public ActionResult Get(int eventID) { using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection(m_configuration["OpenXDA:ConnectionString"], m_configuration["OpenXDA:DataProviderString"])) { return(Ok(connection.RetrieveData(@" With WorstSeverityCode as ( SELECT EventID, MAX(DisturbanceSeverity.SeverityCode) as SeverityCode FROM Disturbance INNER HASH JOIN DisturbanceSeverity ON Disturbance.ID = DisturbanceSeverity.DisturbanceID WHERE PhaseID = (SELECT ID FROM Phase WHERE Name = 'Worst') AND EventID = {0} GROUP BY EventID ), WorstSeverityRecord as ( SELECT Disturbance.*, DisturbanceSeverity.SeverityCode, row_number() over (Partition By Disturbance.EventID Order By Disturbance.EventTypeID) as Ranking FROM Disturbance INNER HASH JOIN DisturbanceSeverity ON Disturbance.ID = DisturbanceSeverity.DisturbanceID INNER HASH JOIN WorstSeverityCode ON Disturbance.EventID = WorstSeverityCode.EventID AND DisturbanceSeverity.SeverityCode = WorstSeverityCode.SeverityCode WHERE PhaseID IN (SELECT ID FROM Phase WHERE Name != 'Worst') AND Disturbance.EventID = {0} ) SELECT Meter.Name as Meter, Event.StartTime, Phase.Name as Phase, EventType.Name as EventType, CAST(ROUND(WorstSeverityRecord.DurationCycles, 2) as VARCHAR(20)) + ' cycles' as Duration, CAST(WorstSeverityRecord.Magnitude as VARCHAR(20)) + ' Amps (RMS)' as Magnitude, CAST(ROUND((1 - WorstSeverityRecord.PerUnitMagnitude) * 100,1) as VARCHAR(20)) + '%' as SagDepth FROM Event JOIN Meter ON Event.MeterID = Meter.ID LEFT JOIN WorstSeverityRecord ON Ranking = 1 LEFT JOIN Phase ON WorstSeverityRecord.PhaseID = Phase.ID LEFT JOIN EventType ON WorstSeverityRecord.EventTypeID = EventType.ID WHERE Event.ID = {0} ", eventID))); } }
public IEnumerable <object> GetLightningData() { Dictionary <string, string> query = Request.QueryParameters(); int eventID = int.Parse(query["eventID"]); using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection("dbOpenXDA")) { const string QueryFormat = "SELECT * " + "FROM " + " LightningStrike LEFT OUTER JOIN " + " VaisalaExtendedLightningData ON VaisalaExtendedLightningData.LightningStrikeID = LightningStrike.ID " + "WHERE EventID = {0}"; object ToLightningStrike(DataRow row) => new { Service = row.ConvertField <string>("Service"), UTCTime = row.ConvertField <DateTime>("UTCTime"), DisplayTime = row.ConvertField <string>("DisplayTime"), Amplitude = row.ConvertField <double>("Amplitude"), Latitude = row.ConvertField <double>("Latitude"), Longitude = row.ConvertField <double>("Longitude"), PeakCurrent = row.ConvertField <int>("PeakCurrent"), FlashMultiplicity = row.ConvertField <int>("FlashMultiplicity"), ParticipatingSensors = row.ConvertField <int>("ParticipatingSensors"), DegreesOfFreedom = row.ConvertField <int>("DegreesOfFreedom"), EllipseAngle = row.ConvertField <double>("EllipseAngle"), SemiMajorAxisLength = row.ConvertField <double>("SemiMajorAxisLength"), SemiMinorAxisLength = row.ConvertField <double>("SemiMinorAxisLength"), ChiSquared = row.ConvertField <double>("ChiSquared"), Risetime = row.ConvertField <double>("Risetime"), PeakToZeroTime = row.ConvertField <double>("PeakToZeroTime"), MaximumRateOfRise = row.ConvertField <double>("MaximumRateOfRise"), CloudIndicator = row.ConvertField <bool>("CloudIndicator"), AngleIndicator = row.ConvertField <bool>("AngleIndicator"), SignalIndicator = row.ConvertField <bool>("SignalIndicator"), TimingIndicator = row.ConvertField <bool>("TimingIndicator") }; return(connection .RetrieveData(QueryFormat, eventID) .AsEnumerable() .Select(ToLightningStrike)); } }
public ActionResult Post([FromBody] PostData postData) { using (AdoDataConnection lightningConnection = new AdoDataConnection(m_configuration["Lightning:ConnectionString"], m_configuration["Lightning:DataProviderString"])) { DataTable data = lightningConnection.RetrieveData(@" DECLARE @EndOfPeriod DATETIME2 = DATEADD(" + postData.Units + @",{1}, CAST({0} as DATETIME2)); DECLARE @BeginningOfPeriod DATETIME2 = DATEADD(" + postData.Units + @",-{1}*2, @EndOfPeriod); SELECT DisplayTime, Amplitude, Latitude, Longitude, 'Weatherbug' as Service FROM TX_Lightning.LIGHTNING_WEATHERBUG WHERE eventtime >= @BeginningOfPeriod and eventtime < @EndOfPeriod AND Latitude BETWEEN {2} and {3} AND Longitude BETWEEN {4} AND {5} ", postData.DateTime.Replace("T", " "), postData.Tolerance, postData.SWLat, postData.NELat, postData.SWLng, postData.NELng); return(Ok(data)); } }
public void ProcessAllData(bool onlyEmpty = false) { using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection("systemSettings")) { DataTable table = connection.RetrieveData(TempTableQuery(false) + Query); if (table.Rows.Count == 0) { return; } IEnumerable <DisturbanceData> dd = table.Select().Select(row => new TableOperations <DisturbanceData>(connection).LoadRecord(row)); foreach (var assetGroup in dd.GroupBy(x => x.MeterID)) { int meterID = assetGroup.Key; if (meterID == 0) { continue; } OnLogStatusMessage(string.Format("PQMark aggregation: Processing {0}", assetGroup.Key)); foreach (var yearGroup in assetGroup.GroupBy(x => x.StartTime.Year)) { int year = yearGroup.Key; foreach (var dateGroup in yearGroup.GroupBy(x => x.StartTime.Month)) { int month = dateGroup.Key; DateTime startDate = new DateTime(yearGroup.Key, dateGroup.Key, 1); DateTime endDate = startDate.AddMonths(1).AddSeconds(-1); PQMarkAggregate record = new TableOperations <PQMarkAggregate>(connection).QueryRecordWhere("MeterID = {0} AND Year = {1} AND Month = {2}", meterID, year, month); if (onlyEmpty && record != null) { continue; } ProcessMonthOfData(dateGroup, meterID, year, month, startDate, endDate); } } } OnLogStatusMessage(string.Format("PQMark data aggregation is complete...")); } }
private void GenerateEmail(int month, int year) { using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection("systemSettings")) { string sql = $"SELECT Email FROM UserAccount WHERE Email IS NOT NULL AND Email <> '' AND ID IN (SELECT UserAccountID FROM EmailGroupUserAccount WHERE EmailGroupID IN (SELECT EmailGroupID FROM EmailGroupType WHERE EmailTypeID IN (SELECT ID FROM EmailType WHERE EmailCategoryID = (SELECT ID FROM EmailCategory WHERE Name = 'PQReport'))))"; DataTable emailTable = connection.RetrieveData(sql); List <string> recipients = emailTable.Select().Select(row => row.ConvertField <string>("Email")).ToList(); string template = connection.ExecuteScalar <string>("SELECT Template FROM XSLTemplate WHERE Name = 'PQReport'"); string data = connection.ExecuteScalar <string>(@" SELECT {0} as [Month], {1} as [Year], (select value from DashSettings where Name = 'System.XDAInstance') as [XDALink], (SELECT Meter.AssetKey as [Meter], Report.Results as [Result], Report.ID as [ReportID] FROM Report JOIN Meter ON Report.MeterID = Meter.ID WHERE Month = {0} AND Year = {1} FOR XML RAW('Report') ,TYPE, ELEMENTS) as [Reports] FOR XML RAW ('PQReport'),TYPE, ELEMENTS ", month, year); XDocument htmlDocument = XDocument.Parse(data.ApplyXSLTransform(template), LoadOptions.PreserveWhitespace); try { string subject = (string)htmlDocument.Descendants("title").FirstOrDefault() ?? "Fault detected by openXDA"; string html = htmlDocument.ToString(SaveOptions.DisableFormatting).Replace("&", "&").Replace("<", "<").Replace(">", ">"); SendEmail(recipients, subject, html); LoadSentEmail(connection, recipients, subject, html); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex.ToString()); } } }
private IEnumerable <string> GetOpenMICMeters() { using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection("systemSettings")) { DataTable table = connection.RetrieveData(@" SELECT AdditionalFieldValue.Value FROM AdditionalFieldValue JOIN AdditionalField ON AdditionalFieldValue.AdditionalFieldID = AdditionalField.ID WHERE AdditionalField.ParentTable = 'Meter' AND AdditionalField.FieldName = 'OpenMICAcronym' "); return(table.Select().Select(x => x["Value"].ToString())); } //return ControllerHelpers.Get<IEnumerable<string>>("OpenMIC", "api/Operations/Meters"); }
private IOrderedEnumerable <PeriodicMeasurements> GetMeasurementCharacteristicsForWebReport() { using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection("systemSettings")) { string target = "PeriodicDataDisplayMeasurementCharacteristicsForWebReport"; IOrderedEnumerable <PeriodicMeasurements> data = (IOrderedEnumerable <PeriodicMeasurements>)s_memoryCache.Get(target); if (data == null) { string query = @" SELECT DISTINCT MeasurementType.Name as MeasurementType, MeasurementType.ID as MeasurementTypeID, MeasurementCharacteristic.Name as MeasurementCharacteristic, MeasurementCharacteristic.ID as MeasurementCharacteristicID FROM Channel JOIN MeasurementCharacteristic ON MeasurementCharacteristic.ID = Channel.MeasurementCharacteristicID JOIN MeasurementType ON MeasurementType.ID = Channel.MeasurementTypeID WHERE Channel.ID IN ( SELECT Channel.ID FROM StepChangeMeasurement JOIN PQMeasurement ON StepChangeMeasurement.PQMeasurementID = PQMeasurement.ID LEFT JOIN Channel ON PQMeasurement.MeasurementTypeID = Channel.MeasurementTypeID AND PQMeasurement.MeasurementCharacteristicID = Channel.MeasurementCharacteristicID ) "; data = connection.RetrieveData(query).Select().Select(row => new PeriodicMeasurements() { MeasurementType = row["MeasurementType"].ToString(), MeasurementTypeID = int.Parse(row["MeasurementTypeID"].ToString()), MeasurementCharacteristic = row["MeasurementCharacteristic"].ToString(), MeasurementCharacteristicID = int.Parse(row["MeasurementCharacteristicID"].ToString()) }).OrderBy(x => x.MeasurementCharacteristic).ThenBy(x => x.MeasurementType); s_memoryCache.Add(target, data, new CacheItemPolicy { SlidingExpiration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1.0D) }); } return(data); } }
