public override bool Sync()
            //Get orders placed since last sync (based on Order's id) from Nop using Web Service

            using (Main Mercator = new Main(directory, null, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MercatorLogin"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MercatorMdp"]))
                using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(dataSettings.DataConnectionString))

                        if (Mercator != null)
                            MercatorApi.Api.IsWeb = true;
                            string jsonCommandes = "";

                            jsonCommandes = WebService.Get(new UrlBuilder("GenericAttribute").And().FilterEq("KeyGroup", ENTITY).FilterEq("Key", KEY_SYNCED).FilterEq("Value", "0").BuildQuery());
                            //jsonCommandes = WebService.Get(WebServiceUrls.ORDER_UNSYNCED);

                            JToken[] commandes = ParserJSon.ParseResultToJTokenList(jsonCommandes);
                            if (commandes.Length == 0)
                                Program.WriteLine("Pas de nouvelles commandes");

                            foreach (JToken co in commandes)
                                    string orderResult = WebService.Get(urlBuilder

                                    //JToken[] orderToken = ParserJSon.ParseResultToJTokenList(orderResult);
                                    JObject order = JObject.Parse(orderResult);

                                    //if (order.FirstOrDefault() != null)
                                    //    JToken c = orderToken.FirstOrDefault();
                                    if (((int)order["PaymentStatusId"] == 30 || (int)order["PaymentStatusId"] == 20) || (order["PaymentMethodSystemName"].ToString() == "Payments.CheckMoneyOrder"))
                                        JObject syncMarker = new JObject();

                                        List <int> syncedOrderIds = new List <int>();

                                        var items = (order["OrderItems"]).ToArray();
                                        int id    = int.Parse(order["CustomerId"].ToString());
                                        //Get web client
                                        SigCli sigCli = new SigCli();
                                        bool   exists = sigCli.ReadWhere(String.Format("C_ID_WEB = '{0}'", id));

                                        if (!exists)
                                            Program.log("Commande n°" + order["Id"].ToString() + " non synchronisée car le client " + id + " n'a pas été trouvé dans Mercator.");
                                            //Get the journal in which the order has to be placed
                                            using (BillingEngine be = BillingEngine.InitNew(Billing.TypeVAEnum.V, 3, journal))
                                                if (be.PIEDS != null)

                                                    be.PIEDS["DATE"] = DateTime.Parse(order["CreatedOnUtc"].ToString());
                                                    throw new Exception("An error occured - please check that the journal exists");

                                                foreach (JToken i in items)
                                                    //Get product ids by SKU (Nop's SKU = S_CLE_1)
                                                    JObject o   = JObject.Parse(WebService.Get(new UrlBuilder("Product").Id((int)i["ProductId"]).Select("Sku").BuildQuery()));
                                                    string  sku = o["Sku"].ToString();

                                                    int index = be.AppendLine();
                                                    //get from db stock using cle_1 then Add ID
                                                    be.InsertItem(sku, index, 1);

                                                    //Use price/vat used when the order was placed : might have been some changes in Mercator since then
                                                    be.LIGNES.Rows[index]["Q"]  = i["Quantity"].Value <Double>() /** condit*/;
                                                    be.LIGNES.Rows[index]["PU"] = i["UnitPriceExclTax"].Value <Decimal>();   /* * (1 + (i["Remise"].Value<Decimal>() / 100));*/

                                                //Shipping tax
                                                //TODO: faire un doc avec les étapes de l'installation + vérifications à faire
                                                //TODO: Verif: Présence d'un article frais de livraison dans le Mercator cible
                                                if (Double.Parse(order["OrderShippingInclTax"].ToString()) > 0)
                                                    string fraislivraisonId = OptionsMercator.GetOptionValue("NOP_LIV_ID").ToString();

                                                    SigStock sigStock      = new SigStock();
                                                    bool     fraisLivFound = sigStock.ReadWhere(String.Format("S_CLE1 = '{0}'", fraislivraisonId));

