Exemple #1
 protected IReturn <ProcessedCart> BuildAddPaymentRequest(AddPaymentParam param)
     return(new AddPaymentRequest
         Amount = param.Amount,
         BillingAddress = param.BillingAddress,
         CartName = param.CartName,
         CultureName = param.CultureInfo.Name,
         CustomerId = param.CustomerId,
         ScopeId = param.Scope
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a payment on the first shipment of the specified cart.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="param">Parameters used to add a payment to the cart.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual async Task <ProcessedCart> AddPaymentAsync(AddPaymentParam param)
            if (param == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("param", "param is required");
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(param.CartName))
                throw new ArgumentException("param.CartName is required", "param");
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(param.Scope))
                throw new ArgumentException("param.Scope is required", "param");
            if (param.CultureInfo == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("param.CultureInfo is required", "param");
            if (param.CustomerId == Guid.Empty)
                throw new ArgumentException("param.CustomerId is required", "param");

            var request = BuildAddPaymentRequest(param);

            // NOTE (SIMON.BERUBE) :
            // Not caching the result because of the MyWallet workflow when updating a payment...
            // When updating a payment we are doing the following OCC requests :
            //  1. RemovePaymentRequest (in PaymentRepository)
            //  2. AddPaymentRequest (in CartRepository)
            //  3. UpdatePaymentMethodRequest (in PaymentRepository)
            //  4. GetCartRequest (in CartRepository)
            // Because PaymentRepository and CartRepository doesn't share the same cache
            // (CacheProvider is registred as Transient in ComposerHost) if we cache the result of
            // AddPaymentRequest after, when doing the GetCartRequest, we are getting a cached cart with
            // no payment method.
            // The fix is to register the CacheProvider to be Singleton and let the cache client handle the
            // lifetime of the cache OR to move the methods that use the BuildCartCacheKey method
            // from PaymentRepository to CartRepository.
            return(await OvertureClient.SendAsync(request).ConfigureAwait(false));
Exemple #3
        public async Task WHEN_param_ok_no_shipmentId_SHOULD_call_overture_with_AddPaymentRequest_and_SHOULD_return_ProcessedCart(bool includeBillingAddress)
            var sut            = _container.CreateInstance <CartRepository>();
            var billingAddress = includeBillingAddress
                ? new Address
                City                = GetRandom.String(7),
                CountryCode         = GetRandom.UpperCaseString(2),
                RegionCode          = GetRandom.Usa.State(),
                Email               = GetRandom.Email(),
                FirstName           = GetRandom.FirstName(),
                LastName            = GetRandom.LastName(),
                IsPreferredBilling  = GetRandom.Boolean(),
                IsPreferredShipping = GetRandom.Boolean(),
                Line1               = GetRandom.String(25),
                PhoneNumber         = GetRandom.Usa.PhoneNumber(),
                PostalCode          = GetRandom.String(6)
            } : null;

            var param = new AddPaymentParam
                Amount         = GetRandom.PositiveDecimal(1000.0m),
                CartName       = GetRandom.String(10),
                BillingAddress = billingAddress,
                CultureInfo    = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                CustomerId     = GetRandom.Guid(),
                Scope          = GetRandom.String(10)

            var cart = await sut.AddPaymentAsync(param);


            var payment = cart.Payments.First();


            _container.Verify <IOvertureClient>(c => c.SendAsync(It.IsAny <AddPaymentRequest>()));
Exemple #4
        public void WHEN_param_CartName_is_invalid_SHOULD_throw_ArgumentException(string cartName)
            var sut   = _container.CreateInstance <CartRepository>();
            var param = new AddPaymentParam
                Amount      = GetRandom.PositiveDecimal(1000.0m),
                CartName    = cartName,
                CultureInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                CustomerId  = GetRandom.Guid(),
                Scope       = GetRandom.String(7)

            var exception = Assert.ThrowsAsync <ArgumentException>(() => sut.AddPaymentAsync(param));

        public void WHEN_param_CartName_is_invalid_SHOULD_throw_ArgumentException(string cartName)
            var sut   = _container.CreateInstance <CartRepository>();
            var param = new AddPaymentParam
                Amount      = GetRandom.PositiveDecimal(1000.0m),
                CartName    = cartName,
                CultureInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                CustomerId  = GetRandom.Guid(),
                Scope       = GetRandom.String(7)

            Expression <Func <Task <ProcessedCart> > > expression = () => sut.AddPaymentAsync(param);
            var exception = Assert.ThrowsAsync <ArgumentException>(() => expression.Compile().Invoke());

 public Task <ProcessedCart> AddPaymentAsync(AddPaymentParam param)
     throw new NotImplementedException();