Exemple #1
        protected AddressEditViewModel BuildViewModel(AddressPart part)
            var viewModel = new AddressEditViewModel()
                Address1    = part.Address1,
                Address2    = part.Address2,
                Address3    = part.Address3,
                AddressType = part.AddressType,
                PostalCode  = part.PostalCode

            viewModel.Countries = _directoryService.GetCountries().Select(c => new SelectListItem()
                Text = c.GetTitle(), Value = c.Id.ToString()
            // TODO: Seriously AJAX this
            viewModel.Towns = _directoryService.GetTowns().Select(c => new SelectListItem()
                Text = c.GetTitle(), Value = c.Id.ToString()
            var town = _directoryService.GetTownForAddress(part);

            if (town != null)
                viewModel.TownId   = town.Id;
                viewModel.TownName = town.As <ITitleAspect>().Title;
                var country = _directoryService.GetCountryForTown(town);
                if (country != null)
                    viewModel.CountryId   = country.Id;
                    viewModel.CountryName = country.As <ITitleAspect>().Title;
Exemple #2
        private void FixUpdate(AddressEditViewModel vm)
            // Country: front end sets the Id => we need to set the string
            var countryTP = _addressConfigurationService

            vm.Country = _contentManager.GetItemMetadata(countryTP).DisplayText;
            // City: we may be settings either the Id or the string, but either way the
            //   property we are setting is vm.City. We get the territory and set the Id
            var cityTP = GetTerritory(vm.City);

            if (cityTP != null)
                vm.CityId = cityTP.Record.TerritoryInternalRecord.Id;
                vm.City   = _contentManager.GetItemMetadata(cityTP).DisplayText;
                vm.CityId = -1;
            // Province: we may be settings either the Id or the string, but either way the
            //   property we are setting is vm.Province. We get the territory and set the Id
            var provinceTP = GetTerritory(vm.Province);

            if (provinceTP != null)
                vm.ProvinceId = provinceTP.Record.TerritoryInternalRecord.Id;
                vm.Province   = _contentManager.GetItemMetadata(provinceTP).DisplayText;
                vm.ProvinceId = -1;
Exemple #3
        public ActionResult CreatePost()
            var user = _workContextAccessor.GetContext().CurrentUser;

            if (user == null)
                // we should never be here, because the AuthorizeAttribute should
                // take care of anonymous users.
                return(new HttpUnauthorizedResult(T("Sign In to  manage your saved addresses.").Text));

            var newAddress = new AddressEditViewModel();

            if (!TryUpdateModel(newAddress) || !ValidateVM(newAddress))
                // added the assignment of the lists because in case of error in the validation the properties are not populated
                newAddress.ShippingCountries = _addressConfigurationService.CountryOptions(AddressRecordType.ShippingAddress);
                newAddress.BillingCountries  = _addressConfigurationService.CountryOptions(AddressRecordType.BillingAddress);

                newAddress.Errors.Add(T("It was impossible to validate your address.").Text);
            // Convert the values of Country, City, and Province to strings and ids for
            // the AddressRecord.
            // save record
            _nwazetCommunicationService.AddAddress(newAddress.AddressRecord, user);
            _notifier.Information(T("Address created successfully."));
            return(RedirectToAction("Edit", new { id = newAddress.AddressRecord.Id }));
        public ActionResult EditPost(int id)
            var user = _workContextAccessor.GetContext().CurrentUser;

            if (user == null)
                // we should never be here, because the AuthorizeAttribute should
                // take care of anonymous users.
                return(new HttpUnauthorizedResult(T("Sign In to  manage your saved addresses.").Text));
            var address = _nwazetCommunicationService.GetAddress(id, user);

            if (address == null)

            var newAddress = new AddressEditViewModel(id);

            if (!TryUpdateModel(newAddress))
                newAddress.Errors.Add(T("It was impossible to validate your address.").Text);
            _nwazetCommunicationService.AddAddress(newAddress.AddressRecord, user);

