private void dgvUnactive_CellDoubleClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
            if (e.RowIndex >= -1)
                string selected;
                selected = dgvUnactive.CurrentRow.Cells[2].Value.ToString();
                AdminPins temp = null;
                bool      flag = false;
                foreach (AdminPins a in OwnerStorage.ListOfAdmins)
                    if (a.objectId == selected)
                        temp = a;
                        flag = true;
                if (flag == false)
                    MessageBox.Show(this, "No Admin User could be found. Please reopen the form and try again.", "No Admin Found");
                    AddEditNewAdminForm newPin = new AddEditNewAdminForm(temp);
                    DialogResult        result = newPin.ShowDialog();

                    if (result == DialogResult.OK)
        public AddEditNewAdminForm(AdminPins a)

            TempAdmin = a;
            //Determines if a new Admin user is being created or an existing one is being modified
            if (a == null)
                //Addinng New Admin User
                btnRemoveDeactivate.Visible = false;
                //Editing Existing Admin User
                lblTitle.Text   = "Editing Admin User";
                tbxName.Text    = a.UserName;
                tbxContact.Text = a.ContactNumber;
                tbxPinCode.Text = a.PinCode.ToString();

                if (a.Active == true)
                    //Editing Active Admin User
                    tbxConfirmPin.Enabled  = false;
                    lblDescription.Text    = "You can edit your Admin details below.\n \n Remember that the Admin PIN should only include numerical digits wih a minimum of at least 4 digits and a maximum of 10 digits.";
                    btnCreateNewAdmin.Text = "Update";
                    //Editing Deactivated Admin User
                    lblDescription.Text   = "You can reactivate your Admin below.";
                    tbxConfirmPin.Enabled = false;
                    tbxContact.Enabled    = false;
                    tbxName.Enabled       = false;
                    tbxPinCode.Enabled    = false;

                    btnCreateNewAdmin.Text   = "Reactivate";
                    btnRemoveDeactivate.Text = "Delete";
        //This button is used for both creating a new user or reactivating a deactivated user
        private void btnCreateNewAdmin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            #region callbacks are kept here to rest
            AsyncCallback <AdminPins> reactivateObjectCallback = new AsyncCallback <AdminPins>(
                savedAdminPins =>
                //Has been reactivated successfully, will then log all information and close the form
                //Runs visual aspects on a new thread because you can not alter visual aspects on any thread other than the GUI thread
                Invoke(new Action(() =>
                    OwnerStorage.FileWriter.WriteLineToFile("User reactivated Admin ", true);
                    OwnerStorage.FileWriter.WriteLineToFile("Name:  " + TempAdmin.UserName, false);
                    OwnerStorage.LogInfo.Add(TempAdmin.UserName + " admin User was reactivated");
                    MessageBox.Show(this, TempAdmin.UserName + " has been reactivated");
                    DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
                error =>
                //Runs visual aspects on a new thread because you can not alter visual aspects on any thread other than the GUI thread
                Invoke(new Action(() =>
                    MessageBox.Show(this, "Error: " + error.Message);

            AsyncCallback <AdminPins> saveReactivatedObjectCallback = new AsyncCallback <AdminPins>(
                savedAdminPins =>
                //The object has to be saved first in order to be updated
                Backendless.Persistence.Of <AdminPins>().Save(savedAdminPins, reactivateObjectCallback);
                error =>
                //Runs visual aspects on a new thread because you can not alter visual aspects on any thread other than the GUI thread
                Invoke(new Action(() =>
                    MessageBox.Show(this, "Error: " + error.Message);
            AsyncCallback <AdminPins> callback = new AsyncCallback <AdminPins>(
                result =>
                //Perform other operations that indicate the success of the creation (logging, showing a message, closing the form)
                //Runs visual aspects on a new thread because you can not alter visual aspects on any thread other than the GUI thread
                Invoke(new Action(() =>
                    // object has been saved
                    MessageBox.Show(this, "Admin User has been successfully created.");
                    OwnerStorage.LogInfo.Add(TempAdmin.UserName + " admin User was Created");
                    this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;

                fault =>
                //Perform other operations that indicate the failure of the creation (showing a message)
                //Runs visual aspects on a new thread because you can not alter visual aspects on any thread other than the GUI thread
                Invoke(new Action(() =>
                    // server reported an error
                    MessageBox.Show(this, "error: " + fault.Message);

            AsyncCallback <AdminPins> updateObjectCallback = new AsyncCallback <AdminPins>(
                savedAdminPin =>
                //Admin has been successfully created
                //Runs visual aspects on a new thread because you can not alter visual aspects on any thread other than the GUI thread
                Invoke(new Action(() =>
                    MessageBox.Show(this, "Admin PIN has been updated");
                    OwnerStorage.LogInfo.Add(TempAdmin.UserName + " admin User was Updated");
                    this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
                error =>
                //Runs visual aspects on a new thread because you can not alter visual aspects on any thread other than the GUI thread
                Invoke(new Action(() =>
                    //server reported an error
                    MessageBox.Show(this, "error: " + error.Message);