public IHttpActionResult GetTreeProbability(int eventID) { try { using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection(SettingsCategory)) { string query = @" SELECT Event.ID, FaultSummary.Inception as FaultTime, Event.AssetID, Meter.Name as StationName, Location.LocationKey as StationID, LineView.AssetKey as LineAssetKey, LineView.AssetName as LineName, LineView.Length, ROUND(FaultSummary.Distance,2) as FaultDistance, FaultSummary.FaultType, ROUND(FaultSummary.DurationCycles,2) as FaultDuration, FaultSummary.CurrentMagnitude, FaultSummary.ID as FaultID, DoubleEndedFaultDistance.Distance as DblDist, FaultCauseMetrics.TreeFaultResistance as TreeFaultResistance FROM Event inner join Meter on Event.MeterID = Meter.ID inner join Location on Meter.LocationID = Location.ID inner join LineView on Event.AssetID = LineView.ID inner join FaultSummary on Event.ID = FaultSummary.EventID and [IsSelectedAlgorithm] = 1 AND IsSuppressed = 0 AND IsValid <> 0 left join FaultCauseMetrics ON Event.ID = FaultCauseMetrics.EventID AND FaultCauseMetrics.FaultNumber = 1 left join DoubleEndedFaultDistance on FaultSummary.ID = DoubleEndedFaultDistance.LocalFaultSummaryID WHERE Event.ID = {0} "; return(Ok(connection.RetrieveData(query, eventID))); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(InternalServerError(ex)); } }
public ActionResult Get(int eventID) { using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection(m_configuration["OpenXDA:ConnectionString"], m_configuration["OpenXDA:DataProviderString"])) { return(Ok(connection.RetrieveData(@" SELECT TOP 1 e2.*, DATEDIFF(SECOND, e1.StartTime, e2.StartTime) as Difference FROM Event e1 JOIN Event e2 ON e1.MeterID = e2.MeterID AND e2.ID != {0} WHERE e1.ID = {0} AND e1.StartTime < e2.StartTime ORDER BY Difference ASC ", eventID))); } }
public IHttpActionResult GetExtendedDataBases() { using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection("systemSettings")) { try { TableNameAttribute tableNameAttribute; string tableName; if (typeof(T).TryGetAttribute(out tableNameAttribute)) { tableName = tableNameAttribute.TableName; } else { tableName = typeof(T).Name; } string query = @"SELECT MIN(UpdatedOn) AS lastUpdate, AdditionalField.ExternalDB AS name FROM AdditionalField LEFT JOIN AdditionalFieldValue ON AdditionalField.ID = AdditionalFieldValue.AdditionalFieldID WHERE AdditionalField.ParentTable = {0} AND AdditionalField.ExternalDB IS NOT NULL AND AdditionalField.ExternalDB <> '' GROUP BY AdditionalField.ExternalDB"; DataTable table = connection.RetrieveData(query, tableName); List <ExtDB> result = new List <ExtDB>(); foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { result.Add(new ExtDB() { name = row.ConvertField <string>("name"), lastupdate = row.ConvertField <DateTime>("lastUpdate") }); } return(Ok(result)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(InternalServerError(ex)); } } }
public IHttpActionResult GetSelectableMeterUsingSearchableList([FromBody] PostData postData) { string whereClause = BuildWhereClause(postData.Searches); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(whereClause)) { whereClause = "WHERE ID NOT IN (SELECT MeterID FROM ComplianceMeter)"; } else { whereClause = whereClause + " AND ID NOT IN (SELECT MeterID FROM ComplianceMeter)"; } using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection(Connection)) { string sql = @" DECLARE @PivotColumns NVARCHAR(MAX) = N'' SELECT @PivotColumns = @PivotColumns + '[AFV_' + t.FieldName + '],' FROM (Select DISTINCT FieldName FROM AdditionalField WHERE ParentTable = 'Meter') AS t DECLARE @SQLStatement NVARCHAR(MAX) = N' SELECT * FROM ( SELECT m.*, (CONCAT(''AFV_'',af.FieldName)) AS FieldName, afv.Value FROM Meter m LEFT JOIN AdditionalField af on af.ParentTable = ''Meter'' LEFT JOIN AdditionalFieldValue afv ON m.ID = afv.ParentTableID AND af.ID = afv.AdditionalFieldID ) as t PIVOT( MAX(t.Value) FOR t.FieldName in (' + SUBSTRING(@PivotColumns,0, LEN(@PivotColumns)) + ') ) as pvt " + whereClause.Replace("'", "''") + @" ORDER BY " + postData.OrderBy + " " + (postData.Ascending ? "ASC" : "DESC") + @" ' exec sp_executesql @SQLStatement"; DataTable table = connection.RetrieveData(sql, ""); return(Ok(table)); } }
public DataTable GetTimeCorrelatedSags() { Dictionary <string, string> query = Request.QueryParameters(); int eventID = int.Parse(query["eventId"]); if (eventID <= 0) { return(new DataTable()); } using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection("dbOpenXDA")) { double timeTolerance = connection.ExecuteScalar <double>("SELECT Value FROM Setting WHERE Name = 'TimeTolerance'"); DateTime startTime = connection.ExecuteScalar <DateTime>("SELECT StartTime FROM Event WHERE ID = {0}", eventID); DateTime endTime = connection.ExecuteScalar <DateTime>("SELECT EndTime FROM Event WHERE ID = {0}", eventID); DateTime adjustedStartTime = startTime.AddSeconds(-timeTolerance); DateTime adjustedEndTime = endTime.AddSeconds(timeTolerance); DataTable dataTable = connection.RetrieveData(TimeCorrelatedSagsSQL, adjustedStartTime, adjustedEndTime); return(dataTable); } }
public IHttpActionResult Get(int siteID, int month, int day, int year) { try { using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection("dbOpenXDA")) { DataTable table = connection.RetrieveData(@" DECLARE @MeterID AS INT = {0} DECLARE @EventDate as DateTime = {1} select Distinct [dbo].[Channel].[ID] as channelid, @EventDate as date, [dbo].[Channel].[Name] as channelname, [dbo].[Meter].[ID] as meterid, [dbo].[MeasurementType].[Name] as measurementtype, [dbo].[MeasurementCharacteristic].[Name] as characteristic, [dbo].[Phase].[Name] as phasename, [dbo].[ChannelDataQualitySummary].[ExpectedPoints] as ExpectedPoints, [dbo].[ChannelDataQualitySummary].[GoodPoints] as GoodPoints, [dbo].[ChannelDataQualitySummary].[LatchedPoints] as LatchedPoints, [dbo].[ChannelDataQualitySummary].[UnreasonablePoints] as UnreasonablePoints, [dbo].[ChannelDataQualitySummary].[NoncongruentPoints] as NoncongruentPoints, [dbo].[ChannelDataQualitySummary].[DuplicatePoints] as DuplicatePoints from [dbo].[ChannelDataQualitySummary] join [dbo].[Channel] on [dbo].[ChannelDataQualitySummary].[ChannelID] = [dbo].[Channel].[ID] join [dbo].[Meter] on [dbo].[Channel].[MeterID] = @MeterID join [dbo].[MeasurementType] on [dbo].[MeasurementType].[ID] = [dbo].[Channel].[MeasurementTypeID] join [dbo].[MeasurementCharacteristic] on [dbo].[MeasurementCharacteristic].[ID] = [dbo].[Channel].[MeasurementCharacteristicID] join [dbo].[Phase] on [dbo].[Phase].[ID] = [dbo].[Channel].[PhaseID] where [dbo].[ChannelDataQualitySummary].[Date] = @EventDate and [dbo].[Meter].[ID] = @MeterID ", siteID, new DateTime(year, month, day)); return(Ok(table)); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(InternalServerError(ex)); } }
public ActionResult GetComponents(int eventID) { using (AdoDataConnection pqiConnection = new AdoDataConnection(m_configuration["IndustrialPQ:ConnectionString"], m_configuration["IndustrialPQ:DataProviderString"])) using (AdoDataConnection upqiConnection = new AdoDataConnection(m_configuration["UserIndustrialPQ:ConnectionString"], m_configuration["UserIndustrialPQ:DataProviderString"])) using (AdoDataConnection xdaConnection = new AdoDataConnection(m_configuration["OpenXDA:ConnectionString"], m_configuration["OpenXDA:DataProviderString"])) { int facilityID = xdaConnection.ExecuteScalar <int>("SELECT FacilityID FROM MeterFacility WHERE MeterID = (SELECT MeterID FROM Event WHERE ID = {0})", eventID); DataTable pqiTable = pqiConnection.RetrieveData(@" select asec.Title, tc.TestCurveID, ac.CurveDB From UserIndustrialPQ.dbo.FacilityAudit fa JOIN UserIndustrialPQ.dbo.AuditSection asec on asec.FacilityAuditID = fa.FacilityAuditID JOIN UserIndustrialPQ.dbo.AuditCurve ac on ac.AuditSectionID = asec.AuditSectionID JOIN IndustrialPQ.dbo.TestCurve tc on ac.CurveID = tc.TestCurveID JOIN IndustrialPQ.dbo.Component com on tc.ComponentID = com.ComponentID WHERE fa.FacilityID = {0} AND ac.CurveDB = 'EPRI' ", facilityID); DataTable upqiTable = upqiConnection.RetrieveData(@" select asec.Title, tc.TestCurveID, ac.CurveDB From UserIndustrialPQ.dbo.FacilityAudit fa JOIN UserIndustrialPQ.dbo.AuditSection asec on asec.FacilityAuditID = fa.FacilityAuditID JOIN UserIndustrialPQ.dbo.AuditCurve ac on ac.AuditSectionID = asec.AuditSectionID JOIN UserIndustrialPQ.dbo.TestCurve tc on ac.CurveID = tc.TestCurveID JOIN UserIndustrialPQ.dbo.Component com on tc.ComponentID = com.ComponentID WHERE fa.FacilityID = {0} AND ac.CurveDB = 'USER' ", facilityID); pqiTable.Merge(upqiTable); return(Ok(pqiTable)); } }
public DataTable GetTimeCorrelatedSags() { Dictionary <string, string> query = Request.QueryParameters(); int eventID = int.Parse(query["eventId"]); using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection("systemSettings")) { const string SQL = "SELECT DISTINCT " + " Event.ID AS EventID, " + " EventType.Name AS EventType, " + " Event.StartTime, " + " Meter.Name AS MeterName, " + " MeterLine.LineName " + "FROM " + " Disturbance JOIN " + " EventType DisturbanceType ON Disturbance.EventTypeID = DisturbanceType.ID JOIN " + " Event ON Disturbance.EventID = Event.ID JOIN " + " EventType ON Event.EventTypeID = EventType.ID JOIN " + " Meter ON Event.MeterID = Meter.ID JOIN " + " MeterLine ON " + " Event.MeterID = MeterLine.MeterID AND " + " Event.LineID = MeterLine.LineID " + "WHERE " + " DisturbanceType.Name = 'Sag' AND " + " Disturbance.StartTime <= {1} AND " + " Disturbance.EndTime >= {0} " + "ORDER BY " + " Event.StartTime, " + " Meter.Name, " + " MeterLine.LineName"; double timeTolerance = connection.ExecuteScalar <double>("SELECT Value FROM Setting WHERE Name = 'TimeTolerance'"); DateTime startTime = connection.ExecuteScalar <DateTime>("SELECT StartTime FROM Event WHERE ID = {0}", eventID); DateTime endTime = connection.ExecuteScalar <DateTime>("SELECT EndTime FROM Event WHERE ID = {0}", eventID); DateTime adjustedStartTime = startTime.AddSeconds(-timeTolerance); DateTime adjustedEndTime = endTime.AddSeconds(timeTolerance); DataTable dataTable = connection.RetrieveData(SQL, adjustedStartTime, adjustedEndTime); return(dataTable); } }
