/// <summary>
    /// This method is used when the Administrator clicks the Search button
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sender"></param>
    /// <param name="e"></param>
    protected void SearchUserButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Assign the search word variable to be used
        string searchWord = SearchUserTextBox.Text.Trim();
        // This regular expression will validate for a alphabet of at least one or more instances and a digit of zero or more instances
        Regex validWord = new Regex("^[a-zA-Z]+[0-9]*");

        // If the searched word is empty; display a message and bind the Administrator Account ODS
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchWord))
            DisplayFailedMessage("The search field cannot be empty.");
        // If the searched word is more than 100 characters; display a message and bind the Administrator Account ODS
        else if (searchWord.Length > 100)
            DisplayFailedMessage("The search field will only accept 100 characters.");
        // If the searched word does not match the regular expression; display a message and bind the Administrator Account ODS
        else if (!validWord.IsMatch(searchWord))
            DisplayFailedMessage("The search field must start with a letter.");
        // If the searched word passes the regular expression
        else if (validWord.IsMatch(searchWord))
            // Change the DataSourceID to the searched account ODS and bind the list view
            AdministratorAccountListView.DataSourceID = "SearchedAdministratorAccountODS";

            // If there was any results returned; display a message to the Administrator
            if (AdministratorAccountListView.Items.Any())
                DisplaySuccessMessage("Successfully searched for \"" + searchWord + "\"");
            // If there was no results; display a message and bind to the Administrator Account ODS
                DisplayFailedMessage("No results were found for \"" + searchWord + "\"");
        // If there was no results; display a message to the Administrator
            DisplayFailedMessage("No results were found for \"" + searchWord + "\"");
 /// <summary>
 /// This method is used to bind the list view to the Administrator Account ODS
 /// </summary>
 private void BindAdministratorAccountODS()
     AdministratorAccountListView.DataSourceID = "AdministratorAccountODS";