;

                if ("*****@*****.**" != input.Email)
                // if ("*****@*****.**" != input.Email)
                    ViewBag.Message = "Invalid Admin Email";
                    ViewBag.Type    = "alert-danger";

                string _password = AesCryptography.Encrypt(input.Password);
                GenericRepository <Users> _userRepo = new GenericRepository <Users>(_unitOfWork);

                entity = _userRepo.Repository.Get(p => p.Email == input.Email && p.Password == _password);
                if (entity != null)
                    Session["AdminID"]      = entity.UserID;
                    Session["FullName"]     = entity.UserName;
                    Session["ThumbnailURL"] = entity.ThumbnailURL;
                    Session["ImageURL"]     = entity.ImageURL;

                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Users"));
                    ViewBag.Message = "Invalid email or password";
                    ViewBag.Type    = "alert-danger";
Exemple #14
        static void Main(string[] args)
            #region Testing encryption/decryption

              bool shouldTest = false;
              if (shouldTest)
                AesCryptography aes = new AesCryptography();

                var password = "******";
                var salt = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 };
                var ct1 = aes.Encrypt(password, salt, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Alice; Bob; Eve;: PerformAct1"));

                var ct2 = aes.Encrypt(password, salt, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Alice; Bob; Eve;: PerformAct2"));

                var pt1 = aes.Decrypt(password, salt, ct1);

                var pt2 = aes.Decrypt(password, salt, ct2);

                // Now check tampering
                    aes.Decrypt(password, salt, ct1);
                    Console.WriteLine("Error: tamper detection failed.");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("Success: tampering detected.");

              string COMPARE_SILENT = "SILENT";
              string COMPARE_HELP   = "HELP";

              string[] cmdArgs = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();
              foreach (string arg in cmdArgs)
            if (arg.ToUpper() == COMPARE_SILENT)
              ConsoleEnabled = false;

            if (arg.ToUpper() == COMPARE_HELP)
              ConsoleEnabled = true;

              #region Help output to console
              //      12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
              Output("║                                  Code Analyser                               ║");
              Output("║                                                                              ║");
              Output("║ Purpose   The application is designed to search files for suspect code       ║");
              Output("║           constructions, i.e. try-catch statements suppressing exceptions    ║");
              Output("║           from being handled.                                                ║");
              Output("║                                                                              ║");
              Output("║           The type of code constructions that are matched during the search  ║");
              Output("║           is specified through regular expressions in the applications       ║");
              Output("║           configuration file. Multiple regular expressions can be added to   ║");
              Output("║           the configuration file as well as what directories the search      ║");
              Output("║           should include, what directories should be excluded, the type of   ║");
              Output("║           files to include in the search.                                    ║");
              Output("║                                                                              ║");
              Output("║                                                                              ║");
              Output("║  Result:  A resulting xml file containing the result of the search will be   ║");
              Output("║           created in the execution directory, 'Analyser.xml'. Just open it   ║");
              Output("║           in a browser - it will be transformed into html by the associated  ║");
              Output("║           xslt file.                                                         ║");
              Output("║                                                                              ║");
              Output("║                                                                              ║");
              Output("║  How to:  The application can be run with no arguments. The following        ║");
              Output("║           arguments are allowed:                                             ║");
              Output("║                                                                              ║");
              Output("║           <help>   Will show this dialog.                                    ║");
              Output("║                                                                              ║");
              Output("║           <silent> Indicates whether output from the client should be        ║");
              Output("║                    enabled. Adding the argument 'silent' will disable        ║");
              Output("║                    output to the command line.                               ║");
              Output("║                                                                              ║");
              Output("║           NOTE:    Using the 'silent' argument will not disable output from  ║");
              Output("║                    the log system to the 'Console' target! If all messages   ║");
              Output("║                    to the command line should be completely disabled then    ║");
              Output("║                    disable the 'Console' target in the log system            ║");
              Output("║                    configuration file as well.                               ║");
              Output("║                                                                              ║");
              Output("║                                                                              ║");
              Output("║   Setup:  Two configuration files (.config) are needed in order to execute   ║");
              Output("║           the application. Both files is expected to be located in the       ║");
              Output("║           applications execution directory. If not placed here the           ║");
              Output("║           application will fail.                                             ║");
              Output("║                                                                              ║");
              Output("║           <hunter> Configuration file for setting up the include             ║");
              Output("║                    directories, regular expressions etc.                     ║");
              Output("║                                                                              ║");
              Output("║           <log>    Configuration file for setting up the log system that the ║");
              Output("║                    application uses.                                         ║");
              Output("║                                                                              ║");