                                                    if (fraisLivFound)
                                                        int n = be.AppendLine();
                                                        be.InsertItem(sigStock.GetField("S_ID").Value.ToString(), n, 1);
                                                        be.LIGNES.Rows[n]["PU"]       = Double.Parse(order["OrderShippingInclTax"].ToString()) / 1.21;
                                                        be.LIGNES.Rows[n]["TAUX_TVA"] = 21;

                                                //CODE PROMO SUR TOTAL COMMANDE
                                                //TODO:CODE PROMO - UNCOMMENT IF NECESSARY
                                                //if (Double.Parse(c["OrderDiscount"].ToString()) > 0)
                                                //    string codepromocommandecle1 = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CODEPROMOCOMMANDE"];
                                                //    SigStock sigStock = new SigStock();
                                                //    bool codePromoFound = sigStock.ReadWhere(String.Format("S_CLE1 = '{0}'", codepromocommandecle1));
                                                //    if (codePromoFound)
                                                //    {
                                                //        int n = be.AppendLine();
                                                //        be.InsertItem(sigStock.GetField("S_ID").Value.ToString().S_ID.TrimEnd(), n, 1);
                                                //        be.LIGNES.Rows[n]["PU"] = (Double.Parse(c["OrderDiscount"].ToString())) * -1;
                                                //        be.LIGNES.Rows[n]["TAUX_TVA"] = 0;
                                                //    }


                                                #region payments

                                                //Check if order is paid : c["PaymentStatusId"] -> 10 pending, 30 paid
                                                if (order["PaymentStatusId"].ToString() == "10")
                                                    switch (order["PaymentMethodSystemName"].ToString())
                                                    case PaymentMethods.NOP_VIREMENT: be.PIEDS["TYP_PAIEM1"] = PaymentMethods.M_VIREMENT; break;

                                                    case PaymentMethods.NOP_PAYPAL: be.PIEDS["TYP_PAIEM1"] = PaymentMethods.M_PAYPAL; break;

                                                        be.PIEDS["TYP_PAIEM1"] = PaymentMethods.M_VIREMENT; break;
                                                else if (order["PaymentStatusId"].ToString() == "30")
                                                    double tot = Convert.ToDouble(be.PIEDS["TOT_TTC_DV"].ToString());

                                                    switch (order["PaymentMethodSystemName"].ToString())
                                                    case PaymentMethods.NOP_VIREMENT: be.PIEDS["TYP_PAIEM1"] = PaymentMethods.M_VIREMENT; break;

                                                    case PaymentMethods.NOP_PAYPAL: be.PIEDS["TYP_PAIEM1"] = PaymentMethods.M_PAYPAL; break;

                                                        be.PIEDS["TYP_PAIEM1"] = PaymentMethods.M_VIREMENT; break;
                                                    //be.PIEDS["TYP_PAIEM1"] = 10;
                                                    be.PIEDS["TOT_PAIEM1"] = tot;
                                                    be.PIEDS["NET_DV"]     = tot;
                                                    be.PIEDS["NET_FB"]     = tot;