public IHttpActionResult GetMeterAssets(int meterID, string sort, int ascending) { if (GetRoles == string.Empty || User.IsInRole(GetRoles)) { using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection(Connection)) { DataTable records = connection.RetrieveData($@" SELECT Asset.ID, Asset.VoltageKV, Asset.AssetKey, Asset.Description, Asset.AssetName, Asset.AssetTypeID, AssetType.Name as AssetType, COUNT(Channel.ID) as Channels FROM Asset JOIN AssetType ON Asset.AssetTypeID = AssetType.ID JOIN MeterAsset ON Asset.ID = MeterAsset.AssetID LEFT JOIN Channel ON Asset.ID = Channel.AssetID AND Channel.MeterID = MeterAsset.MeterID WHERE MeterAsset.MeterID = {{0}} GROUP BY Asset.ID, Asset.VoltageKV, Asset.AssetKey, Asset.Description, Asset.AssetName, Asset.AssetTypeID, AssetType.Name ORDER BY {sort} {(ascending == 0 ? "DESC" : "")} ", meterID); return(Ok(records)); } } else { return(Unauthorized()); } }
private IEnumerable <DisturbanceData> GetDisturbanceDatas(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate) { using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection("systemSettings")) { IEnumerable <PQMarkCompanyMeter> meters = new TableOperations <PQMarkCompanyMeter>(connection).QueryRecordsWhere("Enabled = 1"); if (!meters.Any()) { return(null); } DataTable table = connection.RetrieveData( @"SELECT Event.MeterID, Disturbance.PerUnitMagnitude, Disturbance.StartTime, Disturbance.EndTime, Disturbance.DurationSeconds, Disturbance.DurationCycles FROM Disturbance JOIN Event ON Event.ID = Disturbance.EventID WHERE Disturbance.PhaseID = (SELECT ID FROM Phase WHERE Name = 'Worst') AND Event.MeterID IN (" + string.Join(",", meters.Select(x => x.MeterID)) + @") AND Event.StartTime Between '" + startDate + @"' AND '" + endDate + @"'" ); return(table.Select().Select(row => new TableOperations <DisturbanceData>(connection).LoadRecord(row))); } }
public DataTable GetHarmonics() { Dictionary <string, string> query = Request.QueryParameters(); int eventId = int.Parse(query["eventId"]); using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection("dbOpenXDA")) { DataTable dataTable = connection.RetrieveData(@" SELECT MeasurementType.Name + ' ' + Phase.Name as Channel, SpectralData FROM SnapshotHarmonics JOIN Channel ON Channel.ID = SnapshotHarmonics.ChannelID JOIN MeasurementType ON Channel.MeasurementTypeID = MeasurementType.ID JOIN Phase ON Channel.PhaseID = Phase.ID WHERE EventID = {0}", eventId); return(dataTable); } }
public IHttpActionResult GetMeterConfiguration(int eventID) { using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection(SettingsCategory)) { const string SQL = @" SELECT Meter.AssetKey as MeterKey, FileGroupMeterConfiguration.MeterConfigurationID FROM FileGroup JOIN Event ON Event.FileGroupID = FileGroup.ID LEFT JOIN FileGroupMeterConfiguration ON FileGroup.ID = FileGroupMeterConfiguration.FileGroupID JOIN Meter ON Event.MeterID = Meter.ID WHERE Event.ID = {0} "; DataTable dataTable = connection.RetrieveData(SQL, eventID); return(Ok(dataTable.Select().First().ItemArray)); } }
public void ExportStatsToCSV(Stream returnStream, NameValueCollection requestParameters) { int eventId = int.Parse(requestParameters["eventId"]); using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection("systemSettings")) using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(returnStream)) { DataTable dataTable = connection.RetrieveData("SELECT * FROM OpenSEEScalarStatView WHERE EventID = {0}", eventId); DataRow row = dataTable.AsEnumerable().First(); Dictionary <string, string> dict = row.Table.Columns.Cast <DataColumn>().ToDictionary(c => c.ColumnName, c => row[c].ToString()); if (dict.Keys.Count() == 0) { return; } // Write the CSV header to the file writer.WriteLine(string.Join(",", dict.Keys)); writer.WriteLine(string.Join(",", dict.Values)); } }
public IHttpActionResult GetIncidentGroups(string modelName, [FromBody] JObject record) { int circuitID; DateTime startTime; DateTime endTime; DataTable table; // Proxy all other requests SecurityPrincipal securityPrincipal = RequestContext.Principal as SecurityPrincipal; if ((object)securityPrincipal == null || (object)securityPrincipal.Identity == null || !securityPrincipal.IsInRole("Viewer,Administrator")) { return(BadRequest($"User \"{RequestContext.Principal?.Identity.Name}\" is unauthorized.")); } try { circuitID = record["circuitId"]?.Value <int>() ?? 0; startTime = DateTime.Parse(record["startDate"].ToString()); endTime = DateTime.Parse(record["endDate"].ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest($"{ex.ToString()}")); } using (AdoDataConnection conn = new AdoDataConnection("systemSettings")) { try { string s = $"select * from GetNearbyIncidentsByCircuit({circuitID},'{startTime.ToString()}', '{endTime.ToString()}', 0)"; table = conn.RetrieveData(s); return(Ok(table)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest(ex.ToString())); } } }
public List <EventView> Get(int templateID) { NameValueCollection queryParameters = Request.RequestUri.ParseQueryString(); string countValue = queryParameters["count"]; if (!int.TryParse(countValue, out int count)) { count = 50; } using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection("systemSettings")) { string getTriggerSQL = "SELECT TriggersEmailSQL " + "FROM " + " EventEmailParameters JOIN " + " EmailType ON EventEmailParameters.EmailTypeID = EmailType.ID " + "WHERE XSLTemplateID = {0}"; string triggerFormat = connection.ExecuteScalar <string>(getTriggerSQL, templateID); string triggerSQL = string.Format(triggerFormat, "E.ID"); string getEvents = $"SELECT TOP {count} EventView.* " + $"FROM " + $" Event as E CROSS APPLY " + $" ({triggerSQL}) EmailTrigger(Value) JOIN" + $" EventView ON E.ID = EventView.ID " + $"WHERE EmailTrigger.Value <> 0 " + $"ORDER BY EventView.StartTime DESC"; TableOperations <EventView> eventTable = new TableOperations <EventView>(connection); return(connection.RetrieveData(getEvents) .AsEnumerable() .Select(eventTable.LoadRecord) .ToList()); } }
public IActionResult Get() { try { using (AdoDataConnection sCConnection = new AdoDataConnection(m_configuration["SystemCenter:ConnectionString"], m_configuration["SystemCenter:DataProviderString"])) using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection(m_configuration["OpenXDA:ConnectionString"], m_configuration["OpenXDA:DataProviderString"])) { string orgId = (User.Identity as ClaimsIdentity).Claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == "org_id")?.Value; DataTable meters = sCConnection.RetrieveData(@"SELECT OpenXDAMeterID FROM CompanyMeter WHERE CompanyID = (SELECT ID FROM Company WHERE CompanyID = {0})", orgId); if (meters.Rows.Count == 0) { return(Ok(new DataTable())); } return(Ok(connection.RetrieveData("SELECT * FROM Meter WHERE ID IN (" + string.Join(",", meters.Select().Select(row => row["OpenXDAMeterID"])) + ")").Select().OrderBy(x => x["Name"]).CopyToDataTable())); } } catch (Exception ex) { m_logger.LogError(ex.Message); return(StatusCode(500, ex)); } }
public Task <DataTable> GetChart(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { Dictionary <string, string> query = Request.QueryParameters(); string stat = query["stat"]; string measurementId = query["measurementID"]; string meterId = query["meterID"]; DateTime toDate = DateTime.ParseExact(query["date"], "yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); DateTime startDate = toDate.AddDays(-30); string[] stats = { "Max", "CP99", "CP95", "Avg", "CP05", "CP01", "Min" }; string notSqlInjection = "Avg"; if (stats.Contains(stat)) { notSqlInjection = stat; } return(Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { string target = "Chart" + meterId + measurementId + stat + startDate.ToString(); if (s_memoryCache.Contains(target)) { return (DataTable)s_memoryCache.Get(target); } else { using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection("systemSettings")) { DataTable table = connection.RetrieveData("SELECT DISTINCT Date, " + notSqlInjection + " as Value FROM PQTrendStat WHERE MeterID = (SELECT TOP 1 ID FROM METER WHERE Name = {0}) AND PQMeasurementTypeID = (SELECT TOP 1 ID FROM PQMeasurement WHERE Name = {1}) AND Date BETWEEN {2} AND {3}", meterId, measurementId, startDate, toDate); s_memoryCache.Add(target, table, new CacheItemPolicy { SlidingExpiration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10.0D) }); return table; } } }, cancellationToken)); }
