public bool Run(TestInfo test, int pass, int testNumber) { if (_showStatus) { Log("#@ Running {0} ({1})...\n", test.TestMethod.Name, Language.TwoLetterISOLanguageName); } if (_buildMode) { Log("{0,3}. {1,-46} ", testNumber, test.TestMethod.Name); } else { var time = DateTime.Now; Log("[{0}:{1}] {2,3}.{3,-3} {4,-46} ({5}) ", time.Hour.ToString("D2"), time.Minute.ToString("D2"), pass, testNumber, test.TestMethod.Name, Language.TwoLetterISOLanguageName); } Exception exception = null; var stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); var saveCulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture; var saveUICulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture; long crtLeakedBytes = 0; try { // Create test class. var testObject = Activator.CreateInstance(test.TestClassType); // Set the TestContext. TestContext.Properties["AccessInternet"] = AccessInternet.ToString(); TestContext.Properties["RunPerfTests"] = RunPerfTests.ToString(); TestContext.Properties["TestSmallMolecules"] = AddSmallMoleculeNodes.ToString(); // Add the magic small molecule test node to every document? TestContext.Properties["RunSmallMoleculeTestVersions"] = RunsSmallMoleculeVersions.ToString(); // Run the AsSmallMolecule version of tests when available? TestContext.Properties["LiveReports"] = LiveReports.ToString(); if (test.SetTestContext != null) { var context = new object[] { TestContext }; test.SetTestContext.Invoke(testObject, context); } // Switch to selected culture. LocalizationHelper.CurrentCulture = LocalizationHelper.CurrentUICulture = Language; LocalizationHelper.InitThread(); // Run the test and time it. if (test.TestInitialize != null) { test.TestInitialize.Invoke(testObject, null); } if (CheckCrtLeaks > 0) { // TODO: CrtDebugHeap class used to be provided by Crawdad.dll // If we ever want to enable this funcationality again, we need to find another .dll // to put this in. //CrtDebugHeap.Checkpoint(); } test.TestMethod.Invoke(testObject, null); if (CheckCrtLeaks > 0) { //crtLeakedBytes = CrtDebugHeap.DumpLeaks(true); } if (test.TestCleanup != null) { test.TestCleanup.Invoke(testObject, null); } } catch (Exception e) { exception = e; } stopwatch.Stop(); LastTestDuration = (int)(stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000); // Restore culture. Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = saveCulture; Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = saveUICulture; MemoryManagement.FlushMemory(); const int mb = 1024 * 1024; var managedMemory = (double)GC.GetTotalMemory(true) / mb; if (exception == null) { // Test succeeded. Log( "{0,3} failures, {1:F2}/{2:F1} MB, {3} sec.\r\n", FailureCount, managedMemory, TotalMemory, LastTestDuration); if (crtLeakedBytes > CheckCrtLeaks) { Log("!!! {0} CRT-LEAKED {1} bytes", test.TestMethod.Name, crtLeakedBytes); } using (var writer = new FileStream("TestRunnerMemory.log", FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read)) using (var stringWriter = new StreamWriter(writer)) { stringWriter.WriteLine(TotalMemory.ToString("F1")); } return(true); } // Save failure information. FailureCount++; if (FailureCounts.ContainsKey(test.TestMethod.Name)) { FailureCounts[test.TestMethod.Name]++; } else { FailureCounts[test.TestMethod.Name] = 1; } var message = exception.InnerException == null ? exception.Message : exception.InnerException.Message; var stackTrace = exception.InnerException == null ? exception.StackTrace : exception.InnerException.StackTrace; var failureInfo = "# " + test.TestMethod.Name + "FAILED:\n" + message + "\n" + stackTrace; if (ErrorCounts.ContainsKey(failureInfo)) { ErrorCounts[failureInfo]++; } else { ErrorCounts[failureInfo] = 1; } Log( "{0,3} failures, {1:F2}/{2:F1} MB\r\n\r\n!!! {3} FAILED\r\n{4}\r\n{5}\r\n!!!\r\n\r\n", FailureCount, managedMemory, TotalMemory, test.TestMethod.Name, message, stackTrace); return(false); }
