protected void grvNewsComment_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { LinkButton image_del = (LinkButton)e.Row.FindControl("btn_delete"); // image_del.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return confirm('Bạn có chắc chắn muốn xóa?');"); LinkButton image_edit = (LinkButton)e.Row.FindControl("btn_edit"); LinkButton image_view = (LinkButton)e.Row.FindControl("btn_view"); image_view.Attributes.Add("onclick", "'" + ResolveUrl("~/") + "Client/Admin/NewsFlow/ViewNewsComment.aspx?Id=" + DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, "NewsGroupID") + "','_blank','width=800,height=600');return false;"); AdminBSO adminBSO = new AdminBSO(); //Admin admin = new Admin(); //admin = adminBSO.GetAdminById(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString()); if (Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString().Equals("administrator") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Edit") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Write")) { image_del.Attributes.Add("onclick", "javascript:return confirm('Bạn có muốn chắc chắn xóa ???');"); } else { image_edit.Attributes.Add("onclick", "javascript:return confirm('Bạn không có đủ quyền ???');"); image_del.Attributes.Add("onclick", "javascript:return confirm('Bạn không có đủ quyền ???');"); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["dll"])) { NavigationTitle(Request["dll"]); } AdminBSO adminBSO = new AdminBSO(); //Admin admin = new Admin(); //admin = adminBSO.GetAdminById(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString()); if (Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString().Equals("administrator") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Edit") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Write")) { btn_editpage.Visible = true; btn_delall.Visible = true; } else { btn_editpage.Visible = false; btn_delall.Visible = false; } int group = -1; hddGroup.Value = Convert.ToString(group); if (!IsPostBack) { BindControl(group); ViewNewsGroup(group); } }
protected void grvNewsLog_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { int Id = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument.ToString()); NewsLogBSO newsLogBSO = new NewsLogBSO(); NewsLog newslog = newsLogBSO.GetNewsLogById(Id); string nName = e.CommandName.ToLower(); AdminBSO adminBSO = new AdminBSO(); Admin admin = new Admin(); switch (nName) { case "_view": break; case "_edit": if (Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString().Equals("administrator") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Edit") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Write")) { // Response.Redirect("~/Admin/editnewslog/" + Id + "/Default.aspx"); Response.Redirect("~/Admin/s/EditNewsbyUser/" + hddNewsGroupID.Value + "/" + Id + "/Default.aspx"); } break; case "_delete": if (Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString().Equals("administrator") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Edit") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Write")) { newsLogBSO.DeleteNewsLog(Id, -1); ViewNewsLog(Convert.ToInt32(hddNewsGroupID.Value)); AspNetCache.Reset(); } break; } }
protected void grvRelation_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { int Id = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument.ToString()); NewsRelationBSO _newsRelationBSO = new NewsRelationBSO(); NewsRelation _newsRelation = _newsRelationBSO.GetNewsRelationByID(Id, Convert.ToInt32(hddNewsID.Value)); NewsGroupBSO newsGroupBSO = new NewsGroupBSO(); NewsGroup newsgroup = newsGroupBSO.GetNewsGroupById(Id); string nName = e.CommandName.ToLower(); AdminBSO adminBSO = new AdminBSO(); Admin admin = new Admin(); switch (nName) { case "_view": break; case "_edit": Response.Redirect("~/Admin/editnewsbyuser/" + newsgroup.GroupCate + "/" + Id + "/Default.aspx"); break; case "_delete": _newsRelationBSO.DeleteNewsRelation(_newsRelation.Id); ViewNewsReleation(Convert.ToInt32(hddNewsID.Value)); AspNetCache.Reset(); break; } }
protected void btnCreateMember_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { EnterpriseService enterpriseService = new EnterpriseService(); OrganizationService comBSO = new OrganizationService(); IList <Organization> listOrg = new List <Organization>(); listOrg = comBSO.FindAll(); SecurityBSO securityBSO = new SecurityBSO(); AdminRolesBSO adminRolesBSO = new AdminRolesBSO(); AdminBSO adminBSO = new AdminBSO(); Utils objUtil = new Utils(); MemberService memberService = new MemberService(); foreach (Organization org in listOrg) { int STT = 0; IList <Enterprise> list = enterpriseService.FindList(0, 0, 0, org.Id, 0, 0, null, "", new ePower.Core.PagingInfo(1000, 1)); foreach (Enterprise enter in list) { STT++; ePower.DE.Domain.Member member = new ePower.DE.Domain.Member(); member.EnterpriseId = enter.Id; member.IsDelete = false; member.AccountName = "DN." + Utils.UCS2Convert(org.Title).Replace(" ", "").Replace("-", "").ToUpper() + "." + (STT).ToString("000"); member.Password = securityBSO.EncPwd("123456"); memberService.Insert(member); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["dll"])) { NavigationTitle(Request["dll"]); } AdminBSO adminBSO = new AdminBSO(); //Admin admin = new Admin(); //admin = adminBSO.GetAdminById(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString()); if (Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString().Equals("administrator") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Edit") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Write")) { btn_editpage.Visible = true; btn_enable.Visible = true; btn_disable.Visible = true; btn_delall.Visible = true; } else { btn_editpage.Visible = false; btn_enable.Visible = false; btn_disable.Visible = false; btn_delall.Visible = false; } if (Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString().Equals("administrator") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Approval")) { btn_enable_approval.Visible = true; btn_disable_approval.Visible = true; } else { btn_enable_approval.Visible = false; btn_disable_approval.Visible = false; } int group = -1; //if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["group"])) // if (!int.TryParse(Request["group"].Replace(",", ""), out group)) // Response.Redirect("~/Admin/home/Default.aspx"); hddGroup.Value = Convert.ToString(group); if (!IsPostBack) { BindControl(group); ViewNewsGroup(group); } }