public ActionResult GetCount() { using (AdoDataConnection sCConnection = new AdoDataConnection(m_configuration["SystemCenter:ConnectionString"], m_configuration["SystemCenter:DataProviderString"])) using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection(m_configuration["OpenXDA:ConnectionString"], m_configuration["OpenXDA:DataProviderString"])) { string orgId = (User.Identity as ClaimsIdentity).Claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == "org_id")?.Value; DataTable meters = sCConnection.RetrieveData(@"SELECT OpenXDAMeterID FROM CompanyMeter WHERE CompanyID = (SELECT ID FROM Company WHERE CompanyID = {0})", orgId); if (meters.Rows.Count == 0) { return(Ok(new DataTable())); } return(Ok(connection.ExecuteScalar <int>(@" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Event WHERE StartTime BETWEEN DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, 0, GETDATE()), 0) AND GETDATE() AND MeterID IN (" + string.Join(",", meters.Select().Select(row => row["OpenXDAMeterID"])) + @") "))); } }
public IHttpActionResult Get(int eventID, int timeWindow) { try { using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection(SettingsCategory)) using (AdoDataConnection xdaConnection = new AdoDataConnection("dbOpenXDA")) { DateTime eventTime = xdaConnection.ExecuteScalar <DateTime>("SELECT StartTime FROM Event WHERE ID = {0}", eventID); DataTable table = connection.RetrieveData(@" SELECT alarmdatetime as Time, stationname + ' ' + alarmpoint as Alarm, alarmstatus as Status FROM soealarmdetailwithhierarchy WHERE alarmdatetime between {0} and {1} ", eventTime.AddSeconds(-1 * timeWindow), eventTime.AddSeconds(timeWindow)); return(Ok(table)); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(InternalServerError(ex)); } }
public void ProcessMonthToDateData() { using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection("systemSettings")) { DateTime endDate = DateTime.UtcNow; DateTime startDate = new DateTime(endDate.Year, endDate.Month, 1); DataTable table = connection.RetrieveData(TempTableQuery(true) + Query, startDate, endDate); if (table.Rows.Count == 0) { return; } IEnumerable <DisturbanceData> dd = table.Select().Select(row => new TableOperations <DisturbanceData>(connection).LoadRecord(row)); foreach (var assetGroup in dd.GroupBy(x => x.MeterID)) { ProcessMonthOfData(assetGroup, assetGroup.Key, startDate.Month, startDate.Year, startDate, endDate); } } OnLogStatusMessage(string.Format("PQMark data aggregation is complete...")); }
/// <summary> /// Checks if the alarms in Grafana match the alarms in openHistorian and updates them if necessary. /// </summary> /// <param name="query">The Grafana query including the panelID and dashboardID.</param> /// <param name="alarms">Relevant alarms in the OpenHistorian.</param> public static void UpdateAlerts(QueryRequest query, List <GrafanaAlarm> alarms) { // Start by getting the Alarms that are in the Grafana instance using (AdoDataConnection connection = GetGrafanaDB()) { DataTable grafanaAlarms = connection.RetrieveData(GrafanaAlarmQuery, query.dashboardId, query.panelId); List <DataRow> alarmsToUpdate = grafanaAlarms.AsEnumerable() .Where(item => CheckUpdate(alarms, item)) .ToList(); // TODO: Should these alarms be removed? Result currently unused. HashSet <int> alarmIDs = new HashSet <int>(alarms.Select(alarm => alarm.ID)); List <DataRow> removeAlarms = grafanaAlarms.AsEnumerable().Where(row => alarmIDs.Contains(row.Field <int>("value"))).ToList(); HashSet <int> alarmRecordIDs = new HashSet <int>(grafanaAlarms.AsEnumerable().Select(row => row.Field <int>("value"))); List <GrafanaAlarm> alarmsToAdd = alarms.Where(alarm => alarmRecordIDs.Contains(alarm.ID)).ToList(); alarmsToUpdate.ForEach(alarmRecord => Update(alarms, alarmRecord, connection)); alarmsToAdd.ForEach(alarm => Add(alarm, query, connection)); } }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves <see cref="MeasurementGroup"/> information for the group with the given ID. /// </summary> /// <param name="database"><see cref="AdoDataConnection"/> to connection to database.</param> /// <param name="groupID">The ID of the measurement group to be retrieved.</param> /// <returns>Measurement group with the given ID.</returns> public static MeasurementGroup GetMeasurementGroup(AdoDataConnection database, int groupID) { DataTable measurementGroupTable; bool createdConnection = false; DataRow row; try { createdConnection = CreateConnection(ref database); measurementGroupTable = database.RetrieveData(DefaultTimeout, "SELECT * FROM MeasurementGroup WHERE ID = {0}", groupID); if (measurementGroupTable.Rows.Count == 0) { return(null); } row = measurementGroupTable.Rows[0]; MeasurementGroup measurementGroup = new MeasurementGroup() { NodeID = database.Guid(row, "NodeID"), ID = row.ConvertField <int>("ID"), Name = row.Field <string>("Name"), Description = row.Field <object>("Description").ToNonNullString(), FilterExpression = row.Field <object>("FilterExpression").ToNonNullString(), }; return(measurementGroup); } finally { if (createdConnection && database != null) { database.Dispose(); } } }
public IHttpActionResult GetConfigFilesLastWrites(int meterID, string sort, int ascending) { if (GetRoles == string.Empty || User.IsInRole(GetRoles)) { string orderByExpression = "ConfigFileChanges.LastWriteTime DESC"; if (sort != null && sort != string.Empty) { orderByExpression = $"ConfigFileChanges.{sort} {(ascending == 1 ? "ASC" : "DESC")}"; } using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection(Connection)) { string sql = $@" SELECT ConfigFileChanges.* FROM ConfigFileChanges CROSS APPLY (SELECT FileName, MAX(LastWriteTime) LastWriteTime FROM ConfigFileChanges cfc WHERE cfc.FileName = ConfigFileChanges.FileName AND cfc.MeterID = ConfigFileChanges.MeterID GROUP BY FileName) as mlwt WHERE MeterID = {{0}} AND ConfigFileChanges.LastWriteTime = mlwt.LastWriteTime ORDER BY {orderByExpression} "; DataTable table = connection.RetrieveData(sql, meterID); return(Ok(table)); } } else { return(Unauthorized()); } }
public ContourInfo getLocationsTrendingData(ContourQuery contourQuery) { List<TrendingDataLocation> locations = new List<TrendingDataLocation>(); DataTable colorScale; using (AdoDataConnection conn = new AdoDataConnection(connectionstring, typeof(SqlConnection), typeof(SqlDataAdapter))) using (IDbCommand cmd = conn.Connection.CreateCommand()) { cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@EventDateFrom", contourQuery.GetStartDate())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@EventDateTo", contourQuery.GetEndDate())); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@colorScaleName", contourQuery.ColorScaleName)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@username", contourQuery.UserName)); cmd.CommandText = "dbo.selectMeterLocationsTrendingData"; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.CommandTimeout = 300; using (IDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (rdr.Read()) { TrendingDataLocation ourStatus = new TrendingDataLocation(); ourStatus.Latitude = (double)rdr["Latitude"]; ourStatus.Longitude = (double)rdr["Longitude"]; = (string)rdr["Name"]; ourStatus.Average = (rdr.IsDBNull(rdr.GetOrdinal("Average")) ? (double?)null : (double)rdr["Average"]); ourStatus.Maximum = (rdr.IsDBNull(rdr.GetOrdinal("Maximum")) ? (double?)null : (double)rdr["Maximum"]); ourStatus.Minimum = (rdr.IsDBNull(rdr.GetOrdinal("Minimum")) ? (double?)null : (double)rdr["Minimum"]); = (int)rdr["id"];;;; locations.Add(ourStatus); } } string query = "SELECT " + " ContourColorScalePoint.Value, " + " ContourColorScalePoint.Color " + "FROM " + " ContourColorScale JOIN " + " ContourColorScalePoint ON ContourColorScalePoint.ContourColorScaleID = ContourColorScale.ID " + "WHERE ContourColorScale.Name = {0} " + "ORDER BY ContourColorScalePoint.OrderID"; colorScale = conn.RetrieveData(query, contourQuery.ColorScaleName); } double[] colorDomain = colorScale .Select() .Select(row => row.ConvertField<double>("Value")) .ToArray(); double[] colorRange = colorScale .Select() .Select(row => (double)(uint)row.ConvertField<int>("Color")) .ToArray(); return new ContourInfo() { Locations = locations, ColorDomain = colorDomain, ColorRange = colorRange, }; }
private PiecewiseLinearFunction GetColorScale(ContourQuery contourQuery) { DataTable colorScale; using (AdoDataConnection conn = new AdoDataConnection(connectionstring, typeof(SqlConnection), typeof(SqlDataAdapter))) { string query = "SELECT " + " ContourColorScalePoint.Value, " + " ContourColorScalePoint.Color " + "FROM " + " ContourColorScale JOIN " + " ContourColorScalePoint ON ContourColorScalePoint.ContourColorScaleID = ContourColorScale.ID " + "WHERE ContourColorScale.Name = {0} " + "ORDER BY ContourColorScalePoint.OrderID"; colorScale = conn.RetrieveData(query, contourQuery.ColorScaleName); } double[] colorDomain = colorScale .Select() .Select(row => row.ConvertField<double>("Value")) .ToArray(); double[] colorRange = colorScale .Select() .Select(row => (double)(uint)row.ConvertField<int>("Color")) .ToArray(); return new PiecewiseLinearFunction() .SetDomain(colorDomain) .SetRange(colorRange); }