                                                #region shipment
                                                if (order["PickUpInStore"].ToString() == "True")
                                                    int nAdresse = be.AppendLine();
                                                    be.LIGNES.Rows[nAdresse]["DESIGNATIO"] = "Retrait en magasin";
                                                    Address billingA  = AddressConverter.ParseJsonToAddress(WebService.Get(new UrlBuilder("Address").Id((int)order["BillingAddressId"]).BuildQuery()));
                                                    Address shippingA = AddressConverter.ParseJsonToAddress(WebService.Get(new UrlBuilder("Address").Id((int)order["ShippingAddressId"]).BuildQuery()));
                                                    if (!billingA.Equals(shippingA))
                                                        int nAdresse = be.AppendLine();
                                                        be.LIGNES.Rows[nAdresse]["DESIGNATIO"] = "Adresse de livraison: ";
                                                        int nN = be.AppendLine();
                                                        be.LIGNES.Rows[nN]["DESIGNATIO"] = shippingA.FirstName + " " + shippingA.LastName;
                                                        int nA = be.AppendLine();
                                                        be.LIGNES.Rows[nA]["DESIGNATIO"] = shippingA.Street;
                                                        int nP = be.AppendLine();
                                                        be.LIGNES.Rows[nP]["DESIGNATIO"] = shippingA.ZipPostalCode;
                                                        int nV = be.AppendLine();
                                                        be.LIGNES.Rows[nV]["DESIGNATIO"] = String.Format("{0}, {1}", shippingA.City, shippingA.Country);
                                                        int nPh = be.AppendLine();
                                                        be.LIGNES.Rows[nPh]["DESIGNATIO"] = shippingA.PhoneNumber;

                                                        //TODO: Mode de livraison UPS + suppléments


                                                #region CheckoutAttributes
                                                //Récupère les attributs de commandes associés à la commande et les affiches dans les lignes_v
                                                //if (order["CheckoutAttributeDescription"].ToString() != "" && order["CheckoutAttributeDescription"].ToString() != "null")
                                                //    Dictionary<string, string> attributes = extractAttributes(order["CheckoutAttributesXml"].ToString());

                                                //    if (attributes.ContainsKey(ATTRIBUT_COMM))
                                                //    {
                                                //        if (attributes[ATTRIBUT_COMM] != "")
                                                //        {
                                                //            be.AppendLine();
                                                //            int n = be.AppendLine();
                                                //            be.LIGNES.Rows[n]["DESIGNATIO"] = "Commentaires: ";

                                                //            string[] commLines = attributes[ATTRIBUT_COMM].Split(new string[] { "\r" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                                                //            foreach (string s in commLines)
                                                //            {
                                                //                int nLine = be.AppendLine();
                                                //                be.LIGNES.Rows[nLine]["DESIGNATIO"] = s;
                                                //            }
                                                //        }
                                                //    }

                                                be.PIEDS["ID_WEB"]    = order["Id"].ToString();
                                                be.PIEDS["REFERENCE"] = REF_WEB;

                                                if (be.Save())
                                                    syncMarker.Add("Value", "1");
                                                    //WebService.Patch(String.Format(WebServiceUrls.ORDER_ID, (int)c["Id"]), syncMarker.ToString());
                                                    WebService.Patch(String.Format(new UrlBuilder("GenericAttribute").Id((int)co["Id"]).BuildQuery()), syncMarker.ToString());
                                catch (Exception e)

                            //****** UPDATE STATUS ********//
                            Program.WriteLine("Updating Nop Order status...");
                            string   ordersUncomplete = WebService.Get(urlBuilder.FilterEq("OrderStatusId", 20).BuildQuery());
                            JToken[] orders           = ParserJSon.ParseResultToJTokenList(ordersUncomplete);

                            if (orders.Count() > 0)
                                foreach (JToken o in orders)
                                    int    oId    = (int)o["Id"];
                                    PiedsV piedsV = new PiedsV();
                                    bool   exists = piedsV.Read(oId, "ID_WEB");

                                    if (exists)
                                        JObject patch = new JObject();
                                        patch.Add("OrderStatusId", 30);
                                        if (Convert.ToInt32(piedsV.GetField("TYPE").Value) == 2)
                                            patch.Add("PaymentStatusId", 30);
                                            patch.Add("ShippingStatusId", 30);
                                        if (Convert.ToInt32(piedsV.GetField("TYPE").Value) == 1)
                                            patch.Add("OrderStatusId", 30);
                                            patch.Add("PaymentStatusId", 30);
                                            patch.Add("ShippingStatusId", 40);

                                        WebService.Patch(urlBuilder.Id(oId).BuildQuery(), patch.ToString());
                    catch (Exception e)