protected void btn_GetPass_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string email = txtEmail.Text.Trim(); AdminBSO adminBSO = new AdminBSO(); Admin admin = adminBSO.GetAdminByEmail(email); if (admin != null) { SecurityBSO securityBSO = new SecurityBSO(); string oldpass = admin.AdminPass; string newpass = securityBSO.DecPwd(oldpass); Config config = new Config(); if (AspNetCache.CheckCache("Config_" + Language.language) == false) { ConfigBSO configBSO = new ConfigBSO(); config = configBSO.GetAllConfig(Language.language); AspNetCache.SetCacheWithTime("Config_" + Language.language, config, 150); } else { config = (Config)AspNetCache.GetCache("Config_" + Language.language); } MailBSO mailBSO = new MailBSO(); mailBSO.EmailFrom = config.Email_from; string subject = "Mật khẩu tài khoản quản trị - " + config.WebName; string body = "Chào bạn : " + admin.AdminFullName + "<br>"; body += "Hệ thống quản trị - " + config.WebName + " thông báo mật khẩu hệ thống của bạn: <br>"; body += "Tài khoản Email đăng nhập của bạn : " + admin.AdminEmail + "<br>"; body += "Mật khẩu đăng nhập hệ thống của bạn : " + newpass; if (mailBSO.SendMail(email, subject, body) == true) { Tool.Message(this.Page, "Thông tin tài khoản đã được gửi tới Email của bạn!"); return; } else { Tool.Message(this.Page, "Hệ thống Mail lỗi! Không thể gửi được thông tin tài khoản, vui lòng thử lại sau."); return; } } else { Tool.Message(this.Page, "Xin lỗi! Chúng tôi không tìm thấy tài khoản của bạn trong hệ thống"); return; } }
private void ViewCateAll() { AdminBSO adminBSO = new AdminBSO(); DataTable datatable = adminBSO.GetAllAdmin(); DataView dataView = new DataView(datatable); dataView.RowFilter = "Admin_Username not in ('administrator','Administrator')"; dataView.Sort = "Admin_UserName Asc"; DataTable table = dataView.ToTable(); grvUser.DataSource = table; grvUser.DataBind(); }
protected void ViewAdmin() { AdminBSO adminBSO = new AdminBSO(); DataTable table = adminBSO.GetAllAdminRoles(); DataView dataView = new DataView(table); //dataView.RowFilter = "Admin_Username <> 'administrator' and Admin_Username <> 'Administrator'"; dataView.RowFilter = "Admin_Username not in ('administrator','Administrator')"; dataView.Sort = "Admin_Username ASC"; DataTable dataTable = dataView.ToTable(); commonBSO commonBSO = new commonBSO(); commonBSO.FillToGridView(grvAdmin, dataTable); }
protected void btn_add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Admin admin = ReceiveHtml(); try { AdminBSO adminBSO = new AdminBSO(); if (adminBSO.CheckExist(admin.AdminName)) { error.Text = "<div class='alert alert-sm alert-danger bg-gradient'>Tài khoản đã được đăng ký. Vui lòng đăng ký lại !</div>"; } else if (adminBSO.CheckExistEmail(admin.AdminEmail)) { error.Text = "<div class='alert alert-sm alert-danger bg-gradient'>Địa chỉ Email đã được đăng ký. Vui lòng đăng ký lại !</div>"; } else { if (CheckedList().Equals("")) { error.Text = "<div class='alert alert-sm alert-danger bg-gradient'>Lỗi: Phải lựa chọn ít nhất 1 quyền !</div>"; } else { int id = adminBSO.CreateAdmin(admin); RolesBSO rolesBSO = new RolesBSO(); IRoles roles = rolesBSO.GetRolesByName("Guest"); AdminRolesBSO adminRolesBSO = new AdminRolesBSO(); AdminRoles adminRoles = new AdminRoles(); adminRoles.AdminUserName = admin.AdminName; adminRoles.RolesID = roles.RolesID; adminRoles.UserName = Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(); adminRoles.Permission = ""; adminRoles.Created = DateTime.Now; adminRolesBSO.CreateAdminRoles(adminRoles); error.Text = "<div class='alert alert-sm alert-danger bg-gradient'>Thêm mới thành công !</div>"; initControl(id); } } } catch (Exception ex) { error.Text = ex.Message.ToString(); } }
protected void grvNewsComment_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { AdminBSO adminBSO = new AdminBSO(); Admin admin = new Admin(); int Id = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument.ToString()); string cName = e.CommandName.ToLower(); switch (cName) { case "_view": break; case "_edit": //admin = adminBSO.GetAdminById(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString()); if (Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString().Equals("administrator") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Edit") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Write")) { Response.Redirect("~/Admin/editnewscomment/" + Id + "/Default.aspx"); } else { // Response.Redirect("~/Homepage.aspx?dll=listnews"); } break; case "_delete": //admin = adminBSO.GetAdminById(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString()); if (Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString().Equals("administrator") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Edit") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Write")) { NewsCommentBSO newsCommentBSO = new NewsCommentBSO(); newsCommentBSO.DeleteNewsComment(Id); NewsCommentView(Convert.ToInt32(hddGroup.Value)); } else { // Response.Redirect("~/Homepage.aspx?dll=listnews"); } break; } }
