Exemple #1
        internal Catalog(AdvanConnect advanConnect)
            // associate with the pooled connection
            this.AdvanConnect = advanConnect;

            tables = new System.Collections.Hashtable();
Exemple #2
		** Name: Close
		** History:
		**	27-Aug-02 (thoda04)
		**	    Created.

		/// <summary>
		/// Close the database connection or release it back into connection pool.
		/// </summary>
		public override void Close()
			if (_state == ConnectionState.Closed)

			if (ActiveDataReader != null)  // Close any open DataReader

			if (advanConnect != null)
				if (Transaction != null  &&
					Transaction.HasAlreadyBeenCommittedOrRolledBack == false)
					Transaction = null;

				// put the advantage connection back into pool or close it
				advanConnect = null;

			ConnectionState oldState = _state;
			_state = ConnectionState.Closed;
			_serverVersion = null;  // ServerVersion property is now invalid

			// Raise the connection state change
			FireStateChange(oldState, _state);  // old, new

Exemple #3
		** Name: Open
		** History:
		**	27-Aug-02 (thoda04)
		**	    Created.

		/// <summary>
		/// Open the database connection and set the ConnectionState property.
		/// </summary>
		public override void Open()
			System.EnterpriseServices.ITransaction transaction;

			if (_state == ConnectionState.Open)
				throw new InvalidOperationException("The connection is already open.");

			if (config == null)  // if no connection string then bad news
				throw new InvalidOperationException("Host specification missing");

			string host = DataSource;
			if (host == null)
				throw new InvalidOperationException("Host specification missing");

			// if not "servername:port" format then
			// get the port number from keyword=value NameValueCollection
			if (host.IndexOf(":") == -1)
				string port = config.Get(DrvConst.DRV_PROP_PORT);
				if (port == null || port.Length == 0)
					port = "II7"; // no "Port=" then default to "II7"
				host += ":" + port.ToString();  // add ":portid" to host

			advanConnect = AdvanConnectionPoolManager.Get(
				ConnectionString, this, host, config, null, ConnectionTimeout);

			// advanConnect internal connection object may be later used by
			// two threads: the application thread and the MSDTC proxy thread.
			// The advanConnect usage count will block release of the internal
			// connection advanConnect object back into the connection pool
			// until each is finished and calls
			// advanConnect.CloseOrPutBackIntoConnectionPool() method.
			// See DTCEnlistment.Enlist() method for MSDTC proxy claim stake.
			advanConnect.ReferenceCountIncrement();  // application thread stakes it claim

			ConnectionState oldState = _state;
			_state = ConnectionState.Open;

			// Raise the connection state change event
			FireStateChange(oldState, _state);  // old, new

			string persistSecurityInfo = config.Get(DrvConst.DRV_PROP_PERSISTSEC);
			if (persistSecurityInfo == null  ||
				(ToInvariantLower(persistSecurityInfo) != "true"  &&
				 ToInvariantLower(persistSecurityInfo) != "yes"))
				_connectionString = _connectionStringSanitized;

			transaction = EnlistDistributedTransactionIsNeeded();

			if (transaction != null)
				EnlistDistributedTransaction(transaction, false);  // implicit enlistment
        /// <summary>
        /// Release a connection slot, and possibly
        /// a good AdvanConnect object back into the pool.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="advanConnect"></param>
        internal void PutPoolSlot(AdvanConnect advanConnect)
            lock (this)             // lock the pool as we update the list
                ActiveCount--;      // count of active connection slots
                if (ActiveCount < MaxCount)
                    waitingOnPoolSize.Set();               // pool is signaled available
                if (advanConnect == null)                  // if just releasing our slot