              ConsoleEnabled = false;

            DirHandler.Instance.CurrentDirectory = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
            catch (Exception e)
            Console.WriteLine(BaseException.Format(null, -1, @"Failed to initialize 'Directory Handler' with current DIR? Unable to continue.", e));

            ApplicationManager am = null;
            am = new ApplicationManager();
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine(BaseException.Format(null, -1, @"Failed to construct the 'Application Manager'? Unable to continue.", e));

              catch (CoordinationException ce)


              // Shutdown the log system - should also empty all the queues before stopping.
Exemple #15
        internal ComponentAccessKey GenerateComponentAccessKey(string password, string salt, IKeyConsumer keyConsumer)
            #region Validate input arguments...
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(password))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("password");

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(salt))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("salt");

            if (keyConsumer == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("keyConsumer");

            // All flags are default cleared!
            ComponentDeclaration accessSetup = ComponentDeclaration.NotDefined;

            #region Setup the component access flags for the 'Configuration' component
            if (keyConsumer is IConfigurationProxy)
                accessSetup = accessSetup | ComponentDeclaration.Configuration;
                accessSetup = accessSetup | ComponentDeclaration.Statistics;
                accessSetup = accessSetup | ComponentDeclaration.DataAccess;

            #region Setup the component access flags for the 'Configuration' component
            if (keyConsumer is IConfigurationFactory)
                accessSetup = accessSetup | ComponentDeclaration.Statistics;

            #region Setup the component access flags for the 'Engine' component
            if (keyConsumer is IEngineProxy)
                // Setup the component access flags for the configuration component.
                accessSetup = accessSetup | ComponentDeclaration.Configuration;
                accessSetup = accessSetup | ComponentDeclaration.Engine;
                accessSetup = accessSetup | ComponentDeclaration.Matches;
                accessSetup = accessSetup | ComponentDeclaration.Statistics;

            #region Setup the component access flags for the 'Output' component
            if (keyConsumer is IOutputProxy)
                // Setup the component access flags for the configuration component.
                accessSetup = accessSetup | ComponentDeclaration.Configuration;
                // accessSetup = accessSetup | ComponentDeclaration.Engine;
                accessSetup = accessSetup | ComponentDeclaration.Statistics;
                accessSetup = accessSetup | ComponentDeclaration.Matches;

            #region Setup the component access flags for the 'Matches' component
            if (keyConsumer is IMatchProxy)
                // Setup the component access flags for the configuration component.
                accessSetup = accessSetup | ComponentDeclaration.Statistics;
                accessSetup = accessSetup | ComponentDeclaration.DataAccess;

            #region Setup the component access flags for the 'Statistics' component
            if (keyConsumer is IStatisticsProxy)
                // Setup the component access flags for the configuration component.
                accessSetup = accessSetup | ComponentDeclaration.Statistics;

            #region Setup the component access flags for the 'DataAccess' component
            if (keyConsumer is IDataAccessProxy)
                // Setup the component access flags for the configuration component.
                accessSetup = accessSetup | ComponentDeclaration.DataAccess;
                accessSetup = accessSetup | ComponentDeclaration.Configuration;

            // Create the description for the key - the description must declare
            // what components the flags give access to.
            string description = GenerateKeyDescription(accessSetup);

