public bool CanAddResources(AddResources add) { int food =; int wood = add.wood; int gold =; int stone = add.stone; return(CanAddResources(food, wood, gold, stone)); }
protected override void OnUpdate() { Entities.WithNone <IsActing>().ForEach((Entity entity, ref HexPosition hexPos, ref Team team, ref Collider collider, ref ActionTarget target, ref ActionAttributes attributes) => { var pos = hexPos.HexCoordinates; var actType = target.ActTypeTarget; var distance = pos.Distance(target.TargetPosition); if (distance <= attributes.ActRange + collider.Radius + target.TargetRadius) { //UnityEngine.Debug.Log($"entity trying to start action with act type: {actType} "); switch (actType) { case ActType.ATTACK: if ( EntityManager.HasComponent <Attacker>(entity) && !EntityManager.HasComponent <Attacking>(entity) && EntityManager.HasComponent <Health>(target.TargetEntity)) { var attackerData = EntityManager.GetComponentData <Attacker>(entity); PostUpdateCommands.AddComponent <Attacking>(entity, new Attacking() { currentTick = 0, tickToExecuteDamage = attackerData.StartUpTicks, tickToEndAttack = attackerData.StartUpTicks + attackerData.EndLagTicks, target = target.TargetEntity, hasInflictedDamage = false }); PostUpdateCommands.AddComponent <IsActing>(entity, new IsActing() { ActType = ActType.ATTACK, ActingEntity = target.TargetEntity }); } break; case ActType.HEAL: break; case ActType.GATHER: if ( EntityManager.HasComponent <Gatherer>(entity) && EntityManager.HasComponent <ResourceSource>(target.TargetEntity) && !EntityManager.HasComponent <OnGatheringResources>(entity)) { var gathererData = EntityManager.GetComponentData <Gatherer>(entity); var resData = EntityManager.GetComponentData <ResourceSource>(target.TargetEntity); PostUpdateCommands.AddComponent <OnGatheringResources>(entity, new OnGatheringResources() { gatheringResEntity = target.TargetEntity, gatheringResType = resData.resourceType, resPosition = target.TargetPosition, maxCargo = gathererData.maxCargo, progressCount = 0, ticksNeededForExtraction = resData.ticksForExtraction }); PostUpdateCommands.AddComponent <IsActing>(entity, new IsActing() { ActType = ActType.GATHER, ActingEntity = target.TargetEntity }); } break; case ActType.STORE: if ( EntityManager.HasComponent <WithCargo>(entity) && EntityManager.HasComponent <ResourceDropPoint>(target.TargetEntity)) { var cargo = EntityManager.GetComponentData <WithCargo>(entity); var resourcesToAdd = new AddResources() { food = 0, wood = 0, gold = 0, stone = 0 }; switch (cargo.resourceType) { case ResourceType.FOOD: = cargo.ammount; break; case ResourceType.WOOD: resourcesToAdd.wood = cargo.ammount; break; case ResourceType.GOLD: = cargo.ammount; break; case ResourceType.STONE: resourcesToAdd.stone = cargo.ammount; break; default: break; } PostUpdateCommands.AddComponent <AddResources>(entity, resourcesToAdd); PostUpdateCommands.RemoveComponent <WithCargo>(entity); } else if (!EntityManager.HasComponent <ResourceDropPoint>(target.TargetEntity)) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("YOU ARE TRYING TO DROP A RESOURCE IN A ENTITY THAT DOESN'T HAVE A RESOURCE DROP POINT."); } break; default: break; } } }); }