protected void btn_sumit1_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (CheckUserName() == true) { AdminBSO adminBSO = new AdminBSO(); Admin objUser = adminBSO.GetAdminByAccountPass(txtAdminUser.Text.Trim(), txtAdminPass.Text.Trim()); if (objUser != null) { if (objUser.AdminActive == false) { Tool.Message(this.Page, "Tài khoản này chưa được kích hoạt! Xin liên hệ với quản trị hệ thống"); return; } else { m_UserValidation.SignIn(txtAdminUser.Text.Trim(), objUser.AdminID.ToString(), objUser.AdminOrganizationId, Session.SessionID, ((objUser.AdminName == "administrator") ? true : false)); Session["Admin_Username"] = txtAdminUser.Text.Trim(); adminBSO.UpdateAdminLog(Session["Admin_Username"].ToString(), DateTime.Now); HttpCookie cookie_lang = Request.Cookies["LangInfo_CMS"]; cookie_lang = new HttpCookie("LangInfo_CMS"); cookie_lang["Lang"] = ddlLanguage.SelectedValue.ToString(); cookie_lang.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(60); Response.Cookies.Add(cookie_lang); Language.language = ddlLanguage.SelectedValue.ToString(); Response.Redirect("~/Admin/home/Default.aspx"); } } else { Tool.Message(this.Page, "Lỗi: Tài khoản hoặc mật khẩu không đúng! Xin vui lòng nhập lại"); return; } } else { Tool.Message(this.Page, "Lỗi: Tài khoản không tồn tại! Xin vui lòng nhập lại"); return; } }
//void BindArea() //{ // IList<ProjectArea> list = new List<ProjectArea>(); // if (!AspNetCache.CheckCache(Constants.Cache_Project_Area_All)) // { // list = new ProjectAreaService().FindAll(); // AspNetCache.SetCache(Constants.Cache_Project_Area_All, list); // } // else // list = (IList<ProjectArea>)AspNetCache.GetCache(Constants.Cache_Project_Area_All); // ddlArea.DataSource = list; // ddlArea.DataTextField = "AreaName"; // ddlArea.DataValueField = "Id"; // ddlArea.DataBind(); // ddlArea.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("---Chọn lĩnh vực---")); //} //void BindSubArea() //{ // IList<ProjectArea> list = new List<ProjectArea>(); // if (!AspNetCache.CheckCache(Constants.Cache_Project_Area_All)) // { // list = new ProjectAreaService().FindAll(); // AspNetCache.SetCache(Constants.Cache_Project_Area_All, list); // } // else // list = (IList<ProjectArea>)AspNetCache.GetCache(Constants.Cache_Project_Area_All); // ddlSubArea.DataSource = list; // ddlSubArea.DataTextField = "AreaName"; // ddlSubArea.DataValueField = "Id"; // ddlSubArea.DataBind(); // ddlSubArea.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("---Chọn phân ngành---")); //} //void BindProvince() //{ // IList<Province> list = new List<Province>(); // if (!AspNetCache.CheckCache(Constants.Cache_ReportFuel_Provice_All)) // { // list = new ProvinceService().FindAll(); // AspNetCache.SetCache(Constants.Cache_ReportFuel_Provice_All, list); // } // else // list = (IList<Province>)AspNetCache.GetCache(Constants.Cache_ReportFuel_Provice_All); // ddlProvince.DataSource = list; // ddlProvince.DataTextField = "ProvinceName"; // ddlProvince.DataValueField = "Id"; // ddlProvince.DataBind(); // ddlProvince.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("---Chọn Tỉnh/TP---")); // ddlProvinceReporter.DataSource = list; // ddlProvinceReporter.DataTextField = "ProvinceName"; // ddlProvinceReporter.DataValueField = "Id"; // ddlProvinceReporter.DataBind(); // ddlProvinceReporter.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("---Chọn Tỉnh/TP---")); //} //void BindDistrict() //{ // IList<District> list = new List<District>(); // if (!AspNetCache.CheckCache(Constants.Cache_ReportFuel_District_All)) // { // list = new DistrictService().FindAll(); // AspNetCache.SetCache(Constants.Cache_ReportFuel_District_All, list); // } // else // list = (IList<District>)AspNetCache.GetCache(Constants.Cache_ReportFuel_District_All); // ddlDistrict.DataSource = list; // ddlDistrict.DataTextField = "DistrictName"; // ddlDistrict.DataValueField = "Id"; // ddlDistrict.DataBind(); // ddlDistrict.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("---Chọn Quận/Huyện---")); // ddlDistrictReporter.DataSource = list; // ddlDistrictReporter.DataTextField = "DistrictName"; // ddlDistrictReporter.DataValueField = "Id"; // ddlDistrictReporter.DataBind(); // ddlDistrictReporter.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("---Chọn Quận/Huyện---")); //} //void BindEnterprise() //{ // int EnterpriseId = 1; // Enterprise enter = new Enterprise(); // enter = new EnterpriseService().FindByKey(EnterpriseId); // if (enter != null) // { // txtEnterpriseName.Text = enter.Title; // if (enter.SubAreaId > 0) // ddlSubArea.SelectedValue = enter.SubAreaId.ToString(); // if (enter.AreaId > 0) // ddlArea.SelectedValue = enter.AreaId.ToString(); // if (enter.ProvinceId > 0) // ddlProvince.SelectedValue = enter.ProvinceId.ToString(); // if (enter.DistrictId > 0) // ddlDistrict.SelectedValue = enter.DistrictId.ToString(); // txtAddress.Text = enter.Address; // txtEmail.Text = enter.Email; // txtFax.Text = enter.Fax; // txtPhone.Text = enter.Phone; // txtReportName.Text = enter.ManPerson; // if (enter.ManProvinceId > 0) // ddlProvinceReporter.SelectedValue = enter.ManProvinceId.ToString(); // if (enter.ManDistrictId > 0) // ddlDistrictReporter.SelectedValue = enter.ManDistrictId.ToString(); // txtAddressReporter.Text = enter.ManAddress; // txtEmail.Text = enter.ManEmail; // txtFaxReporter.Text = enter.ManFax; // txtPhoneReporter.Text = enter.ManPhone; // } //} private void BindData() { ReportFuelService comBSO = new ReportFuelService(); DataTable list = new DataTable(); int AreaId = 0; int SubAreaId = 0; int Year = 0; if (ddlYear.SelectedIndex > 0) { Year = Convert.ToInt32(ddlYear.SelectedValue); } ePower.Core.PagingInfo paging = new ePower.Core.PagingInfo(PageSize, CurrentPage); Admin admin = new AdminBSO().GetAdminById(m_UserValidation.UserId); list = comBSO.FindList(false, AreaId, SubAreaId, admin.AdminOrganizationId, 0, 0, 0, 1, false, Year, null, null, "", paging); if (list != null && list.Rows.Count > 0) { paging.RowsCount = Convert.ToInt32(list.Rows[0]["Total"]); Paging.PageSize = PageSize; Paging.CurrentPage = CurrentPage; Paging.TotalRecord = Convert.ToInt32(list.Rows[0]["Total"]); Paging.DataLoad(); if (paging.PagesCount <= 1) { ltNotice.Text = "Có tổng số " + paging.RowsCount + " báo cáo"; Paging.Visible = false; } else { ltNotice.Text = "Có " + list.Rows.Count + " trong tổng số " + paging.RowsCount + " báo cáo"; Paging.Visible = true; } } else { ltNotice.Text = ""; Paging.Visible = false; } rptNoFuelCurrent.DataSource = list; rptNoFuelCurrent.DataBind(); }