            // Let's do the actual encryption...
            AesCryptography aes   = new AesCryptography();
            byte[]          bytes = aes.Encrypt(password, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(salt), Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(accessSetup + ""));

            // Constructing the actual key for accessing the components...
            return(new ComponentAccessKey(bytes, description, keyConsumer));
Exemple #16
        internal ComponentAccessKey GenerateComponentAccessKey(string password, string salt, IKeyConsumer keyConsumer)
            #region Validate input arguments...
              if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(password))
            throw new ArgumentNullException("password");

              if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(salt))
            throw new ArgumentNullException("salt");

              if (keyConsumer == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("keyConsumer");

              // All flags are default cleared!
              ComponentDeclaration accessSetup = ComponentDeclaration.NotDefined;

              #region Setup the component access flags for the 'Configuration' component
              if (keyConsumer is IConfigurationProxy)
            accessSetup = accessSetup | ComponentDeclaration.Configuration;
            accessSetup = accessSetup | ComponentDeclaration.Statistics;
            accessSetup = accessSetup | ComponentDeclaration.DataAccess;

              #region Setup the component access flags for the 'Configuration' component
              if (keyConsumer is IConfigurationFactory)
            accessSetup = accessSetup | ComponentDeclaration.Statistics;

              #region Setup the component access flags for the 'Engine' component
              if (keyConsumer is IEngineProxy)
            // Setup the component access flags for the configuration component.
            accessSetup = accessSetup | ComponentDeclaration.Configuration;
            accessSetup = accessSetup | ComponentDeclaration.Engine;
            accessSetup = accessSetup | ComponentDeclaration.Matches;
            accessSetup = accessSetup | ComponentDeclaration.Statistics;

              #region Setup the component access flags for the 'Output' component
              if (keyConsumer is IOutputProxy)
            // Setup the component access flags for the configuration component.
            accessSetup = accessSetup | ComponentDeclaration.Configuration;
            // accessSetup = accessSetup | ComponentDeclaration.Engine;
            accessSetup = accessSetup | ComponentDeclaration.Statistics;
            accessSetup = accessSetup | ComponentDeclaration.Matches;

              #region Setup the component access flags for the 'Matches' component
            if (keyConsumer is IMatchProxy)
            // Setup the component access flags for the configuration component.
            accessSetup = accessSetup | ComponentDeclaration.Statistics;
            accessSetup = accessSetup | ComponentDeclaration.DataAccess;

              #region Setup the component access flags for the 'Statistics' component
              if (keyConsumer is IStatisticsProxy)
            // Setup the component access flags for the configuration component.
            accessSetup = accessSetup | ComponentDeclaration.Statistics;

              #region Setup the component access flags for the 'DataAccess' component
              if (keyConsumer is IDataAccessProxy)
            // Setup the component access flags for the configuration component.
            accessSetup = accessSetup | ComponentDeclaration.DataAccess;
            accessSetup = accessSetup | ComponentDeclaration.Configuration;

              // Create the description for the key - the description must declare
              // what components the flags give access to.
              string description = GenerateKeyDescription(accessSetup);

              // Let's do the actual encryption...
              AesCryptography aes = new AesCryptography();
              byte[]        bytes = aes.Encrypt(password, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(salt), Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(accessSetup + ""));

              // Constructing the actual key for accessing the components...
              return new ComponentAccessKey(bytes, description, keyConsumer);
Exemple #17
        static void Main(string[] args)
            #region Testing encryption/decryption

            bool shouldTest = false;
            if (shouldTest)
                AesCryptography aes = new AesCryptography();

                var password = "******";
                var salt     = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 };
                var ct1      = aes.Encrypt(password, salt, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Alice; Bob; Eve;: PerformAct1"));

                var ct2 = aes.Encrypt(password, salt, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Alice; Bob; Eve;: PerformAct2"));

                var pt1 = aes.Decrypt(password, salt, ct1);

                var pt2 = aes.Decrypt(password, salt, ct2);