                DateTime expire;
                if (ConnectExpirationTimeSpan == TimeSpan.MaxValue)
                    expire = DateTime.MaxValue;                      // never expire the connection
                        // Expire inactive phys connection after specified interval.
                        // If connection comes off the available list, is used,
                        // and is put back on the available list then
                        // this code here will be called again to push
                        // the expiration time into the future.
                        expire = DateTime.Now + ConnectExpirationTimeSpan;
                    catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)                    // catch any overflow
                        expire = DateTime.MaxValue;                        // never expire the connection
                advanConnect.expirationDate = expire;
                // inactive connection expiration time

                advanConnect.Connection     = null;              // release the IngresConnection obj
                advanConnect.connectionPool = null;

                AvailableList.Add(advanConnect); // add connection back into avail
            }                                    // end lock(this)
        }                                        // end PutPoolSlot
        }                                                  // end GetPoolSlot

        /// <summary>
        /// Get the oldest expired AdvanConnect connection from the pool.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shuttingDown">If true then return all in avail list.
        /// Otherwise, just return the "too old" connections.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal AdvanConnect GetPoolSlotExpired(bool shuttingDown)
            lock (this)
                // if no inactive physical connections then return
                if (AvailableList.Count == 0)

                // if physical connections at or below min then return
                if (ActiveCount + AvailableList.Count <= MinCount &&

                DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

                AdvanConnect advanConnect =                 // get first (and oldest in list)

                if (advanConnect.expirationDate > now &&                   // if still good

                // remove the old, expired connection from the pool
                advanConnect.connectionPool = null;

                // if no one is using the pool, start the death knell on it
                if (ActiveCount == 0 &&
                    AvailableList.Count == 0 &&
                    ConnectingCount == 0)
                    PoolExpirationDate = now + TimeSpan.FromTicks(
                        60 * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond);                          // gone in 60 seconds

                return(advanConnect); // return the oldest, expired AdvanConnect
            }                         // end lock(pool)
        }                             // end GetPoolSlotExpired()
        /// <summary>
        /// Put the AdvanConnect connection back into the connection pool
        /// to make it available to others.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="advanConnect"></param>
        static internal void Put(AdvanConnect advanConnect)
            if (advanConnect == null)                     // safety check

            ConnectionPool pool = advanConnect.connectionPool;

            if (advanConnect.msg != null &&
                advanConnect.msg.isSocketConnected() == false)
                // underlying connection socket to msg is damaged
                advanConnect.CanBePooled = false;

            // if cannot be pooled
            if (advanConnect.CanBePooled == false || pool == null)
                // Null out connectionPool reference to avoid the close()
                // method trying to remove the connection pool slot.
                // We will do it ourselves.
                advanConnect.connectionPool = null;
//				Console.WriteLine("Closing connection physically by Put");
                advanConnect.close();                  // close the internal connection

                // if connection was in the pool in the past but is now damaged
                if (pool != null)
                    pool.PutPoolSlot(null);                      // release the pool slot
                pool.PutPoolSlot(advanConnect);                  // put good conn back into pool
        /// <summary>
        /// Worker thread that cleans up timed-out connections.
        /// </summary>
        static internal void ConnectionPoolWorkerThread()
            bool shuttingDown = false;

//			Console.WriteLine("ConnectionPoolWorkerThread started");
            while (true)
                bool      didWork = false;
                DateTime  now     = DateTime.Now;
                ArrayList pools   = null;

                // Wait on the lock for the pool of pools since
                // the ConnectionPoolManager.Get might have it and
                // is declaring its intent to get a slot from one of the pools.
                lock (poolOfConnectionPools)
                    pools = new ArrayList(poolOfConnectionPools.Keys);
                    foreach (object obj in pools)
                        string         key  = (string)obj;                 // connection string
                        ConnectionPool pool =
                        // if no active slots and no connecting
                        // and no inactive connections and too old
                        if (pool.IsTooOld(now))
                            // disconnect old, empty pool from the pool of pools