private List<List<TrendingDataLocation>> GetFramesFromHistorian(ContourQuery contourQuery) { DataTable idTable; string historianServer; string historianInstance; using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection(connectionstring, typeof(SqlConnection), typeof(SqlDataAdapter))) { string query = "SELECT " + " Channel.ID AS ChannelID, " + " Meter.ID AS MeterID, " + " Meter.Name AS MeterName, " + " MeterLocation.Latitude, " + " MeterLocation.Longitude, " + " Channel.PerUnitValue " + "FROM " + " Meter JOIN " + " MeterLocation ON Meter.MeterLocationID = MeterLocation.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN " + " Channel ON " + " Channel.MeterID = Meter.ID AND " + " Channel.ID IN (SELECT ChannelID FROM ContourChannel WHERE ContourColorScaleName = {1}) " + "WHERE " + " Meter.ID IN (SELECT * FROM authMeters({0}))"; idTable = connection.RetrieveData(query, contourQuery.UserName, contourQuery.ColorScaleName); historianServer = connection.ExecuteScalar<string>("SELECT Value FROM Setting WHERE Name = 'Historian.Server'") ?? ""; historianInstance = connection.ExecuteScalar<string>("SELECT Value FROM Setting WHERE Name = 'Historian.Instance'") ?? "XDA"; } List<DataRow> meterRows = idTable .Select() .DistinctBy(row => row.ConvertField<int>("MeterID")) .ToList(); DateTime startDate = contourQuery.GetStartDate(); DateTime endDate = contourQuery.GetEndDate(); int stepSize = contourQuery.StepSize; // The frames to be included are those whose timestamps fall // within the range which is specified by startDate and // endDate. We start by aligning startDate and endDate with // the nearest frame timestamps which fall within that range int startTimeOffset = (int)Math.Ceiling((startDate - startDate.Date).TotalMinutes / stepSize); startDate = startDate.Date.AddMinutes(startTimeOffset * stepSize); int endTimeOffset = (int)Math.Floor((endDate - endDate.Date).TotalMinutes / stepSize); endDate = endDate.Date.AddMinutes(endTimeOffset * stepSize); // Since each frame includes data from all timestamps between // the previous frame's timestamp and its own timestamp, we // must include one additional frame of data before startDate startDate = startDate.AddMinutes(-stepSize); int frameCount = (int)((endDate - startDate).TotalMinutes / stepSize); List<Dictionary<int, TrendingDataLocation>> frames = Enumerable.Repeat(meterRows, frameCount) .Select(rows => rows.Select(row => new TrendingDataLocation() { id = row.ConvertField<int>("MeterID"), name = row.ConvertField<string>("MeterName"), Latitude = row.ConvertField<double>("Latitude"), Longitude = row.ConvertField<double>("Longitude") })) .Select(locations => locations.ToDictionary(location => .ToList(); Dictionary<int, double?> nominalLookup = idTable .Select("ChannelID IS NOT NULL") .ToDictionary(row => row.ConvertField<int>("ChannelID"), row => row.ConvertField<double?>("PerUnitValue")); Dictionary<int, List<TrendingDataLocation>> lookup = idTable .Select("ChannelID IS NOT NULL") .Select(row => { int meterID = row.ConvertField<int>("MeterID"); return new { ChannelID = row.ConvertField<int>("ChannelID"), Frames = frames.Select(locationLookup => locationLookup[meterID]).ToList() }; }) .ToDictionary(obj => obj.ChannelID, obj => obj.Frames); using (Historian historian = new Historian(historianServer, historianInstance)) { foreach (TrendingDataPoint point in historian.Read(lookup.Keys, startDate, endDate)) { List<TrendingDataLocation> locations = lookup[point.ChannelID]; // Use ceiling to sort data into the next nearest frame. // Subtract 1 because startDate was shifted to include one additional frame of data int frameIndex = (int)Math.Ceiling((point.Timestamp - startDate).TotalMinutes / stepSize) - 1; if (frameIndex < 0 || frameIndex >= locations.Count) continue; TrendingDataLocation frame = locations[frameIndex]; double nominal = nominalLookup[point.ChannelID] ?? 1.0D; double value = point.Value / nominal; switch (point.SeriesID) { case SeriesID.Minimum: frame.Minimum = Math.Min(value, frame.Minimum ?? value); break; case SeriesID.Maximum: frame.Maximum = Math.Max(value, frame.Maximum ?? value); break; case SeriesID.Average: frame.Aggregate(value); frame.Average = frame.GetAverage(); break; } } } return frames .Select(frame => frame.Values.ToList()) .ToList(); }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves a <see cref="Measurement"/> information from the database based on the signal ID of the measurement. /// </summary> /// <param name="database"><see cref="AdoDataConnection"/> to connection to database.</param> /// <param name="signalID">Signal ID of the measurement.</param> /// <returns><see cref="Measurement"/> information.</returns> public static Measurement GetMeasurement(AdoDataConnection database, Guid signalID) { bool createdConnection = false; DataTable measurementTable; DataRow row; try { createdConnection = CreateConnection(ref database); measurementTable = database.RetrieveData(DefaultTimeout, "SELECT * FROM MeasurementDetail WHERE SignalID = {0}", signalID); if (measurementTable.Rows.Count == 0) return null; row = measurementTable.Rows[0]; Measurement measurement = new Measurement() { SignalID = database.Guid(row, "SignalID"), HistorianID = row.ConvertNullableField<int>("HistorianID"), PointID = row.ConvertField<int>("PointID"), DeviceID = row.ConvertNullableField<int>("DeviceID"), PointTag = row.Field<string>("PointTag"), AlternateTag = row.Field<string>("AlternateTag"), SignalTypeID = row.ConvertField<int>("SignalTypeID"), PhasorSourceIndex = row.ConvertNullableField<int>("PhasorSourceIndex"), SignalReference = row.Field<string>("SignalReference"), Adder = row.ConvertField<double>("Adder"), Multiplier = row.ConvertField<double>("Multiplier"), Description = row.Field<string>("Description"), Enabled = Convert.ToBoolean(row.Field<object>("Enabled")), m_historianAcronym = row.Field<string>("HistorianAcronym"), m_deviceAcronym = row.Field<object>("DeviceAcronym") == null ? string.Empty : row.Field<string>("DeviceAcronym"), m_signalName = row.Field<string>("SignalName"), m_signalAcronym = row.Field<string>("SignalAcronym"), m_signalSuffix = row.Field<string>("SignalTypeSuffix"), m_phasorLabel = row.Field<string>("PhasorLabel"), m_framesPerSecond = Convert.ToInt32(row.Field<object>("FramesPerSecond") ?? 30), m_id = row.Field<string>("ID"), m_companyAcronym = row.Field<object>("CompanyAcronym") == null ? string.Empty : row.Field<string>("CompanyAcronym"), m_companyName = row.Field<object>("CompanyName") == null ? string.Empty : row.Field<string>("CompanyName"), Selected = false }; return measurement; } finally { if (createdConnection && database != null) database.Dispose(); } }
// Static Methods // ReSharper disable UnusedMember.Local // ReSharper disable UnusedParameter.Local private static void OptimizeLocalHistorianSettings(AdoDataConnection connection, string nodeIDQueryString, ulong trackingVersion, string arguments, Action<string> statusMessage, Action<Exception> processException) { // Make sure setting exists to allow user to by-pass local historian optimizations at startup ConfigurationFile configFile = ConfigurationFile.Current; CategorizedSettingsElementCollection settings = configFile.Settings["systemSettings"]; settings.Add("OptimizeLocalHistorianSettings", true, "Determines if the defined local historians will have their settings optimized at startup"); // See if this node should optimize local historian settings if (settings["OptimizeLocalHistorianSettings"].ValueAsBoolean()) { statusMessage("Optimizing settings for local historians..."); // Load the defined local system historians IEnumerable<DataRow> historians = connection.RetrieveData($"SELECT AdapterName FROM RuntimeHistorian WHERE NodeID = {nodeIDQueryString} AND TypeName = 'openHistorian.Adapters.LocalOutputAdapter'").AsEnumerable(); List<string> validHistorians = new List<string>(); string name, acronym; // Apply settings optimizations to local historians foreach (DataRow row in historians) { acronym = row.Field<string>("AdapterName").ToLower(); validHistorians.Add(acronym); } // Local statics historian is valid regardless of historian type if (!validHistorians.Contains("stat")) validHistorians.Add("stat"); // Sort valid historians for binary search validHistorians.Sort(); // Create a list to track categories to remove HashSet<string> categoriesToRemove = new HashSet<string>(); // Search for unused settings categories foreach (PropertyInformation info in configFile.Settings.ElementInformation.Properties) { name = info.Name; if (name.EndsWith("AdoMetadataProvider") && validHistorians.BinarySearch(name.Substring(0, name.IndexOf("AdoMetadataProvider", StringComparison.Ordinal))) < 0) categoriesToRemove.Add(name); if (name.EndsWith("OleDbMetadataProvider") && validHistorians.BinarySearch(name.Substring(0, name.IndexOf("OleDbMetadataProvider", StringComparison.Ordinal))) < 0) categoriesToRemove.Add(name); if (name.EndsWith("RestWebServiceMetadataProvider") && validHistorians.BinarySearch(name.Substring(0, name.IndexOf("RestWebServiceMetadataProvider", StringComparison.Ordinal))) < 0) categoriesToRemove.Add(name); if (name.EndsWith("MetadataService") && validHistorians.BinarySearch(name.Substring(0, name.IndexOf("MetadataService", StringComparison.Ordinal))) < 0) categoriesToRemove.Add(name); if (name.EndsWith("TimeSeriesDataService") && validHistorians.BinarySearch(name.Substring(0, name.IndexOf("TimeSeriesDataService", StringComparison.Ordinal))) < 0) categoriesToRemove.Add(name); if (name.EndsWith("HadoopReplicationProvider") && validHistorians.BinarySearch(name.Substring(0, name.IndexOf("HadoopReplicationProvider", StringComparison.Ordinal))) < 0) categoriesToRemove.Add(name); } if (categoriesToRemove.Count > 0) { statusMessage("Removing unused local historian configuration settings..."); // Remove any unused settings categories foreach (string category in categoriesToRemove) { configFile.Settings.Remove(category); } } // Save any applied changes configFile.Save(); } }
private static List<string> GetFaultCurveInfo(AdoDataConnection connection, int eventID) { const string query = "SELECT Algorithm " + "FROM FaultCurve LEFT OUTER JOIN FaultLocationAlgorithm ON Algorithm = MethodName " + "WHERE EventID = {0} " + "ORDER BY CASE WHEN ExecutionOrder IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END, ExecutionOrder"; DataTable table = connection.RetrieveData(query, eventID); return table.Rows .Cast<DataRow>() .Select(row => row.Field<string>("Algorithm")) .ToList(); }
