public async Task <Result <UserLocationModel> > Handle(AddLocation request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var isValid = await _validator.IsValidAsync(request); if (!isValid) { return(Result.Failure <UserLocationModel>("Validation failed")); } var user = await _context.Users.FirstAsync(u => u.Sub == request.UserSub, cancellationToken); var location = new UserLocation { Latitude = request.Location.Latitude, Longitude = request.Location.Longitude, Address = request.Location.Address, Type = request.Location.Type, User = user }; await _context.UserLocations.AddAsync(location, cancellationToken); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken); return(new UserLocationModel { Id = location.Id, Latitude = location.Latitude, Longitude = location.Longitude, Address = location.Address, Type = location.Type }); }
void OnGUI() { Information(); GUIPartition(); using (new EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope()) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("付け足したい名前を記入"); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); addNameProp.stringValue = GUILayout.TextField(addNameProp.stringValue); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { // スペースがあったら強制的に消す addNameProp.stringValue = Regex.Replace(addNameProp.stringValue, @"\s", ""); } GUIPartition(); // 頭につけるのか最後につけるのか選択する (Head = 0 , Tail = 1) EditorGUILayout.LabelField("頭につけるのか尾につけるのか選択"); selectedProp.intValue = GUILayout.Toolbar(selectedProp.intValue, new string[] { "Head", "Tail" }); selectedAddLocation = (AddLocation)selectedProp.intValue; GUIPartition(); // 対象オブジェクト取得 EditorGUILayout.LabelField("対象オブジェクト"); if (GUILayout.Button("対象オブジェクト取得")) { GetObject(); } GUIPartition(); scrollPosition = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPosition); { // 取得オブジェクト表示 ShowSelectObjects(); } EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUIPartition(); // 名前を付け足す EditorGUILayout.LabelField("名前を付け足す"); if (GUILayout.Button("付け足す")) { AddName(); } GUIPartition(); // 結果を表示 ShowResultMessage(); } so.ApplyModifiedProperties(); }
public async Task <IActionResult> AddGroupAsync([FromBody] AddLocation addGroupAc) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(addGroupAc.Name.Trim())) { return(Ok(new SharedLookUpResponse() { HasError = true, ErrorType = SharedLookUpResponseType.Name, Message = "Location name can't be null or empty" })); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(addGroupAc.Code.Trim())) { return(Ok(new SharedLookUpResponse() { HasError = true, ErrorType = SharedLookUpResponseType.Name, Message = "Location code can't be null or empty" })); } else { return(Ok(await locationManagementRepository.AddComponentAsync(addGroupAc, await GetUserCurrentSelectedInstituteIdAsync()))); } }
public async Task<SharedLookUpResponse> AddComponentAsync(AddLocation addComponent, int instituteId) { if (!await iMSDbContext.Locations.AnyAsync(x => x.InstituteId == instituteId && x.Code.ToLowerInvariant() == addComponent.Code.ToLowerInvariant())) { var componentGroup = new Location() { IsParent = addComponent.IsParent, Alias = addComponent.Alias, InstituteId = instituteId, Name = addComponent.Name, Code = addComponent.Code, Description = addComponent.Description, Status = addComponent.Status }; if(addComponent.BillingAddressId != null) { componentGroup.BillingAddressId = addComponent.BillingAddressId; } if(addComponent.ShippingAddressId != null) { componentGroup.ShippingAddressId = addComponent.ShippingAddressId; } iMSDbContext.Locations.Add(componentGroup); await iMSDbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); return new SharedLookUpResponse() { HasError = false, Message = "Location added successfully" }; } else { return new SharedLookUpResponse() { HasError = true, ErrorType = SharedLookUpResponseType.Code, Message = "Location with same code is already existed" }; } }
public async Task AddLocation(AddLocation model) { var location = new Data_Access_Layer.Location() { Name = model.Name }; await LocationRepository.Add(location); }
private void AddLocation_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //Opening requred form AddLocation ViewNextForm = new AddLocation(); Frame.Content = ViewNextForm; Frame.NavigationService.RemoveBackEntry(); }
private void btnLocation_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AddLocation loc = new AddLocation(); addControl(loc); //indicator.Visible = true; //indicator.Location = new Point(btnLocation.Location.X + 200, btnLocation.Location.Y - 33); btnLocation.SendToBack(); //indicator.Top = btnLocation.Top; }
public async Task <HttpResult <bool> > AddLocation(Location location, CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken)) { var result = new HttpResult <bool>(); var model = new AddLocation { Name = location.Name }; await _unitOfWork.AddLocation(model); return(result); }
public int AddLocation(AddLocation addLocation) { using (var context = new INVENTORYEntities()) { LocationZone locationZone = new LocationZone(); locationZone.locationZone1 = addLocation.LocationName; context.LocationZone.Add(locationZone); context.SaveChanges(); return(; } }
public ValueDataResponse <Location> Update(AddLocation location) { Location LocationInfo = _mapper.Map <Location>(location); return(_unitOfWork.Locations.UpdateLocation(LocationInfo)); }
public IActionResult Post([FromBody] LocationDto dto, [FromServices] AddLocation command) { _executor.ExecuteCommand(command, dto); return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status201Created)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> AddLocation([FromBody] AddLocation model) { await _unitOfWork.AddLocation(model); return(Ok()); }