                // Now check tampering
                    aes.Decrypt(password, salt, ct1);
                    Console.WriteLine("Error: tamper detection failed.");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("Success: tampering detected.");

            string COMPARE_SILENT = "SILENT";
            string COMPARE_HELP   = "HELP";

            string[] cmdArgs = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();
            foreach (string arg in cmdArgs)
                if (arg.ToUpper() == COMPARE_SILENT)
                    ConsoleEnabled = false;

                if (arg.ToUpper() == COMPARE_HELP)
                    ConsoleEnabled = true;

                    #region Help output to console
                    //      12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
                    Output("║                                  Code Analyser                               ║");
                    Output("║                                                                              ║");
                    Output("║ Purpose   The application is designed to search files for suspect code       ║");
                    Output("║           constructions, i.e. try-catch statements suppressing exceptions    ║");
                    Output("║           from being handled.                                                ║");
                    Output("║                                                                              ║");
                    Output("║           The type of code constructions that are matched during the search  ║");
                    Output("║           is specified through regular expressions in the applications       ║");
                    Output("║           configuration file. Multiple regular expressions can be added to   ║");
                    Output("║           the configuration file as well as what directories the search      ║");
                    Output("║           should include, what directories should be excluded, the type of   ║");
                    Output("║           files to include in the search.                                    ║");
                    Output("║                                                                              ║");
                    Output("║                                                                              ║");
                    Output("║  Result:  A resulting xml file containing the result of the search will be   ║");
                    Output("║           created in the execution directory, 'Analyser.xml'. Just open it   ║");
                    Output("║           in a browser - it will be transformed into html by the associated  ║");
                    Output("║           xslt file.                                                         ║");
                    Output("║                                                                              ║");
                    Output("║                                                                              ║");
                    Output("║  How to:  The application can be run with no arguments. The following        ║");
                    Output("║           arguments are allowed:                                             ║");
                    Output("║                                                                              ║");
                    Output("║           <help>   Will show this dialog.                                    ║");
                    Output("║                                                                              ║");
                    Output("║           <silent> Indicates whether output from the client should be        ║");
                    Output("║                    enabled. Adding the argument 'silent' will disable        ║");
                    Output("║                    output to the command line.                               ║");
                    Output("║                                                                              ║");
                    Output("║           NOTE:    Using the 'silent' argument will not disable output from  ║");
                    Output("║                    the log system to the 'Console' target! If all messages   ║");
                    Output("║                    to the command line should be completely disabled then    ║");
                    Output("║                    disable the 'Console' target in the log system            ║");
                    Output("║                    configuration file as well.                               ║");
                    Output("║                                                                              ║");
                    Output("║                                                                              ║");
                    Output("║   Setup:  Two configuration files (.config) are needed in order to execute   ║");
                    Output("║           the application. Both files is expected to be located in the       ║");
                    Output("║           applications execution directory. If not placed here the           ║");
                    Output("║           application will fail.                                             ║");
                    Output("║                                                                              ║");
                    Output("║           <hunter> Configuration file for setting up the include             ║");
                    Output("║                    directories, regular expressions etc.                     ║");
                    Output("║                                                                              ║");
                    Output("║           <log>    Configuration file for setting up the log system that the ║");
                    Output("║                    application uses.                                         ║");
                    Output("║                                                                              ║");

                    ConsoleEnabled = false;

                DirHandler.Instance.CurrentDirectory = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine(BaseException.Format(null, -1, @"Failed to initialize 'Directory Handler' with current DIR? Unable to continue.", e));

            ApplicationManager am = null;
                am = new ApplicationManager();
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine(BaseException.Format(null, -1, @"Failed to construct the 'Application Manager'? Unable to continue.", e));

            catch (CoordinationException ce)


            // Shutdown the log system - should also empty all the queues before stopping.
 public byte[] Encrypt(byte[] data, out bool success)
     return(aes.Encrypt(data, GetKey(), GetIv(), out success));