private List<List<TrendingDataLocation>> GetFramesFromHistorian(ContourQuery contourQuery) { DataTable idTable; string historianServer; string historianInstance; using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection(connectionstring, typeof(SqlConnection), typeof(SqlDataAdapter))) { string query = "SELECT " + " Channel.ID AS ChannelID, " + " Meter.ID AS MeterID, " + " Meter.Name AS MeterName, " + " MeterLocation.Latitude, " + " MeterLocation.Longitude, " + " Channel.PerUnitValue " + "FROM " + " Meter JOIN " + " MeterLocation ON Meter.MeterLocationID = MeterLocation.ID LEFT OUTER JOIN " + " Channel ON " + " Channel.MeterID = Meter.ID AND " + " Channel.ID IN (SELECT ChannelID FROM ContourChannel WHERE ContourColorScaleName = {1}) " + "WHERE Meter.ID IN (SELECT * FROM authMeters({0}))"; idTable = connection.RetrieveData(query, contourQuery.UserName, contourQuery.ColorScaleName); historianServer = connection.ExecuteScalar<string>("SELECT Value FROM Setting WHERE Name = 'Historian.Server'") ?? ""; historianInstance = connection.ExecuteScalar<string>("SELECT Value FROM Setting WHERE Name = 'Historian.Instance'") ?? "XDA"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(contourQuery.Meters)) { const int byteSize = 8; // Meter selections are stored as a base-64 string without padding, using '-' instead of '+' and '_' instead of '/' string padding = "A==".Remove(3 - (contourQuery.Meters.Length + 3) % 4); string base64 = contourQuery.Meters.Replace('-', '+').Replace('_', '/') + padding; byte[] meterSelections = Convert.FromBase64String(base64); // The resulting byte array is a simple set of bitflags ordered by meter ID and packed into the most significant bits. // In order to properly interpret the bytes, we must first group and order the data by meter ID to determine the location // of each meter's bitflag. Then we can filter out the unwanted data from the original table of IDs idTable.Select() .Select((Row, Index) => new { Row, Index }) .GroupBy(obj => obj.Row.ConvertField<int>("MeterID")) .OrderBy(grouping => grouping.Key) .Where((grouping, index) => (meterSelections[index / byteSize] & (0x80 >> (index % byteSize))) == 0) .SelectMany(grouping => grouping) .OrderByDescending(obj => obj.Index) .ToList() .ForEach(obj => idTable.Rows.RemoveAt(obj.Index)); } List<DataRow> meterRows = idTable .Select() .DistinctBy(row => row.ConvertField<int>("MeterID")) .ToList(); DateTime startDate = contourQuery.GetStartDate(); DateTime endDate = contourQuery.GetEndDate(); int stepSize = contourQuery.StepSize; // The frames to be included are those whose timestamps fall // within the range which is specified by startDate and // endDate. We start by aligning startDate and endDate with // the nearest frame timestamps which fall within that range int startTimeOffset = (int)Math.Ceiling((startDate - startDate.Date).TotalMinutes / stepSize); startDate = startDate.Date.AddMinutes(startTimeOffset * stepSize); int endTimeOffset = (int)Math.Floor((endDate - endDate.Date).TotalMinutes / stepSize); endDate = endDate.Date.AddMinutes(endTimeOffset * stepSize); // Since each frame includes data from all timestamps between // the previous frame's timestamp and its own timestamp, we // must include one additional frame of data before startDate startDate = startDate.AddMinutes(-stepSize); int frameCount = (int)((endDate - startDate).TotalMinutes / stepSize); List<Dictionary<int, TrendingDataLocation>> frames = Enumerable.Repeat(meterRows, frameCount) .Select(rows => rows.Select(row => new TrendingDataLocation() { id = row.ConvertField<int>("MeterID"), name = row.ConvertField<string>("MeterName"), Latitude = row.ConvertField<double>("Latitude"), Longitude = row.ConvertField<double>("Longitude") })) .Select(locations => locations.ToDictionary(location => .ToList(); Dictionary<int, double?> nominalLookup = idTable .Select("ChannelID IS NOT NULL") .ToDictionary(row => row.ConvertField<int>("ChannelID"), row => row.ConvertField<double?>("PerUnitValue")); Dictionary<int, List<TrendingDataLocation>> lookup = idTable .Select("ChannelID IS NOT NULL") .Select(row => { int meterID = row.ConvertField<int>("MeterID"); return new { ChannelID = row.ConvertField<int>("ChannelID"), Frames = frames.Select(locationLookup => locationLookup[meterID]).ToList() }; }) .ToDictionary(obj => obj.ChannelID, obj => obj.Frames); using (Historian historian = new Historian(historianServer, historianInstance)) { foreach (TrendingDataPoint point in historian.Read(lookup.Keys, startDate, endDate)) { List<TrendingDataLocation> locations = lookup[point.ChannelID]; // Use ceiling to sort data into the next nearest frame. // Subtract 1 because startDate was shifted to include one additional frame of data int frameIndex = (int)Math.Ceiling((point.Timestamp - startDate).TotalMinutes / stepSize) - 1; if (frameIndex < 0 || frameIndex >= locations.Count) continue; TrendingDataLocation frame = locations[frameIndex]; double nominal = nominalLookup[point.ChannelID] ?? 1.0D; double value = point.Value / nominal; switch (point.SeriesID) { case SeriesID.Minimum: frame.Minimum = Math.Min(value, frame.Minimum ?? value); break; case SeriesID.Maximum: frame.Maximum = Math.Max(value, frame.Maximum ?? value); break; case SeriesID.Average: frame.Aggregate(value); frame.Average = frame.GetAverage(); break; } } } return frames .Select(frame => frame.Values.ToList()) .ToList(); }
private static void ValidateAlarmStatistics(AdoDataConnection connection, Guid nodeID, string source) { const string MissingStatisticsFormat = "SELECT DISTINCT Severity FROM Alarm WHERE Severity <> 0 AND Severity NOT IN (SELECT Arguments FROM Statistic WHERE Source = {0} AND MethodName = {1})"; const string MaxSignalIndexFormat = "SELECT COALESCE(MAX(SignalIndex), 0) FROM Statistic WHERE Source = {0}"; const string InsertAlarmStatisticFormat = "INSERT INTO Statistic(Source, SignalIndex, Name, Description, AssemblyName, TypeName, MethodName, Arguments, Enabled, DataType, DisplayFormat, IsConnectedState, LoadOrder) VALUES({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {10}, {11}, {12})"; string methodName; DataTable missingStatistics; int signalIndex; int severity; string name; string description; // Add statistics for the alarms defined in the Alarm table. methodName = string.Format("Get{0}Statistic_MeasurementCountForSeverity", source); missingStatistics = connection.RetrieveData(MissingStatisticsFormat, source, methodName); if (missingStatistics.Rows.Count > 0) { signalIndex = connection.ExecuteScalar<int>(MaxSignalIndexFormat, source); foreach (DataRow missingStatistic in missingStatistics.Rows) { signalIndex++; severity = missingStatistic.ConvertField<int>("Severity"); name = string.Format("Alarm Severity {0}", severity); description = string.Format("Number of measurements received while alarm with severity {0} was raised during the last reporting interval.", severity); connection.ExecuteNonQuery(InsertAlarmStatisticFormat, source, signalIndex, name, description, "DataQualityMonitoring.dll", "DataQualityMonitoring.AlarmStatistics", methodName, severity, 1, "System.Int32", "{0:N0}", 0, 1001 - severity); } } }
/// <summary> /// LoadKeys <see cref="PowerCalculation"/> information as an <see cref="ObservableCollection{T}"/> style list. /// </summary> /// <param name="database"><see cref="AdoDataConnection"/> to connection to database.</param> /// <returns>Collection of <see cref="int"/>.</returns> public static IList<int> LoadKeys(AdoDataConnection database) { var createdConnection = false; try { createdConnection = CreateConnection(ref database); var calculationList = new List<int>(); var queryFormat = "SELECT ID FROM PowerCalculation WHERE NodeID = {0}"; var calculationTable = database.RetrieveData(queryFormat, database.CurrentNodeID()); foreach (DataRow row in calculationTable.Rows) { calculationList.Add(row.ConvertField<int>("ID")); } return calculationList; } finally { if (createdConnection && database != null) database.Dispose(); } }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves <see cref="MeasurementGroup"/> information for the group with the given ID. /// </summary> /// <param name="database"><see cref="AdoDataConnection"/> to connection to database.</param> /// <param name="groupID">The ID of the measurement group to be retrieved.</param> /// <returns>Measurement group with the given ID.</returns> public static MeasurementGroup GetMeasurementGroup(AdoDataConnection database, int groupID) { DataTable measurementGroupTable; bool createdConnection = false; DataRow row; try { createdConnection = CreateConnection(ref database); measurementGroupTable = database.RetrieveData(DefaultTimeout, "SELECT * FROM MeasurementGroup WHERE ID = {0}", groupID); if (measurementGroupTable.Rows.Count == 0) return null; row = measurementGroupTable.Rows[0]; MeasurementGroup measurementGroup = new MeasurementGroup() { NodeID = database.Guid(row, "NodeID"), ID = row.ConvertField<int>("ID"), Name = row.Field<string>("Name"), Description = row.Field<object>("Description").ToNonNullString(), FilterExpression = row.Field<object>("FilterExpression").ToNonNullString(), }; return measurementGroup; } finally { if (createdConnection && database != null) database.Dispose(); } }