protected void btnAdmin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (CheckUserName(txtAdminUser11.Text.Trim()) == true) { AdminBSO adminBSO = new AdminBSO(); //Admin admin = adminBSO.GetAdminById(txtAdminUser.Text.Trim()); Admin objUser = adminBSO.GetAdminByAccountPass(txtAdminUser11.Text.Trim(), txtAdminPass11.Text.Trim()); if (objUser != null) { if (objUser.AdminActive == false) { error.Text = "<div class='alert alert-sm alert-danger bg-gradient p5 mbn '>Tài khoản này chưa được kích hoạt! Xin liên hệ với quản trị hệ thống.</div>"; } else { //m_UserValidation.SignIn(txtAdminUser11.Text.Trim(), objUser.AdminID.ToString(), objUser.AdminOrganizationId, Session.SessionID,false); Session["Admin_Username"] = txtAdminUser11.Text.Trim(); adminBSO.UpdateAdminLog(Session["Admin_Username"].ToString(), DateTime.Now); HttpCookie cookie_lang = Request.Cookies["LangInfo_CMS"]; cookie_lang = new HttpCookie("LangInfo_CMS"); cookie_lang["Lang"] = "vi-VN"; Response.Cookies.Add(cookie_lang); Language.language = "vi-VN"; Response.Redirect("~/Admin/home/Default.aspx"); } } else { error.Text = "<div class='alert alert-sm alert-danger bg-gradient p5 mbn '>Lỗi: Tài khoản hoặc mật khẩu không đúng! Xin vui lòng nhập lại.</div>"; } } else { error.Text = "<div class='alert alert-sm alert-danger bg-gradient p5 mbn '>Lỗi: Tài khoản không tồn tại! Xin vui lòng nhập lại.</div>"; } }
protected void btn_Update_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { AdminBSO adminBSO = new AdminBSO(); int ret = adminBSO.ChangePass(new SecurityBSO().EncPwd(News_Pass.Text.Trim()), new SecurityBSO().EncPwd(txtOldPass.Text.Trim()), m_UserValidation.UserId); if (ret > 0) { clientview.Text = "<div class='alert alert-sm alert-success bg-gradient'>Đổi mật khẩu thành công !</div>"; } else { clientview.Text = "<div class='alert alert-sm alert-danger bg-gradient'>Đổi mật khẩu không thành công. Vui lòng thử lại hoặc liên hệ bộ phận quản trị !</div>"; } initControl(); } catch (Exception ex) { clientview.Text = ex.Message.ToString(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Id = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["Id"])) { Id = Request["Id"].Replace(",", ""); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["dll"])) { NavigationTitle(Request["dll"]); } hddUserName.Value = Id; AdminBSO adminBSO = new AdminBSO(); if (!IsPostBack) { ltlTitle.Text = adminBSO.GetAdminById(Convert.ToInt32(Id)).AdminName; initControl(Id); } }
public int CheckLogin(string UserName, string PassWord) { SecurityBSO securityBSO = new SecurityBSO(); int nRet = 1; AdminBSO adminBSO = new AdminBSO(); Admin objUser = adminBSO.GetAdminByAccountPass(UserName, PassWord); if (objUser == null) { nRet = -1; } else if (objUser.AdminPass != securityBSO.EncPwd(PassWord)) { nRet = -1; } if (nRet == -1) { return(nRet); } return(nRet); }
protected void initControl() { string adminName = Session["Admin_Username"].ToString(); AdminBSO adminBSO = new AdminBSO(); Admin admin = adminBSO.GetAdminById(adminName); /* if (admin.AdminLoginType) * { * News_Pass.ReadOnly = false; * Re_Pass.ReadOnly = false; * } * else * { * News_Pass.ReadOnly = true; * Re_Pass.ReadOnly = true; * CompareValidator1.Visible = false; * CompareValidator2.Visible = false; * RequiredFieldValidator1.Visible = false; * RequiredFieldValidator2.Visible = false; * }*/ hddAdminLoginType.Value = Convert.ToString(admin.AdminLoginType); txtAdminUser.Text = adminName; txtAdminEmail.Text = admin.AdminEmail; hddRoles_ID.Value = admin.RolesID.ToString(); hddActied.Value = admin.AdminActive.ToString(); txtFullName.Text = admin.AdminFullName; hdd_Created.Value = admin.AdminCreated.ToString(); hdd_log.Value = admin.AdminLog.ToString(); hddPermission.Value = admin.AdminPermission; hddAddress.Value = admin.AdminAddress; hddBirth.Value = admin.AdminBirth.ToString(); hddSex.Value = admin.AdminSex.ToString(); hddNickYahoo.Value = admin.AdminNickYahoo; hddNickSkype.Value = admin.AdminNickSkype; hddPhone.Value = admin.AdminPhone; hddImageThumb.Value = admin.AdminAvatar; }
protected void grvAdmin_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { string aId = e.CommandArgument.ToString(); string aName = e.CommandName.ToLower(); switch (aName) { case "user": Response.Redirect("~/Admins/editadminaddroles/" + aId + "/Default.aspx"); break; case "_edit": Response.Redirect("~/Admins/editadmin/" + aId + "/Default.aspx"); break; case "_delete": AdminBSO adminBSO = new AdminBSO(); adminBSO.DeleteAdmin(Convert.ToInt32(aId)); ViewAdmin(); break; } }
protected void btn_edit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Admin admin = ReceiveHtml(); try { if (CheckedList().Equals("")) { error.Text = "<div class='alert alert-sm alert-danger bg-gradient'>Lỗi: Phải lựa chọn ít nhất 1 quyền !</div>"; } else { AdminBSO adminBSO = new AdminBSO(); adminBSO.UpdateAdmin(admin); error.Text = "<div class='alert alert-sm alert-danger bg-gradient'>Cập nhật thành công !</div>"; initControl(admin.AdminID); } } catch (Exception ex) { error.Text = ex.Message.ToString(); } }