            _notifier.Information(T("Address updated successfully."));
        /// <summary>
        /// validation of the vm coming from a create/edit action
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vm"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// It would be cleaner to do this in its own validation classes,
        /// but we need a bunch of IDependencies, so putting this code
        /// here is less of an hassle.
        /// </remarks>
        public bool Validate(AddressEditViewModel vm)
            var validCountries = _addressConfigurationService
            var countryTP = _addressConfigurationService

            if (!SubValidation(validCountries, countryTP))
            var validProvinces = _addressConfigurationService
                                 .GetAllProvinces(vm.AddressType, countryTP);

            if (validProvinces == null)
                // error condition
            var provinceTP = GetTerritory(vm.Province);

            if (validProvinces.Any())
                // there may not be any configured province, and that is ok,
                // but if any is configured, we check that the one selected is valid
                if (!SubValidation(validProvinces, provinceTP))
            var validCities = _addressConfigurationService
                                            // use province if it exists, otherwise country
                                            provinceTP == null ? countryTP : provinceTP);

            if (validCities == null)
                // error condition
            if (validCities.Any())
                // there may not be any configured city, and that is ok,
                // but if any is configured, we check that the one selected is valid
                var cityTP = GetTerritory(vm.City);
                if (!SubValidation(validCities, cityTP))
Exemple #6
        private bool ValidateVM(AddressEditViewModel vm)
            bool response = true;

            foreach (var valP in _validationProvider)
                if (!valP.Validate(vm))
                    response = false;
Exemple #7
        private bool ValidateVM(AddressEditViewModel vm)
            int id = -1;

            if (vm.CityId > 0)
                if (int.TryParse(vm.City, out id))
                    // the form sent the city's id instead of its name
                    vm.City = _addressConfigurationService
                              ?.As <TitlePart>()
                              ?? string.Empty;
            if (vm.ProvinceId > 0)
                if (int.TryParse(vm.Province, out id))
                    // the form sent the city's id instead of its name
                    vm.Province = _addressConfigurationService
                                  ?.As <TitlePart>()
                                  ?? string.Empty;
            if (vm.CountryId > 0)
                if (int.TryParse(vm.Country, out id))
                    // the form sent the city's id instead of its name
                    vm.Country = _addressConfigurationService
                                 ?.As <TitlePart>()
                                 ?? string.Empty;
            bool response = true;

            foreach (var valP in _validationProviders)
                if (!valP.Validate(vm))
                    response = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="viewModel"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task UpdateByViewModelAsync(AddressEditViewModel viewModel)
            // Check
            if (viewModel == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(viewModel));

            // Process
            var address = await _addressStore.FirstOrDefaultAsync(model => model.Id == viewModel.Id);

            _mapper.Map(viewModel, address);
            await _unitOfWork.SaveAllChangesAsync(auditUserId : _httpContextManager.CurrentUserId());
Exemple #9
 private Address AddressFromVM(AddressEditViewModel vm)
     return(new Address {
         Honorific = vm.Honorific,
         FirstName = vm.FirstName,
         LastName = vm.LastName,
         Company = vm.Company,
         Address1 = vm.Address1,
         Address2 = vm.Address2,
         PostalCode = vm.PostalCode,
         // advanced address stuff
         // The string values here are the DisplayText properties of
         // configured territories, or "custom" text entered by the user.
         Country = vm.Country,
         City = vm.City,
         Province = vm.Province
Exemple #10
        private void ValidateVM(AddressEditViewModel vm)
            int id = -1;

            if (vm.CityId > 0)
                if (int.TryParse(vm.City, out id))
                    // the form sent the city's id instead of its name
                    vm.City = _addressConfigurationService
                              ?.As <TitlePart>()
                              ?? string.Empty;
            if (vm.ProvinceId > 0)
                if (int.TryParse(vm.Province, out id))
                    // the form sent the city's id instead of its name
                    vm.Province = _addressConfigurationService
                                  ?.As <TitlePart>()
                                  ?? string.Empty;
            if (vm.CountryId > 0)
                if (int.TryParse(vm.Country, out id))
                    // the form sent the city's id instead of its name
                    vm.Country = _addressConfigurationService
                                 ?.As <TitlePart>()
                                 ?? string.Empty;
 /// <summary>
 /// Konstruktor uruchamiany w celu edycji istniejącego wpisu
 /// </summary>
 public AddressEditWindow(Addresses entity, string connectionString)
         AddressEditViewModel viewModel = new AddressEditViewModel(entity, connectionString); //ViewModel z konstruktorem dla istniejącego wpisu
         this.DataContext = viewModel;                                                        //przypisanie logiki widoku do odpowiedniej klasy ViewModel
         Closing         += viewModel.OnWindowClosing;                                        //przypisanie metody wywołanej po zamknięciu okna
         Loaded          += (s, e) =>
             if (DataContext is ICloseable)
                 (DataContext as ICloseable).RequestClose += (_, __) => this.Close();
     catch (Exception ex)
Exemple #12
        protected AddressEditViewModel BuildCreateModel()
            var viewModel = new AddressEditViewModel()
/*                Address1 = part.Address1,
 *              Address2 = part.Address2,
 *              Address3 = part.Address3,
 *              AddressType = part.AddressType,
 *              PostalCode = part.PostalCode*/