private static void GenerateEmail(int eventID) { SystemInfoDataContext systemInfo; MeterInfoDataContext meterInfo; FaultLocationInfoDataContext faultInfo; EventTableAdapter eventAdapter; EventTypeTableAdapter eventTypeAdapter; EventRow eventRow; EventDataTable systemEvent; int faultTypeID; string eventDetail; XDocument htmlDocument; List<Attachment> attachments; string subject; string html; bool alreadySent; systemInfo = s_dbAdapterContainer.GetAdapter<SystemInfoDataContext>(); meterInfo = s_dbAdapterContainer.GetAdapter<MeterInfoDataContext>(); faultInfo = s_dbAdapterContainer.GetAdapter<FaultLocationInfoDataContext>(); eventAdapter = s_dbAdapterContainer.GetAdapter<EventTableAdapter>(); eventTypeAdapter = s_dbAdapterContainer.GetAdapter<EventTypeTableAdapter>(); faultTypeID = eventTypeAdapter.GetData() .Where(eventType => eventType.Name == "Fault") .Select(eventType => eventType.ID) .FirstOrDefault(); // Load the system event before the eventDetail record to avoid race conditions causing missed emails eventRow = eventAdapter.GetDataByID(eventID)[0]; systemEvent = eventAdapter.GetSystemEvent(eventRow.StartTime, eventRow.EndTime, s_timeTolerance); eventDetail = eventAdapter.GetEventDetail(eventID); List<IGrouping<int, Guid>> templateGroups; using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("GetEventEmailRecipients", s_dbAdapterContainer.Connection)) using (SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command)) { DataTable recipientTable = new DataTable(); command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@eventID", eventID); adapter.Fill(recipientTable); templateGroups = recipientTable .Select() .GroupBy(row => row.ConvertField<int>("TemplateID"), row => row.ConvertField<Guid>("UserAccountID")) .ToList(); } foreach (IGrouping<int, Guid> templateGroup in templateGroups) { string template; List<string> recipients; using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection(s_dbAdapterContainer.Connection, typeof(SqlDataAdapter), false)) { template = connection.ExecuteScalar<string>("SELECT Template FROM XSLTemplate WHERE ID = {0}", templateGroup.Key); string paramString = string.Join(",", templateGroup.Select((userAccountID, index) => $"{{{index}}}")); string sql = $"SELECT Email FROM UserAccount WHERE Email IS NOT NULL AND Email <> '' AND ID IN ({paramString})"; DataTable emailTable = connection.RetrieveData(sql, templateGroup.Cast<object>().ToArray()); recipients = emailTable.Select().Select(row => row.ConvertField<string>("Email")).ToList(); } htmlDocument = XDocument.Parse(eventDetail.ApplyXSLTransform(template), LoadOptions.PreserveWhitespace); htmlDocument.TransformAll("format", element => element.Format()); attachments = new List<Attachment>(); try { htmlDocument.TransformAll("chart", (element, index) => { string cid = $"chart{index:00}.png"; Stream image = ChartGenerator.ConvertToChartImageStream(s_dbAdapterContainer, element); Attachment attachment = new Attachment(image, cid); attachment.ContentId = attachment.Name; attachments.Add(attachment); return new XElement("img", new XAttribute("src", $"cid:{cid}")); }); subject = (string)htmlDocument.Descendants("title").FirstOrDefault() ?? "Fault detected by openXDA"; html = htmlDocument.ToString(SaveOptions.DisableFormatting).Replace("&", "&"); alreadySent = false; try { int sentEmailID; using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection(s_dbAdapterContainer.Connection, typeof(SqlDataAdapter), false)) { string systemEventIDs = string.Join(",", systemEvent.Where(row => row.LineID == eventRow.LineID).Select(row => row.ID)); string query = $"SELECT SentEmail.ID " + $"FROM " + $" SentEmail JOIN " + $" EventSentEmail ON EventSentEmail.SentEmailID = SentEmail.ID " + $"WHERE " + $" EventSentEmail.EventID IN ({systemEventIDs}) AND " + $" SentEmail.Message = {{0}}"; sentEmailID = connection.ExecuteScalar(-1, DataExtensions.DefaultTimeoutDuration, query, html); } alreadySent = (sentEmailID != -1); if (!alreadySent) sentEmailID = LoadSentEmail(recipients, subject, html); LoadEventSentEmail(eventRow, systemEvent, sentEmailID); } catch (Exception ex) { // Failure to load the email into the database should // not prevent us from attempting to send the email Log.Error(ex.Message, ex); } if (!alreadySent) SendEmail(recipients, subject, html, attachments); } finally { foreach (Attachment attachment in attachments) attachment.Dispose(); } } if (templateGroups.Any()) Log.Info($"All emails sent for event ID {eventID}."); }
private static void MeasurementDeviceAssociation(AdoDataConnection connection, string nodeIDQueryString, ulong trackingVersion, string arguments, Action<string> statusMessage, Action<Exception> processException) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(arguments)) { statusMessage("WARNING: No arguments supplied to MeasurementDeviceAssociation data operation - no action will be performed. Expecting \"deviceAcronym\" and \"lookupExpression\" settings at a minimum."); return; } Dictionary<string, string> args = arguments.ParseKeyValuePairs(); string deviceAcronym; if (!args.TryGetValue("DeviceAcronym", out deviceAcronym)) { statusMessage("WARNING: No \"deviceAcronyym\" argument supplied to MeasurementDeviceAssociation data operation - no action will be performed. Expecting \"deviceAcronym\" and \"lookupExpression\" settings at a minimum."); return; } string lookupExpression; if (!args.TryGetValue("LookupExpression", out lookupExpression)) { statusMessage("WARNING: No \"lookupExpression\" argument supplied to MeasurementDeviceAssociation data operation - no action will be performed. Expecting \"deviceAcronym\" and \"lookupExpression\" settings at a minimum."); return; } // Make sure device acronym exists if (connection.ExecuteScalar<int>($"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Device WHERE NodeID={nodeIDQueryString} AND Acronym={{0}}", deviceAcronym) == 0) { // Lookup virtual device protocol if (connection.ExecuteScalar<int>("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Protocol WHERE Acronym='VirtualInput'") == 0) { statusMessage("WARNING: No VirutalInput device protocol was found in source database configuration for MeasurementDeviceAssociation data operation - no action will be performed."); return; } statusMessage($"Creating new \"{deviceAcronym}\" virtual device..."); int virtualProtocolID = connection.ExecuteScalar<int>("SELECT ID FROM Protocol WHERE Acronym='VirtualInput'"); // Create new virtual device record connection.ExecuteNonQuery($"INSERT INTO Device(NodeID, Acronym, Name, ProtocolID, Enabled) VALUES({nodeIDQueryString}, {{0}}, {{1}}, {{2}}, 1)", deviceAcronym, deviceAcronym, virtualProtocolID); } statusMessage($"Validating \"{deviceAcronym}\" virtual device measurement associations..."); // Get device ID int deviceID = connection.ExecuteScalar<int>($"SELECT ID FROM Device WHERE NodeID={nodeIDQueryString} AND Acronym={{0}}", deviceAcronym); // Get measurements that should be associated with device ID but are not currently IEnumerable<DataRow> measurements = connection.RetrieveData($"SELECT PointID FROM Measurement WHERE ({lookupExpression}) AND (DeviceID IS NULL OR DeviceID <> {{0}})", deviceID).AsEnumerable(); int associatedMeasurements = 0; foreach (DataRow row in measurements) { connection.ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE Measurement SET DeviceID={0} WHERE PointID={1}", deviceID, row.Field<int>("PointID")); associatedMeasurements++; } if (associatedMeasurements > 0) statusMessage($"Associated \"{associatedMeasurements}\" measurements to \"{deviceAcronym}\" virtual device..."); }
private static void LoadEventSentEmail(EventRow eventRow, EventDataTable systemEvent, int sentEmailID) { BulkLoader bulkLoader; DataTable eventSentEmailTable; using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection(s_dbAdapterContainer.Connection, typeof(SqlDataAdapter), false)) { // Query an empty table with matching schema -- // union table to itself to eliminate unique key constraints eventSentEmailTable = connection.RetrieveData("SELECT * FROM EventSentEmail WHERE 1 IS NULL UNION ALL SELECT * FROM EventSentEmail WHERE 1 IS NULL"); eventSentEmailTable.TableName = "EventSentEmail"; } foreach (MeterData.EventRow evt in systemEvent) { if (eventRow.LineID == evt.LineID) eventSentEmailTable.Rows.Add(0, evt.ID, sentEmailID); } bulkLoader = new BulkLoader(); bulkLoader.Connection = s_dbAdapterContainer.Connection; bulkLoader.CommandTimeout = s_dbAdapterContainer.CommandTimeout; bulkLoader.Load(eventSentEmailTable); }
public TrendingDataSet getTrendsforChannelIDDate(string ChannelID, string targetDate) { //DateTime epoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1); //string theSproc = "dbo.selectTrendingDataByChannelIDDate2"; //DataSet dataSet = new DataSet(); //TrendingDataSet trendingDataSet = new TrendingDataSet(); //using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionstring)) //using (SqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand()) //using (SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command)) //{ // command.CommandText = theSproc; // command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; // command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@EventDate", targetDate); // command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ChannelID", ChannelID); // command.CommandTimeout = 300; // connection.Open(); // adapter.Fill(dataSet); // trendingDataSet.ChannelData = dataSet.Tables[0].Rows // .Cast<DataRow>() // .Select(row => new TrendingDataPoint() // { // Time = row.Field<DateTime>("thedate").Subtract(epoch).TotalMilliseconds, // Maximum = row.Field<double>("themaximum"), // Minimum = row.Field<double>("theminimum"), // Average = row.Field<double>("theaverage") // }) // .ToArray(); // trendingDataSet.AlarmLimits = dataSet.Tables[1].Rows // .Cast<DataRow>() // .Select(row => new TrendingAlarmLimit() // { // TimeStart = row.Field<DateTime>("thedatefrom").Subtract(epoch).TotalMilliseconds, // TimeEnd = row.Field<DateTime>("thedateto").Subtract(epoch).TotalMilliseconds, // High = row.Field<double?