private void initControl(int Id) { AdminBSO adminBSO = new AdminBSO(); Admin admin = new Admin(); if (Id > 0) { btn_add.Visible = false; btn_edit.Visible = true; btn_add2.Visible = false; btn_add1.Visible = false; btn_edit1.Visible = true; try { NewsGroup newsgroup = new NewsGroup(); NewsGroupBSO newsgroupBSO = new NewsGroupBSO(); newsgroup = newsgroupBSO.GetNewsGroupById(Id); hddNewsGroupID.Value = Convert.ToString(newsgroup.NewsGroupID); ddlCateNews.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(newsgroup.CateNewsID); hddParentNewsID.Value = Convert.ToString(newsgroup.ParentNewsID); //rdbGroupCate.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(newsgroup.GroupCate); //Thêm txtTitle.Text = newsgroup.Title; txtRadShort.Text = System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlDecode(newsgroup.ShortDescribe); txtRadFull.Text = newsgroup.FullDescribe; hddImageThumb.Value = newsgroup.ImageThumb; hddImageLarge.Value = newsgroup.ImageLarge; txtimage4_3.Text = newsgroup.ImageThumb; txtimage16_9.Text = newsgroup.ImageLarge; if (newsgroup.ImageThumb != "") { img_thumb.Text = "<img src='" + newsgroup.ImageThumb + "' width='48px' valign='middle'>"; } if (newsgroup.ImageLarge != "") { img_large.Text = "<img src='" + newsgroup.ImageLarge + "' width='48px' valign='middle'>"; } hddFileName.Value = newsgroup.FileName; txtAuthor.Text = newsgroup.Author; txtRadDate.Text = String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm}", newsgroup.PostDate); //DateTime.Parse(newsgroup.PostDate.ToString()).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm", ci); // newsgroup.PostDate.ToString(); hddPostDate.Value = String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm}", newsgroup.PostDate); // "9/3/2008 16:05:07" .ToString(); hddRelationTotal.Value = Convert.ToString(newsgroup.RelationTotal); rdbStatus.Checked = newsgroup.Status; rdbIshot.Checked = newsgroup.Ishot; rdbIshome.Checked = newsgroup.Ishome; hddCommentTotal.Value = Convert.ToString(newsgroup.CommentTotal); hddIsView.Value = Convert.ToString(newsgroup.Isview); hddCreateUserName.Value = newsgroup.CreatedUserName; hddApprovalUserName.Value = newsgroup.ApprovalUserName; hddApprovalDate.Value = Convert.ToString(newsgroup.ApprovalDate); txtKeywords.Text = newsgroup.Keyword; txtTags.Text = newsgroup.Tags; txtSlug.Text = newsgroup.Slug; rdbComment.Checked = newsgroup.IsComment; rdbApproval.Checked = newsgroup.IsApproval; if (Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString().Equals("administrator") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Approval")) { rdbApproval.Enabled = true; } else { rdbApproval.Enabled = false; } //admin = adminBSO.GetAdminById(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString()); //if (Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString().Equals("administrator") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Approval")) //{ // rdbApproval.Checked = newsgroup.IsApproval; // rdbApproval.Enabled = true; //} //else //{ // rdbApproval.Checked = newsgroup.IsApproval; // rdbApproval.Enabled = false; //} hddGroup.Value = newsgroup.GroupCate.ToString(); BindToCateNews(newsgroup.GroupCate); ddlCateNewsGroup.SelectedValue = hddGroup.Value; ddlCateNews.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(newsgroup.CateNewsID); rdbTypeNews.Checked = newsgroup.TypeNews; txtShortTitle.Text = newsgroup.ShortTitle; chkUrl.Checked = newsgroup.isUrl; txtUrl.Text = newsgroup.Url; if (newsgroup.isUrl) { txtUrl.Visible = true; panelUrl.Visible = true; } else { txtUrl.Visible = false; panelUrl.Visible = false; } hddisDelete.Value = newsgroup.isDelete.ToString(); BindListCate(newsgroup.NewsGroupID); //MultiCate ViewNewsLog(newsgroup.NewsGroupID); } catch (Exception ex) { clientview.Text = ex.Message.ToString(); } } else { txtRadDate.Text = String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm}", DateTime.Now); //DateTime.Parse(newsgroup.PostDate.ToString()).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm", ci); // newsgroup.PostDate.ToString(); hddPostDate.Value = String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm}", DateTime.Now); // "9/3/2008 16:05:07" .ToString(); txtUrl.Visible = false; btn_add.Visible = true; btn_edit.Visible = false; btn_add2.Visible = true; btn_add1.Visible = true; btn_edit1.Visible = false; if (Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString().Equals("administrator") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Approval")) { rdbApproval.Enabled = true; } else { rdbApproval.Enabled = false; } txtUrl.Visible = false; panelUrl.Visible = false; chkUrl.Checked = false; } }
private void BindData() { ReportFuelService comBSO = new ReportFuelService(); DataTable list = new DataTable(); int AreaId = 0; int SubAreaId = 0; int Year = 0; bool?status = null; if (ddlStatus.SelectedIndex > 0) { status = (ddlStatus.SelectedValue == "1"); } if (ddlYear.SelectedIndex > 0) { Year = Convert.ToInt32(ddlYear.SelectedValue); } int orgid = 0; if (ddlOrg.SelectedIndex > 0) { orgid = Convert.ToInt32(ddlOrg.SelectedValue); } if (ddlArea.SelectedIndex > 0) { AreaId = Convert.ToInt32(ddlArea.SelectedValue); } if (ddlSubArea.SelectedIndex > 0) { SubAreaId = Convert.ToInt32(ddlSubArea.SelectedValue); } Admin admin = new AdminBSO().GetAdminById(m_UserValidation.UserId); ePower.Core.PagingInfo paging = new ePower.Core.PagingInfo(PageSize, CurrentPage); list = comBSO.FindList(false, AreaId, SubAreaId, orgid, 0, 0, 0, -1, status, Year, null, null, txtKeyword.Text.Trim(), paging); if (list != null && list.Rows.Count > 0) { paging.RowsCount = Convert.ToInt32(list.Rows[0]["Total"]); Paging.PageSize = PageSize; Paging.CurrentPage = CurrentPage; Paging.TotalRecord = Convert.ToInt32(list.Rows[0]["Total"]); Paging.DataLoad(); if (paging.PagesCount <= 1) { ltNotice.Text = "Có tổng số " + paging.RowsCount + " báo cáo"; Paging.Visible = false; } else { ltNotice.Text = "Có " + list.Rows.Count + " trong tổng số " + paging.RowsCount + " báo cáo"; Paging.Visible = true; } } else { ltNotice.Text = ""; Paging.Visible = false; } rptNoFuelCurrent.DataSource = list; rptNoFuelCurrent.DataBind(); }