            viewModel.Countries = _directoryService.GetCountries().Select(c => new SelectListItem()
                Text = c.GetTitle(), Value = c.Id.ToString()
            // TODO: Seriously AJAX this
            viewModel.Towns = _directoryService.GetTowns().Select(c => new SelectListItem()
                Text = c.GetTitle(), Value = c.Id.ToString()

Exemple #13
 private AddressEditViewModel CreateVM(AddressRecordType addressRecordType, AddressEditViewModel vm)
     return(AddressEditViewModel.CreateVM(_addressConfigurationService, addressRecordType, vm));
Exemple #14
 private AddressEditViewModel CreateVM()
Exemple #15
        /// <summary>
        /// validation of the vm coming from a create/edit action
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vm"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// It would be cleaner to do this in its own validation classes,
        /// but we need a bunch of IDependencies, so putting this code
        /// here is less of an hassle.
        /// </remarks>
        public bool Validate(AddressEditViewModel vm)
            var validCountries = _addressConfigurationService
            var countryTP = _addressConfigurationService

            if (!SubValidation(validCountries, countryTP))

            var provinceTP = GetTerritory(vm.Province)
                             ?? _addressConfigurationService.SingleTerritory(vm.ProvinceId);

            if (provinceTP == null)
                // maybe we did not find a territory because it's not configured,
                // but we had a free text input for the province
                var provinceName = vm.Province.Trim();
                if (provinceName.Length < 2)
                    // at least two characters
                // check in the configuration parts if they are a valid province or not
                var adminTypePart = provinceTP.As <TerritoryAdministrativeTypePart>();
                if (adminTypePart != null)
                    if (adminTypePart.AdministrativeType == TerritoryAdministrativeType.Province)
                        var territoryAddressTypePart = provinceTP.As <TerritoryAddressTypePart>();
                        if (territoryAddressTypePart != null)
                            if (vm.AddressType == AddressRecordType.ShippingAddress)
                                if (!territoryAddressTypePart.Shipping)
                                if (!territoryAddressTypePart.Billing)

            var cityTP = GetTerritory(vm.City)
                         ?? _addressConfigurationService.SingleTerritory(vm.CityId);

            // check in the configuration parts if they are a valid city or not
            if (cityTP != null)
                var adminTypePart = cityTP.As <TerritoryAdministrativeTypePart>();
                if (adminTypePart != null)
                    if (adminTypePart.AdministrativeType == TerritoryAdministrativeType.City)
                        var territoryAddressTypePart = cityTP.As <TerritoryAddressTypePart>();
                        if (territoryAddressTypePart != null)
                            if (vm.AddressType == AddressRecordType.ShippingAddress)
                                if (!territoryAddressTypePart.Shipping)
                                if (!territoryAddressTypePart.Billing)

            // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_postal_codes
            // we had to make the change because we first checked
            // it was just a number
            // during use we noticed that the Netherlands have PS in the cap
            // therefore changed the control over the character
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(vm.PostalCode))
                foreach (char c in vm.PostalCode)
                    if (!char.IsLetterOrDigit(c) && !char.IsWhiteSpace(c))
                        vm.Errors.Add(T("Postal or ZIP code may contain only characters or digits.").Text);
Exemple #16
 public AddressEditCTRL(Anonymous address)
     DataContext = new AddressEditViewModel(address);