                    // Get a snapshot list of pools.  Other threads might
                    // be adding more pools to the pool of pools but we
                    // don't care; we'll catch on the next timer iteration.
                    // We are the only thread that removes pools so we
                    // the snapahot will be good for this iteration.
                    pools = new ArrayList(poolOfConnectionPools.Values);

                    // release our lock on the pool of pools
                }                  // end lock(poolOfConnectionPools)

                foreach (object obj in pools)
                    ConnectionPool pool = (ConnectionPool)obj;
                    // We now have a pool that we can check for inactive
                    // physical connections that we can close physically.

                    while (true)                     // loop thru the connections in the pool
                        AdvanConnect advanConnect = null;

                        advanConnect = pool.GetPoolSlotExpired(shuttingDown);
                        if (advanConnect == null)

//							Console.WriteLine("Closing connection physically"+
//								" by ConnectionPoolWorkerThread");
                            // Close the connection.  Do not hold any
                            // locks for the pool of pools or a pool since
                            // the I/O for the close may take a long time.
                            advanConnect.close();                              // close the connection
                        didWork = true;

                if (didWork)                   // if we did something then restart the scan

                pools = null;                  // release the object to garbage collection

                if (shuttingDown)
//					Console.WriteLine("ConnectionPoolWorkerThread returning");

                // sleep 10 seconds or until shutdown signaled
                shuttingDown = shuttingDownEvent.WaitOne(10000, false);
//				if (shuttingDown)
//					Console.WriteLine("ConnectionPoolWorkerThread ShuttingDown");

                //Thread.Sleep(10000);  // sleep 10 seconds
            }              // end while
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the correct connection pool based on connection string.
        /// Get an AdvanConnect connection from the pool or create
        /// the AdvanConnect if none is available.  Wait on pool if
        /// connection limit on pool would be exceeded.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connectionString"></param>
        /// <param name="providerConnection"></param>
        /// <param name="host"></param>
        /// <param name="config"></param>
        /// <param name="trace"></param>
        /// <param name="timeout"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static private AdvanConnect GetConnectionFromPool(
            string connectionString,
            IDbConnection providerConnection,
            String host,
            IConfig config,
            ITrace trace,
            int timeout)
            string         strValue;
            AdvanConnect   advanConnect;
            ConnectionPool pool;
            int            minPoolSize       = 0;
            int            maxPoolSize       = 100;
            int            expirationSeconds = 60;   // inactive connection expiration

            // timespan before removal from pool

            if (trace == null)
                trace = new TraceDV(DrvConst.DRV_TRACE_ID);                   // "drv"
            // if 'Pooling=false' was specified, get a new connection
            string pooling = config.get(DrvConst.DRV_PROP_CLIENTPOOL);

            if (pooling != null &&
                (pooling.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == "false" ||
                 pooling.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == "no"))
                advanConnect = new AdvanConnect(
                    providerConnection, host, config, trace, timeout);
                // leave advanConnect.CanBePooled == false so that
                // it does not go back into the pool and is physically closed later.

            // Min Pool Size
            strValue = config.get(DrvConst.DRV_PROP_MINPOOLSIZE);
            if (strValue != null)
                { minPoolSize = Int32.Parse(strValue); }

            // Max Pool Size
            strValue = config.get(DrvConst.DRV_PROP_MAXPOOLSIZE);
            if (strValue != null)
                { maxPoolSize = Int32.Parse(strValue); }

            while (true)              // retry loop to get a pooled connection
                // Get a pooled connection.
                // Wait on the lock for the pool of pools since
                // the ConnectionPoolWorkerThread might have it and
                // is busy cleaning up inactive pools.
                // This lock controls update of this list.  Do not
                // hold the lock for long (i.e. no DB access).
                lock (poolOfConnectionPools)                  // lock pool of pools and possibly wait
                    // if first time, start the worker thread that cleans up connections
                    if (connectionPoolWorkerThread == null)
                        // create thread and fill in connectionPoolWorkerThread

                        // listen for AppDomain.DomainUnload event so we can
                        // tell the ConnectionPoolWorkerThread to gracefully
                        // shut down inactive connections in the pools.