protected void initControl(int Id) { if (Id > 0) { hddAdmin_Id.Value = Id.ToString(); btn_add.Visible = false; btn_edit.Visible = true; btn_add1.Visible = false; btn_edit1.Visible = true; try { AdminBSO adminBSO = new AdminBSO(); Admin admin = adminBSO.GetAdminById(Id); hddAdmin_Username.Value = admin.AdminName; txtAdminName.Text = admin.AdminName; txtAdminName.Enabled = false; hddPass.Value = admin.AdminPass; txtFullName.Text = admin.AdminFullName; txtAdminEmail.Text = admin.AdminEmail; rdbList.Checked = admin.AdminActive; hdd_Created.Value = admin.AdminCreated.ToString(); hdd_log.Value = admin.AdminLog.ToString(); ViewPermission(); string sPermission = admin.AdminPermission; if (!sPermission.Equals("")) { string[] sSlip = sPermission.Split(new char[] { ',' }); foreach (string s in sSlip) { foreach (ListItem items in chklist.Items) { if (items.Value == s) { items.Selected = true; } } } } txtAddress.Text = admin.AdminAddress; txtBirth.Text = String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm}", admin.AdminBirth); rdbSex.Checked = admin.AdminSex; txtNickYahoo.Text = admin.AdminNickYahoo; txtNickSkype.Text = admin.AdminNickSkype; txtPhone.Text = admin.AdminPhone; rdbLoginType.Checked = admin.AdminLoginType; rdbLoginType.Enabled = false; hddImageThumb.Value = admin.AdminAvatar; if (admin.AdminOrganizationId > 0) { ddlOrg.SelectedValue = admin.AdminOrganizationId.ToString(); } txtimage4_3.Text = admin.AdminAvatar; if (admin.AdminAvatar != "") { img_thumb.Text = "<img src='" + admin.AdminAvatar + "' width='48px' valign='middle'>"; } } catch (Exception ex) { error.Text = ex.Message.ToString(); } } else { hddAdmin_Id.Value = "0"; hddAdmin_Username.Value = ""; hdd_Created.Value = DateTime.Now.ToString(); hdd_log.Value = DateTime.Now.ToString(); btn_add.Visible = true; btn_edit.Visible = false; btn_add1.Visible = true; btn_edit1.Visible = false; ViewPermission(); } }
protected void initControl(int Id) { //txtContent.DisableFilter(Telerik.Web.UI.EditorFilters.ConvertCharactersToEntities); AdminBSO adminBSO = new AdminBSO(); Admin admin = new Admin(); if (Id > 0) { btn_add.Visible = false; btn_edit.Visible = true; btn_add1.Visible = false; btn_edit1.Visible = true; hddCommentID.Value = Convert.ToString(Id); try { NewsCommentBSO newsCommentBSO = new NewsCommentBSO(); NewsComment newsComment = newsCommentBSO.GetNewsCommentById(Id); txtTitle.Text = newsComment.Title; txtFullName.Text = newsComment.FullName; hddNewsID.Value = Convert.ToString(newsComment.NewsID); txtContent.Text = newsComment.Content; txtDateCreated.Text = String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm}", newsComment.DateCreated); //DateTime.Parse(newsgroup.PostDate.ToString()).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm", ci); // newsgroup.PostDate.ToString(); hddPostDate.Value = String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm}", newsComment.DateCreated); // "9/3/2008 16:05:07" .ToString(); txtEmail.Text = newsComment.Email; // rdbActive.SelectedValue = newsComment.Actived.ToString(); hddGroup.Value = newsComment.GroupCate.ToString(); hddApprovalUserName.Value = newsComment.ApprovalUserName; hddApprovalDate.Value = Convert.ToString(newsComment.ApprovalDate); admin = adminBSO.GetAdminById(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString()); if (Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString().Equals("administrator") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Approval")) { rdbActive.Checked = newsComment.Actived; rdbActive.Enabled = true; } else { rdbActive.Checked = newsComment.Actived; rdbActive.Enabled = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { clientview.Text = ex.Message.ToString(); } } else { btn_add.Visible = true; btn_edit.Visible = false; btn_add1.Visible = true; btn_edit1.Visible = false; // hddNewsID = 0; txtDateCreated.Text = String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm}", DateTime.Now); //DateTime.Parse(newsgroup.PostDate.ToString()).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm", ci); // newsgroup.PostDate.ToString(); hddPostDate.Value = String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm}", DateTime.Now); // "9/3/2008 16:05:07" .ToString(); if (Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString().Equals("administrator") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Approval")) { rdbActive.Enabled = true; } else { rdbActive.Enabled = false; } } }
protected void btn_sumit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AdminBSO adminBSO = new AdminBSO(); if (Session["LoginCount"] != null) { Session["LoginCount"] = Convert.ToInt32(Session["LoginCount"].ToString()) + 1; } int n = Convert.ToInt32(Session["LoginCount"].ToString()); if (!txtAdminUser.Text.Contains("\\")) { Admin objUser = adminBSO.GetAdminByAccountPass(txtAdminUser.Text.Trim(), txtAdminPass.Text.Trim()); if (objUser != null) { if (objUser.AdminActive == false) { Tool.Message(this.Page, "Tài khoản này chưa được kích hoạt! Xin liên hệ với quản trị hệ thống"); return; } else { //ducnmi - capcha if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["LoginCount"].ToString()) > 3) { if (Session["Random"] != null && txtCapcha.Text.ToLower() == Session["Random"].ToString().ToLower()) { Session["LoginCount"] = null; } else { Tool.Message(this.Page, "Mã xác nhận sai!"); return; } } m_UserValidation.SignIn(txtAdminUser.Text.Trim(), objUser.AdminID.ToString(), objUser.AdminOrganizationId, Session.SessionID, ((objUser.AdminName == "administrator") ? true : false)); if (Request.QueryString["url"] != null && Request.QueryString["url"] != string.Empty) { Response.Redirect((Request.QueryString["url"])); } else { Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl); } } } else { Tool.Message(this.Page, "Tài khoản hoặc mật khẩu không đúng! Xin vui lòng nhập lại"); return; } } else { if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("isLDAP").ToString() == "1") { //Path to your LDAP directory server string adPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("LdapDomain").ToString(); LdapAuthentication adAuth = new LdapAuthentication(adPath); try { if (txtAdminUser.Text.IndexOf("\\") > 0) { string domainName = txtAdminUser.Text.Substring(0, txtAdminUser.Text.IndexOf("\\")); if (adAuth.IsAuthenticated(txtAdminUser.Text.Substring(0, txtAdminUser.Text.IndexOf("\\")), txtAdminUser.Text.Substring(txtAdminUser.Text.IndexOf("\\") + 1), txtAdminPass.Text)) { Admin user = adminBSO.GetAdminById(txtAdminUser.Text.Trim()); if (user != null) { //ducnmi - capcha if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["LoginCount"].ToString()) > 3) { if (txtCapcha.Text.ToLower() == Session["Random"].ToString().ToLower()) { Session["LoginCount"] = null; } else { Tool.Message(this.Page, "Mã xác nhận sai!"); return; } } m_UserValidation.SignIn(txtAdminUser.Text.Trim(), user.AdminID.ToString(), user.AdminOrganizationId, Session.SessionID, ((user.AdminName == "administrator") ? true : false)); //string groups = adAuth.GetGroups(); ////Create the ticket, and add the groups. //bool isCookiePersistent = true; //FormsAuthenticationTicket authTicket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(1, // txtAdminUser.Text.Substring(txtAdminUser.Text.IndexOf("\\") + 1), DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(60), isCookiePersistent, groups); ////Encrypt the ticket. //string encryptedTicket = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(authTicket); ////Create a cookie, and then add the encrypted ticket to the cookie as data. //HttpCookie authCookie = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, encryptedTicket); //if (true == isCookiePersistent) // authCookie.Expires = authTicket.Expiration; ////Add the cookie to the outgoing cookies collection. //Response.Cookies.Add(authCookie); if (Request.QueryString["url"] != null && Request.QueryString["url"] != string.Empty) { Response.Redirect((Request.QueryString["url"])); } else { Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl); } } else { Tool.Message(this.Page, "Tài khoản hoặc mật khẩu không đúng! Xin vui lòng nhập lại"); return; } } else { Tool.Message(this.Page, "Tài khoản hoặc mật khẩu không đúng! Xin vui lòng nhập lại"); return; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Tool.Message(this.Page, "Tài khoản hoặc mật khẩu không đúng! Xin vui lòng nhập lại"); return; } } else { string sTen_TCap = this.Get_DomainAccount(); if (sTen_TCap != "") { string text1 = this.txtAdminUser.Text; string str = ""; str = text1; string[] strArray = text1.Split(new char[1] { '\\' }); string lpszDomain; string lpszUsername; if (strArray.Length == 2) { lpszDomain = strArray[0]; lpszUsername = strArray[1]; } else { lpszDomain = ((object)ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("DomainName")).ToString(); lpszUsername = text1; } //Tool.Message(this.Page, "TK1: " + lpszDomain +"\\"+lpszUsername ); Admin user = adminBSO.GetAdminById(txtAdminUser.Text.Trim()); // User user = new UserService().FindByUserName(this.txtAdminUser.Text); if (user != null) { //ducnmi - capcha if (Convert.ToInt32(Session["LoginCount"].ToString()) > 3) { if (txtCapcha.Text.ToLower() == Session["Random"].ToString().ToLower()) { Session["LoginCount"] = null; } else { Tool.Message(this.Page, "Mã xác nhận sai!"); return; } } m_UserValidation.SignIn(txtAdminUser.Text.Trim(), user.AdminID.ToString(), user.AdminOrganizationId, Session.SessionID, ((user.AdminName == "administrator") ? true : false)); if (Request.QueryString["url"] != null && Request.QueryString["url"] != string.Empty) { Response.Redirect((Request.QueryString["url"])); } else { Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl); } } else { Tool.Message(this.Page, "Tài khoản hoặc mật khẩu không đúng! Xin vui lòng nhập lại"); return; } } else { Tool.Message(this.Page, "Tài khoản hoặc mật khẩu không đúng! Xin vui lòng nhập lại"); return; } } } }
protected void grvNewsGroup_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { int Id = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument.ToString()); NewsGroupBSO newsGroupBSO = new NewsGroupBSO(); NewsGroup newsgroup = newsGroupBSO.GetNewsGroupById(Id); string nName = e.CommandName.ToLower(); AdminBSO adminBSO = new AdminBSO(); Admin admin = new Admin(); switch (nName) { case "_listfiles": //admin = adminBSO.GetAdminById(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString()); if (Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString().Equals("administrator") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Edit") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Write")) { Response.Redirect("~/Admin/listnewsfiles/" + Id + "/Default.aspx"); } break; case "_addfiles": //admin = adminBSO.GetAdminById(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString()); if (Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString().Equals("administrator") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Edit") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Write")) { Response.Redirect("~/Admin/editnewsfiles/" + Id + "/0/Default.aspx"); } break; case "_relation": //admin = adminBSO.GetAdminById(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString()); if (Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString().Equals("administrator") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Edit") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Write")) { Response.Redirect("~/Admin/EditNewsRelation/" + Id + "/Default.aspx"); } break; case "_view": break; case "_edit": //admin = adminBSO.GetAdminById(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString()); if (Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString().Equals("administrator") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Edit") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Write")) { Response.Redirect("~/Admin/editnewsbyuser/" + Id + "/Default.aspx"); } break; case "_delete": //admin = adminBSO.GetAdminById(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString()); if (Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString().Equals("administrator") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Edit") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Write")) { //newsGroupBSO.DeleteNewsGroup(Id); newsGroupBSO.UpdateNewsGroupisDelete(Id, "1"); ViewNewsGroup(Convert.ToInt32(ddlCateNewsGroup.SelectedValue)); //NewsCateBSO newscateBSO = new NewsCateBSO(); //if (newscateBSO.GetNewsCateByNewsGroupID(Id).Rows.Count > 0) // newscateBSO.DeleteNewsCatebyNewsID(Id); AspNetCache.Reset(); } break; case "_approved": //admin = adminBSO.GetAdminById(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString()); if (Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString().Equals("administrator") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Approval")) { newsGroupBSO.UpdateNewsGroupApproval(Id, "1", Session["Admin_Username"].ToString(), DateTime.Now); ViewNewsGroup(Convert.ToInt32(ddlCateNewsGroup.SelectedValue)); AspNetCache.Reset(); } break; case "_approvedcomment": break; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["dll"])) { NavigationTitle(Request["dll"]); } int group = -1; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["group"])) { int.TryParse(Request["group"].Replace(",", ""), out group); } hddGroup.Value = Convert.ToString(group); int Id = -1; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["Id"])) { int.TryParse(Request["Id"].Replace(",", ""), out Id); } hddNewsID.Value = Convert.ToString(Id); // ltllistnews.Text = "<asp:HyperLink ID='btn_listnews' runat='server' NavigateUrl='~/Homepage.aspx?dll=" + ((group == 1) ? "listnews" : "listannounce") + "'><img src='Admin_Theme/Icons/icon-danhsach.gif' /></asp:HyperLink>"; // ltleditcomment.Text = "<asp:HyperLink ID='btn_editnewscomment' runat='server' NavigateUrl='~/Homepage.aspx?dll=editnewscomment&group=" + Convert.ToString(group) + "' ><img src='Admin_Theme/Icons/icon-taomoi-small.gif' /></asp:HyperLink>"; AdminBSO adminBSO = new AdminBSO(); //Admin admin = new Admin(); //admin = adminBSO.GetAdminById(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString()); if (Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString().Equals("administrator") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Edit") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Write")) { btn_editpage.Visible = true; btn_delall.Visible = true; } else { btn_editpage.Visible = false; btn_delall.Visible = false; } if (Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString().Equals("administrator") || adminBSO.CheckPermission(Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(), "Approval")) { btn_enable.Visible = true; btn_disable.Visible = true; } else { btn_enable.Visible = false; btn_disable.Visible = false; } if (!IsPostBack) { NewsCommentView(group); } }
protected void btnCreateUser_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OrganizationService comBSO = new OrganizationService(); IList <Organization> list = new List <Organization>(); list = comBSO.FindAll(); SecurityBSO securityBSO = new SecurityBSO(); AdminRolesBSO adminRolesBSO = new AdminRolesBSO(); AdminBSO adminBSO = new AdminBSO(); Utils objUtil = new Utils(); foreach (Organization org in list) { Admin admin = new Admin(); admin.AdminLoginType = false; admin.AdminPass = securityBSO.EncPwd("123456"); admin.AdminName = "SCT." + Utils.UCS2Convert(org.Title).Replace(" ", "").Replace("-", "").ToUpper();; admin.AdminEmail = org.Email; //} // admin.RolesID = (ddlRoles.SelectedValue != "") ? Convert.ToInt32(ddlRoles.SelectedValue) : 0; admin.RolesID = 1; admin.AdminActive = true; admin.AdminFullName = "Sở công thương" + org.Title; admin.AdminCreated = DateTime.Now; admin.AdminLog = DateTime.Now; //admin.AdminPermission = ""; admin.AdminPermission = "Read,"; admin.AdminAddress = ""; admin.AdminPhone = org.Phone; admin.AdminNickYahoo = ""; admin.AdminNickSkype = ""; admin.AdminAvatar = ""; admin.AdminSex = true; IFormatProvider culture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US", true); admin.AdminBirth = DateTime.Now; if (org.Email != null && org.Email != "") { admin.AdminEmail = org.Email; } else { admin.AdminEmail = "sct" + "@" + admin.AdminName.ToLower() + ""; } admin.AdminOrganizationId = org.Id; int id = adminBSO.CreateAdmin(admin); AdminRoles adminRoles = new AdminRoles(); adminRoles.RolesID = 14; adminRoles.AdminUserName = admin.AdminName; adminRoles.UserName = Session["Admin_UserName"].ToString(); //adminRoles.Permission = subrow["Permission"].ToString(); adminRoles.Permission = ""; adminRoles.Created = DateTime.Now; adminRolesBSO.CreateAdminRoles(adminRoles); } }
public bool CheckLogin() { AdminBSO adminBSO = new AdminBSO(); return(adminBSO.CheckLoginAdmin(txtAdminUser.Text.Trim(), txtAdminPass.Text.Trim())); }
public bool CheckUserName() { AdminBSO adminBSO = new AdminBSO(); return(adminBSO.CheckUserName(txtAdminUser.Text.Trim())); }