            AsyncCallback <AdminPins> saveObjectCallback = new AsyncCallback <AdminPins>(
                savedAdminPin =>
                //The Object has to be saved first in order to update the object
                Backendless.Persistence.Of <AdminPins>().Save(savedAdminPin, updateObjectCallback);
                error =>
                //server reported an error
                //Runs visual aspects on a new thread because you can not alter visual aspects on any thread other than the GUI thread
                Invoke(new Action(() =>
                    MessageBox.Show(this, "error: " + error.Message);


            //Performs validation to determine if all TextBoxes are filled in
            if (tbxName.Text == "" ||
                tbxContact.Text == "" ||
                tbxPinCode.Text == "")
                MessageBox.Show(this, "Please fill in all fields.");
                //Performs Contact validation
                if (tbxContact.TextLength == 10)
                    //Performs validation to determine if the PIN is at least 4 digits long
                    if (tbxPinCode.TextLength < 4)
                        MessageBox.Show(this, "Your PIN number must be at least 4 characters in length.");
                        tbxPinCode.Text    = "";
                        tbxConfirmPin.Text = "";
                        //Determines if a new Admin user is being made because the parent form sends in a Null object
                        if (TempAdmin == null)
                            //Performs validation to determine if the PIN codes both match
                            if (tbxPinCode.Text.Equals(tbxConfirmPin.Text))
                                //Validates that the confirm PIN is entered
                                if (tbxConfirmPin.Text != "")
                                    //Create New Admin user
                                    bool flag = false;
                                    foreach (AdminPins a in OwnerStorage.ListOfAdmins)
                                        if (a.PinCode.ToString().Equals(tbxPinCode.Text))
                                            flag = true;
                                    //flag is used to determine if the PIN specified by the user already exists. The way the program tracks which user logs in is his/her PINCode, therefore it has to be unique
                                    if (flag == false)
                                        TempAdmin               = new AdminPins();
                                        TempAdmin.UserName      = tbxName.Text;
                                        TempAdmin.ContactNumber = tbxContact.Text;
                                        TempAdmin.PinCode       = tbxPinCode.Text;
                                        TempAdmin.RestaurantId  = OwnerStorage.ThisRestaurant.objectId;
                                        TempAdmin.Active        = true;
                                        Backendless.Data.Of <AdminPins>().Save(TempAdmin, callback);
                                    //A duplicate PIN code has been detected, so messages are to be displayed
                                        MessageBox.Show(this, "There is already an administrator with this PIN, please use a different PIN");
                                        tbxPinCode.Text    = "";
                                        tbxConfirmPin.Text = "";
                                //the user failed to enter the confirm pin
                                    MessageBox.Show(this, "Please be sure to confirm the PIN");
                                MessageBox.Show(this, "Please be sure to fill in both spaces for the PIN");
                        //Edit Existing Admin
                            //Determines whether the Admin should be reactivated or just edited
                            if (TempAdmin.Active == false)
                                TempAdmin.Active = true;
                                Backendless.Persistence.Of <AdminPins>().Save(TempAdmin, saveReactivatedObjectCallback);
                            //Admin is to be updated
                                bool flag = false;//flag is used to determine if the PIN specified by the user already exists. The way the program tracks which user logs in is his/her PINCode, therefore it has to be unique
                                foreach (AdminPins a in OwnerStorage.ListOfAdmins)
                                    if (a.PinCode.ToString().Equals(tbxPinCode.Text) &&
                                        a.PinCode != TempAdmin.PinCode)
                                        flag = true;
                                if (tbxPinCode.Text.Equals(TempAdmin.PinCode) == true)
                                    if (flag == false)
                                        TempAdmin.UserName      = tbxName.Text;
                                        TempAdmin.ContactNumber = tbxContact.Text;
                                        TempAdmin.PinCode       = tbxPinCode.Text;
                                        TempAdmin.RestaurantId  = OwnerStorage.ThisRestaurant.objectId;
                                        Backendless.Persistence.Of <AdminPins>().Save(TempAdmin, saveObjectCallback);
                                    //An Admin with this PIN already exists
                                        MessageBox.Show(this, "There is already an administrator with this PIN, please use a different PIN");
                                        tbxPinCode.Text    = "";
                                        tbxConfirmPin.Text = "";
                                else//means that the pin was changed
                                    if (tbxConfirmPin.Text.Equals(tbxPinCode.Text) == true)
                                        TempAdmin.UserName      = tbxName.Text;
                                        TempAdmin.ContactNumber = tbxContact.Text;
                                        TempAdmin.PinCode       = tbxPinCode.Text;
                                        TempAdmin.RestaurantId  = OwnerStorage.ThisRestaurant.objectId;
                                        Backendless.Persistence.Of <AdminPins>().Save(TempAdmin, saveObjectCallback);
                                    else//the user did not confirm the pin
                                        MessageBox.Show(this, "It seems that you have changed the PIN, please be sure to confirm this PIN");
                                        tbxPinCode.Text    = "";
                                        tbxConfirmPin.Text = "";
                //The contact number is of incorrect format, so messages are being displayed
                    MessageBox.Show(this, "The contact number you have entered is invalid");