Exemple #1
        /// <summary>Creates an <c>AdjacencyRule</c> for the adjacency model</summary>
        public static RuleData buildRule(PatternStorage patterns, ref Map source)
            var rule = new RuleData();

            int nPatterns = patterns.len;

            rule.nPatterns = nPatterns;

            { // do not count symmetric combinations
                int nCombinations = (nPatterns + 1) * (nPatterns) / 2;
                rule.cache = new Grid2D <bool>(4, nCombinations);

            for (int from = 0; from < nPatterns; from++)
                for (int to = from; to < nPatterns; to++)
                    for (int d = 0; d < 4; d++)
                        var  dir            = (Dir4)d;
                        bool canBeAdjacenct = AdjacencyModel.testCompatibility(from, dir, to, patterns, source);

Exemple #2
        public static WfcAdjacency create(ref Map source, int N, Vec2i outputSize)
            if (N < 2)
                throw new System.ArgumentException($"given N = {N}; it must be bigger than one");

            var model    = AdjacencyModel.create(ref source, N, outputSize);
            var gridSize = outputSize / N;
            var state    = new State(gridSize.x, gridSize.y, model.patterns, ref model.rule);

            return(new WfcAdjacency(model, state, N));
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>`source` size must be dividable by `N`</summary>
        public static Model create(ref Map source, int N, Vec2i outputSize)
            if (outputSize.x % N != 0 || outputSize.y % N != 0)
                throw new System.Exception($"output size {outputSize} must be dividable with N={N}");

            var gridSize = outputSize / N;
            var patterns = RuleData.extractEveryChunk(ref source, N, PatternUtil.variations);
            var rule     = AdjacencyModel.buildRule(patterns, ref source);

            return(new Model(gridSize, patterns, rule));