>("alarmlimithigh"), // Low = row.Field<double?>("alarmlimitlow") // }) // .ToArray(); // trendingDataSet.OffNormalLimits = dataSet.Tables[2].Rows // .Cast<DataRow>() // .Select(row => new TrendingAlarmLimit() // { // TimeStart = row.Field<DateTime>("thedatefrom").Subtract(epoch).TotalMilliseconds, // TimeEnd = row.Field<DateTime>("thedateto").Subtract(epoch).TotalMilliseconds, // High = row.Field<double?>("offlimithigh"), // Low = row.Field<double?>("offlimitlow") // }) // .ToArray(); //} string historianServer; string historianInstance; IEnumerable<int> channelIDs = new List<int>() { Convert.ToInt32(ChannelID) }; DateTime startDate = Convert.ToDateTime(targetDate); DateTime endDate = startDate.AddDays(1); TrendingDataSet trendingDataSet = new TrendingDataSet(); DateTime epoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1); using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection(connectionstring, typeof(SqlConnection), typeof(SqlDataAdapter))) { historianServer = connection.ExecuteScalar<string>("SELECT Value FROM Setting WHERE Name = 'Historian.Server'") ?? ""; historianInstance = connection.ExecuteScalar<string>("SELECT Value FROM Setting WHERE Name = 'Historian.Instance'") ?? "XDA"; using (Historian historian = new Historian(historianServer, historianInstance)) { foreach (openHistorian.XDALink.TrendingDataPoint point in historian.Read(channelIDs, startDate, endDate)) { if (!trendingDataSet.ChannelData.Exists(x => x.Time == point.Timestamp.Subtract(epoch).TotalMilliseconds)) { trendingDataSet.ChannelData.Add(new TrendingDataDatum()); trendingDataSet.ChannelData[trendingDataSet.ChannelData.Count - 1].Time = point.Timestamp.Subtract(epoch).TotalMilliseconds; } if (point.SeriesID.ToString() == "Average") trendingDataSet.ChannelData[trendingDataSet.ChannelData.IndexOf(x => x.Time == point.Timestamp.Subtract(epoch).TotalMilliseconds)].Average = point.Value; else if (point.SeriesID.ToString() == "Minimum") trendingDataSet.ChannelData[trendingDataSet.ChannelData.IndexOf(x => x.Time == point.Timestamp.Subtract(epoch).TotalMilliseconds)].Minimum = point.Value; else if (point.SeriesID.ToString() == "Maximum") trendingDataSet.ChannelData[trendingDataSet.ChannelData.IndexOf(x => x.Time == point.Timestamp.Subtract(epoch).TotalMilliseconds)].Maximum = point.Value; } } IEnumerable<DataRow> table = Enumerable.Empty<DataRow>(); table = connection.RetrieveData(" Select {0} AS thedatefrom, " + " DATEADD(DAY, 1, {0}) AS thedateto, " + " CASE WHEN AlarmRangeLimit.PerUnit <> 0 AND Channel.PerUnitValue IS NOT NULL THEN AlarmRangeLimit.High * PerUnitValue ELSE AlarmRangeLimit.High END AS alarmlimithigh," + " CASE WHEN AlarmRangeLimit.PerUnit <> 0 AND Channel.PerUnitValue IS NOT NULL THEN AlarmRangeLimit.Low * PerUnitValue ELSE AlarmRangeLimit.Low END AS alarmlimitlow " + " FROM AlarmRangeLimit JOIN " + " Channel ON AlarmRangeLimit.ChannelID = Channel.ID " + "WHERE AlarmRangeLimit.AlarmTypeID = (SELECT ID FROM AlarmType where Name = 'Alarm') AND " + " AlarmRangeLimit.ChannelID = {1}", startDate, Convert.ToInt32(ChannelID)).Select(); foreach (DataRow row in table) { trendingDataSet.AlarmLimits.Add(new TrendingAlarmLimit() { High = row.Field<double?>("alarmlimithigh"), Low = row.Field<double?>("alarmlimitlow"), TimeEnd = row.Field<DateTime>("thedateto").Subtract(epoch).TotalMilliseconds, TimeStart = row.Field<DateTime>("thedatefrom").Subtract(epoch).TotalMilliseconds }); } table = Enumerable.Empty<DataRow>(); table = connection.RetrieveData(" DECLARE @dayOfWeek INT = DATEPART(DW, {0}) - 1 " + " DECLARE @hourOfWeek INT = @dayOfWeek * 24 " + " ; WITH HourlyIndex AS" + " ( " + " SELECT @hourOfWeek AS HourOfWeek " + " UNION ALL " + " SELECT HourOfWeek + 1 " + " FROM HourlyIndex" + " WHERE (HourOfWeek + 1) < @hourOfWeek + 24" + " ) " + " SELECT " + " DATEADD(HOUR, HourlyIndex.HourOfWeek - @hourOfWeek, {0}) AS thedatefrom, " + " DATEADD(HOUR, HourlyIndex.HourOfWeek - @hourOfWeek + 1, {0}) AS thedateto, " + " HourOfWeekLimit.High AS offlimithigh, " + " HourOfWeekLimit.Low AS offlimitlow " + " FROM " + " HourlyIndex LEFT OUTER JOIN " + " HourOfWeekLimit ON HourOfWeekLimit.HourOfWeek = HourlyIndex.HourOfWeek " + " WHERE " + " HourOfWeekLimit.ChannelID IS NULL OR " + " HourOfWeekLimit.ChannelID = {1} ", startDate, Convert.ToInt32(ChannelID)).Select(); foreach (DataRow row in table) { trendingDataSet.OffNormalLimits.Add(new TrendingAlarmLimit() { High = row.Field<double?>("offlimithigh"), Low = row.Field<double?>("offlimitlow"), TimeEnd = row.Field<DateTime>("thedateto").Subtract(epoch).TotalMilliseconds, TimeStart = row.Field<DateTime>("thedatefrom").Subtract(epoch).TotalMilliseconds }); } } return trendingDataSet; }
// Static Methods public static Stream ConvertToChartImageStream(DbAdapterContainer dbAdapterContainer, XElement chartElement) { ChartGenerator chartGenerator; Lazy<DataRow> faultSummary; Lazy<double> systemFrequency; DateTime inception; DateTime clearing; int width; int height; double prefaultCycles; double postfaultCycles; string title; List<string> keys; List<string> names; DateTime startTime; DateTime endTime; int eventID; int faultID; // Read parameters from the XML data and set up defaults eventID = Convert.ToInt32((string)chartElement.Attribute("eventID") ?? "-1"); faultID = Convert.ToInt32((string)chartElement.Attribute("faultID") ?? "-1"); prefaultCycles = Convert.ToDouble((string)chartElement.Attribute("prefaultCycles") ?? "NaN"); postfaultCycles = Convert.ToDouble((string)chartElement.Attribute("postfaultCycles") ?? "NaN"); title = (string)chartElement.Attribute("yAxisTitle"); keys = GetKeys(chartElement); names = GetNames(chartElement); width = Convert.ToInt32((string)chartElement.Attribute("width")); height = Convert.ToInt32((string)chartElement.Attribute("height")); startTime = DateTime.MinValue; endTime = DateTime.MaxValue; using (AdoDataConnection connection = new AdoDataConnection(dbAdapterContainer.Connection, typeof(SqlDataAdapter), false)) { faultSummary = new Lazy<DataRow>(() => connection.RetrieveData("SELECT * FROM FaultSummary WHERE ID = {0}", faultID).Select().FirstOrDefault()); systemFrequency = new Lazy<double>(() => connection.ExecuteScalar(60.0D, "SELECT Value FROM Setting WHERE Name = 'SystemFrequency'")); // If prefaultCycles is specified and we have a fault summary we can use, // we can determine the start time of the chart based on fault inception if (!double.IsNaN(prefaultCycles) && (object)faultSummary.Value != null) { inception = faultSummary.Value.ConvertField<DateTime>("Inception"); startTime = inception.AddSeconds(-prefaultCycles / systemFrequency.Value); } // If postfaultCycles is specified and we have a fault summary we can use, // we can determine the start time of the chart based on fault clearing if (!double.IsNaN(postfaultCycles) && (object)faultSummary.Value != null) { inception = faultSummary.Value.ConvertField<DateTime>("Inception"); clearing = inception.AddSeconds(faultSummary.Value.ConvertField<double>("DurationSeconds")); endTime = clearing.AddSeconds(postfaultCycles / systemFrequency.Value); } // Create the chart generator to generate the chart chartGenerator = new ChartGenerator(dbAdapterContainer, eventID); using (Chart chart = chartGenerator.GenerateChart(title, keys, names, startTime, endTime)) { // Set the chart size based on the specified width and height; // this allows us to dynamically change font sizes and line // widths before converting the chart to an image SetChartSize(chart, width, height); // Determine if either the minimum or maximum of the y-axis is specified explicitly if ((object)chartElement.Attribute("yAxisMaximum") != null) chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Maximum = Convert.ToDouble((string)chartElement.Attribute("yAxisMaximum")); if ((object)chartElement.Attribute("yAxisMinimum") != null) chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Minimum = Convert.ToDouble((string)chartElement.Attribute("yAxisMinimum")); // If the calculation cycle is to be highlighted, determine whether the highlight should be in the range of a single index or a full cycle. // If we have a fault summary we can use, apply the appropriate highlight based on the calculation cycle if (string.Equals((string)chartElement.Attribute("highlightCalculation"), "index", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { if ((object)faultSummary.Value != null) { int calculationCycle = faultSummary.Value.ConvertField<int>("CalculationCycle"); DateTime calculationTime = chartGenerator.ToDateTime(calculationCycle); double calculationPosition = chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Minimum + (calculationTime - startTime).TotalSeconds; chart.ChartAreas[0].CursorX.Position = calculationPosition; } } else if (string.Equals((string)chartElement.Attribute("highlightCalculation"), "cycle", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { if ((object)faultSummary.Value != null) { int calculationCycle = faultSummary.Value.ConvertField<int>("CalculationCycle"); DateTime calculationTime = chartGenerator.ToDateTime(calculationCycle); double calculationPosition = chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Minimum + (calculationTime - startTime).TotalSeconds; chart.ChartAreas[0].CursorX.SelectionStart = calculationPosition; chart.ChartAreas[0].CursorX.SelectionEnd = calculationPosition + 1.0D / 60.0D; } } // Convert the generated chart to an image return ConvertToImageStream(chart, ChartImageFormat.Png); } } }