                    // get a pooled connection for given connection string
                    pool = (ConnectionPool)poolOfConnectionPools[connectionString];

                    // if no pool for given connection string, build one
                    if (pool == null)
                        pool = new ConnectionPool(
                        poolOfConnectionPools[connectionString] = pool; // insert
                    }                                                   // end if (pool == null)

                    pool.PrepareToGetPoolSlot();                        // mark pool for "connect-in-progress"
                }                                                       // end lock(poolOfConnectionPools)

                // Wait for and lock up a slot in the connection pool
                // and release the "connect-in-progress" indicator in the pool.
                // The pool.ConnectingCount will be > 0 and will prevent
                // the pool from being released while we wait for a slot.
                // We hold no locks on pool of pools nor individual pool while we wait.
                advanConnect = pool.GetPoolSlot(providerConnection);

                // if a physical connection was found in the pool then we're all done!
                if (advanConnect != null)
                    if (advanConnect.msg.QuerySocketHealth() == true)                     // if still alive
                    advanConnect.close();                         // close the bad connection
                    continue;                                     // retry to get a pooled connection
                    break;  // no more available connections in pool
            }               // retry loop to get a pooled connection

            // we own a slot in the pool
            // but we need to build a brand new connection
                // connect to the server
                advanConnect = new AdvanConnect(
                    providerConnection, host, config, trace, timeout);

                // at this point, we have a good connection
                advanConnect.connectionPool = pool;
                advanConnect.CanBePooled    = true;                  // we can pool good ones
            catch (Exception)
                pool.PutPoolSlot();                  // release our slot back into the pool
Exemple #9
        public UserSearchOrder(AdvanConnect advanConnect)
            AdvanConnect = advanConnect;
            bool   isGateway       = false;
            string Username        = null;
            string DBAname         = null;
            string SystemOwnername = "$ingres";

            if (!advanConnect.conn.is_ingres)
                string str;
                if ((str = AdvanConnect.conn.dbCaps.getDbCap("DBMS_TYPE")) != null)
                    str = str.ToUpper(
                    // certain gateways don't have iidbconstants(system_owner)
                    if (str.Equals("VSAM") ||
                        isGateway = true;

            IDbCommand cmd = AdvanConnect.Connection.CreateCommand();

            if (isGateway)
                cmd.CommandText =
                    "SELECT user_name, dba_name, dba_name FROM iidbconstants";
            else             // Ingres and other full-service gateways
                cmd.CommandText =
                    "SELECT user_name, dba_name, system_owner FROM iidbconstants";

            // send the query to the database catalog to get columns
            IDataReader rdr = null;

                // read the user search order
                rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                while (rdr.Read())                  // dummy loop for break convenience
                    if (!rdr.IsDBNull(0))
                        Username = rdr.GetString(0).TrimEnd();
                    if (!rdr.IsDBNull(1))
                        DBAname = rdr.GetString(1).TrimEnd();
                    if (!rdr.IsDBNull(2))
                        SystemOwnername = rdr.GetString(2).TrimEnd();
                    break;         // read just the first row
                }                  // end dummy while loop
            catch (SqlEx /*ex*/)
                if (rdr != null)
                    cmd.Cancel();                      // cancel the remainder to avoid spurious msg
                    rdr.Close();                       // close the data reader

            // eliminate duplicates
            if (Username != null)
                if (DBAname != null)
                    if (DBAname.Equals(Username))
                        DBAname = null;
                if (SystemOwnername != null)
                    if (SystemOwnername.Equals(Username))
                        SystemOwnername = null;
            if (DBAname != null)
                if (SystemOwnername != null)
                    if (SystemOwnername.Equals(DBAname))
                        SystemOwnername = null;

            if (Username != null)
            if (DBAname != null)
            if (SystemOwnername != null)