public void FromXToXY_WithReferencePointOffsetAndRotation_ReturnsCoordinatesFromReferencePoint()
            // Setup
            const double center = 5.0;

            double[] xCoordinates =
                center - Math.Sqrt(8),
                center + Math.Sqrt(2)
            var          referencePoint = new Point2D(3, 4);
            const double offset         = 5;
            const double rotation       = 45;

            // Call
            IEnumerable <Point2D> points = AdvancedMath2D.FromXToXY(xCoordinates, referencePoint, offset, rotation);

            // Assert
                new Point2D(1, 2),
                new Point2D(3, 4),
                new Point2D(4, 5)
            }, points);
        public void FromXToXY_NoPoints_ReturnsEmptyCollection()
            // Call
            IEnumerable <Point2D> points = AdvancedMath2D.FromXToXY(new double[0], new Point2D(0, 0), 3, 2);

            // Assert
 private static IEnumerable <Point2D> GetWorldPoints(ForeshoreProfile foreshoreProfile)
                foreshoreProfile.Geometry.Select(p => - p.X).ToArray(),
 private static IEnumerable <Point2D> GetWorldPoints(DikeProfile dikeProfile)
                dikeProfile.DikeGeometry.Select(p => - p.Point.X),
        public void FromXToXY_WithoutReferencePoint_ThrowsArgumentNullException()
            // Call
            void Call() => AdvancedMath2D.FromXToXY(new double[0], null, 3, 2);

            // Assert
            var exception = TestHelper.AssertThrowsArgumentExceptionAndTestMessage <ArgumentNullException>(
                Call, "Cannot transform to coordinates without a reference point.");

            Assert.AreEqual("referencePoint", exception.ParamName);
        public void FromXToXY_WithoutPoints_ThrowsArgumentNullException()
            // Call
            void Call() => AdvancedMath2D.FromXToXY(null, new Point2D(0, 0), 3, 2);

            // Assert
            var exception = TestHelper.AssertThrowsArgumentExceptionAndTestMessage <ArgumentNullException>(
                Call, "Cannot transform to coordinates without a source.");

            Assert.AreEqual("xCoordinates", exception.ParamName);
        public void FromXToXY_WithRotation180_ReturnsCoordinatesOnNegativeYAxis()
            // Setup
            double[] xCoordinates   = ThreeRandomXCoordinates();
            var      referencePoint = new Point2D(0, 0);

            // Call
            IEnumerable <Point2D> points = AdvancedMath2D.FromXToXY(xCoordinates, referencePoint, 0, 180);

            // Assert
            CollectionElementsAlmostEquals(xCoordinates.Select(x => new Point2D(0, -x)), points);
        public void FromXToXY_WithOffset_ReturnsCoordinatesNearerToOrigin()
            // Setup
            double[] xCoordinates   = ThreeRandomXCoordinates();
            var      referencePoint = new Point2D(0, 0);
            int      offset         = new Random(21).Next();

            // Call
            IEnumerable <Point2D> points = AdvancedMath2D.FromXToXY(xCoordinates, referencePoint, offset, 0);

            // Assert
            CollectionElementsAlmostEquals(xCoordinates.Select(x => new Point2D(0, x - offset)), points);
        public void FromXToXY_WithReferencePoint_ReturnsCoordinatesFromReferencePoint()
            // Setup
            var random = new Random(21);

            double[] xCoordinates   = ThreeRandomXCoordinates();
            var      referencePoint = new Point2D(random.NextDouble(), random.NextDouble());

            // Call
            IEnumerable <Point2D> points = AdvancedMath2D.FromXToXY(xCoordinates, referencePoint, 0, 0);

            // Assert
            CollectionElementsAlmostEquals(xCoordinates.Select(x => new Point2D(referencePoint.X, referencePoint.Y + x)), points);