public bool Run(TestInfo test, int pass, int testNumber, string dmpDir) { TeamCityStartTest(test); if (_showStatus) { Log("#@ Running {0} ({1})...\n", test.TestMethod.Name, Language.TwoLetterISOLanguageName); } if (_buildMode) { Log("{0,3}. {1,-46} ", testNumber, test.TestMethod.Name); } else { var time = DateTime.Now; Log("[{0}:{1}] {2,3}.{3,-3} {4,-46} ({5}) ", time.Hour.ToString("D2"), time.Minute.ToString("D2"), pass, testNumber, test.TestMethod.Name, Language.TwoLetterISOLanguageName); } Exception exception = null; var stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); var saveCulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture; var saveUICulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture; long crtLeakedBytes = 0; var testResultsDir = Path.Combine(TestContext.TestDir, test.TestClassType.Name); var dumpFileName = string.Format("{0}.{1}_{2}_{3}_{4:yyyy_MM_dd__hh_mm_ss_tt}.dmp", pass, testNumber, test.TestMethod.Name, Language.TwoLetterISOLanguageName, DateTime.Now); if (test.MinidumpLeakThreshold != null) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dmpDir)) { dmpDir = Path.Combine(testResultsDir, "Minidumps"); Log("[WARNING] No log path provided - using test results dir ({0})", dmpDir); } Directory.CreateDirectory(dmpDir); var path = Path.Combine(dmpDir, "pre_" + dumpFileName); if (!MiniDump.WriteMiniDump(path)) { Log("[WARNING] Failed to write pre mini dump to '{0}' (GetLastError() = {1})", path, Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log("[WARNING] Exception thrown when creating memory dump: {0}\r\n{1}\r\n", ex.InnerException?.Message ?? ex.Message, ex.InnerException?.StackTrace ?? ex.StackTrace); } } try { // Create test class. var testObject = Activator.CreateInstance(test.TestClassType); // Set the TestContext. TestContext.Properties["AccessInternet"] = AccessInternet.ToString(); TestContext.Properties["RunPerfTests"] = RunPerfTests.ToString(); TestContext.Properties["TestSmallMolecules"] = AddSmallMoleculeNodes.ToString(); // Add the magic small molecule test node to every document? TestContext.Properties["RunSmallMoleculeTestVersions"] = RunsSmallMoleculeVersions.ToString(); // Run the AsSmallMolecule version of tests when available? TestContext.Properties["LiveReports"] = LiveReports.ToString(); TestContext.Properties["TestName"] = test.TestMethod.Name; TestContext.Properties["TestRunResultsDirectory"] = testResultsDir; TestContext.Properties["RecordAuditLogs"] = RecordAuditLogs.ToString(); if (test.SetTestContext != null) { var context = new object[] { TestContext }; test.SetTestContext.Invoke(testObject, context); } // Switch to selected culture. LocalizationHelper.CurrentCulture = LocalizationHelper.CurrentUICulture = Language; LocalizationHelper.InitThread(); // Run the test and time it. if (test.TestInitialize != null) { test.TestInitialize.Invoke(testObject, null); } if (CheckCrtLeaks > 0) { // TODO: CrtDebugHeap class used to be provided by Crawdad.dll // If we ever want to enable this funcationality again, we need to find another .dll // to put this in. //CrtDebugHeap.Checkpoint(); } test.TestMethod.Invoke(testObject, null); if (CheckCrtLeaks > 0) { //crtLeakedBytes = CrtDebugHeap.DumpLeaks(true); } if (test.TestCleanup != null) { test.TestCleanup.Invoke(testObject, null); } } catch (Exception e) { exception = e; } stopwatch.Stop(); LastTestDuration = (int)(stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000); // Allow as much to be garbage collected as possible // Restore culture. Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = saveCulture; Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = saveUICulture; MemoryManagement.FlushMemory(); _process.Refresh(); var heapCounts = ReportSystemHeaps ? MemoryManagement.GetProcessHeapSizes() : new MemoryManagement.HeapAllocationSizes[1]; var processBytes = heapCounts[0].Committed; // Process heap : useful for debugging - though included in committed bytes var managedBytes = GC.GetTotalMemory(true); // Managed heap var committedBytes = heapCounts.Sum(h => h.Committed); ManagedMemoryBytes = managedBytes; CommittedMemoryBytes = committedBytes; var previousPrivateBytes = TotalMemoryBytes; TotalMemoryBytes = _process.PrivateMemorySize64; LastTotalHandleCount = GetHandleCount(; LastUserHandleCount = GetHandleCount(HandleType.user); LastGdiHandleCount = GetHandleCount(HandleType.gdi); if (test.MinidumpLeakThreshold != null) { try { var leak = (TotalMemoryBytes - previousPrivateBytes) / MB; if (leak > test.MinidumpLeakThreshold.Value) { var path = Path.Combine(dmpDir, "post_" + dumpFileName); if (!MiniDump.WriteMiniDump(path)) { Log("[WARNING] Failed to write post mini dump to '{0}' (GetLastError() = {1})", path, Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); } } else { var prePath = Path.Combine(dmpDir, "pre_" + dumpFileName); var i = 5; while (i-- > 0) { File.Delete(prePath); if (!File.Exists(prePath)) { break; } Thread.Sleep(200); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log("[WARNING] Exception thrown when creating memory dump: {0}\r\n{1}\r\n", ex.InnerException?.Message ?? ex.Message, ex.InnerException?.StackTrace ?? ex.StackTrace); } } // var handleInfos = HandleEnumeratorWrapper.GetHandleInfos(); // var handleCounts = handleInfos.GroupBy(h => h.Type).OrderBy(g => g.Key); if (exception == null) { // Test succeeded. Log(ReportSystemHeaps ? "{0,3} failures, {1:F2}/{2:F2}/{3:F1} MB, {4}/{5} handles, {6} sec.\r\n" : "{0,3} failures, {1:F2}/{3:F1} MB, {4}/{5} handles, {6} sec.\r\n", FailureCount, ManagedMemory, CommittedMemory, TotalMemory, LastUserHandleCount + LastGdiHandleCount, LastTotalHandleCount, LastTestDuration); // Log("# Heaps " + string.Join("\t", heapCounts.Select(s => s.ToString())) + Environment.NewLine); // Log("# Handles " + string.Join("\t", handleCounts.Where(c => c.Count() > 14).Select(c => c.Key + ": " + c.Count())) + Environment.NewLine); if (crtLeakedBytes > CheckCrtLeaks) { Log("!!! {0} CRT-LEAKED {1} bytes\r\n", test.TestMethod.Name, crtLeakedBytes); } TeamCityFinishTest(test); return(true); } // Save failure information. FailureCount++; if (FailureCounts.ContainsKey(test.TestMethod.Name)) { FailureCounts[test.TestMethod.Name]++; } else { FailureCounts[test.TestMethod.Name] = 1; } var message = exception.InnerException == null ? exception.Message : exception.InnerException.Message; var stackTrace = exception.InnerException == null ? exception.StackTrace : exception.InnerException.StackTrace; var failureInfo = "# " + test.TestMethod.Name + "FAILED:\n" + message + "\n" + stackTrace; if (ErrorCounts.ContainsKey(failureInfo)) { ErrorCounts[failureInfo]++; } else { ErrorCounts[failureInfo] = 1; } TeamCityFinishTest(test, message + '\n' + stackTrace); Log("{0,3} failures, {1:F2}/{2:F2}/{3:F1} MB, {4}/{5} handles, {6} sec.\r\n\r\n!!! {7} FAILED\r\n{8}\r\n{9}\r\n!!!\r\n\r\n", FailureCount, ManagedMemory, CommittedMemory, TotalMemory, LastUserHandleCount + LastGdiHandleCount, LastTotalHandleCount, LastTestDuration, test.TestMethod.Name, message, exception); return(false); }